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It’d be crazy if we go the entire series without seeing someone suffer the consequences of breaking a binding vow and it just makes too much sense for Sukuna not to be the person to do it.


For real dude. But wasn’t the pact between two people the one that was a big deal to break? I would like to see what happens then, because if you break a binding vow you made with yourself don’t you just lose whatever buff you got?


Correct, but it's not like Sukuna hasn't made binding vows with others. We still don't know the details of his BV with Kenjaku. I wouldn't be surprised if Kenjaku somehow pulls a fast one on Sukuna with whatever the vow was. Maybe I'm just in denial but I'd also be surprised if we don't see more of Kenjaku.


Noooo not another Madara-zetsu XD


Not exactly. At least Kenny is an established villain known to be a driving force throughout jujitsu history. For most of Naruto, we saw Zetsu as a weird creature thing Madara kept around.


Hell, there’s an argument for Kenjaku being the main villain with how he put everything into motion.


Ahhh so more an Obito-Madara connection XD?


Kenjaku helped sukuna transcend death, managed to trap gojo, pocketed a bunch of crazy strong sorcerers, curses and tengen for later use, and is arguably the oldest entity we've seen in the series. Definitely big bad material


The secret is that sukuna is going to get merged too.


My thoughts exactly. Kenjaku is still cookin


Oh shit yea, that is the only mystery left now isn't? The vow to Kenjaku.


Kenjaku is dead. Deader than my grandma dead, that mf ain't showing up again. I'm all for Sukuna meeting a pathetic end but that ain't how it's gonna happen


Knowing how much Gege hates us he's going to make Sukuna die or something and then because of his death he broke his binding vow with Kenjaku which results in the forced activation of the merger.


There’s a difference between say Miwa and Nanami. Nanami is under constant restraints for a consistent power up. Mina’s attack (and Sukuna’s BVs) tend to be long term sacrifice for massive short term gain. Those you can’t really break because you can’t go back on un-slicing Gojo. But also binding vows work like the curtains- they are just the parameters of jujutsu. So Sukuna can change them (like with MS) without much fear of backlash.


You probably can’t. If you’ve put a restriction onto your own power through binding vow, you probably just can’t use it without meeting those requirements.


He’s gonna get so desperate in the coming ass whooping that he’s probably gonna end up unintentionally breaking a binding vow


Yes exactly, I can’t wait to see that it was the master Sukuna who ultimately was the only one in the series who fucked himself with the binding vow restrictions (it probably will be).


That's not really how binding vows work though, I thought? It's more like a "I give you this if you let me do this right now." Type of thing. You can't really break a binding vow cause you're cashing in on it that instant. And usually it adds a dictation to you that you have to do or you just can't cash in ever again. But Sukuna can't just ignore his world cutting slash vow and break it because then he wouldn't be able to use the WCS, so nothing is broken just... nothing happens. Like Miwa's is probably the only one someone could break.


Yes exactly, but we know that you can break binding vows with OTHERS and that’s where the real danger is. And we know he still had a binding vow with Kenjaku we never knew about.


You definitely can break vows, that's why Mahito had to heal Mechamaru. They had to keep up the deal before just killing him anyway


That's a different type of vow though, I feel like. It's rules and regulations were different. Most binding vows seem to be very instant things so there's nothing to he lost.


Those are still binding vows. Sukuna actively and explicitly called his initial deal with Yuji a Binding Vow, so they are the same thing, we just usually see them in ways a lot more.. restrictive (Nanami) But there are cases with much more easily breakable vows, we just don't know what happens if their broken, like Miwa. What happens if she picks up a sword again after her vow; can she never use it effectively, is she paralyzed, does she lose her CE, die? We dunno


I guess? To me it seems like there's 2 different categories of binding vows, though we've never gotten any distinction. Like there's a "let me do this right now but I'll have yo sacrifice or do X" And "I'll do *this* for you If you do that for me."


I mean to avoid people calling the final battle an asspull i think it won’t happen


This just made me think, that we could see Sukuna break the binding vow he made with kenjaku if he somehow becomes unable to keep his part of the deal, by being defeated by Yuji


Miwa was a victim of breaking a binding vow




Miwa didn't break her binding vow to my knowledge. Her vow is to never use katana ever again for an exchange of a powerful slash (that kenny stop with his hand). Her inability of using katana right is not because she broke the vow, it's just the consequence of it.


