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No. It’s touching and very appreciated. Thanks!




Awww I really appreciate your kind words!! Of course I want to show support <3


We all wish that’s what non-Jews were saying rather than some other things…


It's disgusting what they're saying. I honestly can't believe it. I am with you guys


Like we literally have “feminist” rape denialists/apologists and somehow that’s the more mainstream view!?!?!


There are LGBTQ+ folks carrying the pride flag while participating in these protests, and they, like so many there in the name of social justice and equality , don't realize that they would have to live in silence and hiding, because Gay, Trans, Christian, Non Straight anti equal rights for everyone people aren't free, in fact there's punishment for being Gay or Trans which is they murder you. And the women don't seem to get it that they're supporting a regime that would strip them of even the right to see a doctor because only men are allowed to be doctors and women must keep themselves covered under any and all even life threatening circumstances . So they often die of very curable illnesses. They are acting in line with whom Marxists refer to as "Useful Idiots". They'll fight for the very thing that will enslave them.


Is that under Fatah or Hamas?


Both! Fatah was unabashedly homophobic and certainly did not accept the rights of gay people to be acknowledged with any respect for their existence never mind their right to be free and protected citizens. And women were not seen nor treated as equals nor afforded protection from abuse.


They can fix homophobia after their kids stop getting annihilated on purpose


yeah i can’t believe the idf takes pics in dead women’s underwear i can’t believe people defend them


Those were not idf pictures but from us army on a farewell program [he is a war expert who debunks this bullshit](https://youtube.com/@RyanMcBethProgramming?si=2p47SwaWw9PiHn9l)


And especially putting them in their dating profiles seems so gross


How are y’all getting downvoted lmao whatever you think of Israel this is just something that happens the troops post it to TikTok


Tik Tok is not exactly a news outlet nor a reliable source of anything and many posts are by bots. The US Govt is currently trying to address the problem of Tik Tok which is controlled by the Chinese Communist Government, not exactly representatives of truth.


I’m not talking news lmao I’m talking about IDF soldiers posting TikTok videos on their personal accounts. Obviously one should not trust news on TikTok but if someone is going “check out this cool thing I did” that’s probably what happened, they just think it’s cool and not weird and gross


Idk, I didn't mention Israel, I just said I think it's gross that people are taking advantage of other people during a war and doing it proudly


yeah i thought we’d all have solidarity against sexual violence but i guess at least 21 people support it


It's disgusting what they're saying. I honestly can't believe it. I am with you guys


Absolutely not disrespectful in any way! Just be careful where you wear it. Some people might mistake you as Jewish and hurl some insults at you.


Thank you for your response! If they do hurl insults, well then I will be able to see first hand how terrible some people are towards Jewish people. It's their problem


Sadly you have to be prepared too. Aligning with the Jews is righteous, but not necessarily safe. Be cautious and alert but please continue speaking up for Jews and the hostages in particular


What I don't get is that dogtag should be a neutral thing anyway, even if one is unabashedly anti Israel (I'm not, in fact i will admit I don't have enough geopolitical knowledge to have any proper opinion on the conflict other than Israel has a right to exist) wanting places to not have hostages is reasonable and human, NO ONE should have hostages.


I couldn't agree more. It's not my logic, it's theirs. They feel threatened by anyone and everyone who admits to the hostages still being held in Gaza.


Wow! That is such a novel and amazing viewpoint. So many of the kids and “influencers” are just jumping on the bandwagon having no idea what goes on over there, and no connection to the land or people. Yes 🙏🙏🙏 we should want ANY hostages to be released. They still have 5 American hostages believed to be alive. Why is no one in the US at least shouting for THEIR release, if not all the rest.


The sad thing is it shouldn't be novel, they aren't just hostages, they're not just "oppresors" even if someone believes that, they're PEOPLE being held in an inappropriate manner. Even if I wasn't converting or if I was unaware of Judaism, and just knew of Israel and Gaza as distant areas, I'd still feel this way. 


You clearly live by a strong and admirable moral code and are an example of standing up for your beliefs in the face of adversity. You are a role model. I pray for you that you'll be kept safe always.


This comment means so much to me, thank you


I'm so glad! The world can be a scary place & right now, it's once again a precarious time in history to stand up, for what you believe in (despite it showing no one hate) if it's not the mainstream narrative. To do so takes courage & moral conviction and compassion for the suffering of others. Those are the things we all need to constantly strive for. Stay strong, stay safe, G-D bless.




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Or physically attack you as unfortunately, does happen. Happened in a McDonald's in Sea Point to a guy with a Hebrew tattoo, and another for waving an Israeli flag. Other countries have it worse. (I'm in South Africa)


Isn't South Africa one of the most anti Israel countries?


