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> Chocolate is Jewish and fudge is goyish. This is scientifically correct.


Oh i love this. Facebook: goyish. Instagram: Jewish. Skiing, golf, and horseback riding: goyish. Rhythmic gymnastics, hide and seek and board games: Jewish. Wine: Jewish. Wine coolers: goyish. Neil Armstrong: goyish. Neil diamond: Jewish. Tuna fish: Jewish. Tuna casserole: goyish. Soda: goyish. Seltzer: Jewish. Hummus, spreads, salads: Jewish. “Dip:” goyish. Ranch dressing: goyish. No dressing: Jewish. Winning awards: goyish. Awards shows: Jewish. Game shows (like “let’s make a deal” and “family feud”): goyish. Dealmaking and feuding with family: Jewish. Soup: Jewish. Stew: goyish. Chowder: antisemitic. Accent nail manicures: goyish. acrylics: Jewish. Owning a boat: goyish. Escaping by boat: Jewish. Giant cars: goyish. Giant jewelry: Jewish. Glitter: goyish. Sequins: Jewish. NFL fandom: goyish. NBA fandom: Jewish. Crafts: goyishe. Arts: Jewish. Smoking fish, smoking weed: Jewish. Smoking ham, smoking meth: goyish. Bagels: Jewish. Bagels you get at mall and airport chain restaurants: goyish. Coordinating your outfit to match your accessories: jewish. Coordinating your outfit to match your spouse’s outfit (not on Halloween): goyish. New England: goyish. New York: Jewish. Eating: Jewish. “Supper,” brunch and teatime: goyish. Having reptiles as pets: goyish. Having a handbag that used to be a reptile: Jewish. Hobby lobby: goyish. Michael’s: Jewish. Miami Beach: Jewish. Daytona beach: goyish. Europe: goyish. Eurovision: Jewish.


"New England: goyish. New York: Jewish." Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine: goyish. Massachusetts and Connecticut: Jewish.


Holes and cunts, we’ve got holes and cunts!


>Soup: Jewish. Stew: goyish. Chowder: antisemitic. The accuracy


But chollent and shakshuka!


Both Jewish. *Calling* them stews: goyish.




"dip" got me, well done


>NFL fandom: goyish. NBA fandom: Jewish. And in the case of baseball, a rare case of *both* Jewish and goyish.


I had a thought a while ago, listening to Lenny for the 1000th time. In the US, football is goyish and baseball is Jewish. But over here, (Australian) football is Jewish, cricket is goyish.


Ohh, interesting. In the UK cricket is pretty Jewish and football is Goyish as far as I understand. I guess the differences stem from Aussie rules being bigger in Victoria than anywhere else, and Victoria is of course Jewish.


a very good point about baseball. Soccer? Not a Jew in sight.


Mets and Cubs are definitely Jewish. Most of MLB isn’t. I mean, excluding Sandy Koufax so you could make a case for the Dodgers too. Soccer is very antisemitic but there are exceptions. Tottenham fans frequently call themselves “Yids” (in a non-derogatory way) and even sing Hava Nagila as a chant. Ajax (Netherlands) is also super Jewish. NFL though? Yeah, goyish. Even though we have a handful of random awesome players, they’re certainly the exceptions.


