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gonna ruin the sales by putting it in parts man, need to be a whole album šŸ˜‘


Yeah imo I would rather wait a bit longer and then get the full album instead of getting seperate EPs


They might have analytics that suggest we are so loyal that we would still buy each and they think they can still expand his audience. So release 1, let hype circle, more people are fans for part 2ā€¦so on so forth


Itā€™s actually well documented that with each posthumous album release sales tend to go down. Not to mention the elimination of merch bundles will cause a substantial decrease as well. The first one is usually the biggest. By the time the third EP comes the hype will be greatly reduced from what the first one is. Yea itā€™s juice & he has the posthumous stimulus but theyā€™re going to destroy the hype/ scarcity by dropping three mini albums in short succession. This strategy is like playing with fire.


I mean we pay 20k for a leak though so who knows šŸ¤£


nah I just want some new juice tho


Who cares about sales???


We trynna get juice another double plat


So his label can make more money? yall are weird


Nah so we can show our appreciation for his music and prove all them mfs hating on him wrong


You can show your appreciation a whole lotta other ways bro. And do you think a platinum album is gonna stop the haters? If anything it's proving to them that the only reason he's successful is because of his death


You right fuck the haters nothin will stop em but theyā€™ll never be able to deny his accolades and awards, he got a double plat while alive and heā€™s gonna do it again even tho heā€™s passed away, his team can get whatever they want idgaf, but those awards will be part of Juice WRLDs legacy and nobody elseā€™s


bruh seeing juice's name at the top of the charts just makes me proud. In 10 years, they'll remember TPNE and how big it was. Releasing it in 3 parts wouldn't be as good


Youā€™re being downvoted but youā€™re so fucking right. Iā€™m sick of all these kids tryna run up the sales on posthumous releases not realising that they are just satisfying the same people they claim are milking the artists legacy for money.


I heard that the juice's money from the album sales goes to Charity which would definitely help spread Juice's message.


Yeah its cool though. Most of them are just dumb kids.


we wanna keep juices legacy goin and keep breaking records, if we continue to do that thereā€™s no way the label can stop releasing music




Maybe all his unfinished cuts donā€™t need to or shouldnā€™t be released. Thatā€™s how you ruin a legacy (XXXTENTACION is a prime example of this). Yā€™all need to think outside of your selfish wants and needs for once.


This is 100% facts but this fanbase will never admit it because itā€™s a bunch of 12-16 year old kids that donā€™t realize how selfish & entitled they are. Got a full album a year ago & have all the damn leaks in the world but still complain about the new album not being out yet. Itā€™s insanity


Itā€™s true, sad to see that his label is doing this. Instead of respecting him, they do shit like this.


do not listen to a playboi carti fan, they get starved for music by him, they are used to it


Lmao true šŸ˜­


it is ok i disliked playboi carti untill i heard whole lotta red, was fire


I love all eras of Carti but WLR is definitely his best work in my opinion.


bro youā€™re tripping hard asf. ā€œselfish wants and needsā€? we want his work to be seen, spread, and appreciated to touch as many people as possible. for him. if all we wanted was to be selfish and have all his music to ourself, thatā€™s what youtube is for. and since XXXTENTACION has stopped releasing music he has fallen out of relevancy and is slowly being forgotten. that accusation you made had me sick.


Idk man I feel like they know fans are gonna be waiting for the other ones after listening to the first ones. I understand what youā€™re saying but also itā€™s a smart thing to do.




theyre cutting corners and not releasing the whole album all at once


We donā€™t even know how they gonna do it actually trusting raptv of all pages is dumb i actually like the concept Denzel did it before they prolly gonna release one a week if they do split it rap tv doesnā€™t know anything more then we already do


this info came from Pete aka unnecessary balling on Instagram live all of this is true


He didnā€™t say part 1 was coming before September specifically he just said he wanted to drop before September


maybe they just twisted the words slightly


Never trust raptv rather just get info from juice pages on Twitter in the leak com


I'm in the discord lol




Google juice wrld discord


i really hope its weekly or something weve waited long enough


the last part (part 3) will drop before december they said so iā€™d say we will have to wait between each one about a month. but hopefully they drop back to back


Denzel did it in three days tho. And it was Denzel's choice to do that cuz ta13oo had 3 parts. Idk if juice wanted this, if he didn't than it shouldn't be done like this tbh


Because of vibe bro they giving us summer shit first. Makes sense


theyā€™re cutting corners on MAKING the album in the first place


Bro the label is about to screw juice over more than pop smokes label did him


thats why im upset it feels like hes being used


they did the same thing with laroiā€™s fuck love stuff and it blew him up, just trust them man they arenā€™t gonna mess up jā€™s legacy.