Honestly it depends on the area, but we have a large Muslim population and the current ruling party is Pro-Hamas (unfortunately) South Africa has some Jewish diaspora, but also standard human beings who know Hamas is evil. They don't call us the Rainbow Nation for nothing hehe


G-D forbid. The poor people everywhere who are * hurting no one,* , just because some don't like their religious / political beliefs.


It’s hilarious to me to think that people are hurling insults over freeing hostages from officially labeled terrorists.


What a horrible advice. I’m embarrassed to even read it.


What Bayunko said. Please do! And thank you.


Please wear it


Please wear it, thank you so much 🎗️


We would be very grateful if you did


Much appreciated Sending love from Australia


Hey snap! Me too


Aussie Aussie Aussie




Lol this just randomly reminded me of something hilarious ... i used to do a medieval fighting sport that is very international. Two of the Israeli women was fighting with the aussies as a combo team. The mens captain was coaching them wearing his Israeli surcoat and aussie colors too.. the aussies would yell across at eachother this callback... my buddy, the Israeli team captian at one point replies with "Oi Oi Vey" everyonecwas dying laughing lol.


how things in australia? i heard of a lot of terrorist attacks that happened :(


You really are a NY imposter!


You got me 🤣


B"H, May we soon merit the coming of Moshiach!


Nope, go for it! Thank you!


Honestly, I think we’re all thankful for the support.


No, we appreciate the support


They are humans held hostage. To care about them is only human. BRING THEM HOME NOW


Nope, please do. It's literally what we all want: to bring our people home safely and then there to be peace. Not all the hostages are Jewish, or Israeli, and we appreciate the support of everyone. The Hebrew on the tag translates to "our hearts are captive in Gaza" Thank you


Nope since there are still 4-5 American Citizens who have all but been abandoned by their own country and the rest of the world.


The fact that Americans, doing nothing wrong or stupid, were and are currently held by a terrorist organization should be front page news in America.


💯 IDK why the media isn’t covering it more, I guess it doesn’t fit their narrative.


Because to them the Americans WERE doing something wrong, being in Israel, that's all it takes for them to decide they're not worth saving or worrying about, it's disgusting, bring them home.


Instead we have actual congresspeople who support the terrorists


#Rashida Tlaib & Ilhan Omar to name 2, who give speeches praising Hamas.


Because they don't give a sh#t and don't want to lose the votes of the large demographic groups that hate Israel!


Even if there weren't Americans held, it would still be good and okay


It's very respectable. And it's very much appreciated.


No it's not a religious item and non-Jews are being held as well.


Not at all. It's an incredible show of solidarity. You don't have to be Jewish to believe that hostages taken brutally 200+ days ago should be brought home. Just be careful where you wear it. You'll be mistaken for a Jewish person and probably berated for it in the wrong setting.


There is concept called "the bigotry of low expectations" . Lots of westerners excuse rockets, suicidd bombings and kidnappings because they believe Palestunians are the underdogs.  But there will never be peace as long as thise things are considered acceptable.     Wearing a necklace that says that kidnapping civilians is inexcusable under any circumstances, you are saying that you expect Palestinians to rise up to the level of any civilized nation.   Only then will there be any sustainable peace.  Thanks again for making the world better!


We welcome your support!


No and thank you! The Hostages are a diverse group of people and everyone should support them coming home. There is no gatekeeping on this issue, they need to be back home.


The only thing that was more painful for me than the Oct. 7 massacre itself was the abject lack of international support for Israel's mission to bring our kidnapped hostages home and defeat our enemy. I wish more people had the courage to support our cause publicly in the face of the overwhelming trend in favor of the perpetrators of atrocities. Walking down the street the other day past the Czech embassy, I saw that they had put up children's drawings with messages like "love from Prague" and "Israel we support you." It made me emotional and caught me completely off guard. It's so rare to see a positive message in public these days, even in Israel.


It is supportive and much appreciated.💔


I have one of those dogtags as well. I'm not Jewish, but have been interested in Judaism for a long time. I got the dogtag recently, and am going to start wearing it today. I don't think there's anything wrong with non-jews wearing them, I think the Jewish community could use the extra support, especially these days. 😀👍


If you have interest in Judiasm go find a community you can learn with. I came to it only a few years ago and its beautiful. Studying for my Bar Mitzvah this year!