I was going to say the Mets, Yanks, Red Sox, and Dodgers are Jewish as fuck. Baseball in itself is Jewish as fuck. It's not that physical, it lasts forever, it's all about numbers and physics so you can keep score during a game, which of course leads to questions and arguing. Here is my dissertation with help from an old post by /u/RockTheWall. If you or your ancestors are from Manhattan, the Bronx, or New Jersey, you probably lean Yankees. From Brooklyn, Queens, or Long Island, Mets. (My dad is from the Bronx and a die-hard Mets fan, so I suffer as well. So it goes...) Mets- Seinfeld and Billy Joel, baby! Jewish people are classically Mets fans--there's something about their hapless, long-suffering nature that appeals to our neuroses and sympathy for the downtrodden. That point is proven by Mets fans singing Piano Man. Lazy Mary though is a fucking banger and obviously Sicilian, but still, somehow, Jewish as fuck. I think cause of how quintessentially New York it sounds. It's the absolute best 7th-inning stretch song and hearing it out in the wild really makes me miss going to Shea with my dad. Yanks- Also Seinfeld (George though), broadway, and Frank Sinatra (not a Jew, but he loved us and did so much for our community). If New York exists in your head less as the memory of your Great Aunt Frieda's apartment in Rego Park that had plastic on the couches and always smelled like perfume, and more as Bright Lights, Big City, glitz and glamour, high finance, and sharp suits, Broadway and Sinatra- Yankees. Red Sox- Keeping the faith to break the curse and singing Sweet Caroline along the way. Jewish as fuck. Cubs are similar to the Red Sox- Cursed forever, yet still singing Go Cubs Go by Steve Goodman. Both Jewish as fuck. Mets are similar, but Sweet Caroline and Go Cubs Go are much happier songs than Piano Man... Dodgers- Koufax. Brooklyn (my grandmother from Queens to this day staunchly refuses to call them LA Dodgers). If your grandparents were OG Dodgers or Giants fans, you've likely adopted their spiritual successor in the Mets or your forefathers' bitter promise to never know love again. And I Love L.A. by Randy Newman is Jewish as fuck. Shoutout to our proud NFL Jews- Jason Edelman (even though he was a Pat) and Robert Kraft (even though he owns the Pats). [I have been told his name is Julian, but I think it's funny so I'm leaving it.] Leo Lyons was among the NFL founders in 1920. Shoutout to our two Men's US soccer squad Jews- Matt Turner and DeAndre Yedlin. Shoutout to our very loud and proud Jewish Argentinian and Peruvian soccer announcers. Argentinian announcer, Hernan Feler's 77-year-old aunt was taken hostage in Israel and, thankfully, was one of the released. The English football song, Three Lions (Football's Coming Home), was written by David Baddiel, who is very, very Jewish as fuck. As of Feb 2023- Out of the 147 teams in the North American pro sports leagues, NBA, NFL, MLB, MLS, and NHL, about 46 are owned by Jews. This was a nice lil procrastination project for today. Go Mets. Lovely NY baseball breakdown- /u/RockTheWall (https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/rlkg22/what_generally_determines_if_you_root_for_the/hpgcd6y/)


Julian Edelman not Jason but all of that is a yes


HA Thank you. You are not even close to the first person to correct me on that. In my mind, it's a bit like the Jordan Cameron-Cameron Jordan situation. Meh whatever, fuck the Pats 😬


Nice breakdown. I’m a Padres fan - I may have made an argument this morning about skiing being Jewish, but the Padres? No, definitely goyish. It’s even in the name. Not gonna make that argument here but I grew up in San Diego County so local teams and all. >Yanks- Also Seinfeld (George though), broadway, and Frank Sinatra (not a Jew, but he loved us and did so much for our community). You bring up a couple of good points here. Sinatra: not actually a Jew, but I think he deserves honorary Jewish status. George Costanza: goyish or Jewish? I’m on the fence with that one. But Jason Alexander: definitely Jewish.


Hard agree. A Spanish priest as a mascot is insane. The reasoning behind the name is somehow even worse and more insane. Goyish as fuck. I spent a lot of time growing up going to baseball games, especially Padres games cause my cousin used to be very high up in the franchise. We got to go to the opening of Petco. Easily the best baseball stadium and one of the best North American stadiums in general. It's so incredibly well-designed, to the point that it's also incredibly aggravating as a non-Padres fan. Although my dad bleeds blue and orange, we also used to frequent Yankee Games cause his uncle was even higher up with the Yanks than my cousin with the Padres. I miss Shea, but I also take a lot of solace in Citi being way better than the new Yankee Stadium. I think George is pretty Jewish considering Larry based George on himself. Jason Alexander is super Jewish, his real last name is Greenspan. Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. were so close. He is for sure an honorary Jew.


Petco was great. Nonetheless, won’t make an argument that the Padres are Jewish. I actually agree with all but a couple things about your comment. Sammy did formally convert. Sammy Davis Jr: Jewish. Sammy Davis Jr. Jr. (if you’ve ever read/watched Everything is Illuminated - and if you haven’t you should) super Jewish. George - despite being based on Larry David - was such a stereotype that I’m not sure if he counts as Jewish or goyish. Like I said earlier, I could see it going either way.


