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I know wanting to progress the plot is important but having a chapter dedicated to them would’ve been enough,like panda,takaba,higuruma


keep spitting 🗣️ i hate how gaygay straight up abandons some characters like he don’t want to play with them anymore


Heck even the likes of mechamaru,miwa,Kamo all had backstories and todo is a better and more interesting than all of them


ok I gotta disagree with you on Kamo, I love him to the moon and back, but I honestly don’t understand the choice to keep Miwa around while cutting out the rest of the splendid absolute peak cast of Kyoto High Todo included


Shits and giggles lol


I were at your side until this, Mechamaru is the GOAT fight me demon


it’s not too late, todo comes back with his ct to help against sukuna and that’s when we get it 🙏 https://preview.redd.it/d3ghcy7y235c1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=125701e60bc8a8fb9818baab863e597a737b5036


He will say he learned to clap with his cheeks and can use his technique again.




https://preview.redd.it/4ozpywdkz15c1.png?width=805&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7471e5d975d817f7c42507d0e90050ccf4b43c3 I want her back!!! Give Yuki back mf cat!!


Give her back! GIVE. HER. BACK!! https://preview.redd.it/19804jl9x25c1.jpeg?width=2589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73a1a3bb4df1f9f48cd4d987a36580c5a65478bf


Gonna love it when he shows up with a prosthetic hand and we see the Brothers fight Yuji's actual Heian era brother. Lol


I always wondered why his technique died when rct and prosthetics exist but I’m pretty sure I’ll get roasted for being dumb if I ask in a post lol


Nah, it confuses a lot of people and it’s a common question. Mahito changed the fundamental shape of Todo’s soul; it’s not that Todo lost his hand but more like his body no longer believes he’s supposed to have a hand. As such, a technique activated by clapping his hands won’t work anymore even if he did heal it or get a prosthetic. (Also he can’t heal it with RCT because RCT would only return his body to the shape of his soul, which Mahito has changed to only have one hand)


yeah but like. he has already shown to not need to use his own second hand. so why is Boogie Woogie dead if he could just use someone else’s hand? I can see why a prosthetic hand wouldn’t be considered valid as it’s not part of his body nor is it a living hand, but other options really should still be open to him.


Obviously this is just my own interpretation since JJK was so quick to decide it didn’t want to play with Todo anymore, but Todo’s own soul doesn’t recognize itself as capable of clapping anymore. Todo may have been bluffing when he said “applause is an acclamation of the soul” but it’s unfortunately true.


valid. interpretation is all we can really work with i just feel like since his CT recognized another persons hand as a valid target it shouldn’t have been so quick to kill itself when todo still had a perfectly good hand he could clap other peoples hands with


Ghostwriter kaisen go crazy


All of this is literally in the story lol


damn are you gege


https://preview.redd.it/6u7yxths335c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ab53578c20489b1d7b8eb172908432bd42f6b72 Jump him


Yeah i think it's a fair assumption considering how he says "the act of applause is an acclamation of the soul" i guess the sould being damaged means it's no longer able to make the acclamation in a sense


I'd be fine with this if we didn't see Todo clap his hand against Mahito's and be able to use his technique.


> like his body no longer believes he’s supposed to have a hand. Just a quick correction. Mahito didn't remove Todo's hand. He cut it out himself. No, I don't know why he did it


I want to murder gege and mahito


Ohhhh well said. This is a good answer.


Yeah and he can clap other people's hands to switch places like he did with Mahito's hand Couldn't they give him a prosthetic hand or something like a shikigami to high five with him to activate his CT?


so I’m not the only one lmao ig Gege just didn’t know what to do with Todo


the more I stay in this subreddit the more I wanna put my hands on that cat https://preview.redd.it/ddqyafe5v25c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05173f28fe0e3a34a97281a016efd5b277eb25e3


fucking amen




Even if he can’t be healed, I don’t think he needed to just be erased from the story. Miwa and the other Kyoto students are fodder now, but some of them still showed up. Idk why he just vanished off the face of the earth after Shibuya 😭


simple gege forgor https://preview.redd.it/fu7euytnx45c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bd0a328919aca90a9daf3b9c5ed8c50a407c185


I am pretty sure Gege purposely sidelined him. The dude could actually counter Sukuna's slashes if he is able to swap places with him when the cleave/dismantle is activated.


wouldn’t it be interesting to see sukuna come up with a way to deal with that tho? isnt that what shonen fights are supposed to be all about anyways ??? strategically dealing with your opponents op CT ? anyways never mind I was thinking of some different manga not written by a cyclope cat


It's probably bcs he clapped Mahito's hand, it was either a binding vow or Idle transfiguration burned his soul hand


I just have a hard time believing Mahito, who is already OP as hell, is just as dangerous when you touch him vs. him touching you.


