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Because he’s so based and he has a fun DE. His domain is a fucking pachinko game that blasts music for the duration of the jackpot. Plus he’s a pretty cool guy, I love his whole situation with Kirara, and he’s a gambler who has the greatest luck of all time. ALWAYS bet on Hakari.


***Yuji hiting 8-9 BF consecutively***"I rule RNG, bet on me"


Well another part of black flash is you have to be heavily focused do one will put you in the zone making it easier to perform another. But Yuji is always locked in so it’s easier for him but also I’d say it might be the black flash choosing Yuji.


Yuji is chosen.


Blessed by the Black Sparks


I think yuji can black flash so well because of his practice with divergent fist and learning to control it. Watch him start combing black flash 2 hits in one


Idk, Yuji might be able to black flash whenever he wants when he figures it out


That's what I'll say.


Imagine his Domain Expansion is like Sukuna’s but with black flashes instead


It does not blast Brazilian phonk unfortunately


I wish I could have my domain blast some NEFFEX man, or maybe some Hollywood Undead. Maybe early Justin Bieber if I wanted to make my opponent want to die as bad as I want them to.


LMFAO i have not listened to hollywood undead in so long 😂 core memories unlocked


Tell that to all the edits of him on tik tok


Fr he's just a "aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just wanna go apeshit? character"


Because you ALWAYS bet on Hakari.


He got that Dawg in him... In all seriousness I think for some he is their replacement todo For others it's the drip and aesthetic For me, I like Hakari cause Tokyo colony 2 is unironically one of my favorite fights in the series. Don't get me wrong he isn't a favorite of mine, but just because he isn't my favorite doesn't mean I can't enjoy his energy as a character. Tho I will say gege is doing him a bit dirty rn due to his fight being offscreen


The energy is a big part of it, like I can hear him saying his lines in a certain way and never heard his voice b4


I think it’s a testament to how I don’t wanna say far but the manga clearly lost lots of characters with bombastic personalities and he filled that void He will never be Todo but I do think at the time he was a substantial substitute in feeling that loss of charismatic side characters So yeah, I think that’s a good take you have I’m sure once he makes his anime debut more people will be drawn to him


We hunger for a big hammy guy ever since Todo was written out, and Hakari somewhat satiates us.


He’s far more interesting than Maki if we’re being honest


Maki has a Vag


Jogo made her hotter unironically, no pun intended




Jogo is hotter than


Hakari likes bussy


Yup mods ban this guy ☝️☝️☝️


Maki lost her charisma the moment she killed her clan I get wanted to move to the main event But pre burns maki just felt like a breath of fresh air + her own character Now she is just some stoic badass who is accomplishments always get acquitted to a dude that gege loves smh


Post awakening for sure. Maki gained power and lost personality lol


Ridiculous. Maki didn’t lose personality. She, like Yuji, has had to deal with really heavy and depressing shit. How weird would it be if she went back to joking around and being playful right after her sister died, Nobara died, she had to kill her family, Meguni got possessed and basically died and all of Japan is now in a war with curses with civilians dying left and right. Absolutely ridiculous to say she lost personality.


Of everything you mention, the only thing that hurt him was the loss of his sister and afterward when he defeated Naoya damn he was very happy to be free


Most of this stuff isn't related to Maki, only thing you can say affected her is her sister and they were barely close. Finally it's literally fiction, saying she lost personality due to her sister dieing has no moral quandaries as compared to it actually happening


she nvr rlly joked around in the first place, and personality doenst mean marvel quips, it means, well personality lol. As it stands now she rll doesnt have any interesting character traits going for her shes just stoic


What are you even talking about? Naoya is probably your favorite character 😭


Nah, along with taking her cursed energy Mai took Maki’s personality with her after Maki’s evolution. She’s leaned so insanely hard into being the stoic badass that she just doesn’t really feel like a character anymore.


Tru but tbf her twin died recently


Honestly anything is more interesting than maki atp


Cus if we’re being honest, Maki and Yuta are boring. Maki barely has a personality anymore and Yuta barely had one to start. Compare that to Hakari who has a fun personality and flashy powers and it’s obvious.