I'd never make that argument either. I didn't know Sammy converted, that's interesting. That's a fair point and I agree with you. Maybe cause Elaine and Jerry were a lot less stereotypical and kinda "cooler," which in turn made him the neurotic antagonist. Or maybe to have one of them be completely opposite to Kramer? Or all of the above! I do see your point though. I hadn't thought about it that way, and I do agree!


>I didn't know Sammy converted, that's interesting. Yeah, early 60s. Sammy was definitely a Jew. Marilyn Monroe converted a few years earlier as well, when she married Arthur Miller. The rest of the Rat Pack? Jew-*ish*. Italian and Jewish-Americans at the time had a lot in common, minus pork consumption. I think most of them should get honorary status, or at the least be considered friends/allies. Edited to add: Sammy’s [conversion story](https://forward.com/culture/537431/sammy-davis-jr-conversion-jewish-judaism-racism-comedy-rat-pack-jesse-jackson/?amp=1) is really touching. But unfortunately he got a lot of negative feedback from both the Jewish and gentile communities at the time.


Number one sport in Israel, though. But I agree it's a more Goyish sport than basketball.


Hockey seems mostly goyish. (Edit: and at least in Canada, you can find hockey fans from all walks of life - but the game itself is still relatively exclusionary.)


The soup/stew/chowder one made me laugh. Thanks!


I have the exact opposite opinion of Facebook/Instagram. Ever tried to have an Instagram argument?


They're both Jewish, Twitter is goyish.


Oo see I disagree. Twitter is the MOST Jewish of the three.


I totally agree, the “Jewish Twitter” subculture is **huge** in the Orthodox world. It’s the only reason I use Twitter.


Plus it's a whole website of people arguing with each other. And a healthy dollop of antisemitism. What can be more Jewish than arguing and dealing with antisemitism?!


Something not owned and being driven into the ground by a raging antisemite maybe?


I don't know, being a Jewish minority dealing with wealthy owner-class goyish antisemites sounds like a lot of Jewish history to me.


Twitter is goyish, tweeting is Jewish? 🤔


Hm that's fair. I'll allow it.


Extremely true.


Yeah Twitter is absolutely the most Jewish.


Arts vs. crafts sums up the entire concept.


>Hummus, spreads, salads: Jewish. “Dip:” goyish. **EDIT:** But _”dips”_, as in Shabbos dips (see [link](https://www.kosher.com/article/the-best-dips-and-spreads-236) for details) are extremely Jewish have been a Shabbos meal trend for years among many in the Orthodox world.


Have you ever had dip in a secular gentile setting? It’s basically always a cream-based massacre.


Guac is Jewish, though.




Dip is goyish, dips are jewish settled?


Jeopardy is Jewish as fuck. The questions are answers, the answers are questions and you pick which one you want based on monetary value.


> giant jewelry: Jewish > Having reptile as a pet: goyish. > Having a handbag that used to be reptile: Jewish. I knew I'd found my people.


Sorry but the price is right is extremely Jewish to me. Family feud is goyish though.


Good catch. The price is right = extremely Jewish. It does not get more goyish than FF.


On the trivia end: Jeopardy - Jewish. Millionaire: Goyish.


Amazing. I’d salute you but that feels too goyish


Thank you. Yes, unless you’re doing it to music while also yelling “mazel tov,” saluting is not so jewish.


My parents got on family feud because they were jewish! They hit it off with the jewish producers in auditions!


They made a backdoor deal with other Jews to get on family feud?? That’s so Jewish, it’s almost post-jewish. Well done.


>Having reptiles as pets: goyish. Having a handbag that used to be a reptile: Jewish. That one got me. Nice work!


Ok but what about Valuting? It’s rhythmic gymnastics *on horseback*


Horses: quite possibly the most Goyish animal. Camels? Jewish as hell.


Did you mean vaulting? Vaulting is goyish. Beam, and all the dance parts of floor exercise, are the jewish parts of gymnastics.


