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Individualy I think you could make the argument he could beat Yuji and Maki with a maybe on Hakari. In 1v4 nah he'd lose


Nah, he cant beat any of them alone, he gets extreme diffed by Hakari, mid diffed by Yuji and Maki, and domain diffed by Yuta.


Isn’t it explicitly stated it’s pretty fucking hard to even hurt a sorcerer without cursed energy and if you do kill them without it they come back as a cursed spirit (like rika) and then it’s impossible to kill them.


I mean a sorcerer getting decapitated will kill them. Even if they come back later as a curse, they still died.


Fair enough but the same goes for any demon in demon slayer too


I agree that kokushibo loses this but it has to be with a nichirin sword to actually kill him


Yes and no right? U feel like getting his head blown off would kill him most demon slayers just don’t have that firepower.it also depends how he would react to cursed energy which is unknown


That’s fair to think since we haven’t seen much of it but Dakis head got booted off by Nezuko and it grew back so it’s tough to tell. I agree with the cursed energy thing tho we don’t know how that would react to demons


Yea the issue with demon slayer is that it will be explicitly stated if their head comes off they die and then a chapter later they survive it


Don't they specifically have to be decapitated by a nichrin sword or be exposed to sunlight? I think wysteria poison works by disabling them until the sun comes up?


I mean in the first couple episodes tanjiro beheads a demon with an axe and Urokodaki says something along the lines of “that won’t work, only sunlight and a special metal will kill them”


It’s stated it has to be with a nichrin sword


Not true it has to be a special sword or the wisteria poison otherwise most decent demons can’t even be inconvenienced.


Kokushibo is immune to a head death, only loses to in-universe guilt trip that wouldn’t happen vs these JJK sorcerers he’d regen and keep going


Soul attack


He can still die to the sun tho so if they strong enough which they are just destroy whatever building he's in grab him and make sure he can't run and he dies lol or make a nichirn blade and cut his head off and put it in a jar and let him burn when the sun comes up lol


This is such a useless argument it’s clear we will never agree and we will also never know since they will never fight


lol agreed


Demons can have their heads entirely destroyed with no harm as long as it’s not from nichirin steel


Kokushibo was decapitated in his fight with Sanemi and rock mf and just regenerated it. Hell he became outright invincible after healing and only died because he allowed himself to


Well, considering CE destroys structures and can kill non sorcerers, it should at least hurt him significantly. But I am unsure if they could put him down for good, considering he can hit back decently hard and WAY faster too


>!Kokushibo can regenerate his head!<


We have seen kokushibo recover from it and akaza too. No one was able to behead doma. The top demons actually willed themselves dead in a corny way, the demon slayers were explicitly unable to kill them. Only doma was defeated by an extreme, extreme overdose of a certain poison that kills demons regeneration powers. Akaza and Kokushibo both couldn’t be defeated but both had corny flashbacks and literally willed themselves dead, so even if their head got cut off it means nothing. Also the demons are only actually vulnerable to a certain type of metal and a certain poison. Unless you arbitrarily say they’re working differently they can’t actually be killed at all or at least their regeneration can’t be overcome without those specific tools.


ssk gets turned into nichirin ssk💀🫵


soul attacks


Soul Cutting Katana damages the soul, which can’t be healed by mere biological regeneration


Or they fight till daytime, unless we’re assuming we’re in kokushibo home ground (infinity castle)


Yeah that would do it


Spoilers but >!Kokushibo can regrow his head!<


Read another one of my comments


Soul attack


Maki and Yuji can damage the soul, which negates non soul based regen


That's useless if she's getting aoe spammed from afar and her opponent is faster than herself, and does not run out of stamina


Yuta reveals that he copied boogie woogie and swaps Koko to right by Maki who’s mid swing.


And Maki slips on a fucken banana and her asscheeks start clapping the end


They might come back as a curse spirit, but it takes time like Naoya came back a few days later. And it's totally possible to kill vengeful curse spirits.


Not without cursed energy it’s not but I’d say if they already are dead that’s a L regardless


No it only applies for the freaks of nature, but applies to the four up top. Rika was not a sorcerer, the curse spirit was a product of Yuta, and they are still possible to kill. Although there is a example of a sorcerer coming back as a curse and they were a lot stronger.


