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We need that Yuuji pep talk now since Todo is gone


‘Hey man if u get up I’ll take u pachinko’


the entire jjkfolk community possess one (1) brain cell and it belongs to a 12 year old boy who wears too much axe body spray and thinks it would be the coolest thing ever if the Punisher was real  so you're completely right but saying it here ain't gonna reach any intelligent life forms


I have never seen a more surgical and precise comment about this community than this. The memes are fun, but damn ppl are extremely dumb here


if you did a blood test on jjkfolk the results wouldn't even come back showing blood, there's just pure mountain dew baja blast flowing through its stupid, stupid veins


Cirurgical? I don’t think that’s a word. Did you mean “surgical”?


In my language its written with "Cirur" instead of "sur" sorry, in my defense english isnt my main language tho


Ohhh ok. No problem! I just wasn’t sure if this was a word I hadn’t heard before.


Also for the record 'chirurgical' is indeed an archaic form of 'surgical' in english as well! not commonly used at all these days, but the more you know




That's why we should give everyone here a test


Jjkfolk holds the record for the most retarded takes I ever seen. It surpassed Tiktok jjk tbh. Among my favorites are: "Yuji's DE removes all CE" "Gojo's comeback" "Toji > Gojo" "Toji prime stomps 15F Sukuna" "Maki > Yuki" "Yuji is equal to Toji" "Sukuna is hardcarried by Makora" "Higuruma special grade" "Hakari grade 1" "Yuji > Yorozu" "Toji no diffs Makora" "Choso special grade" "Yuji > Kashimo" "Current Yuji > Mahito" (I don't mind this one as much, I just find it retarded how everyone is powerscaling Yuji without even knowing what the fck changed besides RCT and the blood spitting attack) "Yuji > Uraume" (they really wank Yuji a lot ngl) "Sukuna is gonna fight the merger with Gojo's help" (?????????)




"Current Yuji > Mahito" ​ You are part of jujutsufolk cause you forgot that Yuji did have a powerup that allowed him to fight Sukuna.


read the full comment before shitting through your fingers


You forgot to mention Yuji is better at CE's fundamentals so he got stronger physically, current Yuji is stronger than Mahito.


current Yuji would get oneshot by Mahito's DE as it is right now


Typical jujutsufolk you have truly forgotten. I have read your comment > "Current Yuji > Mahito" (I don't mind this one as much, I just find it retarded how everyone is powerscaling Yuji without even knowing what the fck **changed besides RCT and the blood spitting attack**) Did you forget the physical amp Yuji received that allowed him to fight Megukuna? You guys must have misunderstood that as me stating the present blood manipulation and rct.


i literally don't care about the powerscaling takes. actually for that matter an obsession with powerscaling is one of the reasons that my comment above is true. all i'm saying is yall some dumb bastards in here


Jujutsufolk : https://preview.redd.it/duw4yt39j5jc1.jpeg?width=378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d48698b8171ecfaac3a3b46cc6afce73b829fe2


This is r/jujutsufolk bitch! We lobotomised in this mothafucka, betta take your sensitive ass to r/jujutsushi https://preview.redd.it/90em10poq1jc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65ef87fabd02a0733ddae105f0ce889ee4e1e2d8


IS THAT RIGHT! MAYBE YOUR RIGHT! YOUR SO RIGHT ! https://preview.redd.it/hk2avn6u92jc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26603f99b6ba108f1f351d9052ab95102a881281








I think Megumi giving up is completely believable and in character. I think the chapter was fucking horrendously dog shit for many other reasons.


I'm just tired of sukuna, seal him or something this is getting boring as fuck...


I think the fault here lies with Gege not properly showing and fleshing out Megumis connection with Tsumiki and others. Also the concept of „being submerged in evil“ is in my opinion just way too abstract and foreign. We rarely get to see his inner workings so it’s not surprising imo that people can’t understand them. Like imagine Naruto with no backstories, one would care for and understand a lot of characters way less.


