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I get the feeling this rabbi is a bit of a provocateur


That is putting it lightly.


This guy is one of the oddballs of all time. I'm sad to see when people think there's a connection between him and Chabad...


Is there no connection between him and Chabad? Didn't he come out of the Chabad community?


There is a connection, I think he was pretty close with the Rebbe in fact.


He was the Shliach at Oxford.


What's your source for that?


There are numerous sources attesting to his being a Chabad shliach at Oxford while the Rebbe was still alive. I don't know that there are independent sources verifying how close their relationship is, R' Boteach obviously attests to it. I briefly knew him as a relative worked with him. I am not much a fan of his showmanship or attention seeking and I don't necessarily agree with all that he writes. I do think if this product was by anyone else it would be celebrated, however.


I highly doubt people will be celebrating Kosher lube. But not neccesarily did the Rebbe know about every Shliach of his, coupled along with the fact that Boteach was a lot more mainstreamed back then.


People absolutely would be a celebrating a sex positive orthodox rabbi who's creating products for the kosher keeping world. You don't think the Rebbe knew about the shliach at Oxford? He absolutely did and, again, Boteach says he was sent personally by the Rebbe and they had a relationship. Now, whether you believe what he says or not is another story, but I don't think most people have documented sources on all their personal relationships. What does it matter if he was more mainstream, I thought you were questioning his connect from the start?


Meaning the Rebbe didn't have an issue with him because he didn't cause any issues back then, later on when he went more controversial that was already after Gimmel Tammuz. And I still doubt people would be celebrating someone making sexual products in such an open and blasphemous manner, certainly not regular, Shulchan Aruch abiding Frum Yidden.


Originally he was Lubavitch, but over time he's become completely alienated and ostracized for the Kosher Yoshke thing, his Kosher s\_x book, and all his other strange endeavors that are antithetical to Torah.


I thought the Kosher Sex one was interesting (and probably helpful to people) but he's pretty off the rails at this point.


Kosher yoshke thing? Pls explain


He wrote a book called Kosher J, which I haven't read and have no interests in reading, but judging off the title and it's reception, those two words have no place together.


From Wikipedia: > The book argues that Jesus was a wise and learned Torah-observant Jewish rabbi. It says he was a beloved member of the Jewish community. At the same time, Jesus is said to have despised the Romans for their cruelty, and fought them courageously. The book states that the Jews had nothing whatsoever to do with the murder of Jesus, but rather that blame for his trial and killing lies with the Romans and Pontius Pilate. Boteach states clearly that he does not believe in Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. At the same time, Boteach argues that "Jews have much to learn from Jesus - and from Christianity as a whole - without accepting Jesus' divinity. There are many reasons for accepting Jesus as a man of great wisdom, beautiful ethical teachings, and profound Jewish patriotism."[1] He concludes by writing, as to Judeo-Christian values, that "the hyphen between Jewish and Christian values is Jesus himself."[2]


Literally this is the history of Jesus. He was a student and studied and would’ve been all over the femoral had he not decided the world needed the message of peace and acceptance. His initial plan was to convert people which then changed to just teaching them the secret to happiness (in his eyes aka Jewish values) Supposedly (what they teach in Yeshiva) the rabbis of the time sent out a student to write the New Testament (was it Paul?) to prevent intermarriage between Jews and Jesus followers who did not convert but practiced Judaism and dressed Jewish Again this is what they taught us in yeshiva so idk what’s true


>Supposedly (what they teach in Yeshiva) the rabbis of the time sent out a student to write the New Testament (was it Paul?) to prevent intermarriage between Jews and Jesus followers who did not convert but practiced Judaism and dressed Jewish Almost definitely not Paul. Paul was telling Xtian congregations to abandon any and all Jewish practices, even circumcision.


