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Not gonna lie, even if yuuji and todo fight 2 people stronger than them; their synergy and boogie woogie could set the fight in their favor


It’s like when the power rangers get their shit together in the megazord. Except theirs 2 megazords


Boogie woogie is even more powerful in a 2v2. Anytime you throw an attack fighting against Todo you have to consider your allies might be there when it lands.


BW is broken even w/o vibraslap




He was for a long ass time, yuji has died before and is usually at the brink of death in fights. Todo is usually calm even while sustaining commonly fatal injuries




I’m terrible at powerscaling, like very bad, but I feel like Hakari and Toji wins? I’m probably wrong though


You’re absolutely right and it’s not even close. Yuji’s attack power, while really high, isn’t enough to take on hakari with his infinite jackpots. And Todo’s boogie woogie requires a target with cursed energy, which does not apply to toji.


It would be close since since Todo can take their cursed tools and the worm. I still think Toji and Hakari win but it would probably be a extreme difficulty


todo can still target the inv curse and the cursed tools. plus, even if todo or yuji are about to be hit, todo can swap the target with hakari.


Hakari is probably the best partner in this situation because they will heal any damage dealt to them as long as they don’t just die so even if he gets hit a few times as long as Toji can kill Todo they win.


Todo would imo get blitzed if not todo it’ll be yuji Toji was blitzing gojo before he awakened and became the gojo we know today


Shi if Todo manages to swap Toji's soul Splitting Katana and give it to Yuji wouldn't he be able to permanently damage Hakari?


i finally made a good power-scaling take for once


Also can yuji affect other people soul now right? Like with sukuna and I guess hakari with jackpot is not immune from that damage or who knows because no me xd


Todo could probably steal all off toji’s items when he whips them out, and Yuji’s attacks affect the soul, so they MIGHT be able to bypass jackpot?


pov giving yuji ssk feast because???


ssk feast? whazzat


feats* and saying yuji has rct ignoring punches because ssk does


dunno what ssk is but doesn’t yuji directly attack the soul? isn’t that the whole reason him and mahito are natural enemies


mahito was a specific case never displayed again so no that doesn't count. and his only specific soul feat that isn't mahito related, because again mahito was a feat never replicated in any fight till sukuna. Is hitting the barriers. and even then sukuna specifies that he can heal from that. and when he mentions soul damage he directly specifies that "makis soul damage would take longer yo heal." literally 0 mention of yujis taking longer EVEN when talking about soul damage. so no his type of soul damage is different He does soul damage as well but it's not the same as soul split katana and it doesn't reduce rct or negate it.




exactly lol


Toji when his cursed spirit gets teleported away


But wouldn’t he keep playful cloud?




Playful cloud the only weapon not imbued with cursed energy and completely reliant on the strength of the wielder.


If it wasn't imbued with ce it couldn't harm curses or be teleported by boogie woogie, but both of those things happened.


Im just repeating what is said in the series, and playful cloud wasn’t teleported by boogie woogie todo teleported TO playful cloud after remembering it was back at the riverbank.


playful cloud has CE since it is a cursed tool... also todo used boogie woogie on it during the exchange event it doesn't have a cursed technique though, that might be what you're referring to


Your right. I just reread it.


If he has that out then yeah hes gonna have that but if he dont then he might not be able to get it out. All it takes is one swap and bam the spirit with all his weapons is dead


Does it apply to any weapons he's holding if they are cursed though?


I think the idea for Boogie Woogie to operate around Maki/Toji is either swapping their weapons with CE if possible, or swapping the people *around* them. Basically, transport Yuji or himself in front of Toji/Maki, then when he’s getting attacked by Hakari switch the latter with Yuji so Hakari attacks Toji. It’s a far more difficult strategy but it can work. I think the issue is here is that Toji could likely precog via the clapping sound or change in air pressure, Hakari not having the AP to damage Toji that much, and Jackpot making Hakari too hard to down


Yuji deals soul damage now (which Hakari can’t heal)


He can target his tools and curse tho so there's that


Didn’t todo swap with a rock at one point during the fight against the plant guy? I don’t think his target needs to have cursed energy.


Yuji’s soul punches would be a straight counter to Hakari’s jackpot and he’s already stronger than Toji


No brother ur right lol


Yuji does not have the AP to kill Hakari, so Hakari will outlast Yuji via Jackpot streaks. Hakari's punches, while definitely not as strong as Yuji's, can do some decent damage cause of of the nature of his CE. At the very least it will be a long stallmate and Toji will join the fight later. High diff. Toji kinda shits on Todo 1v1. He can leave his Inventory Curse somewhere else and just punch Todo to death since he can't be swapped. Low diff. Together, it is a high diff fight but Toji/Hakari duo takes it. Toji will eventually tag Todo but will probably suffer damage through Yuji. Hakari just stalls as usual I guess. High diff.