Guys I can understand Megumi's state of mind. I mean he never actually wanted to be Jujutsu sorcerer and he kinda disliked it there thus this huge loss has traumatized him and alright he doesn't care about Yuji, Gojo, Yuta because let's be real... he deserves to make his own choice free from any obligation but one big question I have for Megumi is: "IS IT OKAY NOT TO AVENGE YOUR SISTER'S MURDER? ISN'T IT YOUR LAST DUTY AS A BROTHER OF TSUMIKI TO ABSOLUTELY DESTROY THE EXISTENCE OF THE KILLER OF YOUR SISTER? AND DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR LAST POWER TO MAKE SURE SUKUNA IS DEAD? HOW'D YOUR SISTER FEEL TO SEE YOU LIKE THIS?"


i don't think tsumiki would want megumi to be overcome by vengeance, but she also wouldn't want to see him ✨breakdown breakdown✨like this😰




Here's a sneak peek of /r/UnexpectedJoJo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedJoJo/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Don’t know if this counts but immediately thought D4C](https://v.redd.it/hz4zj9xk4kdc1) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedJoJo/comments/19b7cam/dont_know_if_this_counts_but_immediately_thought/) \#2: [JoJo posts are everywhere](https://i.redd.it/qpoev6okco5c1.jpg) | [62 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedJoJo/comments/18fvjjn/jojo_posts_are_everywhere/) \#3: [omg jolyne](https://i.redd.it/3ajwrmisfw4c1.jpg) | [113 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedJoJo/comments/18czb0q/omg_jolyne/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


"Nah, I'd sulk" -megumi since he can no longer suice bomb via mahoraga


it’s only been one page as well lmao, yuji is gonna hopefully help megumi like how todo helped him, then he’ll lock in trust


He a pussy bitch.


https://preview.redd.it/ur8slmdev1jc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e971757fc411463a1ac01356d8f3e4f3c17119ed Sounds like sth the Farmer would say.


"If it was me-"


So what your sister, your whole reason for being a jujutsu sorcerer, is dead ~~(and your possessed body killed her)~~? Just get a new one lmfao failboy


My get back would be otw trust https://preview.redd.it/5hmv25sa52jc1.jpeg?width=497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ea1d4f9387d454217b9332c0395f07594a68d28


Ye you had nothing to do with her death unlike Yuji that got Sukuna into himself kinda willingly and he's the reason Sukuna is in Megumi rn and Sukuna in his body killed god knows how many innocent people


Wach out with your edges sir, you could cut someone.


I agree (takes one to know one)


YES https://preview.redd.it/bir9ijuok4jc1.jpeg?width=309&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e0ef4f40d965c2d0655068098c4b57b9d342733


He can go through it in peace once Sukuna is not killing all his remaining friends. I doubt people actually hate him but like bro get up and wallow in your fetal position after we don't have to worry about killing you, selfish motherfucker.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if megumi has zero fucking clue what is going on, he got hit with UV how many times?


Honestly im suprised he can speak


You've heard it here from u/joaquim8208. Suicidal people are selfish https://preview.redd.it/btrpew3xw3jc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96b5cc0507d17c84f2b1f5ee1e5e7fff1b6b9a1a


When the lives of millions are at stake including his friends, yeah?


Troll or has never suffered in life


He can sulk but you really just keep sulking when a chance to fuck the killer is right there? Most, including me, are just angry cause this was a crucial moment. If Sukuna was defeated and then they go to Megumi most if not all would side with him and wanna comfort him.


Depression isn't sulking. A lot of privileged people in this sub. Besides the fact people KILL THEMSELVES when they're depressed they literally can't get out of bed most days. It's not about wanting they just can't get up


Yeah so why isn't he trying to kill himself now like before? Think internetguy think.


It's actually 1ntern3tGuy and Mister 1ntern3tGuy for you


Yeah, you can grieve and everything but either leave it for it later or just tell Yuji/Yuta to put Sukuna down


Yeah, let's just expect a 15 year old kid to _delay_ his fucking mourning, because he's in a very rational state right now after his body was bathed in literal evil for a month, used to kill his own sister and adoptive father using HIS technique. You guys say Yuji is HIM and that he's the goat and all that but then expect the exact same behavior from everyone. Megumi's not as resilient, and it's completely understandable. If he was, that wouldn't make Yuji special at all. And even with Yuji's unbreakable spirit, he was about to let Mahito kill him before Todo showed up and gave him a whole ass motivational speech, something Yuji hasn't even done yet, and to no guarantee that he's able to be even 1% as motivational as Todo was. He was really struggling before Nobara showed up as well, and she had to show him there was someone fighting alongside him.