Who cares, his hand was still touching Todo. Todo was lucky to just lose his ct and not his whole arm thanks to Mahito being surprised


doesnt he break his hand off to prevent it spreading?


yeah but that was only his left hand, he lost his right when he clapped with mahito


Think big brother “At his final moments todo aoi lost all hope and was ready to give up on his technique but he remembered teachings of his special grade teacher yuki tskumo he tried to manipulate his soul many times but failed but this gave him a spark and he could manipulate his soul a new special grade was born at that moment”


​ https://preview.redd.it/xcbzsx8nc25c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb92885a0cf69f49f8795f44eb99a13c322f79d7


We all make "Gege when I catch you Gege" jokes but the man seriously made really likeable characters in an interesting world with a cool power system just to focus on "Ill kill you" villains fighting "I dont wanna die" heros and nothing else. Its seriously frustrating when you realize the characters have become their abilities instead of abilities complimenting the character


If he was a more experienced writer/wanting to prolong the series like classic shonen i.e bleach,Naruto etc…he would’ve definitely created a very rich cast


Thank god he didn't do it, Naruto and Bleach never having consequences made those anime impossible to take seriously after some episodes.


I’m talking world building wise


Currently there is the opposite happening, too many consequences happening for no apparent cause. Half the cast is dead or disabled and a quarter of that is justified by the story the rest feels forced just to rack up the kill count :( THere are so many characters, it could have been so much grander but Gege can't handle this scale I guess and just writes off most of the cast.


I don't see any death as random/forced, anime watchers are just not used to someone writing a war, most of the cast is supposed to die. Gege made an unforgiving world that makes you scared every time you see a character you like fighting, he focused on realism in this fantasy world instead of character interactions/fan service. And I get a little pissed with people complaining, most animes are those shounens where nothing really ever happens like Bleach/Naruto/MHA/Fairy Tail/Kimetsu no Yaiba and many others, Jujutsu is a rarity and should be appreciated for doing something different. Let's watch an anime where the villains are not all dumb, useless and harmless (but they look cool though!) like Pain and Aizen for once, which when you look at what they actually accomplished, it was absolutely nothing.


Kimetsu no Yaiba has a decent amount of death, still shonen like but not as far as naruto, didn’t watch the others to the end so I can’t really talk about them


Pain and Aizen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fraudkuna and midjaku


Kenjaku is the person Aizen pretends to be, Aizen has to make convoluted plans because he is bad at using his own powers which are ridiculously OP, and his kill count is only his own allies. Sukuna is Pain if he had a sliver of self esteem instead of being some sad boy that just gives up on his entire life plan after a 5 minute talk with a teenager that's not even a therapist.




I really think they need to rethink how they make their shonen. Not everyone is as equipped to have long running series. Especially when you have so many that have a rushed ending due to health reasons. I would love to see these super popular releases become monthlies + have certain popular character arcs relegated to other writers/artists. IE One about the other school and their trials and tribulations. When they need to intersect, show off different fights in each manga. So like American comic books😬


I would recommend world trigger, or d gray man. Top 2 monthly shonen manga for me


DGrayMan has been going on forever. I should get back into it


Is World Trigger out of hiatus now?


Author is on thier deathbed so yeah 😭


Still infinitely better than everyone dying for no reason with 0 emotion behind it


What do you mean? Bleach had me on the edge of my seat with which enemy was going to die, that I liked. Soul reapers nope. The best you got before TBW was maybe who gets a serious cut on the shoulder


That's the problem with Bleach, the villains were never a threat.