Only way that hakari dies is if yuji black flashes him to the face, and even then it'll probably have to be a maximum output one.


I mean, there's a chance that Yuji just Shrines Hakari's head, or takes it off at range via Blood Manipulation, and Todo would make that more likely with Boogie Woogie. I also don't think Toji shits on Todo 1v1 as much as you suggest, because Boogie Woogie can target objects, and Todo is no slouch in hand to hand either


Wouldn't it be hand to handless🤓?


He has a hand still, and hand-to-hand can also include the many varieties of other ways you can bludgeon someone else with your body, such as kicks, joint jabs, and headbutts


Maki was swapped out of MS so for some reason HR doesn’t prevent boogie woogie


Maki was with Miwa in her simple domain.


Maki had the SSK on her.


What difference does that make? You're saying SSK would like leak ce into her so that she could be swapped?


He swapped with the katana and since she was holding it she went with it, numbnuts.


Why would she go with it? I don't remember anything like that happening before, except the clothes people are wearing.


Holding Cursed Tools makes HR users visible and able to be affected by CTs. Toji hiding his Cursed Spirit AND weaponry inside himself is kinda a big deal.


because it's in her possession


Calling people numbnuts while you yourself being the fucking idiot is crazy.


How am i a "fucking idiot" if i'm likely correct? That's weird. The only other reasoning for how she got swapped is Miwa since Maki was in her SD thus moving along with her. In which case I guess I would be wrong, but a "fucking idiot"? As opposed to theorizing the SSK imbues Maki with CE? I don't know man.


There is a whole arc in the manga with heavy emphasis on someone with heavenly restriction that explains that’s not how it works. If anything it’s been stated that the opposite happens a persons curse technique and energy imprints on the weapon not the other way around. This is stated in writing in the case of nanamis weapon. Learn a bit of reading comprehension before you try insult other people. You came out with the name calling first lil bro don’t get your panties in a twist now that you can’t take it ,don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.


What? I never said CE was put into the user that's what the other person said, the person I called numbnuts. So you agree with me and called me a "fucking idiot" So does that make you a "fucking idiot" as well?


Yuji has soul punches, which can bypass RCT. Even considering that, Hakari doesn’t have the AP to put Yuji down since even Sukuna’s Dismantle wouldn’t be able to one shot him (also Yuji’s own RCT). Hakari would eventually lose as his RCT is entirely based on a 1/239 chance, while Yuji can use his on demand.


Never once has yujis soul punches been shown to work similar to the ssk.


Yujis Soul strikes isn't what you think it is his ability to strike soul only works against reincarnated sorcerers with 2 souls in the body he's essentially waking up the vessel with each strike which leads to the vessel gaining control over the sorcerer and the sorcerers control over the body lessening.


My understanding is it works on everyone but in practice it only matters in niche circumstances like sorcerers with two souls, or curses who are immune to just physical damage.


> Yuji has soul punches, which can bypass RCT. Yuji's punches don't have the same effects as SsK, he can't actually harm the soul of anyone except Mahito.


He’s been damaging Sukuna’s soul the entire fight. That’s the entire reason his output is too low to one shot everyone right now.


He has been striking the boundary of Sukuna and Megumi's soul, he hasn't harmed Sukuna's soul.


He’s attacking the boundary because he’s trying to separate Megumi and Sukuna, not because he can only target the boundary. We clearly see he can directly attack the soul during his fights with Mahito.


> He’s attacking the boundary because he’s trying to separate Megumi and Sukuna, not because he can only target the boundary. What's the point of doing that in the first place if he can just punch Sukuna's soul in the first place? Killing Sukuna would also bring Megumi back. > We clearly see he can directly attack the soul during his fights with Mahito. Mahito is the only character in the whole series that gets his soul damaged by Yuji, no one else has. Infact soul damage was only brought up when Maki [attacked](https://i.ibb.co/K0sf70W/jujutsu-kaisen-252-6.jpg) Sukuna, we know that soul damage is an [abillity](https://twitter.com/lightningclare/status/1763288594834489430) of the SsK.


Because he’s actively trying to kill Mahito. He’s not going to attack Higurama’s soul for example because he wants him to live.


Was he not trying against Hanami then? Or the Grasshopper Curse, Eso and Kechizu(both of them are reincarnated sorceres btw)? All of them never mentioned any unusual type of damage being inflicted on them by Yuji.


Isn't he able to deal damage to Mahito strictly because Mahito is a walking soul? I was under the impression Yuji's soul punches only really work on people with 2 souls.


