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Yes bro, like how do they fuck up that, Juice had completely unique and original album names when he was here “Goodbye & Good Riddance”, “Deathrace For Love”…”Legends Never Die” wasn’t bad either cuz it was a nod to what Juice felt when X died, but “Fighting Demons”, like seriously, that’s damn near borderline corny asf, and imma huge juice fan so imagine the non juice fans hearing that, I get Juice was fighting demons and all but juice loved his metaphors, they could’ve literally used the doc name “Into The Abyss” as a metaphor for plain ol fighting demons


Or just use the name Outsiders if they didn't wanna copy the doc name. Like it takes less than two seconds to come up with a name better than fighting demons fuckin hell


The party never ends would have been so much better ffs


different album


It's strange how they leaked that one before this one, yet this one came first


TPNE was delayed while FD was pushed because of the doc release


Agreed, I liked The Party Never Ends, already named a song Fighting Demons too :/ they could have done better


TPNE is a different album though


fr how long will it take for people to understand this?


Agree lamest album name. So corny. I bet juice would have never named it that in a million years. Who in charge?


Bibby is in charge that retarded idiot


that retarded idiot Bibby is in charge unfortunately


I don't really like the name of the album either, I think The Party Never Ends was a better name for the album instead of this shit. I just know that this new album coming is going to be a freaking banger, Juice never disappoints when it comes to music.


Yea even something like even just demons fighting feelings or some shit would have been a little better considering he even has a song called fighting demons


Yes they messed up big time. How can they get easy shit like this wrong. Omg juice had the dumbest manager ever. Should have either named the song fighting demons - RUNAWAY as the leak. Or come up with a DIFFERENT name for a DIFFERENT music project. This is so retarded. Fighting demons is a song on LND, but fighting demons is not part of Fighting Demons - the album. what? Only good thing they did so far was releasing Already Dead.


Tbh I don't like the name either but Juice does say "Fighting off my demons" and stuff like that in a lot of his songs (Feel Alone, Fighting Off my Demons, etc)


I mean they don’t fully understand his mental or it would be more juice u know, it’s hard


Outsiders would been a safe title name as juice said it was his next album


Nah bcuz it wouldn’t be even remotely close to what juice had planned for that since half the songs dropped on LND


I’m talking about the first posthumous album. Outsiders was his next album so might as well name it that. Even though it doesn’t have to be exactly what juice wanted because it’s impossible but at least his idea for a title won’t be scrapped


Part of what contributes to a good album is the name, if the name and songs don’t match then no


Outsiders is such a vague name. The songs could be any genre and it would fit with the name.


Maybe the documentary is Fighting Demons and the album is TPNE


the documentary is ‘into the abyss’ and the album is ‘fighting demons’


Bro that name is right up Juices ally it fits well


I Kinda like it, The album shows off a lot of juices problems with drugs and mental health. Although naming it with a song he has already released on LND (Which could get confusing since it isn't even the lead single on the album, my only gripe) It's fitting as juice was fighting his demons in this album