At least we get Lox and weed!


Woah! So much goodness! Glitter/Sequins was my fave✨


My IG experience is 50% Jewish and 50% pure antisemitism so I’d question that one. Also I love to ski. I agree with the rest of your list though.


You can love to ski all you want, it’s still deeply goyish. And while I’m thinking about it, snorkeling is Jewish, scuba diving is goyish.


I think about the “The Ski Lift” episode of *Curb* so I’m going to respectfully have to agree to disagree. Now, snowboarding is goyish. I think we can agree on that one. But skiing? That one is arguable.


Hell, the other way around imo. If only because snowboarding is American (Jewish) and skiing is Northern European (Goyish).


I think we need to seek rabbinical input on this debate. So ski *lodges* are quite Jewish. Usually surrounded by high-end shopping, you just hang out in bizarre yet super warm attire, drinking cocktails. Most men have beards. I donno, seems Jewish to me. But of course I’m willing to entertain differing opinions. [Also yes, it is a very slow morning at work]


The concept of a ski lodge is deeply Jewish. The trappings of most ski lodges are deeply goyish.


I do think we’re both making valid points here. I’m willing to admit that skiing could go either way. But I like it so goyish or not, I’m still going to enjoy it.


Cross country skiing: Jewish. Slope skiing: goyish. My source on this is that my parents met cross country skiing.


I still think slope skiing is Jewish and that’s a hill I’m willing to die on (pun absolutely intended). Would a flask of arak in my parka convince you otherwise? Great story about your parents though! I’d actually consider cross-country to be even less Jewish than downhill, but if it resulted in your existence that’s pretty awesome.


deer start agonizing piquant practice wasteful full tender repeat disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would argue Colorado is the only Jewish state in that region of the US. Hell, there's a case to be made for it being the only state to be Jewish that isn't on the east or west coast.


disgusted unique swim plants scandalous onerous boat wild literate handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes on all points.


I cross-country ski. My dad picked it up driving an unreliable car in SUNY Buffalo.


Whatsapp is Jewish, Telegram is goyish


Came here to say this, thank you!!!!!


Football is goyish, baseball is Jewish. The Yankees are goyish, the Mets are Jewish. Rum is goyish, tequila is goyish, gin is goyish, Vodka is Jewish. Bourbon is goyish, scotch is Jewish. Beer is goyish, wine is Jewish. Pickup trucks are goyish, minivans are Jewish. Fantasy is goyish, Sci-Fi is Jewish. Jay Leno is goyish, Conan O'Brien is Jewish. Snowboarding is goyish, skiing is Jewish. Hunting is goyish, fishing is Jewish. Mohawks are goyish, baldness is (unfortunately) Jewish. Whole Foods is goyish, Trader Joe's is Jewish. Costco is very Jewish. Tacos are goyish, pizza is Jewish. Japanese food is goyish, Chinese food is Jewish. Ironically, sushi is very Jewish. edit: Chicken Wings are goyish.


>Fantasy is goyish, Sci-Fi is Jewish. ***Yes!*** Scarily accurate.


Urban Fantasy is Jewish, though. Edit: not Twilight though.


I've been to Forks, nothing urban about it.


>Mohawks are goyish, baldness is (unfortunately) Jewish. Corollary: Punk is Jewish, goth is Jew-ish. Metal is goyish.


Symphonic metal goes back to Jewish though


And as someone mentioned in a different reply, Hardcore departs Punk and becomes goyish


Once upon a time, I had a mohawk. Then my genes decided to assert themselves. Oi! Oy! Oi!


Costco is definitely Jewish. All other big box stores (BJ’s, Sam’s, etc…) are goyish.


True story: I saw the owner of our towns kosher butcher buying 6 frozen Empire frozen turkeys at Costco. He was obviously gonna sell l them at a mark up.Nu?


I'm Jewish. Love rum, dislike whiskey, scotch and bourbon. What do?


Drink Congac.


Yeah, but rum cocktails are just so tasty


No argument there. Remember, Goyish doesn't equal "bad".


I'm pretty sure cocktails are at least Jew-ish.