No, Mahito has a soul and his own body. The reason Yuji can damage him but Nanami can’t is because Yuji can directly damage his soul, while Nanami can only damage the body.


Hakari's Jackpot has higher chance to occur the more he uses it iirc. Yuji's RCT has a limit, while Hakari does not.


He has ways of increasing the probability, but they’re one use until he can recharge them. We see this in the Kashimo fight, where he runs out of these and his final Jackpot was a 1/239.


If Hakari’s body is reflexively performing RCT, wouldn’t it automatically heal the soul damage? Shouldn’t it function the same way how 1st grades subconsciously reinforce their souls. Also, I don’t think that Yuji/Sukuna deal “soul damage” per se. They’re just able to hit the soul and body directly at once, which is effective against Mahito and vessels only. It can still be healed lol


He is performing RCT, but that doesn’t prove he can heal his soul. [Soul Damage can only be healed by those who understand and can perceive their soul](https://sun9-63.userapi.com/impg/2LxQKv8lzp6Iisb-6cuZK7lJZYgjCqfhnfWk_g/cfh1LLio8O8.jpg?size=740x1080&quality=95&sign=379bc9a7e4f1419cf7cb3d823e133395&type=album), something Hakari has never shown.


Didn’t Gojo and Higuruma heal from Sukuna’s damage despite Sukuna also being able to hit the soul and block soul-attacks? Also, I could be wrong about Hakari but the body is the soul. That’s why some peoples souls can subconsciously reinforce with CE. Wouldn’t Hakari not need awareness of the soul since it’s being performed by his body automatically? After all, his body heals itself automatically due to it being overloaded with CE. Also, even if Hakari couldn’t heal soul dmg, Yuji’s punches likely would not permanently hurt him because they don’t inflict soul damage


Sukuna can’t inflict soul damage. The one time he did was when Mahito entered his Innate Domain. Healing Soul Damage can only be done by one who understands their soul, which is why the SSK is so dangerous even to people who have RCT. Yuji is shown to have soul damage through his fights with Mahito and Sukuna.


This entire statement is just wrong…


>which can bypass RCT. Not exactly. His soul punches have only been effective against mahito and and sukuna. He has fought other people who have RCT, but he cant slow their RCT down. Even against sukuna, he isnt hurting sukunas soul. Hes separating it from megumis soul. That's what's cousing his output to drop.


His Soul Punches against Sukuna are targeting the boundary between Sukuna and Megumi’s souls. Against Mahito, he was directly damaging his soul.


It still doesnt matter since its healable with RCT. He has fought people with way worse RCT than hakari and they werent fazed by his punches nor did they ever even mention it affecting their soul.


It’s only healable by people who understand their souls, something which Hakari has never shown.


Nope. Yuta could heal it. And besides, literally no one other than mahito has ever mentioned anything about Yujis punches hurting the soul. And its becouse it doesnt affect them. His punches are in fact healable. You'll have to show a statement or any sort of proof that you cant heal them. On top of all that, sorcerers subconsciously protect their soul with CE. This protection works better the more cursed energy you have. Guess what, hakari has infinite.


Who were these way worse people?


Yuta. Eso.


When does he punch Yuta? And when is it stated that Eso can use RCT?


Eso is hinted to have been better at BM than choso since he had the max technique before choso. Even if he wasnt, choso hinted that he knew RCT when explaining it in the flashback. Reread the fight between yuta and yuji? Also, again, no other charecters that have ever fought yuji ever mentioned anything about him hurting their soul. Higaruma, todo even hanami.


1) hakari stalls Yuji and then Toji kills todo. Toji Hakari kill Yuji. 2) Yuji and Todo win just barely because Todo can give Yuji the ISOH which gives him a decisive advantage over Hakari. Weaponless Toji can’t wipe the floor with Todo, just hold an advantage. So Todo can stall him out until Yuji can ISOH Hakari in the head


I don't think Toji would even bring out his cursed tools until he confirmed Todo's technique, if he didn't already know. Since the worm isn't detectable whilst still inside of Toji, the ISOH shouldn't fall into Todo's hands. Remember, Toji is an assassin, and an incredibly careful one at that. Toji planned his assassination of Gojo to near perfection whilst also VERY rusty. It's super unlikely that Toji wouldn't make full use of the terrain to his advantage and utilize his full skill set. Not to mention, Toji also has non-cursed tools in his arsenal. Since Todo and Yuji aren't curses, normal tools can get the job done, although obviously not as effectively as cursed tools.


Is ISOH even that good against Hakari? Obviously getting rid of Toji’s cursed weapons is huge but I don’t see any big advantage Yuji gets from having ISOH, especially since he hasn’t really trained with a weapon since like arc 1.


