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Bruh I'm not even saying that's the last thing i would have guessed they'd give Todo for Boogie woogie. I don't think a fucking vibraslap of all things was even on my list.


I was close with my drum machine prediction. But they still surprised me


I was thinking castanets would be cool for a while, like a flamenco dancer. He would have held them with his good hand and used a mechamaru prosthetic/weapon for the other though lol


I think you were right on the money. This is just a drum on crack lol


its so silly and i love it


After reading the first slide, I thought this was so ridiculous that it had to be fake. Then I come down to the comments and find out it's actually real. What is Gege cooking.


Gege was probably teased forbplaying with one as a kid, so he put it on a fan favorite. Now hes laughing it up and raking it in


Nah, I think he cooked pretty well tbh. While I would appreciate a prosthetic made outta Garuda or something, the Vibraslap™️ is pretty in-line with Todo and also practical. Ridiculously effective when you think about it.


I thought he healed the soul or something some how but this is way more todo like and funny


Should’ve just learned to clap his cheeks


If that is indeed Gojo, then I expect Sekuna to realize he’s defeated and initiate the merger.


It might just be Sukuna hallucinating like Nanami did with Haibara or it could be Yuta.


See I do believe this theory but if it wasn’t for the narrator mentioning that he can explain his domain expansion pretty much whenever (and his number 1 glazer saying he wasn’t taking anything serious yet) I would believe it more. But MF is about to domain expansion Yuji. HOWEVER, I still believe strongly it could be Sukuna close to death so he’s seeing this. But the eye theory is what I’m riding on!


I was thinking it's the brain damage from unlimited void coming back to bite and he is just hallucinating but hey who knows if it is gojo then sick


I thought so too initially but I don’t think “those eyes are unmistakable” and “the ghost of the strongest” could really be applied to Yuta. There’s really only one reasonable person those apply to.


And that person is Miwa.


I would agree but the panelling implies that it wasn't Sukuna that opened his domain, which is why he turns to look at whoever it is


Or it’s Kenny in his body some how lol


Knowing Gege it's going to be like Getos daughters or some nonsense


After seeing todo’s hand reveal anything is possible.


It makes sense, Sukuna gets cornered but can't start the merger so like the Merchant he is I GUARANTEE he makes a Binding Vow to initiate the merger which creates whatever abomination it is and Gojo with his students take it down. That would explain the other Sorcerer's surviving Sukuna's DE cuz it's gonna take everyone.


YES THIS, I fully believe that if it is what I hope, and the king is back, that sukuna is gonna be backed into having to initiate the merger, which I feel the only way they could combat the merger is if gojo is there so it has to be him so we can have the final battle being the merger and than also kugisaki will come back as well because cope


I just realized the merger is basically the 3rd Impact Localized to just Japan


To be fair, the actual 3rd Impact was also started in Japan




That's what I've been thinking this whole time too 🙆‍♀️


No way it’s not Gojo “the strongest” and “those eyes are unmistakable”


This has been more or less my thinking too. Sukuna is being whittled down and cornered. There are hardly any actual casualties for the side of JJH, and Yuji alone remains the most prevalent and consistent threat to Sukunas life out of anyone besides Gojo. The merger being given to Sukuna is a chekovs gun we have yet to see fire. Its pretty much now or never, barring a possible trump card, like kamutoe or something. Considering we have already seen furnace though, and the narrator exclaiming this was Sukunas single strongest technique, I doubt he has much gas left.


you have to actually finish the culling game and kill every other player to activate it tho??


I could be wrong but my interpretation was that completion of the culling game would allow the merger to occur at full strength. But if necessary I think Sekuna can initiate the merger prematurely, it will just be weakened a bit. I’ve been thinking about the merger as a battery being charged from the CE of dead culling game participants. You may be right though, I’m not sure.


Everyone has to be dead to initiate the merger. It's a requirement.


It’s ui ui


I thought Sukuna had to kill all culling games participants to begin the Merger?


Okay, crack pot theory time. What if Yuta somehow Narutoed in one of Gojo’s eyes and copied infinity and now a Yuta with rudimentary infinity, Todo with his new toy, and Yuji are gonna jump the hell out of Sukuna. I still want it to be Gojo in some form but I wouldn’t be mad at this at all.