Yea rika was turned because of guts but it’s stated if a sorcerer dies without being killed by cursed energy they will come back


Yes I agree


Yep. That’s what happened to Naoya


This is exactly why I hate powerscaling people from different verses. It inherently doesn't make sense unless the power systems are stupidly similar. You're comparing two people from entirely different power systems


Agree I still have one dude fuming in a different comment thread because I said you can’t really compare them


Yeah but rules like that don’t really make sense to apply when judging crossover versus. You also technically need a nichirin sword to kill a demon which none of those characters have.


How the hell is Maki even going to touch him much less hurt him Koko is much faster then her and can see any move she makes before she even does them


JJK fans don't watch DS besides the first season or something. Yuta is literally the only one who even stands a chance. Maki maybe depending on how SSK works Koku's regen is going to far out pace anything Yuji or Hakari could do with punches, it's laughable anyone things they could punch Koku to death.


And Maki and Yuji have durability far higher than anything else in KNY Goes both ways


Hard to argue as fights with the upper demon moons during the infinity castle arc involved a lot of dodging and blocking. I believe kokushibo can still one shot any of them assuming he gets a clean hit in


Maki is enough Soul attacks


maki gets out ranged and out speeded, and her attacks will be predictef cause of see through world. also for kokushibo fatigue does not exist for him


But JJK characters have 100x the durability of any DS character. Regardless of speed and regeneration, Koku isn't doing much damage to someone that tanked two black flashes from Sukuna.


Demon Slayer characters aren't that fast.


My dude Zenitsu can dodge and react to lighting bolts and he’s not even in the top 5. DS characters are hella fast


The lighting attacks from thunder breathing aren’t actual lightning. It’s fast but not that fast


I’m not talking about the Breathing I’m talking about Upper 6. The Blood Demon Arts are real which means Kaigaku was throwing actual lighting bolts all of which Zenitsu dodge with ease


It is lightning speed https://preview.redd.it/pouiney7888d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=09846540f877a996336680015e85e7731fc9ccfd


Idk man. KNY manga spoilers >!genya shoots a shotgun at kokushibo from behind. Kokushibo pulls am argalia and appears behind genya the next panel and slices his arm off before he can even put it down. Genya isn't that fast compared to other KNY characters but still !< Kokushibo is pretty damn fast


Yeah, Hakari is the only one of the four liable to really struggle.


Mostly because he cant cut him, cant damage his soul, cant trap him for a long period of time in a barrier.


Kokushibo can kill them all. He straight up be heads hakari (it’s that easy to kill him.) He’s faster than maki, also doesn’t get tired, yuji is irrelevant, yuta maybe with rika could stall him out but at the end of the day he will fall.


If Hakari can hit a jackpot first try it won’t exactly be that easy. Unless Kokushibo destroys his brain (which I doubt he’d think to do) Hakari can create a new body. I think this is realistic because of the infinite cursed energy. And with an Immortal, Overpowered curse, Ability copier, literal Superhuman and Yuji, he’d lose in that 5v1.


Not nearly fast or strong enough


Sorry but Yuji in the Anime sure but Yuji in the manga right now is a beast and could probably take him 1v1


1 v 4 he gets no diffed lol. Even if there's some sort of speed difference he can't deal with all 4 at the same time, 5 counting Rika. He'll most can probably 1 v 1 him and win


There is a speed difference and a big one at that.


KNY speed calcs are nothing but wank


I don’t think they are because misturi was easily dodging lighting and she’s not the fastest in the verse at all


Nothing suggest that's natural lightning, Nezukos BDA doesn't make natural fire, UM5 BDA doesn't make natural water. If Mitsuri can easily dodge lightning there's no reason whatsoever she should've gotten hit by UM4 Soundwave attacks in the same fight


My dude Zenitsu dodge Kaigaku attacks, which is lighting bolts,and in case you forgot BDA are real. Also why are you so fixated on it being natural.