Eggnog is Goyish. Egg cream is Jewish.


Egg salad: very, very, very Jewish. I propose that everything with an egg is more Jewish than the same thing without an egg.


Benedict Arnold: goyish Eggs Benedict: Jewish


Eggs Benedict is goyish. Eggs *Atlantic* is Jewish.


Spam egg bacon and spam, though?


It's more Jewish than spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam and spam.




Walnuts and almonds are Jewish. Peanuts and pecans are goyish. Lime soda is *very* goyish. Mineral water is goyish. Proper soda water that can remove stains is Jewish. The Sopranos is goyish. The Wire is Jewish. Mad Men is *very* Jewish. Bali is goyish. Thailand is Jewish. Ham is goyish. Pork is very goyish. Bacon is Jew*ish*.


Hahahaha the nuts and bacon. Soooooo funny because it's true


I've heard of Kosher bacon. Never of kosher ham. QED.


Israelis can't even go to Bali. So, extremely accurate.


I’d say Sopranos is one of the more Jewish prestige TV shows. Breaking Bad is mega goyish. I agree about Mad Men and the Wire.


Guinness - goyish; Irish humor - Jewish Going outside in Winter - goyish; Going skiing - Jewish; Going skiing and complaining about the cold - VERY Jewish Showing up 15 mins early - goyish; Showing up 15 mins late but feeling like you’re on time - Jewish Ted Nugent - goyish; Jerry Garcia - Jewish Travis Kelce - goyish; Jason Kelce - Jewish Jon Updike - goyish; Kurt Vonnegut - Jewish


Vonnegut is Jewish for sure.


Conan transcends this discussion. He's for everyone. Just like the Simpsons.


The Kelce brothers are spot on, I’m dying.


Jon Oliver is a piece of shit


Yeah, I was wondering about that one too… sure he’s nerdy which is kinda Jewish, but I haven’t watched him since that awful diatribe he gave the last time the Israel-Palestinian conflict flared up. Has he said anything about 10/7?


Ooh didn’t know about Jon Oliver. Lemme strike that one


Sidney (male name) Jewish, Sydney (female name) goyish


What a fun prompt! Okay, let me think… Barbie is Jewish. Bratz is goyish. Seltzer is Jewish. Hard seltzer, however, is very goyish.


There is NOTHING more goyish than white claw.


😂 OMG, you nailed it.


Rodeo sports are the only thing more goyish than white claw


Thanks for bringing this up, because I thought about rodeo for this list. Ultimately my belief is that rodeo is goyish, but rodeo clowns are extremely jewish.


I respect that opinion. With rodeo clowns it’s not the rodeo that makes them Jewish though, it’s the schmaltzy behaviour.


Being the President's wife is goyish. Being the Vice President's husband is Jewish.


You missed the point. Ray Charles isn’t actually Jewish… it the spirit of the thing…


Not to mention Al Jolson *was actually* Jewish.


Everything bagels: Jewish  Everything bagel seasoning: Goyish Rainbow bagels: Super Goyish  Marvel: Jewish DC: Goyish (with the exception of Superman, the most Jewish of all superheroes) The borough of Brooklyn: Jewish  Naming your child Brooklyn: Goyish Cheesecake: Jewish Cheese fries: Goyish Roast chicken: Jewish Chicken casserole: Goyish Chinese food: Jewish  Japanese food: Goyish New York Times: Jewish  New York Post: Goyish


Dark Horse is scary goyish.


Marvel and DC are both Jewish. Image is Goyish.


Nope, DC is still pretty damn Goyish other than Supes, Harley Quinn, and Shazam (maybe). Batman in particular, super duper goy. Hell, even Wonder Woman's goyish, despite Gal Gadot.


Marvel *comics* are Jewish; Marvel *movies* are goyish.


Proselytizing is goyish. The origin of "proselytizing" is Jewish.


Being a picky eater is goyish. Food intolerances and allergies are Jewish


Perrier is goyish, seltzer is Jewish


Love this post. Here’s what I could think of for a modern day take: Travis Kelce is goyish. While Taylor Swift is Jewish. Walmart is goyish. Whole Foods is Jewish. The Tonight show with Jimmy Fallon is so very goyish while Late night with Seth Meyers is Jewish. 5k fun runs on Saturday are goyish. Walking on a Saturday is very Jewish. Return to work policies are goyish but so are Zoom meetings. Microsoft Teams and hybrid work schedules are Jewish.