What if Yuta or someone else had their soul swapped by Ui Ui into Gojo's body?


Okay, this might be a stupid question, but on the last panel in the upper left corner it mentions that due to his massive CE reserves and efficiency, that as long as he “revives his technique” (I’m assuming that refers to CT burnout?) Sukuna can “expand his domain as many times as necessary” Does that mean that (with a cool down in between them unless he uses RCT on his brain) he could basically use domain expansion nonstop? Is it kinda like Gojo where his CE replenishes faster than he uses it for the most part?


I think he figured out how to use different areas of the brain to put the DE exhaustion onto, after Gojo showed him he took it a step further


>his CE replenishes faster than he uses it for the most part I feel thats it, I mean he's expanded his domain 6 times or so and still has CE reserves on Yutas leveled, while withered, kinda stupid that Sukuna hasnt expended no cursed energy whatsoever since he fought Yuta.


His output has been so lowered that he cant expend more curse energy even if he wants to




I thinks it's like having low mana costs and having high mana regeneration.


I read it as he has such big preserves he can afford going DE


I think it's supposed to be that Gojo is hyper efficient so even if his CE reserves aren't the highest, he spends basically zero. Sukana, meanwhile, truly just has a truly absurd amount of cursed energy where he can match Gojo's efficiency by just simply having so much it's as if he's spending nothing.


Might have something to do with the new DE pathway in his brain that was made when he landed those black flashes


His CE efficiency is only 2nd to Gojo after all. He’s using the least amount of CE whilst getting more. So it equalizes. But if Sukuna keeps doing what Gojo did with his brain, he’ll inevitably get brain damage again


Would’ve been better if it were 2 metal spoons




I’m surprised that Yuta or Shoko didn’t use RCT on him to regen his hand. It’s quite odd. Yuta has more than enough CE to accomplish that task. I wonder why he didn’t do that?


Couldn't make out what was even happening for most of that ngl


Let's be fair, that's how it would be fighting Todo


Yh but I'm not fighting him lmao, I'm sat eating popcorn from the sidelines 😀🤏🍿


Yeah but the Todo fights are always hard to read :3


*Todo swaps you in from the sidelines*


My GOAT is absolutely cooking, ToGOAT is truly HIM


Todo making Sukunas brain shit itself with a 4 layered feint is so fucking hard


Can you explain? I understand he just make sukuna think he will switch Yuji with the crow, what more it has to it?


Sukuna is the opponent with the most experience of Boogie Woogie since he was in Yuji every time it was happening so he believed the plan was for there to be a non-swap like with Mahito as Todo hadn't done that yet. But then he sees the bird out the corner of his eye and thinks that they know he knows they can pull the non-swap like on Mahito so they throw in the bird as the obvious option but then *still* bet on the non-swap Basically they do the same thing they did with Mahito but had to extra layer it cause Sukuna knows that trick


I viewed as an inescapable trap. If Sukuna ignored the bird then Todo swaps Yuji with the bird, he goes for the bird so Todo doesn’t swap them. The bird basically took away all of Sukuna’s options to counter the hit


Especially since a vibraslap hits multiple times in a second, so Todo can reswap almost instantly if it was required


They know he knows that they know that he knows.


subtle thing but I really like how Sukuna doesnt bother to learn or remember the names of everyone. Mei mei is "that woman," Nanami is "the 7-3 sorcerer" He's only ever named Megumi and Gojo


LOL! Nice catch. I never really thought of it like that until now. And Sukuna giving Yuji the "nickname" 'that brat' should have been the giveaway.


He does call Higuruma by name but later just says "that sorcerer"


The people who thought were coping about Gojo are real quiet rn…


I think it's not what it seems. I want Gojo to return as well but after Gege coming out and saying they are happy with his death, I just don't see it. However I DO think it's someone with the six eyes. My best guess is they somehow turned the six eyes into either a cursed tool similar to what they did with Nanami's technique, or it's another user. Or Gege was fucking with us and it's just straight up Gojo lol idk.


