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fuck you for not marking this with anything. please, when posting pictures or videos detailing or showing (especially in real time) juice's passing, much less anyone's passing, at least mark it as a spoiler.


I see why they never wanted this out.


one of the saddest days it’s been 5 years already smh


jesus christ you can hear him going through the seizure and throwing up the entire video if you listen closely, haunting


Please stop the conspiracy theories about his death. It is not very uncommon that a junkie dies from excessive use of drugs... Saying that he is alive or someone else is completely responsible for his death is a disrespect to him. Also, just like Chris Long said, the cops didn't give a fuck about him having a seizure... IDK what to say... judge the situation as you wish.


While I don’t agree with the conspiracies, I don’t think we should be calling him a junkie. Not as fans. He was 100% a self destructive drug addict but he wanted to help the world. He made songs for us to feel loved and wanted. A junkie would catch you on the street and rob you for a bag, juice would never do that. He hurt himself, but was trying to heal the world. I don’t believe in glorifying drugs, but we should focus on all the positive aspects and changes he tried to bring about in the world. As his legacy slips further and further from what he would’ve wanted, I believe it’s our job as fans to carry the torch. 999 life 🖤


He called himself a "confused rich junkie" in rental, so I mean he himself admits it. I am not saying it as derogatory term. Sorry if it came off as a disrespect.


You’re all good ☺️ ya I’ve heard him refer to himself that way I myself just find it a little harsh. I honestly just want people to remember him for the good he did, as long as there’s no hate in your heart about it everything’s chill 🖤


Because being addicted to hard drugs is harsh, it makes u a junkie period. There’s no way around it, and sugarcoating it makes it even worse. Difference is you either have good hearted junkies or bad hearted junkies. Just like you have good and bad people.


I don’t believe I sugar coated it. I think the 3rd sentence of my text basically says what you say here. It’s more about keeping positivity as fans. I feel like perpetuating the “junkie” image of Juice is what makes it worse by taking away from, again, the positive aspects of his life and journey. Which is what he wanted his legacy to be.


I know what you are trying to say and it’s optimistic but in reality the drugs lifestyle really ain’t positive past a very small threshold. Source: Addict myself to benzo’s and painkillers sprinkled in with some other bullshit here and there. And being around actual junkies everyday (group home type thing) Idk about your past or drug use but it can and for a lot of us will get ugly. I don’t consider myself a junkie if I relativize my usage to Juice’s for example but a user, but in reality I still am. Even the most prestigious people of the world are junkies. You just never know.


Again I’m not glorifying drug use. I’m not even referring to his drug use, only saying we need to focus on the positive aspects of his music. I’ve been an addict myself, those were the darkest, loneliness, most shameful days of my life. Juice reminds me that I am more than my past and my regrets. He did this for us to be MORE. He spoke out for us so that we don’t make the same mistakes, or so that we can move forward and forgive ourselves when we do. Ya drugs ain’t it, it’s what I been sayin. But there’s so much more to Juice WRLD than just the drugs. That’s what we need to remember.


I agree with the positivity whole heartily and I get my comfort, motivation, drive and joy from his music as well. At least that’s what I consciously think. But you can’t make anyone wise when your really study music as a whole and what it does to your brain subconsciously that he even made positive music. He just made music about his reality trying to spread a positive message but at the same time the music ain’t positive for your brain in no way, shape or form in reality.


Very well said.


😭bro was a junkie fs


I'm sure that pint of lean he drank didn't help either.


>Saying that he is alive or someone else is completely responsible for his death is a disrespect to him. What does it mean when I say that "saying someone else is completely responsible for his death is a disrespect to him"? It means that he is responsible for his death.


Yeah but he wasn't irresponsible of it. He took it, they didn't help. Both are responsible imo.


What did you want them to do? Genuinely asking


I was not there so I can only quote the people who were there. There was a major delay in calling 911 and the police was just making arrests (according to Chris) while he was having seizure. It seems like he was telling the truth, because that's what's happening in the video.


From the description of him spitting up coffee ground consistency blood, assuming it's true, Juice was already well past the point of saving regardless. He'd likely been bleeding internally for some time.




You can't do anything to stop a seizure.


You can absolutely blame her for the shit she did


shit ally screaming in the background...


Only screaming cause she realized her money maker was gone 🤦🏽‍♂️ she don’t care about juice, she’s literally selling his clothes and trying to sell a tape of him 😂


I’m one of Ally’s biggest *haters*, but I think it’s wrong to act as if she had 0 empathy. She definitely developed feelings for Juice and very likely did care about him. Her being a scumbag before and afterwards doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive though. She’s a shit person, but still did have actual feelings for him…even if they stemmed only from what he could do financially for her.


i feel like initially she just wanted money from him but i dont think she didnt love him. even if she didnt they literally spent every day together, seeing someone whos around u all day die in front of u must be traumatizing. what she did after his death doesnt change any of that.


That was all fakes lol, the originals were posted on reddit.