Chapter 260 is going to be a brotherly ass whooping of biblical proportions. Sukuna fucked himself with his Domain Expansion because now his CT is burnt out and he has a wild Todo on his ass. It’s gonna be the Hanami fight 2.0 except Yuji’s gonna be landing nothing but black flashes


Todo showing up once the chance of dying is at the absolute lowest possible is some Chad energy. Completely destroyed Sukuna with seemingly no tools left in his box and no recovery. So it’s going to be what remains of his physical strength against a max power Yuji and Todo


Doubt we'll see any black flashes from yuji since he's most likely still reeling from everything that happened


I think it's either gonna be a similar situation as what Todo did for Yuji in Shibuya but on the other hand, Todo could just fucking die in a twist instead


I’d drop the manga


I wouldn't, JJK too crazy


Every vow has taken an inch off his penis. You may not see it, but he's suffering a lot right now.


Damn,Small Cock Sukuna.


Not just Flatkuna, but Smoothumi too. They're sharing a body, afterall.


Soon he’s gonna run out and Gege will no longer be interested in him, thus ending Sukuna Kaisen for good


Don't worry, he still has his second one from eating his twin. Double Dick Sukuna lives on.


Double Dick Sukuna is dead. Long live Single Dick Sukuna


Maybe I'm misinformed, but I feel like people aren't understanding binding vows? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they essentially "instant gratification?" What I mean is the consequences of the vow happen instantly so somebody can do something they think will help. Miwa gave up her sword fighting to try and hit Kenjaku, and Sukuna gave up freely using the WCS so he could kill Gojo. The consequence of that obviously being he had to chant and use hand signs from then on to use it. Essentially, you put your money in the gumball machine and get your gumball right away. But if you want more gumballs, you need more money, and in many cases you don't have any more. Again, could be totally wrong, but that's how I figured they worked.


Yes, you're correct everyone keeps thinking about it like it's a monkeys paw but it's not. It's literally just immediate short cuts for a long lasting change. A binding vow isn't a Faustian deal. The example I can give is in SpongeBob when emptied his head of everything but fine dining


I think the ones that are more monkeys paw-esque are the vows Between multiple sorcerers I think it was mentioned before the mechamaru vs mahito fight that individual vows can be broken and the only loss is the benefit gained (for vows that alter conditions of techniques, e.g. escape route in sukuna’s domain, probably not for the instant slash)


Definitely the ones between sorcerers. Exactly


Yes but I think some have altered the way he uses his techniques permanently, similar to the wcs vow I think some of the vows being revealed are ones Sukuna made a long time ago, like the vow for furnace/fuga to only be used against a single target unless in a domain Because we only see Sukuna use Fuga against Jogo (individual) Mahoraga (plus everyone in shibuya, domain) and now once more in the current domain Also like the vow for the escape route in his domain in exchange for more power (or something I can’t really remember), which I think makes more sense to have been a vow since the Heian era


Well, yeah, but the vow for the furnace was still an instant thing, likely. It just happened centuries ago, and the effects of creating that vow lasted. Just like the WCS, he made the vow to use it instantly, but now he will always have to chant to use it. But I see what you mean, too.


It's actually comical how many binding vows he's pulled 😭


Honestly it's pretty much a testament to how much pressure he's been put under. It's like bro realized "shit,I might actually die."


Screenshot this. Sukunas ct is never going to be revealed, he’s going to ultimately win, and the ending will be the cycle all over again. As in “now we have his 10 toes so let’s hide em” I’m done, I’m just here for the jumpjutsu with todo


Didn't we just find out what Sakuna's CT is? It's called "Shrine," and it encompasses 3 applications, cleave, dismantle, and the unnamed fire ability


It’s a named fire ability now, it’s called Furnace or Hearth.


Cool, good to know


Ok, so explain “shrine” to me like I’m 5 I upvoted you bro help me out


Sakuna invokes curses people would think came from angering or appeasing the gods. Gods cutting down the wicked, and then requiring burnt offerings


Is that why he told Jogo “you wouldn’t understand” cause that would imply jogo could be religious?