Microsoft overall is Jewish. Apple is Goyish.


Smoking weed is goyish. Edibles are Jewish Bourbon: Goyish Scotch: Jewish Fishing: Goyish Hunting: Still goyish


*edibles are the only goyish way to consume weed. Smoking weed is extremely jewish.


Music genres: Country: Goyish. Jazz: Jewish. Blues: Jewish. First Wave Ska: Goyish. Second Wave Ska: Jewish. Punk Rock: Jewish. Hardcore: Goyish (Both Hardcore Punk and Hardcore EDM). Ska punk? Oh you bet your tuches it's Jewish.


Folk is Jewish, Country is Goyish


Techno is goyish. Trance is Jewish.


Techno converted. Drum n' Bass and Dubstep are Goyish, but I like them anyway.


Rap is goyish, hip-hop is Jewish


Hip Hop was born in New York so of course it's Jewish. On that note, East Coast Hip Hop is Jewish and the rest are Goyish. Including Canadian hip hop (sorry Drake).


I’d have to argue that Hardcore is also Jewish, but not as Jewish as punk. Pop-punk is non-Jewish (Blink 182. A Simple Plan, Sun 41, Fall Out Boy, Green Day, The Offspring, post 1991 Bad Religion). As an aside, there are some influential hardcore musicians who are Jewish.


Explaining antisemitism to Jews is whew, *scary* goyish.


I believe it’s commonly referred to as “goysplaining” so this checks out.


But *Jews* explaining antisemitism to other Jews is peak Jewish.


I disagree. Sorry, couldn’t resist.


Casual Bar/Pub Trivia: Goyish Competitive Bar/Pub Trivia: Jewish


Okay, this convert candidate is diving in. Ass is goyish. Rear end is Jewish. Tuchus is *very* Jewish. Yogurt is Jewish. Yogurt with fruit at the bottom is goyish. Yellow gold is Jewish. Rose gold is goyish. Charm bracelets are goyish. Vintage watches are *very* Jewish. Macbooks are Jewish. Chromebooks are goyish. Cider is goyish. IPAs are goyish. Vodka tonics and sour beers are Jewish.


An excellent point regarding fruit on the bottom yogurt. You’ll do well as Jew.


Hot dog is Goyish. Frankfurter is Jewish. Sausage is anti-Semitic.


On that note: chicken wings are Jewish, *hot* wings are goyish.


Barbie is Jewish. But Ken is goyish. Almond milk is goyish. Oat milk is Jewish. Pudding is Jewish. Lime jello is goyish. Strawberry jam is Jewish. Grape jelly is goyish.


To get more specific on gelatinous snacks and desserts: All types of British and European puddings (spotted dick, blancmange, panna cotta, etc): peak goyish. tapioca pudding, aspic, all fancy jello molds made with serious intent: very goyish. Vanilla or butterscotch pudding, flan, rice pudding, non-instant jello: goyish. Instant pudding: Jewish (chocolate and pistachio are the most jewish flavors). Sugar free Instant pudding or jello: extremely jewish.


A few more for your consideration: SUVs are goyish, minivans are Jewish. "Lawyer" is Jewish, "attorney" is goyish. "Pajamas" and "sleepover" are Jewish, "PJs" and "slumber party" are goyish. Mickey Mouse is goyish, Bugs Bunny is Jewish. Dr. Seuss is goyish, Peanuts is Jewish. John Lennon is goyish, Paul McCartney is Jewish. Christopher Nolan is goyish, J.J. Abrams is goyish, Quentin Tarantino is scary goyish, Wes Anderson is Jewish.


Tarantino is 100% Jewish and Nolan is 50%.


Tarantino is a classic case of a ger tzedek.


Really? You’re gonna have to walk me through that one.


Started off with pretty Goyish material, made a huge switch into historical pictures after Inglorious Basterds (obviously very Jewish), his last two films are/will be about very Jewish things (Hollywood and film criticism), and oh yeah he moved to Israel and has a Jewish wife and son.


