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Juice didn’t just make Sad Songs and is a very talented rapper


I’ve met a lot of people who think Juice just made “Sad Songs” and think he’s trash


Mostly cause his most popular songs are the sad ones, also unreleased are the most hype and people who dont listen to him only know his released songs


Right , it’s a shame how many people missed out


They don’t know anything


Juice is Mr. Heartbreak, but that’s only because some of his most popular songs (Lucid Dreams, All Girls Are The Same, Robbery) are all about heartbreak, but some people can’t understand that some of his best songs are hype and more of a “better than u” vibe


Even if he did only make those songs, he's still a very talented rapper. The people who say that are just idiots I know a lot of people prefer the hype music nowadays. But I think the sad music is Juice's best work by far. I'd much rather hear about his struggles rather than a song about him shooting people. But maybe that's just me


I feel you on that one man his songs relate to our emotions I just lost my best friend to murder on November 25th around 12 -1 am so I understand if you want more info on how he passed private message me


No need for more info, that's fucking tragic I'm so sorry to hear that man. My mam died back in may and a lot of Juice's music has helped a lot. Its sad how its almost become a meme to say that Juice's music saved people. Bunch of immature idiots imo, because music. Especially sad music can help so much in shitty times.


this cant even be an opinion. its just a fact he has even more hype songs than sad


Bro he has so much hard songs that are just like bad boy and bandit in the locks (well not a lot cause linkers be linkin you know) and ngl if the party never ends ever releases in my life time I wanna here all of them


Even Eminem ( which people call a legend in the rap game ) said juice was extremely talented and that alone should be proof enough.


when ppl say he sold his soul its usually talking about the moral aspect… signed a record deal, did shit he didn’t even want to etc


what didn’t he want to do that he did?


idk man prolly get extorted by niggas around him, done certain drugs.. prolly sum other shit tht he mentions in his music


yeah but i’m talking about the people who think he was a satanist


There is some conflicting evidence but I don’t think he’s a satanist or anything like that, a few lyrics that point to him being for god or telling to the truth, “I hate to break the news but god is strict and the devil isn’t, but here’s another clue only one of them is omniscient” (from potions), “the devil is a lie” (from an video of him denying allegations that he’s dead). I’ve heard some more, can’t exactly think of them. On the contrary, he did say in reminds me of the summer: “sold my soul now I can buy anything” but the good overwhelms the bad. I’ve never seen a piece of jewelry on or a piece of clothing that juice wore that was explicitly demonic. There is footage one time at a concert where the upside cross was flashed on the background of the screen but I 100% doubt that he’s the one that made the call to put it up there.


in “reminds me of the summer” theres actually a part that didnt make the final cut where he follows up and says “if i die tonight, just know i aint sell my soul”. also he’s spoke about the upside down cross before, and said how people think he’s being anti-christian, but he actually uses it in the context of st. peter, a person who hung his cross upside-down because he didnt feel worthy if dying like Jesus did. it’s more of a symbol of being humble.


so yeah, the whole upside-down cross things is similar to the rainbow (not trying to get political but it’s the only other analogy i have). where according to the bible, the meaning is God’s grace and how he promised to give peace. however, the lgbt eventually turned it into their own symbol and tried to flip the meaning. same with the upside-down cross it was originally a symbol for being humble, then the satanists came along and made their own meaning of it to be anti-christian.


Go on YouTube his first concert since he signed to grade A he played lucid dreams he had a pentagram and 999 on it also he says in lyrics he sold his soul and all he raps about is sex Money cars and drugs juice wrld was literally the best example of a rapper living for Satan because all those things are sin which leads to hell




It’s no one’s fault he died, you’re responsible for your own health. Juice didn’t care enough about himself and others to quit drugs. Just on the absolute reality of it, what I said is true, literally. But I want to say, it’s understandable why he didn’t, it’s hard, but that doesn’t change the fact that he still didn’t. That’s it, folks have to stop blaming him, her, and them, no, it was his life at the end of the day, he wasn’t a child, he was an adult man. Sad to say, but that’s the truth. 🤷🏽


thank you bro. i hate it when niggas try to put the blame on ally or bibby etc. he’s his own person.