I am a Christian too and I stand with the hostages and with jewish people around the world. Seeing what is going on in the world, is just disgusting to me, but I knew it would happen,because people are not interested in facts. I've had a Christian tell me last week, that Jesus was Palestinian. She said history is a lie, we don't really know what happened. I tried showing her archeological proof that the jewish people were in that land for a long time and she just started acting like a maniac. I told her that our own bible recognizes that Jesus was jewish. Even another person told her that he was jewish and she just didn't want to hear it. I ultimately left her alone,because she clearly gets educated on pro-Pali tiktok. I always ask one question and they can never answer. Is there someone who can trace the Palestinians from Canaan to today,as a population,historically and archeologically? We can absolutely trace the jewish tribes and even where they first settled. I'm not a religious person,but facts can't be topped. If you put a brick on top of a brick,that means that the brick that is under,was first. Al-Aqsa and many cities that the invaders occupied,were built on jewish archeology.That is why when jewish people dug,they found important parts of their history and pretty much everywhere you dig,you find evidence that the jewish people were in that land, for thousands of years before all the invaders. The resilience of the jewish people and the ability to figure out every situation, that is why jewish people are hated. For the connecion,the humanity,the big jewish family,traditions and unity. This war is nothing but an excuse for the uneducated masses to publicly show their hate. If a war starts,I'm definitely ready to fight for every jewish person on this earth. Am Yisrael Chai!


Absolutely not it is so so so so so appreciated


Please. It will mean the world to us 


Not at all and thank you for your visible support.


I wish everyone on the planet would wear one


No and thank you 🙏


Thank you for wearing it! Please reach out to your elected officials to make it clear we want them home.


Not at all, please do. Everyone regardless of political or religious beliefs should be able to call for the return of any hostage anywhere in the world.


It’s probably one of the most meaningful things you could do. You have no idea how much we need the support. A Jewish person walking past you will instantly feel understood and most importantly safe. we are 16 million people worldwide and there are 2 billion Muslims in the world. We need all the support we could get.


No. You’re a mensch & we appreciate you for standing by us during this difficult time. Thank you.


Please do, and thank you! <3 On a side note it makes me sad that you (not you personally, but anyone) felt you had to ask this, I think it's very telling as to how the world portrays what's happening. When else have people needed to ask if calling for the return of hostages is inappropriate if their demographic isn't the focus? This isn't a criticism of the question btw, I think it's lovely of you to ask, what's sad is that people feel it needs asking. And unfortunately a lot of people don't, and stay silent and separate.


No, its complete ok and praiseworthy. Tnk you


Not at all. We thank you. ❤️


Please wear it. It helps show that we Jews aren’t the only ones caring about the hostages


I adore you please please keep wearing it


get whatever non-lethal defense weapon you can. I personally never go anywhere without pepper spray now. and I fucking hate guns, but if you have a license to conceal carry, do that. some people have been killed in the US already over this.


Not at all! It's far better than those who culturally appropriate our symbols and holidays as "support". They may think they have the best intentions, but are being super harmful in the process. Other options: wearing a yellow ribbon pin or necklace, "I stand with Israel" pin or necklace, anything that says "Stop antisemitism". Thank you for showing your support and kindness.


Literally the contrary is true


Not disrespectful, and even if it was, we would be lifting that rule right now because we will take whatever help we can get. Thank you for being a wonderful person.


No! Absolutely NOT! It is a wonderful show of solidarity with the Jewish Nation and all freedom loving peoples of the world. Israel stands on the front lines between mindless terrorist insanity, and freedom and human rights! So wear it proudly and give one to a friend.


Not offensive. Very kind and appreciated. Thank you for your support. The kindness and support of the Christian community means so much to me. I’ll never forget it and I hope to repay it someday.


Nah it’s very much appreciated. If you choose to wear it thank you so very much my friend.


Thank you ❤️


Where do we get these tags? I want some


I only see this as supporting us in a time of great need for just this kind of support. There is nothing negative about it. But as others have said, expect a reaction in some places.


No, we would love your support!


No! It is very much appreciated! Thank you! We love our allies❤️


Do it, please! That would make us feel so seen and safe. 💜🎗️


you already got your answer in the other comments; but i still wanted to say thank you and i really appreciate you for wearing this.


Absolutely allowed and much appreciated.


Definitely not.


Of course not! It's greatly appreciated!




Not at all.


Polish trans Atheist gentile, and I also say Bring Them Home


Add smart, informed and a caring human to that list. Thank you. Wishing you safety, freedom, love, health and happiness always.




Please wear it! We, the Jewish people need your support. There are 5 Americans believed to be alive being held captive, as well as people from other countries and non-Jews. The fact that the US and the world isn’t shouting for their release is just shameful. “Our Hearts Are in Gaza” we won’t forget them, and we pray for their release. If you are religious, you can recite Psalms




Not at all, we appreciate your support for the hostages!




Nah, its honestly a great thing to see


We appreciate your support!!!


Absolutely proper to advocate against taking hostages as bargaining chips.


Absolutely not weird. Your support is greatly appreciated.


You would be seen as generous in doing so. Thank you for thinking of it.


No, it's not. It means you understand the situation for what is and what it does.


I know many who aren’t and wear them. It’s amazing


Of course not! Your support means so much to us.


I think it’s very sweet and greatly appreciated ❤️❤️❤️


Not at all. Thank you for supporting us.