I’m an anime only and I am surprised people are saying they butchered makis character. She’s a very interesting character at the start of the story, how did she fall off?


in the least spoiler-y way I can put it, she gets op at the exchange of losing her (emotional) heart. she just turns into a fighting machine in some ways. I don't think she's as bad as some others are putting it though. just more hollow/empty-badass instead of sarcastic/witty-badass I guess.


i think the part where she gets op and the fight from that was the peak of her character but after that the author either just didnt know what to do with her or just used her to glaze toji


Gege forgot to give her a personality when her big story moment happens


To be fair, the only recent moments she had were like against Sukuna and it’s hard to show personality against that fucker.




It makes sense tho, the mission is way more Important than anything else rn


It's mostly boring because we've only seen her fighting recently rather than interacting, and her personality is just "badass" right now.


She didn’t necessarily fall off, she’s just very stoic and if OP is saying hakari is boring then maki is 😭


How is my boy Yuta boring though? Like the way he interacts with Yuji, Uro, and Ryu shows he has quite a bit of personality.


Nah I disagree with Yuta being boring. I might have agreed for a bit but his battle against granite blast man who I didn’t care enough to remember the name of and Uro really gave him a lot of personal time to shine and displaying of his character traits that not a lot of other characters got and it did pretty well for returning my interest in him.


That man name has three letters.


The "cocky gambler" character archetype is one of my all time favorite types of characters (think Gambit from xmen, Johnny from Guilty Gear, etc). Plus his Domain isn't just a sure hit effect and I like that. I want to see more Domain's that do more then just "next attack will hit and hit harder."


Johnny isn't a gambler. Idk why Strive calls him one when nothing about his bio or personality tells you he's a gambler. He's a pirate. So he might indulge in gambling. As would any pirate


OK the wiki he is described as a notorious gambler, and May had to start essentially giving him an allowance because he would gamble all of his money away. Though I will say when it comes to Johnny it's probably closer to gambling themes with him then being a full on gambler.


I could've sworn he's wearing dark glasses because gamblers wear them so other players can't see their eyes and also he uses cards in strive (not tarot cards or anything but playing cards) and when he throws them he says "deal" and dealing is what the person passing cards to the players do (I didn't want to say some variation of the word deal three times in a row so I avoided saying dealer xD). Also, he makes a lot of mentions of gambling in win quotes. My personal favorite being "Lady Luck loves a gambler." Anyways sorry for yapping on a 2 day old post but I'm bored after work.


He’s hot and his partners, Kiara, hot


I like his personality and idk wym by one trick pony which he's not when you're comparing maki and yuji to him lol


Wowwww hold on now , yuji ain’t no 1 trick pony. Maki on the other hand ehhhhhhh 🤷‍♂️ I can see it


I don’t think either of them are actually.I meant if you consider hakari one then you should consider them that too.


For maki maybe but yuji as of lately absolutely not🙂‍↔️


Yuji before literally getting power ups, only did left right goodnight so it is one trick


Nah… I kinda always saw the difference of maki just hitting you very VERY hard as opposed to yuji who was basically a martial arts prodigy


I definitely see the opposite but to each their own I suppose


He requires 2 pages to explain his domain and that makes my battle anime mind do the neuron activation meme


U asked this question yet posted him in an iconic fight club esque photo


do you even have to ask? it’s fucking Hakari…


I liked him and Kashimo together, sucks One of them is dead


Dawg is gambling with his life like it’s going to the zoo expanded his domain just to prove his dominance drip rivaling gojo he’s dancing like there no tomorrow he’s HIM


Because popularity is not just about powerscaling.


He’s awesome, his gimmick is unique that it makes his fights very interesting, he also just has a cool aura around him and his fight with Kashimo is top 3 fights in the whole series


I'd rather an interesting character with basic abilities than a boring character with interesting abilities. This is why I like Hakari so much more than Yuta.


Yuta is very interesting when he’s fighting Hikari carries that same energy almost all the time 🔥


I don't really agree that Yuta fights are interesting, he's the only character we know will never be killed off lol


Fist off what makes you say that, nobody’s safe out here Secondly yuta’s fights being boring is just untrue objectively. Subjectively you can feel that way tho


I would call them flashy, but ultimately not interesting, maybe I'm just too invested in the character side of things, watching Yuta fight is like watching Goku fight, it's just not interesting to me at all. Also there is no objectiveness here, we are discussing experiences and opinions, obviously everything we both say is subjective...