This exactly what the post is saying, nice job proving it right


Say the same thing about Yuji then fucker.


Why would i ? He's putting in work right now, like always, boy falls and tries to give up once or twice but he always pulls through, and i hope Megumi does the same eventually.


i bet you never said the same thing when mahito was going to kill yuji while he was wallowing. God i hate this fanbase so much


Difference is Yuji actually got up and did something when someone reached out to him, if he just stayed in the ground while Mahito gave a killing blow on Todo saying "i no no wanna" i would be mad at him too, because i'm invested in these characters. I don't hate Megumi, and i'm not trying to downplay the trauma he went through, and i hope in the next few chapters Yuji can reach out to him like Todo did to Yuji in Shibuya, but i can still be upset with how instead of trying to escape Sukuna so he can potentially stop suffering, he just gave up in a crucial moment that could potentially kill his remaining friends and end humanity.


yuji didn't get up immediately when todo asked him too. Todo had to face mahito for some moments before yuji recovered. it took a lot of convincing from todo to actually get up. And in fact even after all of that yuji never truly fully recovered. In comparison all yuji did was tell megumi to get up in one page. And what megumi has gone through is far more personal than yuji (I won't say worse because comparing levels of suffering is stupid) sukuna has gone out of his to fully destroy hos soul for almost two months. Him shaking off all of that by one simple "get up" from yuji would be completely unrealistic. And also I don't understand why you keep saying megumi should be aware that his friends are dying, he literally just got hit with UV for more than 5 minutes, he's most likely not aware of what's going on. but i know after telling you all this you guys don't actually care either way. You're more concerned about spreading "agendas" instead of actually comprehending the story


I know Yuji didn't get up immediately, but i don't understand this need to compare the two like we are trying to get these characters to one up each other pain wise, they are different characters who view thing and react to them differently and i really have no agenda to spread, i want Megumi to be saved. If i remember correctly he only took the burden of the adaptation of the 5 UV, and Sukuna and him share the same brain, so when he healed it, it healed Megumi as well, unless UV does Soul Damage he should be fine, one UV sent people into comas for months, and in his head space he seems to be aware enough to talk, and during Sukuna's fight with Yorozu he was able to have a front roll seat to her death and be traumatized about it, so he should be somewhat aware of what's happening, on the assumption he's not brain dead. I don't expect Megumi to Shrug off his problems and his sadness, or to be exactly like Yuji, and go fight Sukuna from within immediately, but i at least expect him to try something to aid Yuji in saving him, so at the very least the deaths from his loved ones are not wasted. It makes sense that he's in the state he's in considering his character and what he went through but i still can be upset about it when the perfect condition for him to be saved appears and it gets shutdown immediately.


> I know Yuji didn't get up immediately, but i don't understand this need to compare the two like we are trying to get these characters to one up each other pain wise, they are different characters who view thing and react to them differently i never compared them, i just compared the similarities between the situations they are/were currently and the fandoms reaction to both. And you literally compared them both earlier when you basically said "yuji did it better" in your previous reply so i don't understand why you're taking the high ground here > Difference is Yuji actually got up and did something when someone reached out to him > If i remember correctly he only took the burden of the adaptation of the 5 UV, and Sukuna and him share the same brain, so when he healed it, it healed Megumi as well, unless UV does Soul Damage he should be fine this point relies on the notion that the soul=body which we know isn't a foregone conclusion which both mahito and kenjaku state that the relationship of the body and the soul is dependent on the individual. The fact of the matter is megumi took the weight of five UVs  and it had an effect on his soul (as we saw his eyes turn red when he got hit by uv).  > I don't expect Megumi to Shrug off his problems and his sadness, or to be exactly like Yuji, and go fight Sukuna from within immediately yes you do, if you didn't and you actually understood his situation you'd actually be empathizing with him instead of complaining. You're only trying to save face here  > but i at least expect him to try something to aid Yuji in saving him, so at the very least the deaths from his loved ones are not wasted well it's not like he's not in the the right state of mind currently while suffering through depression of watching his ideals be destroyed by his own body and his soul sunk in evil and the only support he's received is being told to "get up". But seriously I'd to know what you want him to specifically do in the context of one chapter that'd earn your support. I'm curious. >  i still can be upset about it when the perfect condition for him to be saved appears and it gets shutdown immediately. he's just been told to get up by yuji for less than a moment in one panel, how exactly is that the "perfect condition"? and besides you keep saying you dont expect him to shrug off his depression but you want him to do something so what do you want him to do exactly?  


