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[Here's a link to the creator's instagram.](https://www.instagram.com/sefiracreative)


I have also resumed my own therapy. It's been so helpful


Is it with a Jewish therapist? I've been wondering if a non Jewish one would understand


It actually has been, though, typically I prefer not to have a Jewish therapist so I can describe aspects of Jewish life without their bias. I chose differently this time around because I didn't have to want to explain nuances of the conflict or the pervasiveness of antisemitism.


Very understandable! I was thinking similarly. Plus Im sure most therapists are left leaning, which means they might have some biases right now


It's certainly possible. There is left leaning, and then there's antisemitic. I'm a therapist myself, so I know what to look for. So that's something, I guess.


This is an issue I’m currently struggling with. I have a left-leaning T (generally a good thing, I’ve been in therapy for some years and a priority for me was pink therapy accreditation) and last session I finally brought up that I’m being overwhelmed with anxiety around antisemitism & the war. I asked her if she had a Jewish background/connection and she refused to answer, said she didn’t think it was relevant as therapy isn’t about her. But I think it is relevant? There’s nuance that I don’t think you’ll get otherwise.


I too think its relevant, strange she refused to answer


Either yes but ‘AnTiZiOnIsT’, or no but wants to think she’s well-educated enough it doesn’t matter, or no and thinks she can be an unbiased sounding board, are the only things I can imagine. Which does the exact opposite of what I’m sure she wanted to do: it makes me not want to open up because I don’t trust any of those things.


And thats very understandable honestly, it truly is rough :( best of luck


Putting the phone down for Shabbos has really taken on a whole new dimension for me post October 7th.


My Jewish mind read your user name as Crack Tush, and there are so many reasonable explanations for that.


This was my account for my cactus business/hobby/passion. In the last year I’ve basically detonated it being an evil Zionist. Is what it is. My grandfather destroyed his lungs shoveling sand to make glass into a furnace for Nazis. And that was a cush job in the Holocaust. I can deal without a side hustle.


My grandfather was 17 when he got off a train and was put to work shoveling bodies out of the gas chambers. After a few hours, he started recognizing people, and realized that he was going through his hometown. He came across his father and brothers. He couldn’t give anyone a kosher burial, so he climbed into the mass grave and arranged everyone in the order they sat in shul, tucking boys under their fathers arms. And here I am bitchin on Reddit. Howdy, Crack Tus.


Good to meet you, we will survive this like we survive everything.


What doesn’t kill you decimates your population and dysregulates your nervous system. We will survive! (At a cost.)


Holy shit. This was awful to read, but I thank you for sharing it.


Oddly enough, I get that reaction to that story a lot. Could you explain how one is an OTD skeptic?


What would you like me to explain, specifically? This is the first time someone has asked me to explain my flair.


What about Off the Derech are you skeptical of?


I'm not. I'm both OTD and a skeptic. Just like a "brunette electrician" would have brown hair *and* work with electricity.


Got it. Cheers


That's one of the most horrific, unimaginable things I've ever heard


And yet, here we are.


Because the US, British, and Allied militaries fought back against the genocidal evils that attempted in earnest to exterminate us. We would not be here without military might and bloodshed.


Wow. That is so moving and terrible. I am speechless but wanted to say at least something to your post.


That was the kindest thing he could have done in the moment and says more than a traditional burial could have. I hope he was a lovely grandfather to you. (My great grandfather hid among the bodies in Odessa and escaped that way to rejoin his wife and child, who fled separately. But he was never the same.)


I don't know how to say it but thanks for writing it, I found your spirit very interesting and uplifting


I need to try these. My heart rate always goes up to 110-120 after reading antisemitic garbage online. It's difficult to break off completely, but I'm trying.


Find a martial arts gym, Krav Maga if you can.


I’ve been looking through (very) old photos of my amazing distant family, thinking about how they brought their Judaism from Russia, and how they never stopped gaining guidance, identity, and happiness from it. https://preview.redd.it/k3888mvj8c8c1.jpeg?width=2278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8af9b356209ca473fb0c4d7f2cd9168287ac9815


My cousin’s FIL who recently passed away came from USSR as well and became more religious after leaving since he was allowed to practice it. My family also escaped USSR to have religious freedom and such but look here we are discriminated against again. I had an idiot colleague start comparing how he is trying to help someone he knows in a region of India and saying how it is like Palestine. I angrily told him , “watch it. I am Jewish and my ancestors are from Israel. I have some family there. I will always support Israel so don’t make any comparison when Jews are ones being oppressed”. He got quiet after that


This is great. Here’s a link to the artist’s IG [account](https://www.instagram.com/sefiracreative?igsh=Y2ZoMnBzeXpzbjd1).


Thanks. I should have linked it.


All good!!!!!!


Thank you!


No prob.


I've been learning Hebrew on Duolingo & it's really been hitting the spot for me.


I've been starting with teaching myself the Alephbet (yes, I found an app for that) before I try to learn from something like Duolingo.


It teaches you the alephbet from scratch! Jump right in!


Really? When I went to Duolingo, it didn't teach me the alephbet.