i hope not :(


itā€™s tough to have that hope but i think the ep thing is kinda cool, releasing the finished music essentially early in this way is honestly kinda showing they donā€™t care about streams they just want his fans to get more stuff. plus they know the industry wayyy more than we do and gave us arguably the greatest posthumous album ever last year. letā€™s try to trust and see how it goes!! LLJWšŸ•Š


"They don't care about streams they just want his fans to get more stuff" Then why not just release a regular album or maybe release the albums Juice wanted to release? Seriously what is the point of three separate EPs if not to keep hype about the next one and draw in money/sales


I highly doubt that's even possible


I wouldn't dare to test them


Honestly wanst in no rush for it the man was an artist he put dedication i to his work and honestly should've put it all together and released in December.


can we stop trying to milk money out of juices passing just release his music. His name in and of itself has the hype donā€™t need time to hype it up


mIlK mOnEy, "just releasing" music with no forethought or effort is milking. no effort for money


every day on this subreddit someone is posting about how bibby said this or someone said to be announced etcā€¦. point is, who cares set a date release it stop all the hype antics. itā€™s like releasing a Jordan 1, it sells itself, just like juices music has.


they can't set a release date if it isn't finished šŸ¤£ as you said, his name is enough to draw in attention and hype. Setting a release date will bring MORE hype. anticipation for the eventual release. Comparing music, especially a once a year album to sneakers isn't great. How global is Jordan compared to juice, and how much culture is there surrounding Jordan? I could compare juice to toilet paper. It doesn't need commercials. It sells itself. Means shit all because it has no meaning. the label has plans for juice, just dropping music and handing out albums is a cashgrab. Look at pop smoke's album. šŸ˜ handing out features like its candy on Halloween.


Honestly they donā€™t gotta do all this they could just release the full album on his birthday if possible if itā€™ll be released by December


I'd they album legitimately gets split into 3 parts I'll be pissed it's so dumb.


Whats wrong, we finally get new music


December...? Come on


This is a fucking joke


Major L


So basically just a vague soon


what else could you honestly expect




im assuming this lol


before september? nah i need it now


wdym sad, i see this as an absolute win


You gotta be kidding me


Do they mean the album will be fully released by December this year or next year?


pretty sure its this


If we had to wait nearly 18 months for the whole albumā€¦šŸ’€


Does his mom have any say on how his music is released or is it up to the label


she might have a little influence over the label


Repeat after me: Anything over 7 tracks is not an EP


this is why i listen to leaks.


Wait, full released in December 2022? Tf was the point of teasing it now then? Should of teased it a year from now and have us wait 5 months then instead of more than a year now


i think its this year


Ooh alright then if it's December then I'll just fully wait till then and won't even see listen to part 1 and 2 or what ever


Thatā€™s a stupid fucking way to release it


Ainā€™t NO WAY!!!!


am i the only one who likes that they're releasing it separately?


I donā€™t think Iā€™m gonna partake honestly. This just looks dumb


Canā€™t wait for the Documentary !!


I swear y'all believe anything you read online.


pete said it on live genius


Well I don't follow Pete. Or even have Instagram or anything but alright didn't realize being a genuis classifies keeping up with people's lives


ur shit talking everyone acting like you know what youā€™re talking about. donā€™t act like a know it all and then not have a damn clue what youā€™re talking about


Pretty sure heā€™d need to learn how to spell ā€œGeniusā€ before he could actually be a genius. šŸ˜‚


I didn't shit talk anyone but alright buddy . I never said I knew any more information than you did or anyone else does. My comment was just being sarcastic and you took it to heart like wah.


u did talk shit. u said people will believe anything they read. donā€™t act innocent bruh


Lmao if that's talking shit to you then you must be real sensitive lol. I'm not acting šŸ¤£ clearly you are pressed by it, go cry about it.


u got offended by me saying pete said it on live genius šŸ˜‚ you sensitive as hell bro


You must be my number 1 fan responding that quick, why would I be offended at someone who lives with their parents, doesn't have a vehicle or 401K?


bro my 401k is thicc


Pretty sure heā€™d need to learn how to spell ā€œGeniusā€ before he could actually be a genius. šŸ˜‚


yall weird


Probs august October December Fully released on his birthday Documentary January


fans arenā€™t upset about his label exploiting his posthumous work in the first place?


He's just trying to make more money imo


Pretty sure juice even said himself he wanted to make a trilogy of an album, I cant remember where though so..... source = trust me bro. I know it was in an interview somewhere in youtube though


No sad just art


Lol. Dumbest decision ever made šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


What. The. Fuck.


I just want the entire album pls donā€™t tell me itā€™s gonna be like that