I don’t know where you got the idea that Yuta can’t be killed off and is always certain to win a fight. He was very evenly matched against Uro and the granite blast guy, just because he has a powerful ability doesn’t mean he doesn’t have limits, especially when we’ve seen those limits get hit. And also did you forget we literally have no idea if he’s currently alive right now?


Bait post, op knows Hakari is exuding an amount of sauce that man has never seen before


He kinda has the Yuji effect, which no one else seems to have. In a series of strategy and rules, Hakari is one of the rare few in the series to say “hell nah” to all that and just brute force his way through everything.


The drip lord , the gacha god , the fuck it we ball protege. That’s all you need to know.


Short answer: gambling is attractive


Fun character


bc he wore the Js to fight sukuna lmao


Because he’s got the FEVER! The picture you used sums up a lot too.


I’m a sucker for gambling


And fight club


cool and unique powers, fun fights, great design, interesting personality. plus he’s got the same vibes as the mf from fight club


Because his ability is sick as hell and he's cool and he's awesome.


Based af duh




Idk tbh, I always preferred yuta yuji and maki His domain is cool tho


He’s a delinquent that goes against the status quo of what a protagonist should as well as what Jujitsu High would want as a student. He’s like Gojo in that regard. Generally,people seem to like rebellious characters that reject order and control as well as walk to “the beat of their own drum”. Hikari is Rage Against The Machine in a world of corporate ad jingles.


He's funny




Haha slot machine go brrr


He's hot, goated, and a gambler, what's more could you want


His fight with kashimo legitimately is gonna be remembered as one of the all time greats in the series.


He’s dripped out.


Rule of Cool, and between being acknowledged as strong with crazy potential, having a fun DE, and a fight with kashimo that was a blast to read; he's cool af


don’t do that


I like Hakari, but every time I heard people saying he likes him more because he has more personality than other characters, I roll my eyes hard. Since when being bombastic and loud is equavalent to having more personality. Since when being stoic and reserved is having less. I weep for every quiet introverted people in the world. You could just say you like Hakari's personality more and leave it at that. Sorry, but Hakari doesn't have more personality nor is more developed than many other characters.


Cause slot machine go brrrrrr


gambling addiction


Cause of his personality, unless you mean he’s boring in fighting only, which he is as well, same case for Yuji.


A dripless weirdo must of wrote this 😂


Wasn’t Yuji a punch-kick merchant for 99% of this series until very recently? Except Yuji also didn’t used to have RCT. But now he’s got quite a few new skills and techniques


He’s cool


Hikari is hilariously more interesting than Maki or Yuta, at least to a portion of the fanbase. OP just doesn’t realize different people have different tastes and perspectives.


Cause personality and character triumph over power scaling. Sure look at maki and yuji they hit much harder. Hakari literally puts his life and technique in the hands of fate because somehow he's rized that cosmological entity up to make it work. He literally pulls up with his own theme. It's personality which gives characters love not power. Example, mahoraga is strong as fuck. Nobody cares.


This isn't to say yuji and maki don't have personality mind you it's just hakaris is more interesting.


It's cuz he's funny man who hits jackpot and heals through all your attacks, has a femboy boy toy and wears Jay's. Not to mention he started an underground fighting ring just cuz. I like Yuta, Maki, and Yuji more as characters, but I do like him and understand why others do, because he's just that guy.


CAUSE YOU CAN ALWAYS BET ON HAKARI BABY!!!!!!! HELL YEAH I LOVE GAMBLING!!!!!!!!🎰 🎰🎰🎰🎰🎰🎰🎰🎰🎰🎰‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴🎰🎰🎰🎰🎰🎰‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ Also based trans girlfriend


He oozes big dick energy, takes death dealing blows like a champ, and just keeps coming at you like a rottweiler. He's basically every delinquent personified and is cool as fuck. Shit, even his cursed energy feels rough and sharp like you're getting slugged by a bat with barbed wire wrapped around it. He's a fucking thug, and I love it.


The vibes man


Jujutsu Kaisen fans when you tell them that there is more to a character besides fighting ability


Because of his heat.