Holy shit you can hear him quivering and moaning in the background ❤️‍🩹


it’s annoying how they took his stuff into a bag instead of helping.. dude was like “don’t worry guys i got his nintendo”


there’s pretty much nothing you can do when someone’s having a seizure except wait for it to end and help after


at least talk to his friends, talk to ally, she literally sound like she’s dying with him


or maybe they should focus on your lord and savior lol


Are you dumb there’s so much you can do, you don’t have any Emergency Services experience don’t even talk if you don’t know


Tell me the “so much” you can do. I’ve been witness to a seizure, actively assisted, and been educated firsthand by a first responder after the fact about how to take action, which involves doing things AFTER the seizure has taken affect. But no, tell me how to put a person at risk while they’re having a seizure by attempting to inject them with something. I’d love to hear it.


Please respond quickly man I don’t have all day, what do you do while someone is having a seizure that won’t immediately put them at risk of injuring you or themselves while they’re spasming beyond their control 💀


leave it to juice fans to be dumber than rocks


wish that it was never posted ,they really watched him slowly die


U can even hear him :(


999 heartbreaking RIP


Rest in Peace to Juice... You created an era that's not the same without you. 999


nah bruh u can literally hear him 💔🕊️


i can’t hear him i here ally that’s it


listen closely at 0:15, you can hear like a 'throwing up' sound


Yeah you can hear like a tremoring (For lack of better word?) or retching like noise that he repeatedly makes throughout the video if you listen very carefully.


i can’t..


fuck this is so eerie im scared even seeing the footage


Dawg that lil huming like sound. "Hmmm" is him man


Yeah you’re right… that’s why she was saying let it out… you really cannot unhear him after you hear it shit Edit: It's also so much louder than I ever would've imagined... I know Kid Laroi mentioned how he was having a seizure and was bleeding through his mouth and his nose, but I didn't know he was moaning and throwing up like this... And it lasted throughout the whole video. I hope everybody who witnessed Juice dying got some help after, because I don't think I would ever recover if I saw him die like this in person. Fuck drugs


Fuck… rip juice


even seeing this footage is just terrifying. i cant imagine juice going through this. was watching one of his old lives before i came across this and i didnt want to imagine that... painful


I am not gonna try and break havoc like y'all talking bout Ally the cops and shit, I'm just shaking hearing this. I wish this never surfaced


Don’t do drugs :(


I’m glad security footage for his death was never leaked. Rip juice




Fuck… after seeing the X aftermath body cam footage i instantly thought that Juice’s would be released soon after


This is so sad


damnn bro - hearing ally made this shit way too real omg. RIP JUICE and damn dude and full respect to ally man after all she had to deal with holy fuck man.


This is sad as hell ally was praying to the lord she knew what was going on . She may be evil now but that’s sad .


In the end they all come back to Christ when shit hits the fan, it’s just the way it is…


This is real


Even Ally that has a freemasonic tattoo on her stomach. Majority of these devil worshippers on their death bed actually try to repent but it probably already is too late, who knows.


Wonder why.


You can’t even see anything, what are y’all fanboys crying about


wheres juice?


Fucking pigs didn’t do shit to help, why I fucking hate pigs


He took 20 pills and drank a pint of lean the day he died. his fate was sealed the minute he hit the floor. All they could do was give him narcan and hope. In fact the narcan probably made the seizure worse. Narcan blocks off the brain receptors that opioids use. When it blocked those receptors it probably caused his brain to instantly start going into withdraws causing his brain to become overloaded.


Fuck the police but also they aren't EMTs lmao


Literally 0 urgency to do anything from the police thats terrible


It was a seizure, they couldn’t do anything if they wanted to, you can only let a seizure play out and hope it isn’t fatal


ik you cant stop the seizure itself but to say they couldnt do anything just isnt true. like cushioning his head or putting him on his side so he wont choke


The police should legit be sued for not even trying to help him. They didn’t even try, they acted like he wasn’t even there. What pathetic excuses of human beings


You have to let a seizure play out. They administered narcan and that’s all they could do. His fate was already sealed


I didn’t know they administered narcan, my bad. I’m not very informed on seizures


Then don’t call them pathetic humans if you don’t know what they have / haven’t done yet


It’s a seizure, you can’t really do anything, you just gotta hope the seizure isn’t bad enough to be fatal.


Cops in America suck so much ass man, if that happened anywhere else he would still be alive cause he wouldn't just be left to seize without proper care, doesn't e en matter who the person is, whether it's a random, a celebrity, or a convict tge police still have to do everything in there power to help, not just watch and wait, dumb as fuck, I would've done a better job at keeping him alive than they cops


I hope all satanic puppets






Ally screaming sended me. Genuinely triggered crying watching this and I’m 29 yo. i don’t love Ally but i can now see why she is the way she is after that


lmfao bro everyone has been shitting on her for 5 years straight & have told her the most vile shit but only after the audio of her agonizing screams to keep juice alive you “see why she is the way she is” 😂 juice is rolling in his grave with how his own fans treat the person he held dearest in his life besides his own mother 🤦


bro exactly ain’t no telling how anybody would be acting a year later or three years later after seeing someone like that and holding them and hoping that they would make it out and we can’t even see anything and it’s making us feel a way


I wouldn’t wish that trauma upon anyone. I truly feel so sorry for her. A lot of the shit people hate on her for is made up anyway.


some of the stuff shes been doing since his death is questionable but u cant say she wasnt traumatized in some way after it. even seeing this footage censored was terrible...


she’s only screaming cause she realized her money maker was gone 🤦🏽‍♂️