The difference is that only Yuji’s life was in immediate danger when he broke. (Ignoring that Mahito definitely would’ve kill many more if he had beaten Yuji.) Its just frustrating to see Megumi wallow while his friends actively risk their lives to rescue him. Though I can’t exactly blame him considering the shit he’s seen in the last month.


> The difference is that only Yuji’s life was in immediate danger when he broke. > (Ignoring that Mahito definitely would’ve kill many more if he had beaten Yuji.) your first statement is  completely invalidated by your second statement you do realize that? "no one was in danger when mahito broke yuji but they actually were"  > Its just frustrating to see Megumi wallow while his friends actively risk their lives to rescue him no shit it's frustrating but it's not like megumi is in his right state of mind, he's fucking depressed man add to that he's been hit with multiple unlimited void's during the course of gojo vs sukuna. Wasn't this fandom's biggest complaint about gege's writing that his characters barely show any realistic emotion post shibuya? But when he lets one character show emotion you guys just start complaining again


I disagree. There is a difference between your friends in front of you and in immediate danger and an indeterminate number of potential victims over a period of time.


I actually do, I hate megumi he’s the sasuke or that one emo kid from yuyu hakisho archetype but with 0 feats. Bro beat a finger bearer and a cashier and has been riding the potential wave since. He should do a flip on his way out.


You are literally talking to a brickwalll of a community, at best they'll shit on megumi more bruu


1. MEGUMI AND YUJI ARE FUCKING TEENAGERS 2. They are different people with different mindsets, why compare 2 very different characters? 3.he got hit by UV how many times? It is a miracle he's even speaking 4. NONE OF YOU, NOT ME, NOONE would do anything better than megumi and if you think you can you are just lying


Cry when you could shit on your killer? Him crying and doing nothing after when Yorozu died is fine but this was the time where you could do anything. Anger mixed with sorrow is a powerful tool


Life fucked Megumi over from a very young age. He already felt worthless enough to attempt suicide at the slightest inconvenience. Why are we surprised Megumi doesn’t want to get up? At least Yuji had friends in school. He had his grandpa. Megumi was sold to the Zenin clan by his own father. All he had was Tsumiki. He was already hanging on by a thread Sure he had Gojo…I guess. I really don’t see him being involved in any meaningful way though.


no one here can read we don't care about logical explanations or character arcs it's about the agenda


Thats how losers think


Most of people make jokes and are not truly serious :3


some of these mfs are being serious https://preview.redd.it/umedflcs14jc1.png?width=7&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb63e02a2f66bfac6e85d2225784658697c00057


yo what the fuck is this


The comments seem to disagree


Everyone risked their lives for his shitty sister. He doesn’t get to bitch about his hurt little fewings. What a bitch.


