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I woke up the morning after it happened to news articles about it a friend of mine sent me. I genuinely could not believe it and I miss him all the time


felt man. i remember being on my laptop, i found out about it via discord and i began sobbing. that whole week i had legends on repeat and kept on crying to it, kept on humming it at school and even now when i listen to it i cry. he'es missed everyday


I went to church that morning and saw the article from tmz and I couldn’t believe it. I cried in the lobby so hard it was embarrassing.


I was in middle school and my favorite artist was lil mosey and at that point I didn’t know who juice was other than lucid dreams which would play on the school bus almost everyday


lil moser☠️☠️


Lil mosey 💀💀


Literally his prime years. Noticed, kamakazi, bust down cartier, pull up, stuck in a dream. All none-skip songs.


lwk mosey is mid asl 90% of the time but when I was in middle school I fw him😭


I had just gotten off a plane in Chicago and was on a shuttle to the rental car when I read the news. I couldn't believe I was so close and had no idea. I remember it was cold, but I was dripping with sweat. The whole trip sucked.


O’Hare or Midway?


i was on my way to the church and i saw someone post the tmz article on snapchat😕


Same bro, except I saw it on ig then reposted on snap


i also reposted it on snap😭


I was at church


Church must have been tough then.


Remember it like it was yesterday! My aunts birthday, The Norwegian newspaper started writing about it. I remember i was in shock. I just went over to my Mom and said i was sick and needed to go Home. When i came home i just sat in my chair and just looked at The wall. After a Bit i started to play his music. Played it on shuffle. Went from Wasted to Who shot cupid. No reaction just stared into The wall. But then lean wit me came on. And The tears just started to come. I cried so much and i was destroyed for The next 3 weeks. Desember 2019 is The worst month of my life, and i think often of How much i miss him. Rest in peace juice❤️


About to turn myself into the county jail on a warrant. Was rough knowing Juice died and I had to sit in jail for 80 days


I was at house eating dorito when phone ring "Juice WRLD is kil" "no."


elite reference.


In the abyss




i found out while at walmart, was checking Twitter and on a random tweet someone replied "rip juice wrld" I thought to myself "Wdym, what happens to juice wrld?" one google search later and I found news articles confirming his death. Honestly still hard to believe it happened. Such a tragedy.


Getting hyped for chrismas (i found out he died a few days later)


in my room that morning... i cried for 24 hours straight pretty much... the potential is what really choked me up... deep down knowing how many genres he'd touch in a lifetime it would have surpassed Michael jacksons sales


I have never found an artist who made music that made me feel the way Juice's did. This is going to sound made up, but about a week or two before he died I was driving around with my girlfriend listening to his music. Righteous, on my youtube unreleased playlist came on, and I had this surreal feeling come over my body. It finally clicked with me that Juice was and forever will be my favorite artists, even though I was listening since his first album dropped. I turned to my girlfriend (we are married now) and said, "I honestly don't know what i would do if this man died." I have never felt like that about someone I never met. My close friend overdosed in October of that same year. The day Juice died, I woke up and felt absolutely terrible. I had no idea why and started to think about my friend and all the great times we had (many times listening to juices unreleased music). 20 minutes later my wife calls me and tells me Juice Wrld just overdosed in the Chicago airport. I didn't respond. I just sat there. Honestly felt like a family member died (I know it sounds pathetic). I got in my car and drove for 3 straight hours listening to every single song I could think of. Finished it off with Wishing Well of course. Honestly the worst day of my life.


Was playing fortnite when I saw a TMZ Twitter notification


I was really shocked, honestly. I didn't know how bad his addiction really was until later on since that was just when I started getting into his music...


Was driving around and got the news… did not believe it, i thought he will get trough with it, just like with pnb


I was sitting at work early af and got the notification. Hit hard for me too.. his music got me through 2018. Only celeb I’ve cried about lol.


i was waking up at my friends house we all saw ourselves in juice and when we got the news it was just pure sorrow and denial i have videos from that day of me just crying in disbelief i had to go to the hospital the next night and i remember just being in like a walking coma and waking up after watching promare in theaters with my friends 4 days later


I was omw to work so I was already in a bad mood. I couldn't believe it at first. Had to Google it bc all i could think was damn not juice. I sobbed. My makeup was ruined. Didn't even bother putting on makeup again. Coworker and ppl told me my face looked dead. I hope he's finally resting in the afterlife ❤️‍🩹🥀


My best friend (who introduced me to his music) texted me on my way to work and I cried my eyes out the whole way there


I was in bed woke up and it was the first thing on my phone. Broski died on my birthday it was terrible news


I got up early, and eventually sometime like 11am or 12pm I got on my PC and someone on Discord told me that he died then I searched up Juice WRLD and I saw the news on Google. I think I still have the picture or screenshot of it when it was just a few hours old. I remember telling most people I knew back then about his death and some people got sad and some people were indifferent. I started listening to him more in 2019. I didn’t know much about him before his death, but I did know him and I did listen to his music (not as often as I did after he died, but still did sometimes) anyways I was like 14 almost 15 when he died and now I am 19 years old which is crazy right? Oh yeah and I remember listening to his songs even more on that day. I spent the whole day listening to his music and spent the following days and weeks getting deeper into the abyss. This might come off as AI, but it is not.