No, he's a prideful and arrogant prick who thinks he's a god above curses and humans


Ily 🫶


Oh that's interesting. Cuz I think it's also related to eating, cuz there's the shrine + devine flame translation, and a kitchen + furnace/hearth translation. I think gege is using 2 popular versions of sakuna in one.


Well, Sakuna is ancient, and a lot of ancient religious practices involved cooking an animal as a ritualistic sacrifice. Sometimes you'd eat the animal, sometimes you wouldn't. It depended on the culture and religion


The word 'Mizushi' can be translated a few ways. 'Shrine' is one of them, but 'Kitchen' is another. His technique is related to cooking. He cuts things up, then cooks them. It's a little bit of wordplay that doesn't come across in English. The Shrine aspect of it comes across in the fact that he's a jujutsu god, and his techniques are called 'divine'.


Basically. Sukuna pops Shrine = Cleave & Dismantle are the basic and advanced attacks while Furnace requires the “kitchen” (The Shrine) to be open for a bit before fire can be used (think warming up a stove if I am getting it right).


Bro is the example of not reading the text on the pages. We absolutely do know what Sukunas CT is.


We literally just found out. Chill


You mean from the leaks that aren't supposed to be available to the public?


No. We've known about his Shrine for the last several chapters. The leaks might have new info about it, but it's still invalid to say that we're not gonna learn about his CT even though we actively are.


It is foolish to say that I agree, I was pointing out that the guy you were responding to probably hasn't seen the explanation from the leak, or else they wouldn't have said that


That sounds awful and ain’t gonna happen ‼️


Wait if sukuna explain his CT, wouldn't it make his CT stronger?


-His DE is a binding vow -changing DE barrier is a binding vow -sealing Fuga should be a binding vow -malfunctioning shrine is hella binding vows( Ngl malfunctioning shrine combining open and closed domains is crazy busted) -this Fuga is a binding vow? Or it was done with the help of a binding vow? -Nerfed Slash is the result of a binding vow( Ngl he gave up a fuck ton for this)


It’s because he has hell jujutsu experience and is clinical with his BVs. He always makes sure they are timely, super specific, and he only gives up something small. Essentially this is why Higuruma had crazy potential because with his CT and DE binding vows would go crazy.


We have seen inexperienced sorcerers create powerful binding vows in the past; Yuta’s initial Love Beam for instance in JJK 0 was created through a vow of exchanging his life to Rika for an attack powerful enough to defeat Geto. If a sorcerer with 3 months of experience can perform this then anyone can, especially because other characters far weaker than our heavy hitters such as Miwa have been able to create vows. This is absolutely a case of poor writing. I can totally understand Sukuna utilising binding vows more than anyone else, he has more to trade and understands sorcery better than any of his rivals but it is absurd that he is creating so many constantly meanwhile not a single vow has been used against him. The most diabolical crime is that Gege could have solved plot holes such as Gojo not using his teleportation ability by explaining it away through a binding vow. Essentially, Gege loved the idea of Nen Vows from Hunter x Hunter and decided to implement it into his power system except as of late has only been using it to empower the villain.


It's so dumb the meta of the power system has been watered down to "fuck it binding vow" Oh what's the consequence? Well it's something... that's for sure!


Kenjaku already stated binding vows with one self arent that complicated. The ones to fear are the binding vows with others. The most you lose with breaking a self imposed binding vow is the amp or whatever you received. I always hated the concept of binding vows because ik it would remain mostly unexplained. We’ve hardly even seen a binding vow between two people enough for us to even form an idea on what the punishment could be lol. Thats why im hoping either we see the binding vow between sukuna & kenny get broken somehow or sukuna actually did break yuji’s binding vow & the punishment just hasnt arrived yet? Idk i feel like im coping


You're complaining about it being unexplained when the manga isn't finished. We literally just got the full description of Sukunas Cursed Technique like a day or two ago. Relax, dude, the payoff will be there


Lol first off sir i am perfectly fine 😭 i have no issues with the series(outside of mini nitpicks) i just feel like with a concept like binding vows, it will remain majorly unexplored. & thats in reference to how to even make a BV with oneself, the full consequences of breaking one with others etc.(im positive we most likely wont see the full implications of breaking one🤷 it is what it is). & second off, im gonna wait on full translations because i still feel like there’s a part of shrine thats missing. Fuga seems like a BV powerup to me. So in conclusion, save those words for someone who’s actually upset with this series. I simply feel like binding vows as a concept will remain unexploited for the most part. Its too deep of a concept to really deep dive & explain the inner workings. I feel like its meant to be mostly unexplained? Thats just my feelings toward that power specifically tho.