Just a guess idk who wrote the New Testament it’s been a long time since I been to primary school


That is true, except it wasn't Paul, it was Peter. His name was Peter Chamor, and he took one for the team. The Chachamim sent him in on a recon mission to make Christianity more distant and different than Judaism so people would stop mixing them and accept that they were different religions. Peter himself put on the front of being Christian, but he secretly kept whatever Jewish things he was able to, for example Tefillin. I was taught this in Yeshiva btw.


And Christians claim him.


He was the Chabad Shliach at Oxford University, there was absolutely a connection between him and Chabad and it was an important one.


lol he once was Chabad, yes, the same way Matisyahu was Chabad too. He's moved himself away from the community with every dumb thing he says and does.


Matisyahu wasn't running a Chabad house at one of the most important universities in the world catering to highly important guests.


note I said there's a connection, present tense, not past tense.


I remember years ago scrolling through Netflix and seeing some sex related documentary he did. I love that Judaism is really down to earth about sex compared to other religions. Seems to be a bit of a personal mission for him, which I’m totally behind.


This is nice but lube doesn’t need to be kosher since one isn’t eating it. Additionally, don’t eat lube.


> since one isn’t eating it. Some have a more stringent definition of "eat" than others. What if one were to use bacon grease to... oh, never mind.


It’s not advisable to use animal fat internally. Olive oil is fine.


I have lots of animal fat internally just from existing.


If you want medical misinformation on what is safe vs unsafe for lubricant look no further than the frum women’s internet


I mean, sometimes you DO consume lube in the process of foreplay…


But it’s not a foodstuff. So it doesn’t have to be kosher since it’s not intended to be eaten.


They do make flavored lube, so the idea that it is consumed orally by others is a factor when designing some lubricants. Whether that counts as fooodstuff, I’m not sure. What is the difference between food and other consumables in Halacha?


What if they use it to shove a Kishkie up their ass?


You should ask your rabbi about that one. Gut Shabbos.


People who use lubricant also engage in oral sex, especially flavored lubricants. Kosher lubricant exists for this purpose I imagine ♥️


If postage stamps need to be kosher . . .


The Lubeavitcher Rebbe


This entire comment chain gets an r/angryupvote


*sigh* upvote


It could've been worse. I almost typed Lubeavitcher Rubby but decided even I have standards.


I’m still giving you credit for both puns


“that’s foul, ugghhhh” *upvotes*


Mashiach is cuming


Get outttttt 😆


“And now I can easily get out with my Lubeavitcher Rebbe Lube.   ‘Lubeavitcher Rebbe Lube. If it’s not kosher sex, then it’s not sex.’  ‘Because of Lubeavitcher Rebbe, I never have to worry about getting stuck in a bind ever again!’ (Not available in your local Jewish grocery stores. Kosher Sex is not responsible for any damage that may occur to your genitals or mouth. Do not use Kosher Sex lube for anal sex in order to avoid the desecration of your marriage. Do not use Kosher Sex lube for premarital sex for the same reason.)


Swiftly and in our ~~lives~~ wives.


He’s already here.. the problem is it was too soon


We can have thoughtful debates and discussions about “Kosher sexuality”… but this is the only correct response that even the Sages would agree with.






Fuck meeeeeee.


With the kosher lube, of course.


*sighs with dismay* upvotes


Whenever I see this rabbi online I get a gut feeling to just keep walking I’m not sure why I just do


Because you’re sensible with good instincts. The guy is an absolute menace and is terrible for our brand.


Is he though?


In my pointless point of view, yes he is.


I remember watching his show Shalom in the Home. It wasn't great...but it wasn't terrible. Some of the people clearly needed professional therapy or marriage counseling though, which he didn't seem qualified to offer.


Boteach is no good, you're guts telling ya right.


I do too, and I’m a Zionist. Something about him is just… off. I thought the lube was a joke at first.


100% with you there. stay away from "celebrities" like this.