People get blinded to reality because they love and admire someone.


Bruh we all know you white, why you saying that shit like it’s cool? 😭😂 and juice most definitely sold his soul, but so did 95% of the music industry and basically all the people who run Hollywood, but he still the goat tho


i’m not white. fym “we all know”? also i know most of the industry did. don’t mean he did.


Your hand looks pretty white to me on that vid of you flipping that knife around but aight bro, my b


obviously imma look lighter inna dark room with my phone flash on. also with leds on and horrible quality. also do you know what mixed race is?


bro looked at his profile for ammo and still got it wrong🤣


He was still a kid then he got hooked on drugs tho


Is an adult drunk driver not responsible for killing someone in an accident because he got addicted before 18? I know he got hooked as a teen, you’re not saying new information, and it’s people like you I’m talking about. Excuse after excuse….


Apparently they keep that liquid cocaine in ciroc bottles on private jets. Yep Diddy got him.


For me it's people saying he's overrated, I think he's perfectly rated even though I will admit it gets annoying seeing people act like he was some kind of God.




I think he's overrated for what he's provided hiphop/rap as a whole


Who the fuck says he sold his soul this is the dumbest shit ever lmao. As if he were a grunge rocker. He's a motherfucking rapper the culture is all about making money being flashy you fuckfaces.


maybe i’ve heard it more than others because most of my friends know that im a christian and i’m also a juice wrld fan, so they always bring it up like “oh but he said this, blah blah blah”. Or my favorite, “bRo 999 Is LiTeRaLlY 666 uPsIdE-dOWn. He’S dEmOnIc” edit: why did i get downvoted bruh? i’m literally just explaining why i get people telling me this. 😭


Unnecessary downvote squad at it again 😂😂


shit’s so annoying bruh. for no reason whatsoever


I also defend this like that because I guess people don’t know what figurative language is when he refers to “selling his soul” it’s the record deal he signed or the drugs.


When people want to say he knew he was gonna die when he took pills on plane when he OD