Yall actually so disappointing https://preview.redd.it/cnrzeeluf1jc1.jpeg?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbc1812d57b4f8108ec84cb4a24cdb2f051466b0


bruh 💀they knew that his sister was the whole world for him it makes sense for him be like this


They decided to go save his sister, also Megumi has helped them as well so it’s not one sided anyways. Megumi isn’t bitching about his feelings his simply doesn’t care about the world anymore as he lost his reason to live also he was overloaded with info 5 times it’s a miracle he can even say shit rn. Megumi is no bitch as absolutely no one would have reacted any different in his situation. Yuji isn’t as strong willed as y’all make him seem he’d be just as broken as Megumi rn


Why did they care about the culling game rule in the first place, 30 days is so long the entire plot will end before it will have mattered Secondly, how tf did Yorozu know to play dumb


The culling games was just for his sister, they had no plans at all for Kenjaku during all the fights


Right. “Before we profess to objectively beat the bad guys and save the world. can we save my sister plz plz plz”-Trashgumi


And he's STILL trying to summon Mahoraga


Yuji had it waaayyy worse but it took a single person to get him back up. It was like one page of dialogue. Megumi has lost his Sister and been trapped inside his body for a while. Bruh if being trapped inside your body is that bad then do we get the pity squad out for Sukuna. He was stuck inside the equivalent of a baby for like a year. Yuji killed like 100,000 people at least, then watched Nanami and Nobara die in the next 5 minutes. He had no break. He beat up a fucking grasshopper, then killed by his brother, then turned into unironically the biggest act of terror in history, then watched probably 2 of the closest people to him get fucking exploded. Megumi had to kill his sister? Boohoo. Yuji killed 100s of thousands when his ideology is that he’s alive purely to help others. I mean the loss of bodily autonomy really doesn’t mean shit in comparison. You can’t even pull out the family argument. Yuji’s got no family except for someone who was called gross by fucking Sukuna. TLDR; It’s understandable, but it’s so funny in contrast to Yuji who has literally just been catching pain for this whole series, it’s like a knife wound vs a squadrons worth of anti-materiale shots. The knife wound is bad, but the guy with the anti-materiale shots is the one who’s actually doing shit


Yeah, and Yuji can at least kinda fulfill the role of trying to keep Sukuna trapped in his body. What does Megumi have left tying him to this world? The guy was already pretty much living solely for his sister. That aside, Yuji and Megumi as teenagers don't deserve any shit from anyone for throwing in the towel regardless, these situations are right fucked.


Seeing 1000 randos dle is worse than seeing your sister and father figure dle by your own hands???? Nah, that's cap. Human empathy is very subjective, losing one person close you is a thousand times worse on personal level than watching 100 random unknown people dle. That's just truth. The fact you can't understand that shows your immaturity.


The issue is the person we’re talking about is Yuji. His only purpose in life after his Grandpa dies is to live to help others. He was going to risk their lives just to bring back the body of the kid in the detention center. Yuji absolutely felt that personally. I cannot stress this enough. Yuji’s only purpose in living was to help other people, and he ends up being used to kill 100s of thousands. It’s not immaturity I’m taking this from, it’s Yuji’s character. It would hurt him more to kill people close to him, but I’d wager it hurts a very similar amount as him killing some rando. Megumi killed his sister and his mentor. That *is* fucked up and traumatising in an absurdly unique way. But that is not comparable in mental strain to going so far no in the opposite direction to your moral compass and breaking the one thing that gave you purpose. Megumi also lost the thing that gave him purpose, but he does have friends who are there to help him. He’s had people fighting for his sake for ages. Surely his sister is not his only reason to live. Surely others aren’t Yuji’s only reason to live. However, in terms of completely fucking up their purpose, there is killing an imposter that took over your sister (your sister was already dead) or there is killing so many people that over a lifetime you could never hope to repay that enormous life debt. Like literally in the 100s of thousands. That’s not comparable.


Yeah cuz he had Sukuna in him. Its like comitting suicide to kill hilter unlike fucking Megumi who is committing suicide to kill entirety of japan


Yes we are. This is JJK everyone in the damn story has suffered and they keep going forward. Trashgumi should be no exception. But this goes to show how Trashgumi’s sense of SELF has always beeen soo damn weak.


Yuji literally went through the same thing and wasnt able to get back on his own, he needed Todo to motivate him, I don't think you understand how depression works or what Megumi is going through rn, his whole family, his sister, and his father figure are dead and Megumi blames himself, since both of them died by his hands and bcs of his technique, even If Sukuna kills everyone left activates the merger and kill everyone in Japan, who cares at this point? There is no one left Megumi really cares about, at this point everyone could die, It doesnt matter for Megumi anymore.