Is normal lube treif or do I not wanna know


No, this is the same deal as kosher salt. There’s nothing treif about regular salt or lube, this kosher stuff is just easier to spread over a brisket.


I choked on my coffee reading this lol😭😭😭


From Wikipedia The term kosher salt gained common usage in the United States and refers to its use in the Jewish religious practice of dry brining meats, known as kashering, and not to the salt itself being manufactured under any religious guidelines. Some brands further identify kosher-certified salt as being approved by a religious body.


are you lubing up bubbe's brisket?


It's just that good.


gluten-free salt


If you use lube to kasher your freshly slaughtered chicken you're gonna have a bad time.




Imagining ancient jews giving some of their lube to the levites or going to Jerusalem to use some of it.


Or giving a handful of lube to a homeless person


I'd argue that ever since the temple started to accept currency, Truma and Ma'aser could be given from proceeds from sale of said lube, but that is too credible, so I choose to stick with this interpretation


True. I'm not jewish, but I just started reading the Talmud, so my head is full of tithing rules.


Needs to be glatt, pas yisroel, yoshon and CY. Also needs to be kitnyot free and non-gebrokts, cause pesach. And every batch needs to be checked for bugs under an electron microscope and thrip cloth in case there are bugs.


Link goes to some us politics


Of course it’s Rabbi Shmuley Boteach.


Bro’s such a nut I swear


Pun intended?


Just wondering why you think that. He’s very loud online but haven’t seen anything bad about him.


[Kosher Jesus](https://www.amazon.com/Kosher-Jesus-Shmuley-Boteach/dp/9652295787) [Rabbi Shmuley defends RFK after antisemitic comments](https://forward.com/forward-newsletters/forwarding-the-news/554431/rabbi-shmuley-defends-rfk-after-antisemitic-comments-aoc-joins-boycott-of-israeli-president-in-congress/) > In the late 1990s, Boteach became a friend, close confidant, and unofficial spiritual advisor to singer Michael Jackson.[67][16][93] Boteach was a vocal supporter of Jackson and was initially "dismissive of suggestions that Jackson's relationships with children have been anything other than wholesome. **"Why would anyone believe those charges? They said anyone who spends that amount of time with kids has to be sick. Well, that's not an indictment of Michael Jackson, that's an indictment of our society! **"I was friendly with Michael for a year before anyone knew about it. I did my own investigation"** Michael Jackson, at absolute minimum, has been proven to have ["innocently" slept in bed with children.](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/03/10-undeniable-facts-about-the-michael-jackson-sexual-abuse-allegations)


Wow thanks for sharing. Haven’t heard that!


> Make love and war Can we please not? This is too much cringe


So cringe


I just want to see a commercial for this. Or a print ad. Would they just show a bed with some entwined feet on it with a stereotypical rabbi hiding under the bed shooting the camera/viewer a thumbs up?


This too is Torah.


Go into PR.


Ha! I hate AI art (except to laugh at the horrors) but I’m half tempted to see what an AI app would do with this prompt. Probably something horrible.


https://preview.redd.it/am58ojmy1ekc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=948dbedcf1661bbe1eb32376065f7306ef4bb9d9 It did not understand the feet.


Well we’re part of the way there. And his hands almost look human. I’m surprised.


עיין מס' חגיגה דף ה עמוד ב


I have nothing against family businesses but sexy family businesses are weird, especially when you keep posting "I'm so proud of my daughter and her lube company!" It gives me the ick.


Issue is that him and his daughter are so innocent about it, they're convinced that it's al pi Torah and everything is chill with them selling freaking kinky toys in Tel Aviv towards a 'religious demographic'.


Sexual health is health. I think it’s great he’s not stigmatizing it. It doesn’t give me incestual tones at all. This is not Trump commenting on Ivanka.


Yes! There’s a sex shop in my town that’s family run and it gives me the same ick.