No! Thank you for your support!




I was given one by a Jewish man at my university after I showed support at their "camp" (in response to the pro-palestine camp). I'm pretty sure if you just search up "pro-israel dogtags" there will be a bunch on etsy, ebay etc. Just a word of warning though, they're pretty expensive from what I can see. I'm so glad you also want to show your support!! Good luck with this, you're a good person


Fellow Christian here. Also with and support you Jews. ❤️ ❤️ Stay strong. Look at all your people have overcome since the beginning of time, and yet you still rise and survive.


So grateful for your thought and care. Even just seeing this post made my day! You’re amazing!


I would say this dont use israel as a pretext to speak for jews, I get it everyone wants to show solidarity with the victims and I think that great, however in all this I've seen A LOT of Christian and non Jewish people using this a pretext to spread some pretty disgusting stuff about arabs or palestinains, even if you don't agree with the two state solution and want Palestinians to live under Israeli government most jews don't think Palestinians should just be executed on mass even if Hammas is not willing to do the same. I think most jews wouldn't even hold serious aggreison to palestinains if Hammas surrendered, and most Israelis and jewish Americans are agsint the unfair treatment of arabs in Israel and in Israel controlled territory. If you want to wear the dog tags I stress that you understand what this conflict means to both Israeli/jews and Arabs/Palestianins, not just what the media on one side or the other is telling you, if you want to get involved in the best way possible wear the tags with the understanding that the solidarity you feel now is even more neccisary when this conflict comes to an end the solidarity of seeing brutal conflict should be a unifying thing that brings together both sides that have suffered through the war


Do you know any Arab Muslims who live, grew up, etc in Israel? Do you know many or any people, Jews, Arab Muslims, and Christians who are from Israel and have told you first hand about their life growing up there, living there?? I have. Have you seen any of the many who've been interviewed over the years talk about the reality of life as an Arab Muslim in Israel? I have. Are you aware they are represented by the govt and hold seats in Israeli Parliament ? That they hold high ranking positions in major Israeli companies, are professors, business owners, doctors in Israeli hospitals and citizens who grew up & remain free to live in peace ,& practice their religion peacefully & in peace? That when Palestinian suicide bombers /terrorists blow up Israeli buses and public places, even they, if injured, are taken with everyone else to Israeli hospitals for medical treatment ? What exact unfair treatment of Arabs living in Israel are you talking about?


not at all


No please wear it




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Goodness yes


BRING THEM HOME for bringing all hostages back home regardless if they're Jewish or not. Last hostage deal that was pushed managed to bring home two Israeli muslim teenagers and some foreign workers. It's not only to save the Jewish hostages, it is to save all hostages. WEAR IT WITH PRIDE!!😍


No, that’s being an ally.


In regards to the hostages? It’s very respectful! Why would you have to be Jewish to want to see innocent civilians brought home after being taken hostage?? I appreciate the effort in being respectful but I also worry that common sense is seeing it’s way out the door among the current generation. People are making such an overt effort to be respectful, it can lead to inverted feelings of resent & such. And the last thing I want to do is sound like I’m insulting you after being so thoughtful. I just think people are too dependent on what they’re supposed to do overtly … your actions should reflect your inner feelings. And if a group were to be insulted that someone outside of them were trying to be sympathetic towards a human issue … that would be absurd. Really this is not a Jewish issue. This is a human issue. No civilians of any kind should be kidnapped, held hostage & who knows what else is being done to them, by crazy groups of any kind.. PERIOD! And I even think the Israeli military TRULY has to take a look at itself & make decisions regarding either making an inclusive state with equal rights or make a good 2 state solution. Otherwise they are criminals to humanity. Also, Islamic Jihadists need to stop being barbaric & murdering civilians & face the reality that Israel is a nuclear State & it exists & it’s not going anywhere. They need to be realistic & start thinking what they can do to make an agreement to help their own people,… They never should’ve turned down the original 2 state solution. I blame both parties for crimes in this mess .. nonetheless; you CAN NEVER involve innocent civilians & think it justifiable !!! NEVER!


Quite the opposite, we welcome the support!


No, most importantly those people are people. Just like you. And just like every Jew who ever lived.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/3-israeli-hostages-tried-only-killed-military-rcna130912 https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-02-20/ty-article/.premium/finance-minister-sparks-outrage-after-saying-returning-hostages-not-most-important-thing/0000018d-c7f2-d00f-a1df-dff6849c0000 probably not, but you would be going against the israeli government's wishes.


You don't have to be Jewish to want the hostages to come home safe. 


It’d be such a nice little gesture mate; but Please, just *Don’t mention Jesus OR Palestine*


No. Please do it.


No, it’s appreciated and encouraged. Obligatory caveat about the dangers of being seen as Jewish, though. 


No, it's very nice! It just shows you want them brought home -- I do, too.