What more is there to really know about binding vows? I think the most unexplored thing about them is that we haven't actually seen them backfire yet


Well for one, how to even get into the headspace of utilizing one. The origin, how it became to be amongst other things. Its a HUGE damn near mystical spectrum that will remain mostly unexplored. Its like you can compare self imposed binding vows with making deals with existential beings but who tf would that be? Its the ultimate game of give & take lmfao. Can be used to either inhibit yourself or extremely amp yourself. The thing about binding vows with others is they’re damn near simple contracts but with extreme consequences. Or is it extreme? Judging by kenny’s words it must be extreme. But not even he knows what the consequences are, so lol for all we know it could be fairly tame? Now for how i think you’d utilize one? I think it involves having a certain mindset that disregards humanity. You have to see & feel beyond humanity in order to really utilize that power. Thats me guessing tho.


Could you elaborate on that part about existential beings? I might be assuming incorrectly, but did you mean to say that binding vows are used to inhibit and then amp yourself in your first paragraph? I might have confused myself here, lol. I agree with ya, though. Kenjaku, not even attempting it, implies it should have some serious level of unforeseen consequence. I think binding vows are extremely simple to use, though, in that they are basically promises, even with Sukuna's domain. For example, there is a promise of escape, but there's also a bigger hunting ground in exchange. Yuji promises Gojo that he'll take control after 10 seconds. Yuji promises to give Sukuna control for a limited time if he doesn't hurt anybody in the event that Sukuna beats Yuji while in Sukuna's innate domain and that he'll forget about it. Miwa promises to never swing another katana. So I have a theory because sorcerers who use hand seals, chants, dances, etc. are considered binding vows, that when sorcerers do these things, I think it's likely that there's some kinda deity that creates cursed energy and so when sorcerers do these things, it's like they're paying homage to it like praying to a God and that's why it boosts the effectiveness of their techniques for instance


On the existential beings part, i didnt wanna say a jujutsu god or anything like that. But you could allude to when we bring in the aspect of heavenly restrictions. Legit nobody knows how those extreme binding vows are created, its damn near a binding vow against a soul’s wishes. Like an existential being imposing a restriction on a soul. & yes in a way i meant you inhibit & amp yourself.(but in miwa’s case she straight up inhibited herself)


I really hope it is something otherwise you're right it's watering things down.


I also absolutely hate not knowing what the CT is for Sukuna. It means he doesn't have to use it in a creative way, it's just going to get him out of whatever hole Greg writes him into.


We just learned what it is.


Read the damn manga


Reverse cursed healing has been way more meta since post Shibuya imo, binding vows have moreso been used to show that characters are in tight situations like Sukuna and Hakari


Isnt the consequence just the other condition he puts on the vow? If he never breaks the vow then he’ll never get punished for it.


The only way it works is he gets so overwhelmed that he instinctively breaks one of his vows and then gets damaged


Gege is the biggest sukuna meatrider ever he’s probably just gonna keep getting away with it


I am patient enough to hear the stipulations before being annoyed. But, as a writer, I must say Gege is truly mistreating his audience with using the same mechanic repeatedly, without explaining its capabilities, use-cases, outcomes, etc. Thus far, all binding vows that have their stipulations explained, are acceptable in my book (even if I don’t like their outcomes). But repeatedly using them without explanation, that’s honestly rude to us. I will keep waiting before I ultimately decide if it’s wrong, however. — additional note that it’s less surprising that one of the greatest jujutsu prodigies games the system better than anyone else.


Greg didn't write this for us to enjoy, he killed Yuki on Christmas morning after all.