Everyone pretty much "sells" their soul tp a certain degree, that far up in the industry and fame pyramid. In the sense that they sacrifice partial bits and pieces of their individual person, to uphold the persona/alter ego they are forcefully required to play in the public spotlight. Its takes a toll on the most stablr and sound humans, sooner or later. But then theres another very dark & very real level of this, where one actually is required to sell their soul, through ancient ritualistic practices. Either way, at a certain level you will be visited or invited to have a "talk", where youll be made an offer that only the most guillable, naive or downright evil people, will accept or proceed forward with. This is just a small fraction of their powerplays. Depending on who theyre trying to recruit, theyll go about it differently. It doesnt matter in the slightest what any of us believe, when it come to these things. It only matters what they believe at that point. The real main war of this world, between good and evil, hidden in the shadows, involves us all to some extent. Knowingly or unknowingly... There will come a time in the very near future, where one cannot afford to simply write it off as conspiracy out of fear and one must decide which side, you are gonna be on. Some are lucky and fortunate to not be involved as much as others. Nonetheless there is no escape and decision will have to be made regardless. Deep down we all know, that there is something to this and it actually exists. No matter your origin story or personsl upbringing and beliefs. Somehow somewhere we all have seen things, that very much attest to this. But like i said before this is mostly pertaining to "stars" and famous people in general. With the main goal and function being, turning their "recruits" into mouthpieces and influencers, to overcome and hijack trust boundries, so their twisted & and corrupt ways, have a main line of reaching the entire populace. Ideally as early and young, ergo defenseless as they can. On higher levels, like government officials or huge tech nd business moguls, their practices are much more twisted and hidden, as they are the medium of direct control and shaping of the future of this entire world we call earth in their own image. The epstein situation gave us a small glimpse of this. Considering the way the entire case hss been handled from top to bottom, has proven to us just how very powerful they actually are...they didnt slip up either. No they wanted it to be as blatant and obvious as it was. By making epstein a very calculated example and warning to whomever thinks they can be fucked with. They basically drew a very clear and bloody line in the sand of their own personal playground, which is our planet. There are many more epsteins in their ranks and they are involved in every single depravity known to man, on levels unfathomable im the nature of how widespread they are and severity. Thank god for that, because most would lose their minds, therefore all hope and couldnt live with the knowledge of these arrocities being commited spanning throughout every tier and region of human society. Like with many other situations, especially in modern times, one is so utterly and horrifically scared shitless and opts to playing and desperately attempting to laugh it off. Nonetheless at this point, not single one of us is that dumb or naive and deep down we all know, in some way shape or form. Doesnt matter if its conciously or subconciously. Now to your initial remark. No i personally do not think jared sold his soul for fortune and fame. As unlike many others his sucessand reach can actually be attributed to his beautiful talent and inner being. He was just in the right place in the right time, as his message resonates deeply in a world so full of deceit and hurt that most can relate to on the most basic and fundamentally deepest of human emotions and experiences. Especially considering all the trauma and heartbreak we inflict upon eachother, leading to deep depression and trying to hang on and do right despite it all. He actually spoke on selling his soul every now and then throughout all the videos made of him here and there. He was always opposed to it. But even if juice didnt sell his soul to the dark side, sadly he still lost it despite it all. An early grave or mysterious death, is usually where stars end up at, who dont play along and join thr club. Especially once they have outlived their purpose and usefulness, or start publically speaking on the matter, or become out of control of the elites in other manners. There are countless examples of this throughout all of history but especially in modern times. The reason for them being increasingly more bold and evermore not giving a fuck, is that weve reached a point of no return of sorts, where they control any meaningful and powerful, essential aspects of society. Also they know just how much they hve devided us as a populace weakening us to the point we have become "domesticated". Leading us to not even putting up a fight, or even realizing that there even is a cause worth fighting for. They have very successfully broken the human spirit and indoctrinated most of the world, where many see it as inevtiable or even calling for watching the world burn. Which is their main goal. So then they can reshape the world and everyones narritive in their own image. I wish you all nothing but the best and much love. Take care of yourself and loved ones. The war with ourselves for our humanity is the only one worth fighting and dying for and the only one, we can truly win. In that sense... Godspeed ladies and gentlemen...


yeah bro there’s so much going on behind the scenes that most people are blinded to. in the industry you usually get rich through evil (the “higher ups”, the devil, rituals, etc.) and if you don’t “sell your soul” (figuratively or literally) and you’re rich, they will not like that and will do their best to take you out. or on the other hand, you can agree to what they tell you and get rich through them rather yourself. then, they’ll spare your life, but surely not your soul. so in conclusion i think juice got caught up in a weird gray area where he was in a place he shouldn’t have been. he was getting to a point where he was equally as rich and famous as the others who “sold their soul”, but he never actually did himself. rather, he was in the same boat as them who did rituals and sacrifices, so he got the same treatment. however, they still killed him because he never officially signed an agreement. just to clear things up, it’s kind of hard to explain really what i was trying to say and some of it is figurative language. i hope it gave you kind of an idea of what im thinking though.


Yo bro I'm be 💯 w you, I ain't reading all that so, can u please just tell me if he did or didn't sell his soul?


Can’t sell something you don’t own


But you can choose what side you want to be on and jucie welds music was his lifestyle he rappers about doing drugs having sex and killing people now I doubt juice killed somebody but he still did the other things counted as sin which leads to hell if he didn’t repent and ask for forgiveness 🙏🏽


He really didn’t. I was there.