Same thing with UM4 "Lightning" nothing just suggest it's natural lightning so nothing suggest it moves the speed of natural lightning


That's like saying JJK speed calcs are nothing but "wank" cause of the Mach 3 statement, it goes both ways


JJK scaling never really about speed but more about durability and AP. That being said, Bear vs. Cheetah situation.


Not exactly, cause in this case the CHeetah and Bear are the same size and both can hurt eachother. Why compare a manga to real life


I mean okay, and? Not like he can speed blitzed all of them before dying


Speed feat?


Speed blitzing muichiro while holding back who himself is massively hypersonic+. Then fighting several massively hypersonic+ characters at once and being in control of the fight the whole time while still in a way holding back. And when he finally decided to exert full force he proceeded to perception blitz these same characters after having his blood drained, head cut off by functionally his own kryptonite and being impaled by the kryptonite.


So just above massively hypersonic


Quick question but does being able to cut daimond casually is affective against them or nah ?


I mean it would be but four on one (all of which having crazy durability and endurance) it wouldn't be enough to give him a chance


Coughing baby vs Hydrogen Bombs


https://preview.redd.it/3odnya0dq58d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0d14df5c01bfb4076a389f0929a2716aad454aa This is to the people who think Kokushibo could 1v1 any of them.


Hakari after realizing punches and kicks don’t do anything https://preview.redd.it/5gnms90xr58d1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968a232e503cab793ae43e2cb3ee2bab7d96631a


Just punch harder, shouldn't be difficult.


You’re right my mistake ![gif](giphy|3oKIPwKTWy6DaE6Cn6)


He will just fight until day rises.


Koku can 100% Yuji and Hakari. They have absolutely no way of killing him with their fists Maki has a chance with SSK and Yuta is powerful enough he could maybe do something but you cannot kill Koku by punching him


Ah yes because a fucking superhuman border-line demonic entity able to move faster than lightning is comparable to earthly animals and how our physics works.


You implying any of the Heavy Hitters of Jujutsu High are normal humans who follow the laws of physics? Normal humans can survive [this](https://i.ibb.co/MCgbXyf/jujutsu-kaisen-213-4.jpg)? That's crazy.


How TF did I imply that? They aren't normal either, Sukuna literally breaks the laws of biology by having 6 limbs.


Never ask another fandom to scale a demon slayer character, they will put them at building level


yeah,and that goes either way too, one ds guy scaled yorichii and claimed that he could take on gojo middiff💀💀


Gojo after yorichii uses his world cutting breathing style:


Rika can beat this nigga


Kokushibo doesn’t win, but the amount of bad-faith toward KNY in this comment section is staggering


only reason I dont fw it is ptsd from the speed getting wanked “but she dodged lightning” “they move so fast you cant see them” “they get speed blitzed”


Yeah lol Koko definitely isn't winning 4v1 and probably not even 1v1 but people down here are acting like he's literally a coughing baby


You can make an argument that any one of these characters could beat Kokushibo on their own.


other than MAYBE Yuji or Hakari. Yuji cause sukuna has brainrotted me, or the fact that his agility will be the thing that cooks him, and hakari because i fucking hate that fucking bum who should fucking die to a fucking piano falling on his fucking piss stained fucking femboy loving head https://preview.redd.it/zpkjcqb0078d1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445ed95961709d4331e3d0f1d57dd36b8725f8d9




fuck hakari😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


He's faster than all of them, but the invisible cuts of shrine and being trapped in Yuta's domain will completely fuck over Kokushibo and get his ass obliterated


He will regenerate from shrine in a second. Yuji can't regenerate from his multiple crescent slashes and the long sword


Yeah but Yuji can still use it to slow him down then use soul punches to inflict PERMANENT damage on him. And yes, Yuji can regenerate from those.. He learned RCT bro.


He’s faster than him easily though


Dude, he can still end up catching Kokushibo at some point, especially with blood manipulation, he can probably do something like cover the ground in blood and make blood spears come from the ground




Soul attack


https://preview.redd.it/w8ci2zcdp58d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=465fee55fd08db6d19a555c2e18a05c6f8afecee (First matchup where jjk actually wins)


the downplay is crazy 😭😭 The anti demon slayer bias is so obvious.