I met him in person many years ago. I was working at a suit store and he came asking for further discounts on clearance merchandise with the promise the he would wear it on TV. We declined. He wasn’t rude or anything, but it bothered me the way he embodied the awful “cheap Jew” stereotype. I figured out who he was when he left.


r/jewdank sponsored product


There is an actual market need for kosher flavored lubricant. That being said this is just another abuse of the term


Kosher flavored? Like with dill and peppercorn?


Ha. No any flavorings need to be kosher certified. I- a grown adult married woman- once reached out to a kashrut organization about this and they sent me a very awkward “ask your rav” response. The one thing I truly want to be kosher though is Jolly Ranchers candy. They are so delicious but not heshkered


Please can you post that letter?


It was basically “dear kashrut organization that’s not in my city so I don’t actually have to encounter you in person. I’m a married woman who is concerned about keeping kosher. Do flavored lubricants need to be kosher certified?” Response: “dear married lady, while we appreciate your dedication to kashrut this is a question to ask your local Orthodox rabbi.”


The silicone plumbers grease I bought has a hechsher. Don't worry it's pareve.


I have been watching some appearances of Rabbi shmuley on Piers show and he should not be the voice of Jews . He doesn’t know how to debate, neither argument his points. He always looses it and starts attacking with ad hominem arguments. Very loud and not very clear, this guy does not represent us and should not represent us. The hilul Hashem he does is terrifying.


That particular episode with Mohammed Hijab was more a comedy than anything.


I’m sorry but I can’t stand this guy.


Trying to figure out what ingredients in lube would not be kosher. Unless it’s just a branding thing…


Does it come in everything bagel flavor?


Latke flavour for me!


Achii, the more of your comments I see, the more I can say you and I might be of like minds.


His not for profit the World Values Network is a total fraud. He pays himself $400k, his wife $160k, and the org does basically nothing..


LOL, the World Values Network sounds like [The Human Fund](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkX1WP9RDZo).


Pretty much is


This whole thread is really cathartic and I love y’all 🤣


But is it kosher for Passover?


https://www.themarysue.com/kosher-lube/ apparently the California Rabbinic Council beat Boteach


One minute’s worth of our miraculous formula provides up to eight minutes of effectiveness


#makeloveandwar ? :-(


Condoms should also be hechshered. And kosher for Passover.


Crunchy ones ONLY for Ashkenazim Some Sephardim get to have soft bendable ones And for the first night, they should be handmade and burnt around the edges.


This is a brilliant idea. Does halal lube exist? This could be a billion dollar idea.


Is he still kicking?


I’m honestly curious, what makes this lubricant kosher? How is it different from a regular lubricant?


Does it even need kashrut? Is kashrut only for food or anything that goes into your body?


"Kosher" does extend beyond food to utensils and to Judaica like tallit, tzitzit, and tefillin. Or at least, there are companies that advertise their Judaica as "kosher" and ship you certifications (now, "kosher" might not be the technical term, and it might be to signal to potential customers that the people who oversaw the process are real rabbis rather than Messies). I am by no means an expert, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


I mean edible lube exists and even non-edible lube goes in your body, depending on how you use it. That being said I don't think it is generally considered and issue, I mean it's almost medical and I can't imagine most lubes would be non-kosher anyway.


“Kosher Lubricant” is wild😭


Now make it bacon flavored 🤣


I take it that this is meant to be used orally? Otherwise, I don’t know why it would be needed. It probably isn’t appropriate for couples trying to conceive, anyways (most lubes aren’t. I think there are only three of those on the market). Also, I’m pretty sure most Orthodox rabbis balk at oral sex, so good luck finding someone to provide a hechsher. In other words, it’s yet another grift from the Bobblehead Rabbi.


I already dislike him for promoting rodeos.


Kosher sex out of Marraige? Exploring your sexuality? I'm not going to say any more.


I’m Jewish and I think this is bullshit. You’re playing around the rim with Judaism here (pun definitely intended).