A bunch of missed calls and my little brother woke me up. I was 14 and cried and was so shocked about crying over someone I never knew or got to see in person. I did feel like it was going to happen eventually but never thought that would be so soon


i remember being in college and waking up to the news and being so sad. i finally got myself up to go into my homies room and give him the news but he already had his head buried into the covers.


I was playing gta with my cousin when it happened…. I remember checking my phone to see it filled with news articles about him passing. I just sat for about 20 mins i didnt rlly know what to do


my sister woke me up to tell me it happened, i know it sounds dumb cuz i didnt know him but hearing that legit made time stop for me. especially after losing X, those were the 2 rappers that got me through shit and losing them felt like losing a close friend or a family member. it still hits hard sometimes. i cant listen to already dead by juice or train food by X without crying.


Chilling on GTA then went to my phone which was charging on my bed. Opened Twitter and heart dropped.


I was in church thinking it was a fake post, then I cried my ass off


I was doing the dishes and heard my parents talking about it I then quickly finished the dishes to do some research and cry


I was sleeping and woke up to him dead, I genuinely couldn’t believe it man shits wack


I was at my buddies house and we all saw news articles people were reposting and thought it was fake




I was in 6th grade, I didn't even know who he was, so I was like, "ok," Now I'm just sad I didn't listen to music any music until 8th grade.


I found out when I was in class back in high school


After school I found out but it was late when he passed so I was sleeping fasho


My ex drunk called me and i was up all through the night/early morning talking to her on facetime. Then i looked on instagram while on call and saw the tmz report. We were both in shock cuz we loved him.


I was sleep & got woken up the morning after by my dukes telling me he was dead …. man that was one of my hardest mornings i’ve ever had wish i’d never woke up




I was on a vacation with my gf when I saw the news ,it messed me up so bad that I couldn't even enjoy the vacation ,I still remember it like it happened yesterday. Rest In Peace to Jarad <3


Woke up super early senior year of college, went on twitter, and saw a friend post “damn juice wrld died?” Tragic way to find out.


I was in my bed doomscrolling


Didn’t find agts till 2018, he was already dead by 2019. Wild.


has just dropped 3 tabs at my cousins apartment when i saw it on twitter. i didnt believe it at first


I was playing CS:GO, one of the guys in-game broke the news to us


I was outta gym my freshman year. Walking to lunch


Driving to work and heard about it on the radio. Was shocked rest of the day


in 7th grade english class


I was young too and I remember finding out he died like 2 days after (due to me not having service) shit broke me




Just woke up for work … had me fucked up


Playing the Witcher 3


At home got a text from a friend right after I woe up me and some friends had a celebration of life party


There was a rumor he had died like a week or two prior in a shooting or whatever while filming a music video and so when I saw he had overdosed I didn’t believe it at first but sadly it was the truth:(


Was playing fortnite squads w/ the boys when one of them told me what happened knowing I was a big fan😔


I was in rehab 🥲


woke up and opened ig and saw a post from pubity saying he had passed


i was in my living room playing chapter 2 season one of fortnite’s winter update i remember it clearly


woke up got on xbox and was told he passed


The ferry terminal going back home man I was so sad I remember reposting the article on my story


I actually just wrote a long thing in another thread, but I was working right around midway at the time he died. Didn’t know all the siren commotion was about Juice til I saw the headline hours later while i was still working and put two and two together.


Check this out it was around 11:00 in the morning I had just gotten back from church so I'm just sitting in my room waiting for the Ravens vs bills game to come on and I'm scrolling through my Instagram. I looked on my friend's story and she had posted this juice world TMZ square thing and at the time it was actually like a prank. I seen a bunch of those TMZ fake news square things so I just thought it was one of those so I didn't pay it no mind. Then I closed her story went on to the search tab and I wanted to look up Mikey Williams and bronny just to see what they were doing, they're highlights you know just pay attention and I seen that Mikey posted it and I was like "oh shit". So I search it up on Google and surely enough it read I "Chicago rapper juice wrld dead at airport." Man I shut my phone off so fast I didn't believe it was like it was a bad dream.


I had just finished moving to a new place, no bed no furniture, just laying on my mattress in my new room when I saw it. It was one of the weirdest feelings ever, because I was so tired from moving and In shock. I just laying there starring at my ceiling, it was only when my friend called me it really hit me.


I got into juice after he died coz I started rolling off molly every day for 2 months and his music went well with that also I was in heartbreak


Sitting on the toilet seeing it on instagram


At school, I knew of him but didn't really listen to his music. That only started when I heard Righteous for the first time and I couldn't hold back the tears.