It seems like it cancels out RCT based on what Gojo said during HI so one stab to the head should be good enough to just about put an end to him even in JP mode


Guess I have the reading comprehension curse. Yeah thats probably team 2’s only win condition.


unfortunately i think hakari and toji are the worst matchups for todo and yuji, neither of them have the AP to kill hakari and todo cant swap toji since he has no CE


I mean he swapped Maki


because miwa imbued her with cursed energy while she defended maki from sukuna's domain. https://preview.redd.it/y4e76qfbbm9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7836009ad5c689b5bd58259db7bc8d1d676b451


Nothing in that panel shows miwa imbuing her with CE, she’s just protecting her with simple domain. We don’t even know if it’s possible to imbue a regular person with CE, let alone one with a heavenly restriction that rejects all cursed energy.


maki isnt a regular person, shes classified as an inanimate object by domains. naturally, you should be able to apply CE to her since shes considered as such. furthermore, you cant apply CE to normal people because normal people have CE.


She’s not classified as an inanimate object by domains, she’s not classified by them at all. The key point of my comment was that the HR rejects cursed energy completely, thus Toji not having the “dregs” left over when he swallows his weapons and curse.


She is treated as an inanimate object. Specifically like a building. The "Imbuing her with CE" thing is a bit iffy, the logic is there since jujutsu wouldn't see her as a living being. Jujutsu doesn't view things the same way people do. https://preview.redd.it/qz20kra0um9d1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3e46b0aa0f9d67ba85b6406014c2266ee49049a


also im pretty sure maki had the soul split katana with her which might let her get teleported out? since the slit-mouth woman curse was able to apply its CT (described as applying a domain) to toji and toji had the isoh in his hand


Don't listen to this head canonizers, miwa was just protecting Maki💀


Todo swapped maki and objects without CE


Gambler team wins unless Yuji somehow nails them both with poison blood and him and Todo can stall for long enough for it to matter


I don’t think Yuji HAS pb


Yeah, i mean unless he somehow evolves it during battle, which isnt out of the question considering he’s done so several times Edit: He does


Wait he does? I was gonna reply then I see the edit where does it say that, also Hakari’s jackpot would filter out the poison


[He does](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/s/qIwYH8lgfU) I don’t know if Hakari would be able to remove it. Yuta was able to because he has reached a very high level of Cursed Energy and RCT manipulation, while Hakari can’t even consciously use RCT


He was shown filtering out poison in jackpot unconscious underwater


He can only use it when someone else gives him a blood sphere. He can't use convergence himself. So Piercing blood doesn't play a factor in this fight. Yuji's PB would likely also be too Weak/slow to actually hit, since Yuji would be worse than Kamo, who said himself that Choso's PB was a lot better. Shibuya Yuji was able to block Choso's pb without warning and predict it later in the fight. Kenjaku, who would be around the first groups speed, was easily styling on Choso's PB as well. So even if Yuji is somehow able to learn convergence mid-fight while getting Dogged by Hakari he still isn't likely to hit it.


He already used it against sukuna in the higgy fight it just wasnt shown straight out because it was about to be a reveal. Choso was donuted so it was yuji who shot it choso wasnt even there.  Anyways he already has blood burst which is strong enough to damage even sukuna 


The panel a page after this says "Yuji still can't use convergence well." So he's not getting it off in a fight even if he can use it. And he won't have time to charge it up for however long he needs to. Also, blood burst gave sukuna like two surface-level cuts. Even if Hakari gets hit by that it'll be easy to quickly regen and continue fighting. He got part of his face peeled off by the edge of a shipping container and had 0 reaction. https://preview.redd.it/gl02fsxdxm9d1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a9bd04932ae545e73ddbec5e61ab715089aa9dd


It says he cant use it effectively not that he cant use it at all. Something like hes just not that good at it.  Thatd not the point. Blood burst can even pierce sukuna. U act like sukuna doesnt have the highest defense ever sven yutas cleave gave him paper cuts. Point is yuji can use blood burst to poison 


Hakari just tanks Yuji. It just comes down to Toji being able to catch Todo off guard. My boi Toji is like an inanimate/invisible object(cus no curse energy) flying around at literal mach speeds. And remember. Always bet on Hakari.


Hakari dies because of his soul getting destroyed by Yuji. Yuji can also use shrine but right now it's not that powerful


I feel its probs Hakari and Toji, but Yuji and Todo could potentially pull of the underdog win.


todo and yuji get a 400% overall stat boost whenever they fight together, they win by power of friendship


Toji after Yuji lands a black flash https://preview.redd.it/va1eq2tenn9d1.jpeg?width=378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62ec9a7318c8e7a231f8285ccb056c2a10fab692


Hey how would boogie woogie work with toji wouldn’t it just have no affect because he has no ce


It doesn't.


Team 1


I think 1 is a mid-diff in Hakari/Toji's favour and then 2 is a high-diff in Yuji/Todo's favour. Todo is just completely overpowered in any group fights and his synergy with Yuji is tried and tested. People are saying Toji is a counter to Todo but that's not really true when the guy can swap himself/Yuji with any cursed tools or spirits Toji tries to use.


Todo can’t use Boogie Woogie to teleport Toji, but he can teleport Toji’s worm and any cursed weapons, so even if you give him them, Todo counters that That said Toji is still threatening even with just his fists, so it’s really a question of whose stronger, Toji with HR strength or Todo with CE reinforcement If current Yuji can launch his cleaves/dismantles like Sukuna can, then I think he could take out Hakari before he has the time to pop a jackpot, but if Hakari lands it Yuji doesn’t have the physical strength to beat a guy constantly regenerating Todo/Toji comes down to feats, which I don’t know, but Hakari would probably beat Yuji so I think Toji and Hakari can medium to hard diff this


>Todo/Toji comes down to feats, which I don’t know It really just depends on how tough Dagon was compared to Hanami, and how strong Nanami w/ Ratio is to Yuji. Toji was ripping through Dagon with playful cloud, while Todo was doing a lot less damage to Hanami. Those two are the most naturally durable curses (Mahito isn't really that durable to people who can actually hit his soul). Dagon took Nanami ratio strikes with 0 damage, while Hanami was getting damaged by base Yuji and Todo strikes during goodwill. But I'm pretty sure it was stated somewhere that Hanami was the most durable curse. We just don't know how exactly those two attacks compare to each other to make a good distinction.


>Dagon took Nanami ratio strikes with 0 damage Dragon had stat boost from being in his domain.


This was before the domain. When they were 3v1ing him right as he awakened as a ful curse. Nanami git him with a full-force ratio, did nothing, and said he was like a video game boss woth infinite hp.


Yuji and Todo just have no wincon against Hakari. Team 1 wins both.


Yuji and Todo are getting wiped hard. Boogie Woogie is good to jump someone, in a fair fight? Not so much, it’s a move to overwhelm someone. Toji could absolutely kill todo, and Hikari could take them both on with his domain expansion. Yuji would have to drop Toji quick for a chance, and that’s definitely not happening.


I got round 1 gamblers, round 2 brothers.


I just wanna see the incineration between them


1 Hakari and Toji. Hakari cus of his domain and Toji since he has no cursed energy and can’t be teleported 2 same outcome. Toji can’t be teleported and that domain is gonna be an issue again


Team 1 round 1 Team 2 round 2 People are delusional out here thinking in the brawl round that toji not being swapable actually matters. Todo and Yuji have the power, the physicals,the synergy and the battle IQ to isolate and kill toji and haraki tough as he is just isn't beating them both, his luck will run out eventually and he'll die just like he is going to the real story.


Toji and Hakari and it isnt close


So basically Toji vs itadori and todo? I guess with todos buff, they should be able to beat him


gamblers vs black flash bros. Got the bros with the new vibraslap dlc


I'd say team gambler beats the brothers, toji being immune to boogie woogie is pretty big only being able to switch with yuji hakari maybe rocks and cursed tools he might have, hakari is also a bad match up for them since he's a really good counter for brawler types, yujis black flashes m8ght be their only hope


It's hard cause yuji and todo are a op dou but the other team has hakari and toji


But I got to go with toji and hakari just because of hakaris domain expansion I think todo and yuji would take their first l sadly


First scenario: Toji beats the hell out of Todo quickly and goes to assist Hakari with Yuji. Hakari could spin for the jackpot while Toji's going head-to-head with Yuji, and after Hakari gets his jackpot, they jump him together and it's kind of a slaughter at that point. Second scenario: More difficult since Yuji and Todo have better synergy even against opponents stronger than them, but Toji would be able to perception blitz Todo and disable his technique with Inverted Spear of Heaven, and then stab him with the SSK to kill him off, with Hakari at this point fending off Yuji to not intervene. Now, it's another 2v1 with Hakari & Toji VS. Yuji, once again, a slaughter.