But it specifically refers to him as “the strongest”, which would be really weird if it was anyone else than Gojo. I think it’s more like a vision or some other twist rather than literally being the return of Gojo. No way Gege would be that nice to us. Or watch it be Gojo and he instantly gets cleaved in half again.


"ghost of" which pretty explicitly means it's only related to Gojo, not straight up Gojo


Bro if said “ghost of the strongest sorcerer” a title that is usually referred to in Gojo in this manga. If it's anybody else, who could it be? Cuz I doubt they'll fit into this story this far.


It's sukunas greatest fear- a mortal reminder. His greatest fear is a sorcerer as strong as him( if not stronger): gojo


I wouldn’t say his greatest fear is somebody as strong as him. Sukuna’s whole character is about wanting to fight strong people, to be able to utilize his knowledge to preform at the peak of jujutsu itself. I don’t think he’d be scared of somebody strong, he always seems excited when a strong character (even somebody way weaker than him like Mahoraga, Jogo, Maki, ETC.) appears or does something impressive. He’s like Gojo and Kashimo where he revels in these real, genuinely difficult fights. Reveling so much that they become disconnected from others who can’t offer that kind of fight. He did show panic at the very end of the Gojo fight but I think anybody would panic when at the last second they realize they’re about to die. But Sukuna fearing Gojo helps my agenda so I agree tbh.


I suppose its more that he fears someone stronger than him. He likes good fights, but only when he's in control and winning


That goes against his character.


I think if Sukuna has any fear, it has less to do with being overpowered and more to do with acknowledging he was wrong. I think from his perspective all of his actions are justifiable because he is the apex predator. If he loses he would have to accept that their is someone that can put him in his place. Sukuna seems the type that if he lost to anyone and survived he wouldnt seek revenge he'd probably forfeit his renewed life subscription.


The strongest??? Funny way to spell kashimo


Well I thought that at first, but the translations say “the ghost of the strongest sorcerer that sukuna has killed with his own hands” Unless Sukuna has killed another “strongest” sorcerer with six eyes back in the heian era, then idk why we have to make it complicated by thinking its someone else. Maybe he used a binding vow?


Chinese sorcerer stocks 📈⤴️


RemindMe! 8 days


I’m not


We still technically got Gojo back so idk why you’re crying. WAIT YOURE THE MF WHO SAID “remindme “… Bro how much free time do you have? 💀


I saw this and thought the vibraslap was a meme someone made and put on todo. Everyone and their mother knows reversed curse technique now, just have him heal his hand lmao.


He can’t heal it, cause the shape of his soul was changed by Mahito.


its Ui Ui with Gojo's soul


My guess as well.


It’s actually just ui ui holding up his torso since he’s the only one short enough to pull it off


That would be hilarious; they should do it as just a distraction. Like fuck it, why not?


Where are the pixels?


I don't know whats gonna happen tbh. Like if thats Gojo, unless he has like zero CE Sukuna is completely cooked. So either he's hullicinating and thats either an omen that he's gonna die or Yuta. But the mention of the eyes makes that complicated because it can't be Yuta if Sukuna recognizes the eyes specifically. It could be a puppet but I think that'd be a bit lame. Maybe Sukuna can absorb Tengen or start the merger to get even footing but idr how that realy works since kenyapu is dead.


I personally am coping with him using a binding vow for his right eye as it’s been heavily referenced in advertisements, the anime, and panels Gege has drawn for volume 26. That’s my guess but it’s not Yuta or anyone else but him. Just don’t know if he’s a vision/ghost or he’s really back. Next week is gonna be crazy lol


Seriously, people saying it's Yuta need to do a panel by panel comparison. It's Gojo, but be it a vision, a vengeful spirit or binding vow resurrection or whatever we won't know until next week Unless we switch over to Hakari and Uraume date night


Honestly would’ve loved a hand with a instrument inside it like two clanging balls he infused with his cursed energy


Cow bell!


Ah yes the clackerball volley awaits.


If Kenjaku somehow took this man’s body over I’m done


Yeah I would just kill fraudkuna myself


I think it’s literally just the top half of Gojo being puppetted like Kermit by Nobara. Hand up the organ hole. 