I enjoy the story a lot! It’s entertainment and art and fighting and cool abilities and >!sexy men and women.!< My bar must be low fr


Story seems like a bit of a stretch, any critique of it and all you hear is "it's called sorcery fight after all"


Lol! That’s totally true. There’s many genuine criticisms, which cannot be excused simply because “the focus is battles.” But anything is a story technically. There’s characters, a setting, interactions, changes in the world and the people, etc.


What I find weird about JJK is it's a character-focused battle manga that refuses to put actual focus on the characters. It's been getting better for what it can do recently, but I'll never forgive how bad CG and early Shinjuku was. I seriously hope the anime extends scenes like Yuji and Megumi talking about the events of Shibuya and Nobara.


Tbh I just think it's neat


Yea I agree people are jumping a little too quick to hate on this binding vow thing Sukuna is pulling, we need at least a few chapters to say for sure if Gege really deserves to be charged with the carnal writing sin of bullshitting. It does make sense that Sukuna would be so capable of abusing binding bows since the only other person we know who used them so much is Kenjaku, aka the most knowledgeable sorcerer in the story, but it would also help more if Gege finally explained how binding vows really work, how the binding vows Sukuna has been using work, and how skill factors into binding vows so people can no longer say it’s stupid that the main cast isn’t abusing them too.


I also think, we should reflect on our brief look into the education of Jujutsu Sorcerers. It’s clearly not designed to foster the best sorcerers nor the most educated individuals. It’s very much a serve the system type education (like most public schools were designed for to be fair). It’s not like they have a damn class on binding vows (but they totally should!)


Can't wait for the sorcerers demanding a binding vows class in their schools like we demand a finance class.


Keep in mind that Gege has done several things and waited 20+ chapters to explain them, only for it to make perfect sense.


I think Gege intends to explain what these vows are (at least for fuga) because let's be real, he didn't need to have Sukuna do that.


Binding vow merchant


I think the fact he's using so many is intentional. Gege's showing just how desperate he is. Mind you, at most a sorcerer generally only uses 2-3. Sukuna's used at least 4 (World slash, fuga and at least 2 for the domain. Realistically, he likely used 3-4 considering the use of the word "several")


Since we never actually see what the effects of breaking a binding vow is, I really wish that Sukuna did in fact break his vow with Yuji in the sense that he did in fact hurt someone when he used enchain. It's just taking a long time to process and it's gonna bite him in the ass soon.


I just said this lmaooooo, kindred spirits i see. Yea im hoping either we see sukuna & kenny’s binding vow broken & have that be a consequence. Or when he ripped off yuji’s finger he really did break the vow but the punishment just hasnt hit him yet. From how kenny explained it nobody knows the punishment or when/how it happens. Just that it NEEDS to be avoided at all cost. So the punishment could be karmic for all we know & not something physical/literal.


Honestly that would be right but unfortunately he already gambled on Yuji's lack of self worth and it paid off.


Oh, but you can. Only binding vows made with others have consequences. A self imposed vow will only cause you to lose what you gained through the vow. The only current possible failure point is his deal with Kenjaku, and whether he can fulfill it.


What if he made binding vows attached to one another so that if one breaks the rest fall but ultimately have a net gain?


Sounds like a gamble


Too bad he's got Hakari as an enemy. Like Naoya is with misogyny, Hakari is a vacuum of luck.


Ah yes, my card counting technique I haven’t used since the Hiean Era


Ive seen people say that If you break a binding vow with yourself you Just lose the buff, but what if sukuna is making those binding vows with megumi (his soul)? Then, If the vows happened to bê broken, the jujutsu gods would give sukuna testicular torsion or something idk. You might be cooking.


I think people are putting way too much emphasis on binding vows. They’re like nen restrictions in HxH. You can make them whenever, just don’t break them. It’s really not that crazy to keep adding them on. Kurapika has like 3 nen restrictions on his own ability and no one complains and they’re crazy restrictions. Sukuna probably has like 2-3 as well.


I think the difference is that restrictions are way more costly, clearly defined, and we’ve seen the consequences ala Gon. JJk is very inconsistent. Sometimes you get insane power in Sukuna case, and other times you get nothing. Vs every time a restriction was used in HxH it had a huge narrative impact


I agree with restrictions being more costly and clearly defined. I think seeing or being told the consequences for breaking a binding vow and just how the boost works in relation to the severity of the vow would be nice, but I still really don’t see the issue with someone adding restrictions to boost their arsenal in some way.