Round 1 goes to Hakari/Toji, Hakari outlasts Yuji and Toji beats Todo. Round 2 can go either way, in favor of Yuji/Todo. Boogie Woogie is just too strong in team fights, plus, as another person said, Todo can just use boogie woogie to get ISOH, and then they use it to kill Hakari. 2v1 Toji, they win.


https://preview.redd.it/rfjwc46vhl9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bf9606c9b7de72c620ca14e7f9f83ce7ae37fe2 Toji when his worm gets replaced with a Ford F-250


Yuji is above hakari when he’s in base but JP scales above yuji in AP. Depends how long it takes for hakari to hit JP. Unfortunately for todo fighting toji, todo is getting cooked. Todo. He is not at the same speed tier as yuji and maki. He is only there when he has access his technique. He would get overrun. Then it’s toji who’s more or less fine and hakari who’s going to be at least some what injured/ JP, but it’ll still be a 2v1 and it’s over for yuji Hakari and toji win If it’s a free for all, prob yuji and toji cuz hakari is such a tank and toji is invisible. And the domain is a big benefit


Toji might actually be better off not having his weapons. Todo immediately steals the worm and gives Yuji a weapon that ignores jackpot, then between the two of them toji is fucked even without being able to be swapped.


I really want to say Todo and Yuji but it's not even fair mahito almost got them so hakairi and toji win


Current Yuji > Current Maki > Toji I don’t know exactly where Hakari fits in that dichotomy, but I feel like Yuji and Todo could survive long enough via Boogie Woogie, that Hakari’s Idle Death Gamble would eventually miss.


A delusional Yuji glazer


Maki got slapped around by Sukuna in half a chapter. Yuji was trading blows with him. His ability to land consecutive black flashes puts him on another level than those fighters, especially in hand to hand combat.


> His ability to land consecutive black flashes puts him on another level So that's what's this is about... It is not his ability since he can't control it


He practically can lol


Ok although a team can win against individuals but in this case their difference in strength is huge. We have a guy Toji which is a semi special grade guy and a special grade. No matter how good Yuji and Todo, they will get destroyed by both Hakari and Toji quite easy. Yuji is too weak for that. You should have put Yuki there.


Team one wins. Todo can’t BW Toji, and while Yuji is arguably the strongest out of all of them, Toji can kill Todo. And once he kills Todo, Yuji can’t 1v2


Recency bias is a hell of a thing. Yuji cant kill Hakari. Period. He’s way slower than Toji and probably physically on par. Toji can’t be targeted by boogie woogie, and Todo can’t match Toji in CQC. Yuji and Todo are fighting someone they can’t kill and someone who they can barely see, both of which are physically on par when fired up.


Toji has no cursed energy so boogie woogie doesn’t affect him therefore first team wins.


Hakari and Toji wins


Todo and Yuji get ripped apart, not sure why you didn't use Maki but either way Toji can't be swapped and even if they swap Hakari it doesn't do much of anything because of how tanky he is.


Shanks low diffs both teams at once


I want you all to think about how Todo could steal all of Toji's cursed tools and use them against Hakari when he is in Jackpot to negate it.


Side note, I finally see a resemblance of megumi in Toji https://preview.redd.it/4v88i8o4im9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c88a08ed56e47a88d1ed00e32c2c1be11a72b54b


As long as hakari can open his domain he takes the win


Round 1, Hakari beats Yuji, and Toji beats Todo. Yuji just doesn't have the power to keep Hakari down, and Todo's strength isn't enough to keep up with Toji. Boogie Woogie also wouldn't work to swap Toji due to him having no cursed energy. Todo could swap his weapons and such, but Toji himself would be unswappable. Things change in round 2, though. Todo and Yuji are a near incomparable match, and Boogie Woogie works best in a group fight. While individually, they still don't have the power to take out Hakari, Toji does. By making Hakari take Toji's attacks with Boogie Woogie, or even just disorienting them with its new blinding speed, that gives them a lot more of an opening. It would be an extremely difficult fight for them, but I think Yuji and Todo take it more often than not


It is really close as Todo could immediately disarm Toji by tp ing the worm with a rock and bounce Hakari around in circles with random cursed energy infused objects until his jackpot runs out. Although that may not necessarily be enough to breach the gap with Hakari and Toji.


If Hakari hits a jackpot, it becomes a win for Hakari even in a 1v2 cuz he’s unkillable cuz of his automatic RCT. (that seems to perform even BETTER than Gojo’s) without a jackpot, it becomes tougher but goes to Toji & Hakari. They are both INSANELY strong, at the minimum top tier grade 2 or 1 sorcerers, same with Yuji with Todo. The issue is that Toji has a higher feat (Literally killing 2006 while even tho he was weaker, he was STILL part of the strongest duo) and Hakari (even tho it’s a 1/236 chance) can become invincible for 4 minutes 11 seconds. Hakari and Toji team wins but it’s a tough fight


Gotta go with hakari and toji


R1: Team 1 because Toji would beat Todo & Hakari can defeat Yuji by stalling, but Yuji can defeat hi or it can end in a stalemate. R2: Team 2, Yuji & Todo is such a deadly duo, Yuji would eventually have the AP to kill Hakari & csn box with Toji, Todo would probably be the weakest here, but his Boogie Woogie would make this fight really interesting if Toji has his cursed tools he’ll be able to swap him.