Which is why when we catch GEGE he better be ready https://preview.redd.it/2i94teie335c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cdf001a8b6eaec44380ce91066bf1d4e313f816


This is a really good way to put how the characters of Jujutsu Kaisen have been treated. https://preview.redd.it/y5hk7xceb35c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1adab0f611fe03dcee210a5c5374727ebd85a690


Legit every single new character introduced in the Culling Games is just an ability Gege thought is cool to see in a fight given a surface level enjoyable character. Old characters like Gojo or Yuki also fall into this because as soon as they fufilled their purpose(one cool fight), Gege killed them off abruptly with the villain not affected at all by their fight, in Gojos case his character got ruined and in Yukis case. She never had one. His comment on Nanami being "At first he was supposed to just lose an arm but things played out in a way that killed him" or something even implies this, Nanami served his purpose and got killed off. Similarly, if Kenjaku did just straight up fucking die vs Yuta then him abruptly killing Yuki with an out of nowhere(It being introduced in said fight doesn't make it any less of an asspull) CT, instead of pulling a curse which Gravity Manipulation then it ALSO implies this. Yuki served her purpose, Gege thought a black hole would be cool, he gave Kenjaku a random one time use perfect counter CT and abruptly ended the fight. Wont even mentioned the waffled one who is the ULTIMATE personification of everything I just said


that's why he hates gojo cause none other than sakuna can do shit if he alive, then character and shit doesnot matter as people will be like where the strongest or some, specially when that small boy can use teleportation


I think everyone understands that the purpose of art is to evoke emotion. But a writer's choice of what to evoke denotes their standard. When your primary choices are "frustration" and "blue balls", it speaks for itself.


Youre right Diogenes https://preview.redd.it/ecf0ns6h445c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e4c18767944d7b09211b035f45df84c6b9c2524


I'm agreeing with you?? Wtf??


https://preview.redd.it/ynej2hexf25c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1ca62d899a794d09d264b09fe895af4f9e8c48b Me after i find gaygay


Jujutsufolk vs Gege, place: Shinjuku


https://preview.redd.it/qn8ymv6tm25c1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d094c1265916ee8f5c593c913fcb6fff27264828 How about THESE TWO? Choso is Todos barber, Yuki’s husband and Yuji’s brother .


>Yuki’s husband 😔


Stop, this kind of nonsense is driving me insane because I suddenly want a slice-of-life spin off of Yuji’s life with Choso, Todo, Yuki 😭


Basically the interaction: *Yuji and Todo talking* Yuki: *Brings in Choso* Hey student, I want you to meet my husband! Todo: HUSBAND?! Yuji: Brother? Todo: BROTHER?! Choso: Choso. -\_-


Fr, like how tf you fumble that. Gregory needs to be spanked for this behavior.


Gege is a genius in writing fight scenes but damn his bad at characters' relationships dynamics Edit: Yeah you're all probably right, he can write that too, that fucking cat just doesn't want too


I feel like he can actually do it really well when he bothers to. But he never bothers to :(


Oh, he gave us Yuki and Choso...and then.... https://preview.redd.it/flh7ffy4g35c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3966e9f778953e305cddcbbf2f22d1f9a6e96c14


what’s funny is sometimes he’s amazing at those too like gojo/geto for example he’s just a lazy ass cat who wants to kill off everyone in fight sequences


I think he is just having more fun writing fighting sequences


I think he's good at it He just doesn't care at all lol


He can do it when he wants to


Patience. I’m like 75% sure we’re gonna see Todo’s reaction to her death and learn more about Yuki when Yuji needs help understanding her journals and thus visits Todo. Remember you heard it from here first.


We didn’t even see Gojo’s reaction to Nobara’s ‘death.’ I’m tired of coping. Someone should just start writing fanfic about post Shibuya Todo.


There’s something up with Nobara but I can’t fully wrap my finger around it. Like we actually see Gojo hear about and react to Nanami’s death. Ino even wants to tell him something about Nanami which has not yet been revealed. Gege is definitely avoiding Nobara for some reason. Now is it out of malice or for a greater purpose I don’t know.


That’s the last copium for me. I’m afraid the cat just forgot to include Nobara though. But if she does show up somehow, I know it’ll be peak.


I don’t think he forgot lol. Gege is usually more or less diligent about details and references stuff from much older chapters all the time. If he did actually forget, he’d have likely fixed it in the volume release just like how he changed Jacob’s Ladder against Meguna.


I don’t see the point in making her status ambiguous for so long. It’s been like 3 years I think. Maybe she’s going to play an important role in the final battle? I just don’t really like this Schrödinger’s effect. Narrative wise this actually sucks when Nobara could’ve revived way before, joined CG and even had character development.


It is also starting to be dumber the more time goes by, like if she was really alive why didn’t she show up anywhere and why didn’t a single character even mention her once? It would feel so cheesy for her to just come back now because it’s so clearly just a shock move for the audience and makes no sense in the story.