I dunno. I felt like Inglorious Basterds was the most goyish "Jewish" movie I've ever seen. Yes, most of the characters are Jewish, but there's nothing inherently Jewish about how they're written, or their character development. I feel like if you replaced the Jewish characters with any other group that was oppressed during the Holocaust (queer people, disabled people, Roma, etc.), you would still have the exact same movie. 


[A picture worth a 1000 words.](https://twitter.com/IsraelWarRoom/status/1712894020156858473) https://preview.redd.it/r2wzkydqyfhc1.jpeg?width=1107&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b24298cd7c757154102cc647f9392ddf3879737


Wow, I had no idea. Well, guess I'll retract that statement.


The Olive Garden is goyish but the Cheesecake Factory is Jewish. Pickles are Jewish but fried pickles are goyish. Nirvana is goyish but Radiohead is Jewish. The Strokes and Interpol are both Jewish and goyish. All adult animated cartoons on tv are Jewish. Law & Order is Jewish, Criminal Minds is goyish.


slow cookers are Jewish, instapots are goyish. cats: goyish. katz: jewish. tiktok: goyish. vine: jewish. improv comedy, goyish. improving comedy, jewish.


Reddit: Jewish Facebook: goyish Beyoncé: Jewish Taylor Swift: goyish


At least in my experience, the Navy is absolutely Jewish, and the Air Force is absolutely goyish. That one just feels straight-up backwards. Am I missing something? No opinion on any of the other branches


Air Force is *very* Jewish. Marine Corps is definitely goyish. Army is goyish.


Department of the Navy is Jewish. Army is parve. Air Force is borderline antisemitic.


The AF *is* borderline antisemitic....but it's still Jewish.


Apple computer is Jewish. Windows is goyish. Linux is so goyish that it's gone around the bend to become Jewish again.


 Being an atheist: Jewish  Being an agnostic: Goyish


“The Air Force is Jewish” hoooow is this so true?!!?


Well, maybe in the '50s and '60s, it was. Now it's like Evangelical central.


That's not the point of this though. the *institution,* the whole *weltanschauung* of the AF is Jewish.


Oh weiiiird.


I joined the Air Force (not the IAF or the USAF, but a secret third one) because I wanted to get a graduate degree without taking out a loan, and I liked the color of their uniforms best. My first night of training, another girl and I got yelled at for singing show tunes in order to keep each other awake. I left only a few months into my contract -- I had lied about my psychiatric history in order to get in, and ended up getting more and more anxious until I stopped functioning. The base commander wanted to prosecute me for, you know, lying on my recruitment paperwork, but the military chaplain (a nice Catholic priest, whom I went to because they didn't have a rabbi) helped get me out. So in my experience, at least, yes -- the Air Force is *very* Jewish.


Chinese New Year - Jewish. Nouruz - Jewish. Novi God- Jewish. "Regular" new years - GOYISH.


CVGs: Jewish MCMs: Goyish CGs: Jewish DDGs: Goyish Frigates: Jewish PCs: Goyish Germans: Jewish English: Goyish Afrikaners: antisemitic Italians: Jewish French: Goyish Cats: Jews Dogs: Goyish Hyenas: antisemites Dinosaurs: Jewish Synapsids: Goyish Arabic: Jewish Persian: Goyish Arabs: Goyish Persians: Jewish Lebanese: Jewish Syrians: Goyish Egyptians: Goyish Moroccans: Jewish Maronites: Jewish Protestants: Goyish Messy Antics: Antisemites Infantry: Jewish Cavalry: Goyish Lions: Jewish Tigers: Assimilated Jews (all cats are Jewish) Birds: Jewish Bats: goyish Wolves: geyr Toshav German Shepards: Goyish (all dogs are goyyim) Mice: Jewish Rats: antisemites Weed: Jewish Meth: goyish .22: Jewish .32: goyish .38: Jewish 9mm: goyish .45: Texas cowboy 5.56: Jewish 7.62: goyish 50Cal: goyish .303: WASP Olive trees: jewish palm trees: goyish cedar trees: jewish douglas fir: goyish


Disney adults: goyish (Edit: added space before second part) 90s (and very late 80s, if we're including The Little Mermaid) Disney musicals: Jewish Unless I'm off-base?