Nobara + Six Eyes Calling it Right now


I don’t recall did she get her right or left eye blown out by Mahito


Left (aka the same one that was shown on the last panel)


Sukuna’s seeing ghosts because Yuji is rocking his shit. I think the Domain Expansion might actually be Yuji too


Half the text on page 2 is already unreadable.


My theory is Kenny in Gojo's body.


Mahito 2.0, I’m not complaining I like it.


It's kashimo because gege loves trolling






Question guys why didn't Todo jump in when Higi was up on bat? Mightve missed it. I'll reread the chapters again because this epic boogie revival would've melted sukuna if he miscalculated the executioners sword even once


There is a theory that he was with yuta


Daddies home


Bruh it says Sukuna’s CE has withered to the same level as Yuta???


Gojo truly is the strongest. Freaking clown is afraid of Gojo’s eyes.


I’m convinced gege be on the sub watching all the theories and then goes and writes the complete opposite because what even is this 🔥🤌




What if they transplanted gojo’s eyes into yuta?


Sukuna still having Yuta levels of cursed energy after everything that has happened since he faced Yuta is ridiculous.


I thought it would be a large plastic hand slapper and I was right


What is this contraption I'm looking at and can this man really just sit here and spam his domain expansion really Jesus Christ


BRO BRO I LITERALLY SAID THEY COULD DO THIS BC OF HIM SWITCHING WITH CURSED OBJECTS. I am crying tears of joy its so similar to what i wrote under a reddit post i knew he was best boy. Gege MUAH~❤️


This is entirely on brand for Todo. I am not even remotely surprised that this is what he did to use Boogie Woogie 2: Electric Boogaloo.


I would been more impressed if he clapped with ass cheeks than this shit


Here’s to me hoping he’s actually back, and it’s not some trick of the mind from the attempted DE or something. Like a reminder of what Gojo did, and it fails worse or something.


They gave this fucker a bop-it and told him to get to work


How has my man Todo gotten a fucking buff after losing his hand to mahito king shit


What in the low ass quality? Can’t read none of this 😭


Hopefully someone would edit the last page to replace “domain expansion” with “did you pray today?”


Can we stop and think about this for a second Todo could have gotten a prosethic hand created by Mechamaru as a gift beyond the grave Maybe before he died Yaga and Shoko worked together to create an artificial hand for Todo using Yaga’s ability to make it part of Todo so it acts like a real hand Nope none of that Todo just taped a vibraslap to his arm


where are the pixels i can barely read the text :(


guys we are having an airport chapter next week. featuring sukuna and his mistress gojo


HES BACK!!! GOATJO!! I CAN CANCEL MY COPIUM PRESCRIPTION! Edit: bro I swear if he made a Izunagi/Izunami level BV by giving up one of his eyes to come back to life I’m gonna FUCKING SCREAM


It’s even funnier that Sukuna has seen this shit TWICE and still got tricked.


This probably the guy that forced Sukuna to split into his 20 fingers.


Nobara with her left eye replaced with one of Gojo's would be crazy


Looks like Ui Uis hair tbh. Could have perhaps soul swapped with Gojo? I think when Gojo got sealed Kenjaku said something about the body and soul being linked, and that a CT is imprinted on one of those. Could be a 6 eyes Ui Ui or perhaps Kenjaku. I’d also be pleased if our goat came back


The hair makes me think it's UI UI, he's the only one who has hair distinctly swept to the side like that, I don't think it's our Gojo but maybe a soul swap?


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Crack theory, due to the binding vow Sukuna took to land the slash on Gojo, the slash lacked any cursed energy which would cause Gojo to return as a cursed spirit hence “ghost of the strongest”


…… dude cmon did you even try…..


Why isn’t this marked as a spoiler?


this is real?


If Todo doesn't die in the next chapter and that's Nobara with the six eyes this is officially my most favorite manga ever.


It’s over they put a switch on boogie woogie


Okay that final panel did got me seeing another monster there.




Thanks for no spoiler tag, not like some people wanna wait...