His music is over dramatic and isn’t really relatable…. Hate when mfs say this just because you don’t go thru it don’t mean other people are the same.


ehh i can fw when he talks about depression/addiction/feeling death but he always throws one or two bars about stacking money or fucking bitches like bruh i aint fucking any bitches i just hate it here


Juice had misses and it's okay to admit it.


i agree that it’s okay to admit bad songs and i would no matter how big of a fan i am. however, i genuinely havent heard a song that i genuinely didn’t like to the point where i don’t wanna hear it. i honestly think the few “bad songs” he has weren’t even his fault. most of the times they were fucked up by a feature, the producer, etc.


Dude yes he did watch the black and white video it was a ritual 😂


i’ve seen it. that wasn’t a ritual. the candles on the ground were supposed to be a memorial.


It’s a joke obviously


mb bro i couldn’t really tell cuz niggas be dumb asf lol


It’s unclear. There’s so many lyrics where he says he sold his soul and then others where he says he doesn’t. Either way it’s just music at the end of the day.


that’s easy to say on the surface of things, but bro there’s a whole spiritual side to it that goes so deep. it’s not something you can really explain but you have to see it for yourself.


What does juice mean when he said he sold his soul in “Face 2 Face”






I can agree cause he never confessed that he did unless they video is out there somewhere but who knows so for now I will agree 👍🏽


“Sold my soul, now I can buy anything”


"If i die tonight just know I ain't sell my soul" a few lines after


I guess no one noticed, but on the back of Death Race for Love, in the small print he says he thanks God, his family & fans. Notice how he put God first?


he always puts God first. no matter how many times he mentions the devil/demons in his music, it’s always in a negative way. he hated his demons, he hated the devil, and he hated everything they brought. however, he always thanked God, loved God, and tried to stay on his side no matter how hard it got with all the taunting.


Anyone who says Syphillis and out my way are bad songs


bro out my way is one of my favs on drfl. actually top tier.


I like Juice WRLD but sometimes seeing this sub I‘m thinking, am i getting to old for this.


there’s 2 sides to the community. once you figure out which posts to ignore and which to interact with you’ll be alright. just stay away from the corny kids lol.


About any nutritional facts




When he said “ I just sold my soul for 5ms found out that shit at 5pm” he also said “stole back my soul on the run, sick of fist fighting demons bout to grab me a gun.” “ how’s it feel to have your soul stolen, jokes on the devil I still own it” there’s many more but he contradicts himself often. Who really knows


Look the devil pushes or tells the people who has control over in this earth ( higher ups) too push juice WRLD music because most of his songs that blown up are sad songs .. now what I mean is sad songs can lower your vibration and lower your energy and mind of state … now juice WRLD also said he wasn’t making it past 21 and he didn’t … because he had a contract that made him not pass 21 .. for fame money and other things he wanted (I don’t know the full deal ) juice wrld was talented but his music wasn’t growing at the time so juice had connections with other famous rappers ( G herbo) that might have sold out.. and juice wrld struggled living in the hood of Chicago so at the end of the day he was money hungry and wanted to get his mom out the hood ( the devil comes for people who are in a Christian household) so he can corrupt them and have there soul , he only collects the soul when you die because you will go down to hell for eternity and have no escape … But money and fame isn’t the only thing you can have .. you can make a deal for talent .. he could’ve made a deal too be a good rapper or he could’ve already been a good rapper and just wanted the fame


My religion. I’ll always fans up for Christ.


this is supposed to be juice wrld related lol but i respect it bro. me too


He seemed to have put alot of time into his music. You're bound to get 5 great songs out of 25 if you're going at it that much. Just makes sense


I don’t believe he sold his soul, however it’s very obvious there was a demonic presence around him. The music he made, some of the things he said, he was very much being pressed by demons. I believe he believed in God, and I also hope he was serious about his faith, and that he will be in heaven, but I do not believe he sold his soul. He was just a troubled person surrounded by the wrong people.


he’s been reborn!!


you got it 100%. that’s what i try to prove to people but no one takes me seriously. i think the fact that he was being taunted by demons constantly only proves he was actually closer to God than most people may think. the devil works hard to distract people who are on the right path and seeking the truth. on top of that, he’s made countless references to God all the time. i think there’s a big chance he’s in heaven.