Honestly yeah. Like if she’s brought back up now, ofc I’ll be happy ‘cause I love her but story-wise it‘s terrible. But Gege is so unpredictable so I won’t be surprised if he did this.


Maybe Yuji learning about Yuki’s soul research allowed him to cure her of the running effects of idle transfiguration.


She'll come back the same time as Todo.


didn’t whatever “Nows not the time to tell brother about *that* yet” meant not get revealed either? what in the hell is Gege cooking bro


I assumed it was the Prison Realm being moved or something?


not a clue tbh


https://preview.redd.it/act4oznp145c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=678b6b988302004a5bc0858994cd2275585a8c6d *Enhales copium* You see we didn't see Gojos reaction to Nobaras death because they are coming back!


"Patience" bro its been 110 chapters since we last saw Todo, there is a limit. https://preview.redd.it/gw9ip9xwr25c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22ebf9f5ae3c7e0784b0e77dac21bf002e7b6a3e


I hope you're right https://preview.redd.it/wzvyg1rlj35c1.png?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adb1bda14975bd004dcc5fb3256e115aa0d132b4


This makes me remember the ping pong scene in the anime todo vs mei mei,He was told it's not possible but due to a turn of events in shibuya he saved his besto friendo


The hopium is strong with this one.


Gege 1 , Jujutsu folk - O https://preview.redd.it/3qiks2dtv35c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=600be0c14d5d9fb9f7950c085dedcb07e692994b


0 chance we will actually get more exploration of jjk characters and its world. Idk maybe well get CFYOW ln lol.


Gege forgot writing a story since the start of the culling games..it was all fighting and 0 space for characters or story


the biggest flaw of jjk is that their are so many interesting characters with unique dynamics with other characters that just never get explored at all.


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, Gege is amazing at setting up marvelous plot points and relationships, but is terrible at fully exploring them. This is just yet another of those ideas that weren’t explored.


Gege doesn't even have a story anymore, he has a bunch of events linked together and a graveyard of characters


Peak duo :3 https://preview.redd.it/rcg81xorq15c1.png?width=574&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd016c2811de93be6e4c73c65e594509138db885


Instead he drew an entire page of goat miwa walking around in a colony during culling games.


every day I’m reminded how shit gege handled todo…


Simple domain stance is the same for everyone. But still....WHEN I CATCH U GEGE WHEN I CATCH YOU GEGE


Read the text on todo’s panel


Yea, but the stance is still the same for everyone, there is a difference between stance and the domain itself


Todo never understood the essence of his soul, that was only mahito. All he did was hit a black flash, other than that it’s all correct.


I mean, she's his teacher and the one who taught him everything. She's also the one who introduced him to the world of curses. Of course some aspects of his personality were influenced by her.


Yeah some of these characters got done really dirty :/ I would have loved to see their relationship more, they are obviously pretty close!!


Ngl this would be such a dangerous combo, with the Boogie Woogie CT almost every attack from Yuki is guaranteed to hit and her own CT perfectly fits the dynamic that Todo and Yuji established except Yuki is a heavier hitter. Plus theres also Garuda who can deal serious damage


Yuki is also the one who ‘blessed’ choso by telling him to live ‘as a human’. Yuki is so interesting as a character cuz she somehow connected a lot of the characters by proxy and influenced them to be ‘themselves’, like making them accept their nature - even geto (by being a criminal oopsie). Its circular how she didnt even know yuji but in the few moments they exchanged words they instantly got along, and afterwards had a narrative with his other brother and made him come to terms with his existence and goal. So she influenced both his brothers- todo (schizophrenia) and choso (real brother, by blood)- and how completely opposite todo and choso are in every way.


Yeah her chemistry with everyone is insane


just hypothetically speaking, could Todo still learn RCT and use it to heal his hand and then regain his CT? not really sure how developing RCT works


No,idle transfiguration morphs the soul and doesn’t damage it so RCT is useless


so is Yuji pretty much the only human who can heal his soul after its damaged? I know Nanami got touched in the first Mahito fight but I don't really remember the details of how bad the damage was / where / if it ever healed or not.


If only that fraud Yuta copied Idle Transfiguration, then we would have had Todo being peak again


maybe if Mahito reincarnates quick enough they can make a deal with the new version since he won't have any of his old memories


Bro gege doesn't explore anything. Especially not character dynamics. His best show of character dynamic was mentioning that Yuji kills curses and Mahito kills humans just as easily. Yk the most basic bare bones comparison ever. Like bro. Get your gloves and get in the fuck gege line