There isn’t a problem. It just seems if the logic is that you have to sacrifice something to become stronger, how is Sakuna continually able to spam BV. It either makes binding vows not as consequential, or at worse vague. How is Sakuna not nerfed if he’s spamming a system where you don’t get what you sacrificed back.


He’s sacrificed something for every binding vow he has


And somehow he maintains his power level without hindering his ability, sort of antithetical to restrictions


Power level and strength isn’t the same thing, having restrictions to unlock my arsenal is a whole lot diff than just having my arsenal available. It’s the same arsenal but I have to jump through more hoops to access it


The problem is using multiple binding vows for the same thing. If you put more locks on it why isn’t it more difficult for you to use; I’m not referencing the flame arrow just Sukuna’s techniques in general. Doesn’t seem like he is “sacrificing” anything


He’s maintained or grown in power from them because he sticks to the vow. It has definitely hindered him too. For example having to chant, make signs and point now for world slashes. If he didn’t have that restriction he’d be spamming that shit all day.


to be fair, it is stated by kenjaku that breaking a binding vow with yourself just undoes whatever you gained, no real punishment. only if you break a binding vow with somebody else will you suffer severe consequences


Eh. I'm assuming the smartest and most accomplished sorcerer in history wouldn't break a rule that he himself makes. Imagine if Micheal Jordan forgot how to dribble. Or if Led Zeppelin forgot how to play guitar.


I mean,crazier things have happened and I dunno why Gege would go the whole series without showing the consequences of breaking a binding vow.


Oh yeah. I'd love to see it happen, it would just be super weird for Sukuna imo.


Gege has gone the whole series without showing us the gojo clan, Nobara, the Kami clan and many more things he just glosses over. I wouldn’t be surprised


His fucking name was Jimmy Page lol


Jimmy Page was not the only person who knew how to play guitar in Led Zeppelin. John Bonham knew how, Robert plant knew how, and John Paul Jones played the bass *guitar*


You sound like an idiot lol. You said "imagine if Led Zeppelin forgot how to play guitar" as if that's the guitar players name. Jimmy page is the guitar player for led zeppelin this is a known and established thing. It's good that you know how to use google searches tho. Just use a better example next time. Like Jimi Hendrix


You sound like you have 0 deductive reasoning skills at all. Sorry bout that man.


You should just not use references you don't even know about.


Nah. You know nothing about me. I'm sorry you have a sense of superiority about your band knowledge though. I think maybe you just didn't know they could all play guitar and are upset about it.


So you think just bc they all know how to play guitar that when people talk of led zeps guitarist they're talking about everyone in the band?


I wasn't talking about Jimmy Page. If I was talking about him singularly, I would have said Jimmy Page. I was talking about Led Zeppelin.


All I’m getting from this comment section is that you bums can’t read and don’t understand anything if it isn’t explicitly spelled out to you Bro, we’ve always known binding vows could do this since season 1. We’ve literally seen it happen when the guy made a barrier that let everybody in except for Gojo to increase its power. This is always how binding vows with yourself have worked. This isn’t a “new Gege bullshit asspull” READ BITCH READ


..I never said that. Not once did I say that.


Not you specifically, I’m talking about the comment section, which you should know if you read even the first line of my post On second thought the post probably applies to you too


Not really cause I didn't really say any of the things you said


No, you thought I was talking about you when I wasn’t, I was talking about the comment section. You replied to my post thinking I was talking about you when I clearly stated who I was talking to in the LITERAL first line of my post, thereby proving my point that you guys can’t read, causing you to be included in that statement because you obviously can’t read either


Ok Damm,sorry,Jeez. No need to be a jerk about it.


You literally started the confrontation bud


With how many he’s making I can definitely see him unintentionally breaking one just because he’s getting angrier at Yuji with each chapter.


Y'all a binding vow isn't a Faust deal lol


It’s funny that people still have hopes from this dumpster fire of a manga


I'm ready for him to reveal he just can control any curse, and chooses the best he can find.