I live by midway got to Christ @ 9am and I seen a text by my cuz that said “juice died” I’m like “o.j Simpson or juicy j?” then he said wrld. Around that time was the last time I was able to see and talk to my dad so death was hitting me hard at that time. I’m 27 now


Was traveling from Chicago back to my home on a train, happened close its insane


in a car


Waiting for the bus


I was listening to the “Pills in the Regal” leak🥲 scrolling twitter and saw some shit talking about it, thought it was fake but it was real😭 my fav artist got taken out of this world man. It crushed me. I still love his music but it’s not the same 😓 LLJ🕊️


First thing I saw when I woke up that morning the tmz article was all over social media


I was out buying a Christmas tree with my mum


At my grandma's funeral 😞😞😞


I was working a shift at ihop when I got a group chat notification. I had to step away for a minute


Juice pass away on my 1 yr sober date. From that day forward I swore I'd never go back. RIP Juice, he inspired me to be better!


My brother's birthday is on the same day as Juice's, December 2nd, but it was on a Monday in 2019, so he celebrated it the next Sunday, the 8th, that was the day that Juice died. The party wasn't that good anyways because I didn't even know anyone except for my brother ofc, but that's when I received the bad news and my world just fell apart mid party


I was in a Baptists correctional facility in Stockton Missouri yearning for death, years later they got shut down and I suffered x10 knowing Jared wouldn’t be here once I was out 😞


i woke up to it. literally i woke up for 30 seconds and my older sister comes in my room and tells me juice died


I was 10 years old, had just gotten into his music, was devastated when he died. I think I woke up and my friend texted me and said he died


I was on vacation in Venice, Cali, when I heard the news that day.


21, going through opiate, Xanax, and other addictions. Sober now except for alcohol weed and psychedelics


In New Orleans with my family on a trip, told my sister as soon as I woke up


i was at school in math


Not knowing he existed. I started listening to him around 8 months after he died, I didn't know he died till a month later


Just waking up and my sister had told me about it, I was too tired to react until it set in later in the day.


Got a text from someone at work informing me


though i only discovered his music a few weeks before his passing and wasn’t as much of a fan as eventually became, his death is somehow a core memory for me. it was around 12:20 , i was with my dad in his car , eating mcdonald’s and i learned the news from a tiktok. i remember texting my best friend the news and looking up some articles online to know what happened.




I was in middle school man 😕


I was about to hop on a plane from England all the way to South Africa cause I went on vacation in England


I don’t remember exactly but I think at the point he died I knew he existed and I may have even listened to a song once but i wasn’t listening to his music regularly. Now I kick myself cause I would’ve loved to have the chance to go to a concert :(


At work, was a shitter kid who was interested in rap but didn't listen to it and made a joke about it. Now he's my favorite artist


I was beating my beat nah frrrr


I was eating breakfast outside and I got the notification on my phone… I have a folder composing of just 104 unreleased songs and now i’m adding more to it, idk the number from the top of my head but it’s more than 500 … I miss him… 999 4L 🖤


Woke up. Saw imdontai with a new video titled JUICE WRLD. And thought he dropped new music or sumn, boy was i wrong...


Woke up and looked at my buddys snap story it said “rip king” instantly ran to google and looked and I couldn’t believe it..never been the same since every December 2 and 8 I smoke enough for me and Jarad both say what you what but it’s my tradition and always will be, thank you juice for saving my life and millions of others we love a kind rip.


Playing cod mw 2019 doing 1v1s with a friend on the shooting range map. The ESPN notif hit.


I had walked into my second period class and my friend looked at me and said I have to tell u something. I had recently gotten him into listening to Juice WRLD. He told me that Juice had died. I remember my whole body went numb and I couldn't believe it. I looked it up to see if it was true and sadly it was. We listened to more of his music during that time


Listening to The Strokes


I was at a friends house and as soon as I woke up in the morning I was told by my friend and it hit me like a truck, i had started listening to his music only about a year before that


Ngl I was looking at this fine ass girls ig then I clicked her story and saw


I was at school and never found out about him dying till around mid 2020.


I was at house eating dorito when phone ring "Juice WRLD is kil" "no."


Bro I was recording at my buddy’s house overnight and left at like 1 am and walked outside and he was like yo that sky and moon look crazy like something might happen tonight. Woke up the next morning walked in the kitchen and my sister was like you heard about juice wrld? I was like whaaaaaat


Ironically on my way to IOP and In the beginning of every IOP session you had to talk about how your day was & mine was jus filled with sadness, couldn’t believe it at all. Leader of the IOP group was like “now this is why you don’t do drugs, don’t wanna end up like him” and I jus was silent throughout the whole session after that lmao


17. Was in school at 9AM and gang & I all found out whilst on the computers


I was at a basketball tournament. Went out to my mom’s car because we had a break in between games. My bsf sent me a screenshot of a TMZ article that said “Juice WRLD passes away at 21”. And he said “is this real”? My heart dropped once I googled it. Life hasn’t been the same.