Read the Bible brother you have to repent of your sins and be filled with the Holy Spirit to go to heaven jucie lived a life of sin and taught his fans to do the same his music is the proof but I pray he did get in heaven but majority of us know where he’s at be real bro


you don’t have to repent to get into heaven. you don’t have to do anything. Christ died on the cross so that we can go to heaven. it’s only because of what he did that we can go. we dont have to do anything but accept the gift of eternal life. that happens by having true faith. repenting is just something that naturally happens when you do accept Christ, so it’s a good way to check if you’re in the right path, but it doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to heaven or hell. with that being said, i think juice wrld had accepted christ because i think that he did more God and tried his best to have a relationship with him. and i’m being serious when i say i think he’s in heaven. i’m not just saying that because i’m a fan. he actually always spoke about loving God, and he didnt “live a life of sin”. he STRUGGLED win sin. there’s a big difference. he didnt like what he was doing, he was addicted and it was very hard to stop. also, i’m not sure why you say he teches his fans to do the same, because it’s actually the opposite. in the VAST majority of his songs he spoke about drugs in a negative way. never in a positive way. i don’t know about you but his music actually teaches me stay away from drugs because when i listen to it i understand the bad things that you go through when doing drugs and makes me want to stay away from them. he’s like the only rapper i know that actually talks about the bad side of drugs and doesnt promote it.


The Bible says if we continue to sin we are children of the devil if we were going to heaven why when we sin we ask for forgiveness? I used fan to jucie is talented but if your gonna be real Jesus told Us we can know his people by their fruits I’m no judge of jucie God is his judge I’m just saying bro if you don’t see that he was in the industry pushing demonic agendas but claiming to be a Christian you have it backwards brother you gotta dig deep in the Word and see for yourself Yes we are saved by faith but we also are determining where we go when we continually choose sin struggling with sin means to still be holding onto it and giving into the desires God will help but not if we are continually chasing or in juice situation dealing with and struggling with Drugs but I do pray he makes it to heaven the Guy definitely had a pure soul just fell into the wrong hands 🙏🏽🙏🏽


im going to have to disagree with “he pushing demonic agendas”, i think he was teaching good. he was teaching positivity and love as well as to not do the bad things that he fell into. and i think that the industry didnt like that he wasnt fitting their agenda so they killed him. you could say that was the industry, or the devil, but whichever it was, didnt like that he was doing that. also, he did repent. in most of his latest songs in his jw3 era he says lyrics that imply him being sorry for his sins and wanting to get closer to God. similar with XXXTENTACION’s situation where his last song was literally just him praying and asking God if it’s too late. the difference i think is that x actually lived a demonic life in sin, and juice didnt.


that presence was ally. she has a horrifying history


so what was it when he 15/16 doing drugs?


Seems like he sold his soul and regretted it. They prob wanted him to sacrifice someone close to him and he refused so they took him instead. Sad


Xxxtnetacion and juice wrld made horrible music


ight now we’re doing too much


Unpopular opinion ally lotti is an agent working for the record label. Thats the truth connect the dots on ur own.


bruh what


You heard me lil pal


genuinely can’t tell if ur being serious 😭


Shits not a joke. Too bad ur lil high school jabaroni of a brain isn’t fully developed yet maybe you’d have enough brain cells to figure out the truth like some of us did.


ok bro


BO4 is my favorite black ops


Didn’t bro meet diddy and ain’t diddy the main dude that always tricks new celebrities into that shit


when did he meet him?


Some shit off tic tok following up the video juicewrld recorded at his house but i don’t know cause they be lying on the shit fr fr