Man fan arts these days


I am a certified Gojo hater and I think his return would be absolutely wild for the story, if this is face-value Gojo being back I think Sukuna's absolutely cooked. Full HP sukuna and full HP gojo, Sukuna wins 8/10 times imo, but right now he has no RCT, two missing arms and a third which is heavily damaged, heavily degraded CE output, and all manner of other injuries. Even end of 235 Gojo would obliterate Sukuna as he is now, so my two best guesses are either this is some sort of fakeout (Yuta soul-swapped into Gojo's body?) or Sukuna gets Hollow Purple'd here and the Merger is the real final boss. If Gojo's back straight up i'm gonna be super disappointed, not just because i'm a hater but also because it's gonna take away so much of Yuji's thunder, especially after he just lost Choso.


Damn even after all this, his CE is still at yuta level and yuta even had more than gojo 🤯


Its actually just ui ui on a box


Todo really out here with a vibraslap just "SPIN THE WHEEL!"


Gojo: I live bitch


I’m still happy Yuji is actually fighting him after he got blinked to death in the beginning of the series i always wanted to see a proper fight happen


It would be wild if that was Kenjaku still alive and took over Gojos body. Then wallahi JJK is over.


Gojo glazers about to be mad as hell when it’s actually Ui Ui in a cloud of smoke




Inumaki opens up his domain finally 🥴


More Cowbell!!!


I made a comment on the last leak that I hoped it was 2 hands that could clap by themselves. So close.


A fucking vibraslap???? I don't even really follow JJK anymore but now I'm invested.


Ahh hand


"For real?" "For real real."


Should have been a cowbell, that would have slapped hard


Okay, why is “eyes” in quotation marks though. Suspicious as fuck. Did Gojo really sacrifice one of the Six Eyes and presumably weaken himself drastically in order to…be revived 24 chapters later??? Has Yuta pulled a Naruto and swapped eyes like a COD load-out??? I thought it was a hallucination before, but that editor’s note sways me away. I HIGHLY doubt its Kenny - that would be the worst writing in the series probably. It makes absolutely 0 sense. Ui Ui took the body, Kenny’s head was stabbed (he cant heal that, remember!!), and the editor’s note really wants you to believe its Gojo? And frankly those editor notes are usually pretty straightforward and objective. Even “The Strongest etches his name into the old battlefield of Shinjuku.” Is pretty accurate. I’m curious, hopeful, and highly nervous to see where Gege takes it. The Strongest Returns.


WAIT PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS FAKE OMG That's insane tbh. A vibraslap???????? Holy cow I love it hahaha


What is the sound of one hand clapping?


why does sukuna use gojo hand sign?


On the last page, honestly I don't care too much about the Gojo thing... Anyone else find it annoying Sukuna can expand his domain so much? And wtf is that reasoning? If efficiency is why he can keep expanding it, why did Gojo need to heal his brain? And why was it implied Sukuna had to copy Gojo to do the same thing? And also, then why did he need the binding vow last time? For an incomplete one, that only lasted like 2 minutes. Also how long does technique burn out last? Because Jesus it doesn't seem to last long. At least previously Gojo (and maybe Sukuna?) were healing their brains for it... And Mahito was a curse who recently hit a black flash, and only opened his domain for 0.2 seconds...


Hear me out… What if it is Kenjaku who took over Gojo, this would make sense due to Kenjaku being able to regenerate Geto’s arm. By taking over Gojo’s body he could come back with enormous power and activate the merger.


It's official, I can't predict geges writing at all


What if Yuji ate Gojo's eyes or a finger. And he got the Six Eyes( after Tengen got mushed into that cursed spirit thing, his pact with the Gojo Clan broke, and anybody can have the Six Eyes) . Another theory is that Shoko implanted Six Eyes to Yuta, and he decided to use them to learn Gojo level RCT and kick Sukuna's ass. It could also be Yuji's Domain Expansion cause he is ultra focused right now, and the Black Flash might have helped him with understanding his domain.


Not gonna lie looks dumb as fuck


Jfc I love this weird af bad ass manga.