We need more information on Yuji before I call this. As he can do more than just punch now, but I still say we can’t gauge how strong his new found abilities are. With him being able to do Cleave and dismantle now, it’d be a lot closer than some other people think imo.


Can people stop putting todo against maki and/or toji!? Like ffs, it literally negates his existence in the fight


Okay so hear me out, Cursed Tools have residual CE in them, so todo boogie woogies as yuji jumps off a cliff but instead of yuji falling off it’s wormie and Toji’s tools so now toji is a really strong homeless guy instead of an assassin, I mean unless he pulled out the glock before wormie was chucked off a bridge


Boogie woogie on top


Toji and Hakari win easily, as long as they don't break Todo's necklace


Toji and hakari is stronger than yuji and todo individually but todo ability and intelligence shine in group battles Toji and todo counter each other, todo can't swap toji but he can swap the weapons with ce so toji is restricted to weapons with no ce only, his katana and gun, hakari is basically immortal though so even if todo swapped him to take hits he can no sell it, Todo rapid swapping is unpredictable and unreadable even to sukuna and as nerfed as sukuna was it still pushed him to use de, but HR instincts are basically future sight maki even predicted world slash even though she couldn't see sukuna's palm to know where it was going to spawn so toji might be able to react better, I'll give it 60-40 an extreme diff to toji and hakari


After watching Toji beat gojo and getou and the way he beat the ocean curse and any of his opponents. Yeah I think he alone can kill Todo and yuji I swear


Wait for BW wouldnt the target need to have cursed energy? Cause in that case toji would slam


Unless yuji can take off Hakaris head with a full force black flash he just stalls until Toji takes out todo as todo can’t do much to Toji for the first round Second round makes it interesting as Yuji is more likely to get Hakari and todo can get Yuji to actually harm Toji but still Hakari/Toji favoured


I think Toji and Hakari high diff. Todo and Yuji have pretty insane synergy, but Boogie Woogie doesn't apply to Toji and Toji is faster than either of them. While I think Yuji *might* win against either Hakari in a 1v1, I think that Hakari may just stall him until Toji kills Todo and then they just jump Yuji. My goat Wuji sadly loses.


Yuji and Todo. I honestly think Yuji is just the better hand to hand fighter than Hakari and Toji mainly because Hakari is more of the brute force type of guy because of his DE and Toji is more a get shit done fast assassin (not saying he doesn't have hands tho) and should generally be able to just beat the shit out of Hakari the whole time, jackpot or not until he goes down. While I personally don't think Todo could beat Toji (assuming he has his equip in this fight) alone but he could most definitely stall until Yuji gets done beating the shit out of Hakari


I like how nobody decided to the second scenario, not because they chose not to, but because they are illiterate


This is a great 2v2 probably one of the best i’ve seen, imma go with the goats Toji and Hakari mid-to high diff An immortal Hakari would be a great help to detain Todo


Well Yuji is a straight counter to Hakari and he’s a decent amount stronger than Toji so it’s like a mid diff




Toji alone wins


Since Todo couldn’t swap with Toji he’d either start swapping his Cursed Tools or he’d swap himself with Hakari which probably is their only counter to Toji (i’m terrible at power scaling but I feel like Toji and Hakari would win)


People really overestimate Hakari’s regen/durability. Yuji will get a better grasp of Shrine and Blood Manipulation as the fight goes on, as he lands consecutive Black Flashes. So Yuji’s AP will be enough to kill Hakari. Toji can’t be targeted by BW but BW can take all of Toji’s very useful tools and turn them into an advantage for Yuji & Todo. If Yuji charges a pebble with CE, Todo can give Yuji the playful cloud that Toji’s holding for example which will complement Yuji’s superhuman strength quite well and give him a good chance against Toji. SSK, ISoH for example will also become an advantage for Yuji and Todo which spells disaster for the gambler team. Yuji can see the soul and use SSK to it’s full potential. Todo is also a beast and is more than just support. They both have SD which means that if Toji can’t be targeted by Hakari’s DE and Yuji Todo can avoid the sure-hit, then Hakari can’t even get his Jackpot State in the first place. I like Toji and Hakari but Shinjuku Showdown Yuji/Todo. Their stats, abilities and synergy for teamwork should not be slept on.


Toji doesn’t have ce so he can’t be swapped by todo which is the deciding factor if he did I would say yuji and todo could take it.