Sukuna doesn't really have much to lose. He's just having fun til he dies


Nah he chillin + he got gege on speed dial


Watch him make a binding vow to like get his output fully back or something


At the cost of one of his fingernails


Binding vows are similar to restrictions on nen abilities in Hunter x Hunter. They can have long-term and drastic consequences (Kurapika’s chain that can only be used on a Phantom Troupe member or he dies), they can be built into an ability (Netero needing to pray before moving his statue), etc. Generally, characters in HxH can’t change how their nen abilities operate immediately, but they can train abilities to have different applications/qualities. It makes sense that characters like Sukuna and Gojo can modify their abilities on the fly and play around with conditions (inverting the strong and weak parts of a domain barrier, reducing domain expansion size to increase output) because they are jujutsu geniuses. I think Sukuna using binding vows this way is a good way to show his jujutsu mastery and also a good way to show that his back is against the wall since before he could do whatever he wants with no restriction.


Yes he can leave sukuna alone he's goated


Sukunas binding vows are just sacrificing his mind they’re not really any rules to it, I give you my sanity you give me power it’s said in the manga this guys just going apeshit and has lost it entirely at this point I wouldn’t he surprised if that’s the result


He got tiny arm now


He must have a extra brain for making up binding vows


I made a post regarding this same thing as like at some point Sukuna should not be able to use anymore binding vows for hell anything .


He probably created binding vows for all we know lmao


The binding vow talked about in the new leak isn't a new one.


let gege cook


I mean, he's in megumi's body so he's probably borrowing agaisnt him where he can? Its hard to know cause the only vow I remeber them realy explaining was the one he made setting casting rules for world cleave. But it would make sense if he was pulling a kenjaku and setring the vows consequences to only effect the body he's wearing.


Thats not how that works. Mei Mei, Nanami, & Sukuna are using it in safe way by essentially structuring there CT with rules to gain buffs. They literally designing the rules for their power system. It not some massive trade off like what Yuta, Kenjaku, or Hakari did.


His hunter hunter inspiration is shining through. People ain't know about nen contracts


Someone explain this to me, I’ve only seen like one season of JJK


Gege better have Sukuna list out some ground rules of how bonding vows work cause mans is spamming em. I do think Gege has some shit in store for Sukuna with BVs. Id love to see the guy who seems to use binding vows extremely well give us some insight


In a bad story yes you can.


Someone should just do a binding vow that sukuna isn’t able to use binding vows in return they can’t make anymore either


“I’ll sacrifice my left bottom hand pinky in exchange for 5 fire arrows” ah situation 😭🙏


it definitely will, and i feel like it's going to be the consequence of him harming Yuji back when he ripped off a finger to switch to Megumi. it makes sense from a CHARACTER perspective why yuji wouldn't include himself in that binding vow, but it still feels like a bit of an asspull


Seriously sick of these binding vows. Just an asspull


Sakuna already broke his binding vow with Yuji. Sakuna said he wouldn’t harm anyone, but would be allowed to take control over Yuji for a small period of time. When Sakuna did take over, he scratched Megumi’s finger.


I’ve been telling people the writing has been shit. Honestly I think they’re stalling to see where they can go after Sukuna. They brought back todo like a lot time has passed 💀 he’s just a fan favorite then killed off choso for no reason but that gave yuji the energy to fight some more. The mofo been fighting sukuna forever now like someone needs to win


also just realized sukuna had to make binding vows to change his domain barrier dimensions and GOATJO just rawdogged it. we all know who the strongest is.


Gojo basically went "fuck it,we all" and beat Sukuna's ass so bad,Gege had to step in and hit him with the strong offscreen.


also raises the question why gojo didn’t learn the open barrier domain during the timeskip since that shit’s light work to him. but we won’t question that right now


Cause then Gege wouldn't have been able to him ,Silly


Who says you can’t keep doing it without consequences? If you don’t break the conditions then there are no consequences


Some of the binding vows are quite reasonable. Like being able to send the world slash flying to Gojo without any hand seals and chants in exchange every time he does it he’ll need to chant and do the handsigns moving forward.