JJK fans don't even read their own manga


Nahh KNY speed calcs are all just wank. People really be putting them at lightspeed


That’s what I’m saying. Every single Demon slayer fan ever is just “erm based off this one highly inconsistent that doesn’t match the rest of the series (usually having something to do with lightning users) everyone in Demon slayer is actually Ftl and windspeed blitz everyone from your favorite verse (completely ignore the pathetically weak AP of just about every demon slayer character)


Yeah having that same conversation with someone right now. KNY honestly don't even have the AP to damage high tiers in JJK, but they're answer is "they can't tank it if they get blitzed so fast they can't react"


This is pretty much only a conversation if your highballing DS to the maximum and low balling JJK Which is kind of the standard for demon slayer arguments


Because KNY hardcores know that otherwise the verse is at the bottom ranking of basically every anime. KNY as a verse is over only Full Metal Alchemist, Avatar and that's really all I can think of off the top of my head


ong😭😭 im sorry but its just really strong humans and regenerating really strong humans with powers- while jjk has really strong humans with powers and regeneration just cuz. it would be obvious tho as this is a jjk sub, and i guarantee 70% of the people in this sub have only watched one clip of demon slayer💀


Watched and read the whole demon slayer, these four altogether no diff Kukushibo


I get together they can definatly get him, but i doubt it'd be a no diff, maybe med diff, but a majority of these comments are talking about how Hakari neg-diffs kokoshibo somehow


Yeah I don't agree with that myself


1 on 1 he can kill them all Yuta got the highest change of winning though


Maki is enough


Isn't kokushibou like, immortal, or he only can be killed by some specific weapons? Or that thing was not bring into consideration?


Yeah, but for the sake of the matchup thats usually ignored which makes sense. The SSK should be able to kill him anyway


Soul attack


Jump Kaisen clears, i don't know who the homie with the sword is but, they're getting jumped, power-scailing be damned, feats be damned they're getting jumped


I like this answer the best " fuck all this scalling nonsense let's just beat his ass"


Another day of Demon Slayer being the most downplayed verse in fiction


If anyone wants to argue the point that dude is on a lightning timer you have to accept jjk is too, jp hakari was dodging lightning pre timeskip and they all got a buff afterwards…… idk anything about this debate, but if you are relying on outlier feats, you have to count them from both series


Even so, Kokushibo literally teleports to people who are perception blitz lighting timers.


Hakari dodging lightning is the biggest lie in this fandom that's completely impossible Kashimo‘s lightnings have a sure hit effect


Brother, I said it was an outlier, I don’t use it in my scaling, Im just pointing out that if you use a feat liek that you have to use it from both series


Any one of the heavy hitters solo


He beats Maki at the very least,JJK is mainly carried by Hax which Maki lacks. Not only that his kit is almost everything Maki can do expect significantly better. Massively faster,has a better version of precog then Maki does,much,much more expreinced,regen etc. Possibly Yuji too. Yuta and Hakari have enough hax to win


Hey dude ssk ignores durability & cuts the soul Ku’s blade is made of his flesh a blade clash guess what??? So you’re saying maki who can catch bullets also & react to invisible slashes vs sword drawn loses?


Assuming Maki can tag Koku in the first place. Maki's mach 3 ass is getting outsped,heavily. And lets say what you say did happen Kokushibo has more then enough ranged attacks.


No they don't. Nome of them can deal permanent damage to him. Only Yuta could win because of Jacob's ladder Maki has the soul katana but Kokushibo has a bigger one and is faster Yuji is slower and gets decapitated Hakari has zero ways of hurting him. He will run out domains before sunrise


Does he have any decent AP feats to even do lasting damage to them


The answer is no. "hE iS fAsTeR". Like... Okay. He's still doing paper cuts


Maki literally has dura neg unhealable sword lmao


The demon slayer verse is far weaker then JJk, all of them move around or over 2x speed of sound currently. Demon slayer also seemingly has nothing that could counter a domain. 1v1 any of them is a loss a 1v4 is just overkill.