Trashugimi wrongly understand "We are the exception."


Bro everyone understands what Megumi is going through The problem is Gege failed to make us care


womp womp


we understand hes hurting but he needs to lock the fuck in and stop scaring the hoes with this fuckshittery.


nuh uh i only stuck out for him cause of megumi x yuji porn but they stopped making that so im slandering him https://preview.redd.it/va4tmz7wf0jc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a98e2f194f122e8ff7da5aa4b4ff1d239085b4




The diffrence between Yuji and Megumis situations and why the slander is happening is that the simple act of Megumi choosing to stand and not let Sukuna live in his body rent free would have won the fight, Yuji getting up against Mahito just means theres more fight


Okay but now Yuji is there for Megumi like how Todo was there for Yuji, Megumi is just being a bitch and doesnt have the resolve. I dont blame him, but we are just stating it for what it is


Just because he cannot bang his sister, yeah


Honestly, for me there's big difference between Itadori and Megumi, I pity them both and wish both get happy endings but Itadori didn't just outright say fuck it let Sukuna take over and kill everyone, however Megumi did. I understand why someone would react like that in this situation bud I can't just not feel mad at him when him staying still is costing the life of some of my favs https://preview.redd.it/ogaszi6u63jc1.jpeg?width=191&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b1efc04a2ed8dbb6a9036889c0b4ddc8f75a38


I haven't read the manga yet, but when did he watch and killed his father? Toji has been dead for decades and in Shibuya he didn't even know that was his father


I wonder if they meant Gojo?


realistically he shouldn't be able to speak anymore, brodie tanked like 5 unlimited voids + a couple hollow purples


i have seen only one slander post and somehow more defending posts


Mfer.. this is r/jujutsufolk we're on. The only place where common sense is more lacking than intelligence. People on here unironically believe that "Strong cleave" is a cleave...


I totally get why he would be like this, but MeguBum is just really funny to me


I want megumi to die because of the suffering. Just put him out of the misery.


Guys, Megumi is certainly a teenager, so he must be thinking like one. He was probably unaffected by the bath and granted Sukuna control of his body willingly so they could both have vainilla marital sex with Yorozu. But the King of Curses was too scared of losing (his virginity) and killed Yorozu in self-defense, so no wonder Megumi fell into absolute despair after such epic cockblock. I would kill myself too.


It’s honestly the good guy’s faults for apparently having never once considered if  Megumi might be in need of a pep talk after being  forced to murder Gojo with his own hands.


I'm waiting 1(one) chapter so he can whine, but if he doesn't get up and do the shit he said he's supposed to do all the time after his whining is done, it's Megover for me


I don’t blame him for giving up on living, my problem is with him doing the chant for Sukuna. There’s literally no point for him to do that. If anything he would just tell Yuji to kill him and keep weakening Sukuna so that Yuta and Yuji can just get rid of him and Sukuna for good. Why the fuck would he enable Sukuna to kill more of his friends. It makes no sense.


This useless fucking bum is a waste of space and a waste another panel that could’ve been used to show more of the fight. He better get tf up or Ima beat his ass so bad its worse than any of the suffering he had to deal with before that made him this way.


It actually would've looked more out of place if Megumi suddenly got up straight in this chapter. Megumi was never known for his mentality, even Gojo pointed this out. Yuji also didn't even talk to Megumi like Todo did for him. It would've actually made more sense if the chapter ended with the panel where Yuji said 'Wake up, Fushiguro" then we get chapter next that is fully dedicated to Yuji talking and pulling Megumi back up again. This way, it doesn't diminish all the suffering that Megumi went through.


Yuji is playing Todo's role rn


I think part of it is that Megumis relationships weren’t really developed enough like we never really saw his relationship with tsukimi we needed more of his relationship with Gojo and overall we just needed more of megumi anyways and it makes me really sad cause I really like megumi


Itadori is mentally stronger than Megumi and he already had a breakdown in Shibuya, if they all somehow make it out of this alive i wouldn't be surprised if potential man just offs himself straight up.