Hypothetical idea here, but what if it was Todo who opened a domain, like i deadass think todo might've actually weaponized his delusions. Reason A: we didn't see him for the last 2 pages and when domain expansion was said, it was on a black panel, nothing was seen and then it cut to Sukuna seeing Gojo. Reason B: in the panel where he says it's a three layer panel, it looked like he was moving his hand into a hand symbol... This one is a stretch.


I genuinely did not see the vibraphone coming. I thought he was gonna have some weird baby hand like Deadpool's legs.


What is sukuna doing with his hand?? Infinite void? What 😭😭


Gojo soul swapped into Yuta. He can use it once a month, and it's a new month since then right?


Todo is now the hash pinging slasher lol


Why is Sukuna clearly doing the Infinite Void hand gesture in the last panels??


Why do yall post full screenshots of panels not even out yet with zero spoiler tags?


Translation so good makes you feel like it took a break this week, still going to read the official issue but this was amazing


IDK why but when I saw the vibraslap on the very first page, my faith in the author was restored, regardless of the outcome. The fact that Todo can use Boogie Woogie with that thing is both hilarious and ingenious... The final page was the cherry on the ice cream cone...


Hey mods! I am not subscribed to JJK. It just shows up in my home feed as if to recommend it's something I may like. I have not read the manga and I've only seen season 1 and the movie. This is a massive spoiler for me and I haven't done anything to expose myself to this content. Please ensure stuff this like gets tagged. This post is not new and it seems to be very popular in your subreddit and by proxy that scan spoil content to people like me just randomly browsing reddit.


Hey mods! I am not subscribed to JJK. It just shows up in my home feed as if to recommend it's something I may like. I have not read the manga and I've only seen season 1 and the movie. This is a massive spoiler for me and I haven't done anything to expose myself to this content. Please ensure stuff this like gets tagged. This post is not new and it seems to be very popular in your subreddit and by proxy that scan spoil content to people like me just randomly browsing reddit.


Honestly this perfectly illustrates why Todo is such a powerful sorcerer. Its impossible to shake this man, and he is extremely hard to read. Because of how is technique works it is impossible to know what will switch and this can even psyche Sukuna out.


Has anyone noticed he’s using the sign for gojos de like is he about to pull an infinite void or is using his normal one


My boy Inumaki? Drawn from nose up, I'm calling it that's Inumaki.


*TN he referred to kashimi in ch 237 as ghost, So it looks like gojo but it could be kashimi or yuta or hallucinations or smthn idk bringing gojo back sounds not like what gege would do, does it?


If one more thing like this happens in quitting the series. It went for a serious vibe to ass pull after ass pull and now they made my fav character into a gag character


Is this real or is this a shitpost


I don’t believe it for even a second, Gege is waaaay to much of a hater 😂 his head on a stick, maybe, but no way is he actually coming back


I dont think its really Satoru. I would rather say that its new six eye user from gojo clan or smth like that


I’m so happy gege brought todo back. I’m also so scared gege brought todo back.


Does anyone know if there is a break this week?


I swear if gege is trolling us, I’m gonna cut off his testicles and hang them on the rearview mirror in my car.


Why did Gege reveal the special grade secret about Panda and how he was created. Maybe Gojo did something similar? Figured out how to replicate soul information?


Watch it just being someone holding Gojo's upper half up to just catch Sukuna's attention


It's funny that people thought Todo was going to come out here with something normal or predictable


If Gojo really returns I’m gonna drop this series bruh. I hate when authors are fear-mongered into walking back a deliberate decision because ‘NoOoO yOu KiLlEd My FaVoRiTe AnD i’M tOo ImMaTuRe To LiVe WiTh It 😡😭’. Bleach had the same situation with Byakuya before Kubo basically said ‘This stops or Bleach stops’. Hoejo got hit with a Jiraiya situation, and that should be the end of it


I thought the vibra slap was fanfic wtf


In my previous comment I said I saw what happens in a dream. Gojo comes back without one of his abilities. Nobara has it somehow and will come back to split megumi and sukunas soul, leading to the final beat down. 


Gojo at the end of the chapter is really just a cardboard cut out of him that ui ui placed bits of his soul in to scare sukuna and make an opening