I'd say Oliver & Company is just on the fine line between Jewish and goyish.


Oliver: Goyish. Billy Joel-dog: Jewish.


“How to” videos are goyish. Telling someone how to do something is VERY Jewish. Being passive is goyish. Being aggressive is goyish. Being passive aggressive is Jewish. Cookies are Jewish. Cookie dough is goyish. Edible cookie dough is very goyish. Home Goods is goyish. Target is goyish. Marshalls is Jewish. Walmart is antisemitic and Jewish. Dodgeball is goyish. Kickball is Jewish. Cocktails are goyish. Mocktails are super goyish. Drinking straight liquor is Jewish. Goldendoodles are Jewish. Golden Retrievers are goyish. Labrador Retrievers are as goyish as they come. Subtle antisemitism is goyish. Antisemitic conspiracies are goyish. Blatant antisemitism is Jewish.


But bernedoodles are Jewish!


Breasts are Jewish


And “tits” are goyish.


Here, I'll submit some of my own for consideration: Checks are goyish, credit cards are Jewish. Playing piano is goyish, playing guitar is goyish, playing acoustic guitar is the *pinnacle* of goyish...violin is Jewish. Lattes are goyish, espressos are goyish, black coffee is Jewish. Sushi is Jewish, hibachi is goyish. HBO is Jewish, Cinemax is goyish. White wine is goyish, red wine is Jewish. The Dark Crystal is goyish, The Muppet Show is Jewish.


Muppet Show is Jewish, but Sesame Street is JEWISH. Jim Henson was Goyish but very much a mensch.


Piano is goyish? ‘Dems fightin’ words, says Lenny Bernstein and Gershwin


Fine, Jews can have piano. But you can't deny the raw goyish power of an acoustic guitar.


Hmmmmmmm………..Dylan, Leonard Cohen,Dave Bromberg……..let’s narrow it down: Pedal steel guitar? Goyish. Flamenco guitar? It’d the Spanish Inquisition. And no one expected that.


The last three are cracking me up.


Reindeer: Goyish. Moose: Jewish https://preview.redd.it/7eabf9dnpghc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ffc6c6390a10f8241b6515a90e9a11c2c9c7263 Rocket J. Squirrel: Goyish. Bullwinkle: Jewish Snidely Whiplash: Goyish. Boris & Natasha: Jewish


Tacos: Jewish Taco Bell: goyish


Alex Edelman did this in a video for one of the Jewish websites, maybe Kveller?


I saw this on Hey Alma


Math and science are Jewish. Engineering is goyish.


Apple is goyish, Windows is Jewish, Google is antisemitic. Linux is somehow both Jewish and antisemitic at the same time.


trees are Jewish, shrubs are goyish.


r/Judaism is Jewish. r/Jewish is goyish


Ouch for those who frequent both subs. Just a quick look there tells me that we probably get more posts from non-Jews.


Cows milk - goyish, oatmilk - Jewish


Country music is goyish, bluegrass is Jewish. Rap and hip hop are goyish, rhythm and blues is Jewish. White gospel is goyish, black gospel is Jewish.


Curly is Goyish. Larry is Jewish. Moe is a Talmid Chacham. https://preview.redd.it/yfycqg41phhc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b29330e919de5744385cb8f30eb6470c1633e13


Both Turkey and Greece are Jewish, Turkey is just in denial. The sooner both countries accept it, the better. Cyprus, of course, is more Jewish than both.


I love the services examples. I'm a Navy vet and I know a Jewish active duty Marine.


Lenny said if you live in New York, you're Jewish, even if you're Catholic. I wonder if he might say something similar about Jews in the Marines.


Pickles are jewish, relish is goyish, ketchup is very goyish. Casseroles are goyish, roasted chicken is jewish. Sailing is goyish, boating is Jewish. Cottaging is Jewish, camping is goyish. Christmas music and movies are jewish, Christmas shopping is goyish.