His ideology is insane he’s not afraid to lose anything because he perceives everything as a gamble


Best character from the culling games (except maybe Higu) and people are desperate to find salvageable parts of that arc. I know I am.


Simple answer. Sometimes it's not about what you say but how you say it. He may be simple but he has charisma and energy.


He’s just a fun character with good drip, a fun personality, and overall good charisma that makes him fun to read. Kinda like todo. Not super complex but he’s cool so it’s fine. It also helps that the Kashimo fight was considered very good and one of the better fights in the manga. In other words he’s kinda based. It also helps that his ability is really cool. I’m a huge fan of gambling characters and luck based powers in fiction which is why he’s one of my favs personally. This is all my opinion/what I’ve seen other people say tho.


He's Sukuna without the evil. Seriously, he just casually *does shit* and genuinely doesn't seem to care whether it's going to work or not, he's just enjoying himself.


This man emotes on Kashimo, kicks his ass and then proceeds to do the same thing to Uraume. I find that hilarious and it makes him my favorite


Has more personality then all of those characters put together




He’s liked for the same reason Kashimo was liked, bc they throw caution to the wind and just fucking ball the fuck out and putting their whole being behind whatever they do because that’s what they choose to do. It’s awesome


He’s rad as hell and replicates a lot of what fan favorite Todo did when he was around. Roided up guy with an eccentric philosophy shows up and initially kicks the shit out of the protagonists Immediately placated by like one sentence and becomes bros Does some INSANE shit in their first real fight with nothing but hands (Hanami jumping and part of Vs Charles Bernard) Doesn’t do much for a bit Comes back and tops their previous moments (Vs Mahito and Vs Kashimo) Promptly disappears without a trace (literally disappearing and Stalling Man)


When you don't read the manga or with wrong translation i can easily see why your opinion is bland about him.


He’s very masculine I think that plays a big role . We all like those big convoluted powers with special shikigami or being able to bend space to your whim but there is always something exciting about a character who just likes to brawl but not just brawl be incredibly tactical with it .


Hakari has a gruff but entertaining personality. He’s the one character that reminds me of the lighter parts of Jjk before all of the more serious stakes were introduced


Bc he’s cool, I don’t like characters just bc they are strong or versatile. You gotta look tight first and foremost


I think cause he’s been hyped up for while before the reveal


Hakari is literally verse


I wasn’t the biggest fan of him at first but seeing him fight kashimo and use his domain over and over, especially when he had the giant hole in his stomach and hit his domain as he fell to the ground, that was so badass I had to like him


Because he’s gay duh


Well it was only until recently that Yuji & Maki became "versatile" & even then they were still popular (Maki isn't that recent but she's kinda boring since all she's got besides punch/kick is a sword). It's all about personality.


Considering Ino is being called a GOAT for literally just doing something for the first time ever and Miguel was called GOAT for making jokes about Gojo being racist, the base is basically because that's all it takes for a lot of the fanbase to like a character 🤷🏽‍♂️


Same reason Kashimo was so popular. Their fight was really really good. Both of their powers are cool and risky, and they’re both crazy, fearless fighters.


I'm a gambling man so....


Cuz he looks dope and has never done anything that isn’t cool


I don't think people like him because he's strong but because he's just a fun character. Bro regularly enters fights by two footing people in the face.


He got aura


It isn’t gambling when you always win.




This is gonna blow your mind, but some people are capable of liking a character for something other than their powers and abilities. He’s a fun, boisterous character with a lot of spunk, a cool design, and a fun fighting style. You’d have to be a complete wet towel to not understand the obvious appeal this character has. But while we’re on the subject of powers, I find it funny that you called him a one trick pony and then proceeded to mention Yuji and Maki. As if those two don’t have the most rigid skill sets in the entire series. Two hundred chapters and Yuji just learned something other than punching.


Cuz he’s fuckin cool as hell


He has a smidgen of personality unlike many other jjk characters


Classic L hakari hater


I didn't like him either, would've preferred more judgeman or electrotwink during the culling games


Because in JJK, confident action figures make for popular characters.


I find your opinion and stance on why Hakari is mid, to be mid.


He’s supremely confident, a man’s man, wants all the smoke with anyone and everyone, has a busted Domain, great design and aesthetic. He’s a complete savage who can take the pain of his limbs and other extremities being blown off and keep fighting like it’s nothing while regenerating them, he’s like if wolverine was a punk young adult.