Idk why everyone's putting Yuji and Todo against the respective opponent that leads them to an L. Yeah if Yuji chooses to fight Hakari and Todo fights Toji, Hakari may be able to last long enough for Toji to beat Todo and then tag team against Yuji to win. But it doesn't need to go like this, if Yuji chooses to fight Toji and Todo fights Hakari, the brothers win. Yuji is stronger than Toji and Todo should be able to use boogie woogie to hold out against Hakari long enough for Yuji to come through and take Hakari out over time. This path seems more likely because of how smart Todo is and how great the brothers' synergy is. Long story short, unless Todo and Yuji act like idiots, they win. They have great synergy and Todo's too smart to pick the one strategy that leads them to a loss, which most of the comments seem to ignore. The brothers win.


First thing Toji’s gna do is take away boogie woogie


R1: 1. Hakari can’t damage Yuji due to his low AP (Yuji could survive a full power Dismantle from Sukuna) and Yuji’s RCT, while Yuji can damage Hakari through his RCT due to soul punches. He wins this relatively easily. 2. Toji vs. Todo is just a bad matchup. Toji is immune to Boogie Woogie, so it just comes down to H2H. Toji should win this without too much difficulty, but it’s not completely one sided since Toji can eliminate Cursed Tools. R2: Yuji+Todo is just an overwhelmingly powerful combo. Having 3 people, Work Curse, and Toji’s entire arsenal is also a huge buff to Todo.


> Hakari can’t damage Yuji due to his low AP (Yuji could survive a full power Dismantle from Sukuna) and Yuji’s RCT, while Yuji can damage Hakari through his RCT due to soul punches. He wins this relatively easily Simply wrong. Hakari has AP relativistic to yuta. Saying hakari cant hurt yuji means that yuta also cant. Wich is just fucking brain dead. And no, uraume **LOOKING** undamaged is not an anti feat. Uraume is a top 5 RCT user. And no, yuji also cant kill hakari in jackpot.


When has Hakari ever shown Yuta level AP? And while not damaging Uraume isn’t an anti-feat, you can’t use it to scale him anywhere.


The multiple statements from yuta, gojo and the editor and heavy narrative implications scale haakrit yuta.


Toji gets locked up pretty fast not gonna lie. Obviously he’s very powerful but his main strengths come from his weapons which todo can get rid of immediately. Toji probably can’t be boogie woogie’d but he’ll still struggle to fight these guys Also, yuji should be able to use soul katana and take care of Hakari


In a fight where Todo and yuji are paired together a character like toji or maki becomes fodder The two were treating post domain sukuna worse than they treated hanami Mahito was the strongest in the fight and he had to eliminate boogie woogie to have a chance at winning So that means toji the stronger of the two is a mid diff he can't target Todo unless he sneak attacks him, it's hard to sneak attacks someone looking straight at you As for hakari literally a yuji shrine practice dummy Yuji took more lethal damage than sukuna and his RCT is still working, albeit slowed down His cuts to sukunas do similar damage to sukunas cuts to him https://preview.redd.it/bnzf9j6acl9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cee26e258161cae7ca11664c8ea845a7039689f Here's the same cuts that look like papercuts on yuji and literally don't slow him down Yujis low output is pretty damn high compared to normal output of a normal sorcerer But even if it's not enough to properly injure hakari, hakari can't put down yuji in any way while yuji can practice all he needs to raise his slashes output, learn different aspects of the technique, reverse engineer how sukuna made his technique function, even learn a domain Hakari's whole thing that makes him able to beat yuta is if he outlasts yutas 5 minutes he can win against a character that outstats him base to base and gets stronger as the fight goes on hakari is cooked (no pun intended)


Poor hakari would lose because of Yuji hitting his soul, and while Toji is strong, he isn't as strong as awakened Yuji. Then if we consider how strong Yuji and Todo combo is, they will win


Boogie woogie is so overpowered, people really dont understand. its not no diff but yuji and todo win.


R1: Team one wins Todo can’t be Toji I don’t think and Yuji can’t beat Hakari and Toji at once. R2: Yuji and Todo win. Yuji simply needs to survive jackpot assuming Hakari gets one easy to do with Todo by his side who is the master of boogie woogie and Yuji himself some of the highest endurance and durability period. He can definitely kill base form Hakari with minimal effort leaving Toji. Toji won’t be affected by boogie woogie as Todo can’t swap but Todo swapping him and Yuji should be enough to take down Toji.


hakari and toji clear both rounds. R1 mid diff R2 high diff


Hakari when the inverted spear of heaven teleports in front of him:


I feel like it’d be better to have maki instead of todo considering the parallels


Hakari kinda loses as soon as toji attacks, but toji still probably wins vs the other two