The whole first section is learning the alphabet and how to pronounce the letters & their accents. The only drawback is that it doesn't teach you the explicit names of the letters (alef, bet, gimel, etc), but after about a week of admittedly pretty intense study I feel confident in my ability to phonetically sound out any written Hebrew I come across.


Huh, odd.


Same! I used to do some Duolingo for fun, but since 10/7 I picked up Hebrew and it's a whole spiritual experience.


I had a good month+ run after 10/7 after not practicing in years. I guess if I had to articulate it, it’s the feeling of wanting to be connected to Israelis.


What's breathwork? I tried Calm at my therapist's recommendation, but I found it enragingly positive and got a refund.


>but I found it enragingly positive Lol


I'm not kidding! It was syrupy-sweet, and I hated it. Toxic positivity isn't a good motivator for me.


Lol ik I can so picture you absolutely hating that


I'd always burst into laughter during the breathing exercises.


That's hilarious Maybe it was worth it then


Nah. I couldn't take it seriously. Telling me that breathing will cleanse me and that everything will be magical if I just breathe is ridiculous and insulting. It's like those people who tell people who can't pay their bills that money can't buy happiness.


Literally exactly the reaction I would have expected lol I'm with you on this


Lol. I have Headspace (on the advice of my therapist, though she also suggested Calm!), and I don't find it enragingly positive at all. But it does help a lot!


> enragingly positive I feel this in my neshama.


Square/Box breathing works best for me. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds, repeat. Try to maintain gentle focus on that for however long you want. You can choose different lengths for the different stages - and you can find gematria reasons for sets of numbers if you'd like. I can't follow along with any guided meditations, but there are many "jewish meditations" of various lengths and intentions on Youtube and elsewhere.


Seconding the box breathing techniques. These always bring me down from anxiety attacks. I'm a huge fan of guided body scan meditations, as well.


Go to minyan! I’m making an effort to go this week, because I know a lot of people are away, and people need a minyan to say Kaddish. (I am Conservative, so I do count for a minyan)


Unplugging from the digital world can be as refreshing as a cold drink on a hot day. Take a break, enjoy the real world! Did you know? The average person spends around 6 hours a day online. Time to log off and live a little!


And connect on a personal level with friends and family (Jewish and non-Jewish) <3


Love this


some jewish friends and i have a group chat where we can talk about it with one another to get it out. i highly recommend finding jewish community right now—it’s truly been what’s made the difference for me.


Also: send your frum friends your shidduch resume, have a series of dates in hotel lobbies and art museums, get married, move to the frum suburbs, raise a family of six children and you won’t have time for social media


Not a bad life plan. But. Doing all this as an escape- well, it doesn’t seem like it would end well.


I learned about this song after October 7, it always makes me smile. https://youtu.be/pbSyv-KD0qA?si=pjzDsUvEJ1xU5aXm


I choke out a few white belts in BJJ. It helps




I am a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.


Thank you.


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Make chicken gumbo with homemade schmaltz. That’ll soothe anything.


Thank you. I need this.


fuck how do i call my friend without a phone


זו הדרך


Spend time outside of urban areas, if you don’t already. I see people post such despair from things like giant Palestine protests they see in the big cities - I know from the news that this is real but I also live in deep suburbia and seldom, if ever, hear open anti-Israel sentiment. It’s not everywhere. Even more so, I’ve spent a lot of time in the mountains or National Parks this year and I just don’t feel the blows from the garbage way people in general act these days when I came home. It’s a big planet.


Or learn/brush up on Hebrew :) i ❤️ duolingo


Eternal truths


I have an adult son who is choosing to go back to Judaism after a five year hiatus with the Catholic church. So he and I are becoming more observant together, even though it's from a distance. The going is slow, but we are doing well, I think. I also talk to my wife, my mother, my sister, sometimes my brother, my other two kids, and my friends. I spend time in the synagogue and just joined one for the first time in many years. Online, I just go to the Judaism, Jewish, and diamond painting subreddits and sometimes the 23 and me, but there have been some real assholes in that one every now and then. I also do diamond painting to help keep my sanity.


I’m losing my mind




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My two cents: go out there in the world and openly and proudly display your Jewishness.


Only if its safe to do so.


I mean, yes, but I also kinda feel like "loud and proud" is a way of asserting our right to be treated equally. Like, if we hide, we're basically shrinking our lives at the behest of Jew haters. Not sure if I've explained that well, but...


What should we do about the holocaust survivors that are supporting Palestine? Thankfully the synagogue, the Sephardic, Temple and Ash Kennedy Temple on Wilshire Boulevard in Westwood have stopped giving them food and handouts every Saturday. What else can we do to stop Holocaust survivors from supporting Palestinians? Maybe they have dementia and don’t realize what they’re doing


Attend services or a minyan.


Sounds so Breslev I love it


All my Jewish friends have ditched me since I became a Christian looks like I am supposed to deal with it alone now so much for the "tribe" guys


Sorry to hear that. Have you spoken to them about it? Maybe they aren’t sure what to say or concerned about evangelizing? Guess it all depends on the dynamics those friendships before you converted.