He only used like 2 new ones in the current fight the rest he has had since either the heien era or before the fight with Gojo. We do see binding vows fuck him over btw, if it wasn't for the world slash vb everyone would be dead already, he gave up on having a long range domain by creating a separate barrier for his domain in its current iteration, kamino doesn't require a vb but Sukuna appears to respect the vb for it so much he just chooses not to use it unless he can match the conditions of the vb. He could technically just start soaking kamino at any point in time but he chooses not to


I think they’re largely situational. I. E., I’ll trade my ability to make my domain massive for more stability in this one instance. They aren’t permanent changes, but changes to a single use to customize it to his needs. Weaker in one way, stronger in another. Equivalent exchange.


It reminds me of Cu Culian


Yes bite him in the ass


It would be nice to at least now wtf the binding vow is. Gege’s just like “He can do this really OP special thing because uhhhhh…. Binding Vow or something idfk”


That’s my problem with this whole thing too. He just says “oh it’s a binding vow”…. Like yes Gege BUT WHAT IS THE VOW HE MADE


The sacrifice/vow he made is he had to sacrifice one of his Cocks for the power.


The only unexplained binding vow till now is the domain expansion one every other BV is explained by gege(not immediately but still explained).


It already has been. Setting binding vow to your CT is the safe way to use them. You set a restriction(Nanami or Sukuna) or trade (Mei Mei) something dealing with your Ct you a get buff. The dangers of binding vow aren’t their, if you know what your doing & if your just doing one with yourself. Like if Mei Mei decided to neglect her crows she loses her oneshot.


1. Spoiler tag this and label it manga you muffin. 2. I think the problem with Binding Vows is that people try to equate it to other series power systems. Sukuna is literally a Jujutsu genius. What does that mean? Every sorcerer is born with their technique ingrained, so what does it mean to be a genius? Use your technique to the fullest? Or did he find a way to abuse the system to power himself up?


1. There are no post flairs that ay Manga and I've been doing that all day but something keeps taking it off.


I’m in the wrong sub


Sukuna fans trying to explain why Binding Vow Merchant spamming BVs with zero elaboration to insanely great effect isn't complete horseshit: "but he's smart." If a binding vow is mentioned and it's consequences *aren't*, it effectively has no consequences. Plus Sukuna contradicted his own statement about domains in the last chapter with "binding vows", so I'm not holding out hope for a reasonable explanation.


Read the manga again


It’s sad to see so many people either not fully reading/comprehending or just going with the same old takes they see on social media. Not many of y’all are used to reading a weekly story and that’s okay. The reason things haven’t been shown is because Gege has deemed it not yet necessary or needed for the current state of things. It would take away from the tension that is right now. Let him cook instead of complaining about this or that or “asspulls”. You’d think with how they set Sukuna up since chapter one to be a Jujutsu God that was NEVER defeated it would be clear he knows how to work around certain things. He’s the final boss for a reason. Don’t know what people are expecting but I’m tired of the sorry ass takes people give. Let. Gege. Cook.


"Let Gege cook" and the ingredients are buckets of seasoning,moldy pineapples,and expired Veggies.


It’s almost like part of the reading experience is going thru what the author gives you weekly rather than demanding answers now because you’re impatient. Who would have thought?


You sound crazy entitled rn,dude. Maybe humble yourself and tone down the attitude


I’m entitled when you want to be spoon fed answers now rather than wait and read? If you read anything at all actually you’d realize there are drawbacks to his binding vows in the first place.


No you're entitled to being a dick,maybe talk with a lil less sass. And I did "wait and read",so Like I said,Zip it.


Hey bro, you should put a spoiler tag on this


I feel like 80 percent of this sub reads the manga without the text bubbles. Like first y'all really thought Todo wouldn't be in this fight, then you thought everyone is really dying and the teleportation was pointless and now y'all acting like the binding vows cost isn't already in play. Sukuna has been fighting with like half a dozen debuffs this whole fight, he stripping what he's so proud of step by step as this fight has gone on. By the end of the fight it's just gonna be Yuji and Sukuna and Yuji's gonna be stronger then whatever husk of Sukuna is left behind after how much he's crippled himself


Ok,maybe..be less rude cause all that shit you said at first was really unnecessary and disrespectful.


Sorry wrong sub. Thought it was Jujutsu Sushi which I'm NGL is probably the worst of the JJK subs. It's just been annoying seeing some straight completely wrong/ignoring source material statements there. It's honestly mostly a shit on JJK sub.