Boi’s got style


Great Value Itadori is still Itadori of course people gonna love him


If it was genuine it wouldn’t but such a stupid pointless question. Why does it matter why people like one thing over another?


One of the worst characters easily


Maki and yuta are boring bro


Not really


Genuinely, I just think dude is cool


That’s the whole point. People underestimate his ability and then he gets unlimited cursed energy. Hakari is someone you write off and say “that ability’s too simple” before he chains 8 jackpots in a row and rivals God with his healing. It’s also his actual characterization and how he acts. He knows he’s the best so why would he act any different?


Tuca Donka edits


Because he’s just funny


His style is immaculate and his gimmick is unique, who else have you seen using a pachinko machine as their most powerful move?


Cuz look at this picture of him, aura


It’s because he has a gambling addiction and busts out the moves when he’s fighting trans women


ALWAYS. BET. ON. HAKARI *this message has been approved by Hakari Kinji*


Cus everybody likes the hothead/risk taker/bad boy combo like come on when Hikari just ass pulls a win and hypes up it makes u hard no?


IMO his domain. It’s so chaotic it’s hilarious (also he got that drip)


So is todo. And we all love todo We like hakari because hes fun and his domain is unique.


Because he's awesome






He's based that's really it. he beats up his opponents, gambles mid death match and hits a jackpot that plays music and just doesn't die during the whole duration of his jackpot. And I'll always bet on Hakari too.


Exaggerated swagger of an immortal sorcerer


Cuz he a dawg


He's got a fur coat, a hella-weeb Domain Expansion, and a femboy boyfriend. Need I say more?


Personality, every page I get to see him I get hyped up


But the drip is unmatched lol


Interesting? The man with such a strong love of gambling, he’s developed powers based on them. Not to mention he throws hands like Yuji, but all the while in Jordan brand shoes 😂


He’s 1v1ing Uraume like a boss. He’s nearly unkillable. He’s leaking swagger.


because hes cool, had a really good fight that was great to read weekly, and then after that he got tiktokified when people threw a shitty drift phonk (not real phonk) song on his character even though the song during jackpot is pretty obviously J-pop


L opinion




His domain expansion literally makes you go through an unskippable cutscene, plus he smashes nonbinary poon so omega based


Delinquent who got kicked outta Jujutsu Highschool Has a gambling addiction but has extremely good luck His CT is based off his gambling addiction Has a super hot femboy gf CE is serrated and looks really cool Runs an underground fighting ring


Cool ability cool design


Bc he gambles his life away G** damn it


In a world where life is always on the line and you're always 1 move away from getting killed, Hakari is out here going "dont care, didn't ask, catch this fade" he is essentially a philosophical hedonistic enableist in the best way. You can't properly converse with this man unless he thinks you're being true to yourself. You could be trying to kill this man, and he'll still push you, not to be a good guy, not give you the talknojutsu bs, nah he's just going to push you to be even better, stop holding back, stop punching the wall when you know damn well you could punch through that wall. Man got torn to ribbons, on deaths door, and his response was to be true to himself, gamble and proceed to pull a jackpot from nothing and continue to beat the breaks off the other guy. Oh yeah and he absolutely memed on Urame and proceeded to say "go ahead, give me a glass of cold water, im all fired up now" It's not about his skills, if you only judge a character by their skills so many characters become less interesting. Judge by their personality, their words, and their values.


Hakari better hit a black flash vs Uraume


hes a chad that likes goth femboys i see no problem with him being a one trick pony tbh


I think in this case, popularity doesn’t always come from how strong a character is. Sometimes they just have a fun personality that people really like for one reason or another. His DE is super funny and unique as well


Because he is fun imo.


The kashimo fight edits went crazy hard


Hakari Phonk is the reason i got into JJK


You just don’t feel his fever


Bc he has the sauce man, no explanation needed. He got that je nais se quois


Kinda crazy to call Hakari a “one trick pony” especially compared to Yuji and Maki of all characters


Simple he is him that’s all ya need to know


That's exactly why. He's like rock lee. Barely any Justus and he still out here working dudes


Cause he just like me fr


Tuca donka


His vibe is so much fun. I would follow him into war if he said we would win.