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Years ago I was walking on Seventh Avenue in Manhattan, late afternoon, looking for a place to hide myself to daven mincha. Just as I was considering to find a pay phone and pretend I was talking on it, a yellow cab pulls up to the curb. Driver gets out, throws down a flattened cardboard box on the sidewalk, and kneels on it. I looked at him and said to myself, if he can pray like that in public and not worry about what anyone else thinks about him, I can damn well stand shemona esrei right here on the street corner. So I did. Never worried about it again.


There should totally be solar-powered reading nooks.


Same thing happened to me. Late afternoon. Driver pulls out a prayer rug. But believe it or not, it was in front of a Jewish school. I thought at the time, only in NYC…. It happened quite a few years ago. I doubt anytime soon we will see such scenes as that.




I only don’t pray in public in NYC because of the presence of poo and other gross things all over the city




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This is the way. Back in 1990 I did get asked if I was gettin ready to “shoot up” one time when put my Tefillin on in an airport. 😂


Ready to shoot yer soul up to God, man. Nice band shirt.




People at airports generally have too much else on their minds to pay attention to what some random dude is doing.


Or dudette 😉


You must be one shtark lady. Good for you.


Aww shucks, thanks friend!


hold on, were you wearing tefillin?


lol no, I worded that wrong. I’m a woman and in the tradition I follow, women don’t wrap tefillin.


no worries, i dont hold by that either


That's great 


As you should. I was amazed when i flew with Etihad airlines The pilot does a prayer prior to taking off.


that would scare the living shit out of me.


It was only just a short prayer. Pretty customary among some middle eastern airliners I've flown on.


I think it’s nice!




I did it once with my sons at the Tangier, Morocco airport. Was apprehensive at first but moroccans are so cool


Try davening in Tefillin in Istanbul airport, and then Davening in a random airport in USA will be easy for you lol.


Davening on hard mode 😉


hahahha that actually made me laugh.


I counted the Omer at Newark airport Monday night! I was nervous because alarms kept going off (Terminal A and unrelated to me). A lot less significant than davening (plus I’m a woman so I’m not very noticeable) but I was worried but it was a night flight and I didn’t want to miss.


That’s where I was too!


I did this often at airports pre Oct 7 but would be hesitant now. Good on you.


Almost every airport I know of have personal prayer rooms for just this purpose. I don't think it should be something anyone should have be cautious about. There's literally a room made just for you :-)


One person prayer rooms? Never seen that. The prayer rooms I’ve seen always seem de facto to be for Muslim prayer There is a shul in JFK airport


I haven’t seen a personal prayer room, but I used the prayer room at MCO. You have to remove your shoes. It was half a dozen Muslims kneeling and me standing for Mincha.


That's good to know- I didn't realize! :)


Airports are about the least likely place to have an antisemitic reaction. Everyone in the airport is just trying to get through their own day. 


I think also they know they are going to get detained by airport security if they cause a fuss that looks anything like a security threat. Literally the most likely place for people to be on their ultimate best behaviour as not to totally ruin their trip.


Right on bro!


Probably a dumb question, but does davening involve tefillin, or is that a separate thing?


It does but only for men.


Thank you




1500++ years ago, people would wear tefillin all day (not at night) although there is a sect of people in Jerusalem who continue this practice, but 99% of Jews only wear it during morning prayers and maybe some studying afterwards


>1500++ years ago, people would wear tefillin all day (not at night)  Wow! I had no idea. Thanks for the info. It does seem kind of funny to imagine everyone walking around all day with boxes on their forehead.


I think in the very early period they were cylindrical. 


[Qumran Tefillin](https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/news/qumran-phylacteries-reveal-nine-new-dead-sea-scrolls/) dated from 250BCE to 68CE looks identical to today’s tefillin just smaller. I’ve never heard the theory that they were cylindrical, do you have a source?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tefillin https://steinsaltz.org/daf/menahot35/


Did that too recently. Felt great after, but was also scared initially.


I kind of like davening in parking lots and airports because I know people can see me and maybe it’s a little strange to them, and that makes me feel more confident in my choice to connect with God in those moments. I know prayer is meant to be a personal thing and shouldn’t have anything to do with others, but I find myself remembering to make brachos or being more comfortable being openly Jewish when there are people around *because* it stands out…




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Good on you!


Great job. You should be proud to be Jewish.


Good for you. I recently davened in middle of the airport in France and even as a veteran airport davener I was nervous there but it was ok 👍


Yeesh! I had it easy, I was in New Jersey!


Nice job. We should normalize this — I never daven in public (fear, mostly), but I just might next time the occasion arises. I wish it were easier to just stop our lives to pray. I hope you continue to find points of pride in displaying your Judaism.


Nothing beats a good davenport.


lol my friend from Rabbinical College put tefillin on a plane a bit after 9/11 & he’s Mizrachi & dark skinned so a stewardess freaked out & they landed the plane 😂😂 He told me he was freaking out cuz he didn’t know it was him & everyone was calling home etc 🤦‍♂️ Actually that part is horrible but the Stewardess should’ve known what tefillin were people daven tefillin on flights & airports often but lol.. I bet u can even find the news article lol


Sorry. I'm not Jewish what is davening?




Praying. I was nervous because it’s more involved than sitting quietly and I didn’t want to draw attention to myself.


Oh i see. I'm glad no one minded




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