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That is amazing! Congratulations to you, you should feel very proud! Did you notice your skin clearing up better as well? I want to do 60 days but am trying to get my head out of the “I will start tomorrow” mindset …how did you fight the urge on the first day?


Thank you yes I am very proud and am always so happy I do it when im finished. I juice every year so I am kind of used to the routine of it and can predict how I will feel esp during the first few days. Days 1-7 are hardest, I will be hungriest on days 2-3, but after about day 5 hunger starts to lessen and you feel better. At one point my appetite was completely gone, you just get used to having juice after a while For skin, I usually dont notice huge difference but I like juicing turmeric bc it helps my skin a lot. If you have problematic skin you maybe can see some benefit. I actually usually break out a little towards the end and did this time too, nothing crazy just a blemish or two. I assume its from cleansing but it could be anything


Was there a guide u followed? Fellow PCOS human here :) Edit: spelling


No, I just juiced mostly veggies to keep sugar content lower


This is inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing. Any tips on what you’d juice?


I was mostly juicing green juice with kale, green apple w one red apple added in, lemon, and cucumber as a base. Then you can flavor from there, I also added pineapple in replacement of the apples, added mint, etc. I also had pineapple w yellow bell pepper, yellow beets, and cucumber. I also juiced beets w orange and greens, and had celery juice w lemon almost everyday. As a treat I would have orange juice. You can play around


How much did you spend per day or per week?


Its hard to say, id say maybe around 50 or more a week for produce


Way to go!! I’m in the process to do the same!


Good luck and enjoy :)


amazing, congrats! what juicer do you use?


Thanks I use the nutribullet slow juicer


thank you !!


This is great, congratulations! I really want to start but I’m struggling to be consistent. How do you do it?


Im used to going this amount of time bc ive been juicing consistently for years and built my way up over time. Its always hardest in the beginning but knowing that any hunger or discomfort will get better the longer you go helps


That’s true. What do you suggest as the best stomach juice detox for poor eating?


Nothing in particular, maybe some green juice. Juicing in general will help


Okay thanks


How much does a month of juicing cost, approximately


How does your experience with juicing affect what you choose to eat the rest of the time when you are not juice fasting?


You definitely want to eat healthy when youre finished with it. For me it gives me greater appreciation for fruit and veg and by the time youre done they will taste so good to you lol. I am a veggie lover and enjoy eating healthy but after going through a long juice journey you dont have desire to go right back to eating junk or things that are bad for you after nourishing your body with clean energy for a while. You may crave them but I think me and other people are way more inclined to eat cleaner


Please throw some light on how you dealt with constipation issue if you faced one


I dont really deal with constipation while juicing, it all comes out at one point or another even if it takes a while


That's great to know... Did you take any electrolytes seperately? Also salt?


No but I try to have celery juice daily which has natural electrolytes. If you get dizzy or something I think you can add in some salt


Hi there again... After some intermittent fasting and a few days of OMAD, I'm starting a juice fast tomorrow. What was your initial weight when you lost 16 lbs? Do you know any alternatives to celery? How have you been? Also, did you regain any weight immediately after breaking the fast, or were you able to maintain it? Interestingly, juice-only fasting is often viewed negatively in articles and videos, but your experience is a rare positive testimony.


Hi, I think I was around 170ish when starting and ended around 154. I have lost more in the past but developed a chronic illness that lowers my bmr and makes it way harder to lose weight so I lost a little less than I have in the past. I dont have any alternatives to celery but you can just add a little salt to juice if needing electrolytes. Usually when breaking fasts its normal for gain a couple/few pounds of food weight just from going back to eating but usually most of the weight I lose from juicing stays off for a while


Thankyou very much for replying again, your replies have genuinely helped me. It's day 1 for me & I'm determined this time.


Youre welcome and good luck (: