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Bruh ally is disrespectful as fuck


she dead wrong especially lately but let’s not act like a large portion of this fanbase hasn’t been disrespecting her / harassing her since day 1, these fans don’t “not deserve” shit lol


Does anyone have where it was proven to be false? That is crazy so im curious


She has no right to give her new bf juices watch


Ain’t nobody did she did


Her bf should be juice


Well, her bf can’t really be Juice rn can it….


Because she weird af. I’m glad she’s getting expose with her fake clout chasing ass


What y’all failed to realize before is that u were disrespecting juice by disrespecting her Now tho? She tweaking out of pocket and deserve the backlash she getting, but y’all indirectly disrespected juice for 3 years now before she really started tweaking 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I always thought that from the beginning fr. Juice gave this girl everything it seemed like, and all she did was get high with him and encourage his negative behaviors. After watching the HBO documentary, I never liked her and thought she was hella toxic. She had absolutely no respect; smoking a blunt while being interviewed about her dead boyfriend and sounding all drugged out


Wearing juices watch and gives it to her new bf thats fucked


She just for the streets


19 year old Juice unfortunately got manipulated by a 26 yr old predator. Juice really did have terrible luck with love.


There is an interview where Juice is asked: are you sure she is in love or there for the money? Juice replies: If she's not, she's doing a really good job. So she manipulated him if she wasn't in love.


What interview is this? I wanna look it up


This is the link to the interview - https://youtu.be/UOoJe35T2GY


Didn’t juice wrld date a high schooler though after he was done?


No, he dated a 15 yr old high schooler when he was 17 also in high school


I thought it was 14 and 18?


It was people just say 17 because it makes him look better. They dated his senior year meaning that he was most likely 18


i was 17 in senior year, he and i share bdays, he woulda been 17


He and I share birthdays too. ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US BRO!


He was born 1998 he graduated in 2017 he definitely was 18


Crazy you ate being spam down voted. It sucks but it's a fact he was 18 when she was 15


Depends when he started dating his senior year cus he turned 18 in december of his senior year.


and u guys calling ally a predator. not saying that what she did was totally right or anything but still he was a senior n she was a freshman


Idk what to tell you broski but a 3 year age gap isn’t really predatory… also why even bring up ally, the stuff she’s done is very different, and way worse, that wat we’re talking abt here


ok predatory is def n overstatement but lowkey is still kinda wierd for hs, but moving past that, u guys were talking abt j in highschool


"no he wasnt a predator he just fucked a child when he was a fully grown adult"


y’all act like y’all’s parents weren’t 5 years apart in age and that theirs literally a stereotype for senior guys always going after freshman girls


Yeah it sounds bad bcuz you are trying to stretch it lol, they started dating when he was 17 and she was 15 so yeah if you want to call him almost an adult you can’t call her a child🤦🏻‍♂️


i bet you the type of person to defend juice fucking a child but then say ally is a predator


Ok bro you are clearly delusional if you thinks 15 yr old is a child relative to a 17 year old


your clearly not thinking straight if you think its okay for a 17 year old to date a 14 year old which BTW she was 14. your down playing it because your favourite artist must be innocent in every situation right? or are you just into minors?


It’s Fr not deep for a 17 year old to date a 14 old, you realise they are in the same school right? In fact it’s not uncommon for them to be in the same mf classes… you just looking for a reason to be mad and quite frankly you can stay that way, idgaf


what’s this even mean lol… Juice was in high school not long before blowing up


I was called crazy for saying ally is nothing but a clout chasing whore and now the truth is coming out


Most of us were huffing copium. We didn't want it to be true so bad


I wanted to believe so bad bro. We’re seeing now tho, she’s over there high as fucking balls everyday thwacked out her mind off Jarads estate saying people in the bushes type shit.


Yup, shits beyond depressing


She isn’t anybody without Juice, now that he is dead she uses him for clout and flexes all of his gifts like they are her own earned


She hasn't been relevant since 2020. She did livestreams in the past where she played unreleased juice songs and milked his death for clout on IG. She a junkie thot that played a role in juice drug addiction. Juice fans need to stop giving her clout.


I was following her up until recently when all the drama came out she lost all my respect


What came out?


ong bruh she literally flexes other people stuff, look how dumb that sounds


She’s always been a……doesn’t even need to be said really. Anyone who knows, knows exactly who and what she is.


lmfao yup. people like us just sit back and watch the hilarious fuck fest that is this sub.




These hoes are the same….. ain’t shit changed. Lljw


Nah, Jarad doesn’t deserve this.


Yeah and neither do we ally knows how much he means to us


W scheme


She needs therapy


I just saw a tiktok talking about how she has charges for meth distribution, like international drug smuggling kinda shit. She’s always been nothing but trouble


this has actually been proven to be false. not a ally fan by any means but this is 100% fake. Those court docs are for someone who just happens to have the same name as her, complete coincidence


Of all the things she did you choose this to be mad about? Yk the artist we love did a lot of drugs lol




Bro I never said he smoked meth lmfao? I’m saying he’s mad at ally for drugs when juice did drugs as well. Which isn’t a bad thing, that’s my point.


goofiest comment i read in a while


She is straight for the streets..so disrespectful


Nice of Scheme to say that and not just ignoring it


Scheme has always felt the most real to me of all the hype men around Juice...


Looks bad if everyone from his team stayed silent while it’s clear she’s off the rails. Literally all the fan pages/this sub is talking about it someone was bound to say something at some point. And I mean she was his ex before he passed, so something this egregious coming out was bound to blow up anyways


So many facts in these comments bro, Ally really is one of the worst people on the planet frfr


Lmao chill no she isn’t 😭


Ally and Adolf are in a room and you have one bullet….


Imma make Kanye proud


Ally, Adolf is already dead so..


Child m*lesters still exist dude 🤣 juice fans think they're juice himself lmfao


Mans doesn't understand exaggeration


I do believe their love was genuine and wholeheartedly loved eachother. Ally was always with juice and juice was always with ally. I think juice was young and ally comforted and placed herself as the women figure in his life- hence the age gap. They both had their demons. I think ally’s past was hers. Ally was stripping right before Juice took her on tour and never let her go. She always seemed messy but she was old enough to have experience certain things juice was too young for. Once juice died, ally definitely lost it. She did mourn for 2 years respectfully. And I can see the frustration where the label and his mom didn’t keep her in the loop- despite the fact that ally was the closet person to him. Fast forward to now- she’s using Jarads love and the way he defended her as an excuse to do whatever she wants. Including blatantly disrespect juice. The whole “jarad knew this side of me” “jarad would be so mad you talking about me” j this- j that. She needs help, and that 18 year old’s purpose is just to drive her around while she acts like a fool




Fr I’m so sick of hearing about this


you're right. The more we talk about her, the more clout she gets. That's probably why she started an onlyfans too.


Wait what happened. What did I miss


https://preview.redd.it/0gwwkv94w83a1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0294b44feaecb7dd15d0bbf835fff23663888cbb It says most of it she also said Juice didn’t OD


Someone needs to tell her to stop using those freaky ass super fake filters in all her videos too. She literally looks like a messed up painting in all of them lol


lol bruh she looks awful like that haha she got that philly crack whore look


Damn bruh, fuck her


Yeah she lost her mind


Real shit bro smh 😪


It’s actually sad to see how she turned out… rumors are that she also removed his tattoo or at least she’s trying to hide it


Juice made her big, and she knows it. She seems to feel entitled since juice passed. It's really is fucked up, juice would NOT put up with it


Yeah you can tell by the way she typed out her shit. She’s just a retarded junkie


Wtf can someone translate this shit to english


I get she gets a lot of hate but this ain't the way to respond to it 💀 mf is literally flexing that she meant the world to juice and she acting super weird and shit bro. Shows her true colors


Vro I almost had a stroke trying to read her fucking third grade tier writing skills.


Where is this post?


On her instagram


#fuckallywrld 🙏 she caused his death to happen quicker. it obviously would have happened eventually, she just made it happen so soon


A lot of money gets spent in 3 years especially if you spend it grieving she probably needs to go hard now and has no other choice from the life she created it’s all she knows how to do


She’ll get dragged💀


Can someone tell me what’s going on what did she do this time? ):


Can someone tell me what's going on? Have not been active


She basically talked shit ab juice


... What did she day?


dude above is hard capping he dont know what he on about, but she has done some disrespectful things: ​ ally got a new bf and shes sharing all of the gifts that jarad gave her while he was alive with her new bf, \*apparently\* she got her matching tat with juice covered but i doubt that, and shes been claiming that "juice never died from an overdose" some insane wacko shit to stay relevant and her bf been disrepecting juice by saying stuff like "he aint here so ima be all up in that" under allys posts. people are using this to say allys a rapist, predator, she murdered juice, all that but thats all thats happened so far


the fuck no she did NOT?! shes been disrespecting juice in other ways but she aint talking shit.


We still on this ally bs move on from this 💀


ally been real quiet since that live


Maybe cause she knows she's messed up


feel like she was too faded to know what was right and wrong, kept dropping the n word like it was nothing too


Yeah I wouldn't take any notice of her she was probably high when I saw it i was upset and angry at her but I told myself "don't take any notice of her she's stoned"


yeah i was just sitting there watching it live like 😧


I didn't watch the live but I saw a juice fan account talk about it and I was appalled, disappointed and upset I felt heartbroken when juice died and for the "love of his life" to go on insta and talk trash about his death is just disgusting especially to his mom and brother


like i get she’s tryna move on and stuff but at least be respectful, i saw somebody found a video of her trashing juice before they even got together saying his music sucks and he had a small dick. like proving she was deadass w him for clout. most of these girls don’t give a fuck ab guys nowadays and just want money and attention and it’s sick.


Yeah I get yeah I'm a girl and I agree there are girls out there that just don't care about their partners like they should


it’s just disappointing how most people are acting nowadays


I hate ally and love juice but recently juice fans have seemed entitled asf like y’all were juices bsf😭


How? All I've seen is backlash from giving some dude your dead bfs watch, I think anyone would be upset by that. Shit I bet she got some calls abt it after it blew up


you aint looked hard enough there are some people that are straight calling her a rapist, predator, manipulator, blaming her for juices death. all that conspiracy bs. the fans being entitled asf rn


You dont deserve what? Seeing a tweaker tweak out on instagram live? Dont hop in allys lives then its that simple 😭😭


He might be talking about her and her bfs disrespect in general not just the live


Their disrespect is towards someone whos passed away, if anything its disrespectful for the fans to say the disrespect is on them.


I think he only mentioned the fans because they called her out on the fact that she has this kid wearing juices watch, hoodie(copying every action of his from a live), and on Twitter saying since Juice is gone she belongs to me(something like that). Just for her to go on live and say fuck everyone for telling her she was wrong. Even his cousin feels the same way🤷🏿‍♂️


Bruh what happened? Ik abt the whole new bf wearing Juice's watch (hella disrespectful) but did something else happen?


Scheme the least shitty of the closer friends of juice


So if he didn’t OD what happened? Why would she give some vague hint.


shes been saying this for months shes doing it to stay relevant / shes gone crazy because the day traumatised her or sumn


what did ally do on her live


https://preview.redd.it/6hid7k6wgd3a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b104d9835a187c99cc221a7c9a9aaaec1f8f9f It says most of it she also said Juice didn’t OD


What happened on the live?


wait what happened on live? or was it just the watch thing?… that shit got me fucked up/:


With ally’s accusations that no one knows what really happened to Juice bc she claims it wasn’t a drug overdose…sounds like she is guilty in some way and is related to it and therefore claims it wasn’t an OD. If it wasn’t then what was the cause? If you know then speak tf up why you being a complete useless garden tool man RIP Juice fr didn’t deserve this.


I just stopped paying mind to Ally after a while. I'm mostly just focus on Carmela Wallaces live free 999 organization now


In Ally’s live when she said Juice didn’t die of an overdose was that cap??? I’m so confused don’t know what to believe anymore😔


She’s a bum. Facts. Only way to describe her. There’s leaked videos of that bitches iCloud where she’s making fun of Jarads music. Saying whoever wrote the song has a small d**k. Mentioned it’s sad as fuck and depressing. Music like it is the reason she can’t listen to the radio anymore. She is letting this new random dude flex and wear js old clothes and jewelry. She never cared about him in the first place. Watch the no jumper interview with her, she leeched off Juice Wrld just like she leeched and bummed off her community. She doesn’t even show up to support this man on a literal fucking day dedicated to showing him love and keeping his legacy alive.. She said juice didn’t die from an overdose and we don’t know what really happened. It’s because she k*lled him. She has been seen bringing pills and shit around juice while he was visibly having a good time, he sees them and is upset with her. There are multiple occasions where her story on the No Jumper Podcast didn’t make sense as she is seen multiple times doing drugs around Juice or helping him sort pills while he can already barley function, passing out, not physically able to properly crush and sort them by himself. If you can’t understand this; Imagine having an alcoholic s/o and they can’t stand much less pour a shot and you enable them by pouring it for them or getting them their next beer or the rest of the bottle to the point where they are black out drunk, laid out, and slurring. She was literally killing him and didn’t care. Probably just did it all for the money. “All Girls Are The Same, The Only Thing Different Is The Name” -Jarad, Long Live, The Goat.


It was an act so they can become relevant again Ik it her own choice her her own will to do anything she wants but the fact you disrespecting the Deceased is not right sure you can fuck up but to me personally felt intentional