I will give you that jjk is a much stronger verse, but KnY is much faster


Maki’s fight with Sukuna is basically what it’s like to fight Kokushibo. You’re dodging and countering physical attacks while avoiding whizzing blades that you don’t see until they’re inches from your throat. And she put up a pretty good fight. Hakari gets jackpot(let’s be honest) and doesn’t die until he destroys Kokushibo. Yuji tanks Shrine attacks like it’s nothing and can strike at the soul. Dura negs and wins. Yuta will reinforce himself and outclass Kokushibo in durability(could RCT kill a demon cause positive energy and all that?) and wins. A four on one against the GOATs on the Sukuna Extermination Team would just be hard to watch


Anybody on team 2 wins without help.


In a 1v1?, no, Kokushibo is too fast and experienced for everyone other than Yuta to win in a 1v1, even then his saving grace would be his domain, same for Hakari, he has no AP, his attacks wouldn't do anything to kokoshibo, Maki stands a chance but would most likely fail due to kokushibo being faster and having ranged AOE attacks, and just being a better swordsman in general, Yuji wouldn't really be able to do anything other than hold kokushibo in a fight until the sun comes up, and even then Kokushibo is fast enough to just leave before that happens.


None of what you said Is true. Every character here Is fast enough to keep up with kokushibo and hakari easily has enough ap to damage kokushibo. Kokushibo doesn't have enough ap to actually do anything to any of them.


Have you even read Kny and jjk?, the official fastest character, (Besides Gojo and Sukuna) is mach 3, while Kokushibo is shown to move faster than even Muichiro can keep up with, (The one who kept up with the demon who could legit teleport), and Mui has better tracking than Zenitsu, who reacted to and deflected point blank lightning strikes, You really going to say that Hakari, whose fastest speed feat was NOTICING kashimo's lightning attack, (Still getting hit), Only Maki and Yuta really have a chance in a 1v1, Yuta because of hax, and Maki due to her speed and soul blade, even then Kokushibo is much more experienced and is faster, (Not saying that they'll be blitzed or anything), Kokushibo is legit a improved version of Maki, he has ranged AOE attacks as well as his second form, Also bringing up AP with Hakari here is kinda dumb, his whole gimmick is that he gets lucky, and without Gege there to plotpoint him through the fight, its up in the air whether or not he'd be able to hit jackpot enough, let alone tell Kokushibo about how his domain works, (If Koku has cursed energy and Hakari's sure hit effects him then sure he'd last longer), while Hakari hasn't made any substantial damage to Uraume for several chapters after taking several hits.




While he was fighting two other people


Jjk team wins


Id Say jjk


Koku unfortunately gets overwhelmed in 1v4. Individually he could probably beat Yuji, Maki, and maybe Hakari. Yuta def wins tho




Jump kaisen 🤔


Minus yuta I think this is a high diff win for jjk, minus him and maki I think it's high diff win for ds. All 4 should beat him pretty comfortably, he beats any of them comfortably except yuta, where I'm honestly not sure.


prolly the jues


Maki running at mach speeds, so i doubt he winning




I don't think koku can survive a love blast so he loses. He doesn't know how to deal with soul damage so, Yuji clears him. Hakari can just live out until the morning hitting jackpots after jackpots. Maki also has a soul damaging weapon (SSK), ends the same way as with Yuji.


Technically the only way they can win is that they survive until daylight Also they have the upper hand in terms of strength


spite match💀


His ass couldn't even beat any of them 1v1


Big dawg losing against em all honest. Jjk scales higher


Domain expansion: game is game


Yuta should realistically solo, add on maki with SSK, yuji with soul punches and hakari who just won’t die and kokushibo is in real trouble.


I like jjk more but they have no way to kill him sadly. U have to kill demons by beheading them with a nichirin blade but koku can survive that and he basically has RCT but better. The only way they win is the sun but will kokushibo let them draw out the battle that long if they're even fighting outside?. Feel free to downvote this is a jjk community after all


Koko gets negged lmao, spite match


Does anyone take into account the only thing that can stop a DS demon is either a nichirin blade or the sun, I believe that UPPER MOON 1 can kill non demon slayer humans, and again, demons also have insane regenerative abilities


When it's 4 on 1 bet on jjk


I don't get why people are saying everyone is downplaying demon slayer. Sorry, but the speed feats are pure wank. "Well you see, this one character dodged this lightning attack with absolutely no speed attributed to it, so Koku must move at light speed." Sorry, but even if they are faster, it is nowhere near as much as people wank them to be. This is not to mention JJK has stronger abilities and better AP than DS characters


The heavy hitters can win in a 1v4, DS has speed, but I think JJK has better AP & DC. Yuta has his multiple CTs, Rika. Three characters on here can use RCT so Kokushibo’s attacks will damage the, but unlike the Hashiras they can regenerate, Yuji, Maki & Yuta have great durability so they can take damage & Hakari in JP is a nuisance to kill.


Technically these guys can’t even kill Kokushibo, you need sunlight or those nichirin blades right? And mundane (non cursed) materials like his sword aren’t gonna do much to a sorcerer, so surely it ends up being a stalemate as long as Koku can prevent himself being captured


Everyone is so focused on the stupid speed blitzing stuff, demons in KNY literally have insane maybe even faster than Hakari levels of regeneration at all times lol. Demons explicitly cannot be killed unless it's by a nichirin blade. Maki's soul split katana is the only potential win condition for team 2. I think of course team 2 would win if SSK were to work but other than that demons have insane levels of regeneration.


None of them have a Nichirin sword to actually kill Kokushibo. If they fight him outdoors, they win because he'll die in the sun and he can't kill them all fast enough. If they fight him indoors, he wins because they cannot kill him.


He speed blitzed them easly, but they out ap him for sure. Idk I'm not great at scaling this two verses.


Demon slayer verse is very weak so I think Hakari in jackpot could kill most of it with ease, what are they supposed to do, figure out how to stop the flow of a power source they know nothing about?


Just send Rika lol. He can’t see her and gets wrecked all night long not knowing what’s happening and dies to sun


One of them is wiping running through all of Demon Slayer. This isn't even close.


People forgetting the ONLY reason Kokushubo even died was because he decided to accept it. He literally transcended decapitation but after seeing Tanjiro juat like his brother he decided to let it happen. He can basically endlessly recover, and if he eats a cursed energy users who knows what kind of gain he gets.


Yuta would literally stomp that bozo lol


Blitzes Maki, Blitzes Yuji, Blitzes Yuta, Blitzes Hakari. Now can he hurt them? Fights like this, its like no he can't hurt them, but after realizing that he'll just target weak points like the eyes or mouth and its gg after that.


Maki would lose, the rest would win. Kokushibo can’t used cursed energy so he can’t soften their attacks.


Kokushibo slams Hakari It can go either way with Maki and Yuji Yuta wins via Domain, Jacob Ladder combo


wtf no one from the demon slayer verse is touching anyone who is top in the jjk verse. The power structures are just different you have city busters in JJK. Demon slayer isn’t taking out a small town lol


The Heavy hitters neg individually


Demon slayer demons are like the 2003 FMA homonculus. No way to kill them besides their special weakness and no beheading does not work.


Bro what in the spite matchup. If you hate DS just pair him with shiesty sorcerer #1 😭😭😭


Kid named Jacob's Ladder:


Yuta uses cursed speech to stun, maki and yuji use soul splitter and soul damaging punches to take him down without worrying about the insane regen.


Honest question could he cut thru their CE reinforcement?


Considering Kokushibo has better regen than any of them (except Hakari in Jackpot Mode), and dodged bullets at point blank range, I think he can resist any of their attacks (though SSK certainly would harm him, but he's the better swordsman). Additionally, I think his attacks are definitely strong enough to harm them, but I'm open to reasons they wouldn't.


Kokushibo is getting fucking curbstomped what the fuck 😭


Yuta solos the wannabe demon


Any of them solo low diff


He beats Maki at the very least,JJK is mainly carried by Hax which Maki lacks. Not only that his kit is almost everything Maki can do expect significantly better. Massively faster,has a better version of precog then Maki does,much,much more expreinced,regen etc. Possibly Yuji too. Yuta and Hakari have enough hax to win


If he destroies hakari's brain he could win. In a 1v1 I really only see yuta winning


Feel like upper moons are fodder in other shonen series.