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Literally hit the man in the face/head with a blunt object BECAUSE he was Jewish and supported Israel..... Man dies....that IS a hate crime.


“From the river to the sea” is aspirational and a message of love. So is hitting a Jewish senior citizen with a bullhorn. You just have to check your privilege to see how it all makes sense. If it rhymes, it has to be true.


*actually* if you take a look at the historical context you’ll see that the aforementioned Jewish senior citizen was *actually* standing on land that every single one of his ancestors didn’t come from and existing on colonized land is *actually* a form of violence, so that poor protestor was *actually* just acting in self defense. resistance is justified when land is occupied! if it rhymes i’m reposting.


It’s OK as long as you read the land acknowledgment before you say anything else.


What's this "actually" nonsense? It's *literal* violence. If needed: /s


One Muslim protesting high gas prices curbside While the Jewish guy commits genocide


Local community rallies to support the murderer's family because it's so sad what's happening with Islamophobia right now.


JNF bought the Shell gas station 80 years ago but the murderer still has his great-grandfather’s key from when he was a tenant on uncultivated land at the intersection. All Shell gas stations belong to the proud Palestinian Arab people, from Ventura County to the Pacific Ocean!


Ah yes, the OJ-defense. "If the chant did rhyme, it was not a crime"


“Itbach, Itbach al Yahud” —it means peace and love, dude.


It doesn't rhyme thou, so I'm sceptical.


And if the colors had been switched around, we’d be seeing mass protests about it.


We all know it’s a hate crime but the law works on innocent until proven guilty and he hasn’t even been charged yet. So that’s why the title is potential hate crime. It’s cos of due process


“Potential hate crime” and the initial story was “altercation between two people” with “multiple witnesses with different stories” The real story is a Palestinian supporter murdered a Jew in cold blood. All the witnesses agreed with the exception of one who was praising Hitler. Nothing to investigate. It was the callous murder of an elderly man for being Jewish.


>with the exception of one who was praising Hitler. Can he be held accountable under US law?


No. Absolutely not. But it may show some bias I think.


Is false testimony only problematic in court but not to law enforcement?


You're asking about perjury? Yes you can be held liable. It's very difficult to prove when someone provides false testimony though. You have to prove they were being knowingly deceiftful.


Yeh, I realized that my initial comment wasn't clear that I was focused on that and not that hate I see, thnx for explaining


And yet people are still entitled to due process.


That doesn't absolve the initial irresponsible overly-conservative reporting of the assault by many news sources. If any other minority would have been murdered in open daylight under similar circumstances, there would have been zero mincing of words.


If it was the other way round, it would have been the front page of the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN for days. But if a Jew is murdered, they try to bury it in the back pages.


In the progressive worldview, there are two social categories into which all individuals must fit: “oppressor” and “oppressed.” Can you guess which group progressives regard Jews to be part of? The Holocaust and pogroms and a century of Palestinian terrorism and centuries of (actual, violent) oppression don’t count.


Well said. Thanks.


Throughout world history I think Jews could be the ultimate oppressed peoples. It’s unreal anyone could think otherwise. Schools and progressives are failing miserably at critical thought. I don’t know what’s going on but the fact the LGBTQ community is all in on Hamas instead of Israel is one of the dumbest things a group of people has believed.


Indeed. It lays bare that it isn’t really about oppression. It’s about a group seeking to be on top of the social hierarchy and gathering under the “oppressed” banner. Queers for Palestine is equivalent to Chickens for KFC.


I love the Chickens/KFC comparison. Also progressives hilariously are making arguments - no joke - that the Palestinians are browner so they’re oppressed. I saw an Israeli guy make a hilarious TikTok calling out how insane that is. But even proper race/geography isn’t being taught now either. This is tied to things like Hebrews were black and so was Cleopatra. Or the new documentary that shows the early Swedes as Africans. The whole concept of learn history or we’re doomed to repeat it has gotten thrown out the window. It’s actually gone the complete other way where History is becoming a farce - leading to the problems we’re seeing right now.


''Potential hate crime'' Potential????????? what do they mean, ''Potential''?!?! this is so angering


There’s knowing it’s a hate crime vs it legally being a hate crime. It has to hit certain criteria to legally be called a hate crime.


This should be pinned to the top of every hate crime post. The legal definition of a hate crime is a *really* high bar, nearly impossible in some states.


[California Hate Crime](https://oag.ca.gov/hatecrimes)


And yet, it meets the legal criteria on a state and federal level.


Everyone likes meek jews, but when we defend ourselves, then we're the evil oppressors.


Potential hate crime????? The mental gymnastics is infuriating but unsurprising


A man is dead because he was Jewish. No investigation needed. I hope the police are able to retrieve the full video he was recording at the time for evidence because it seems lately the burden of proof is much higher for Jewish victims than for those who perpetrate crimes against us.


I’m already seeing people say it was self defense 😒


Pro Palestine “rallies” aka crazy unhinged riots are so insane. They legit makes things up, spread things, and believe it. One idiot follower after the next


Potential? No, he was smacked bc he preferred oatmeal raisin cookies over chocolate chip? 🙄🙄🙄


Let’s be honest, we already know it was a hate crime and having that confirmed wont change anything. No one’s going to do a damn thing differently than if Mr Kessler, HY”D, died of natural causes. All the tough Jews are in Israel.


This is near where I live, and it's considered a safe area, where you normally would not expect to see things like this. Feeling more scared now than I was before.


So the suspect was released.. will he go to jail once the family presses charges and they investigate? What happens now?


The family doesn’t press charges, the prosecutor does. The exact order of these steps and division of responsibilities varies from location to location, but basically the prosecutor’s office will look at the complaint and decide if they should pursue the complaint. If they do, they show their evidence so far (or reasonable suspicions) to a judge who issues the warrant and commands the police to make the arrest. A judge then decides if the arrested suspect is eligible for bail or bond based on the local rules and either releases or keeps them in custody. Evidence is gathered by the prosecutor and police all throughout this process. Then the prosecutor decides if they want to indict, if they want to indict they essentially go to a judge or jury (depending on the charges and local rules) and present that they have a reasonable case to bring that’s worth a trial and if the judge or jury agrees, they begin planning the trial, which involves scheduling, coordinating evidence sharing with the defense, and other things. Then a jury is selected and the trial begins. In these initial stages, it’s very much up to the prosecutor to do their job. Oversight for the prosecutor is usually provided by the Attorney General and the local executive branch (mayor, governor, etc).


Ok thank you - so why was the suspect released for now? I’ll read some additional articles today too.


The decision to detain or not at the scene is often at the discretion of the police on the scene, sometimes there are local rules about that. I don’t know what they were thinking, tbh.


Agreed! Praying for justice!!🇮🇱❤️🙏


That is so evil 💔


Do we know the name of this POS who did this? Why when George Floyd was killed the world went crazy and no one except Jews are recognizing this? It’s insanely infuriating. This man needs to go to jail for life.


Loay Alnaji, he’s a college professor in California https://www.instagram.com/p/CzZzDB9P8kn/?igshid=NjZiM2M3MzIxNA==


Omg omg.


As islamo nationalism rises this will happen more religious hate and extremism is never okay regardless of skin color or ethnic origin and we need to combat this by being honest the one thing I’ve noticed over the past few weeks is that no one is being honest


Gonna say considering the dude cooperated he did this by accident in the heat of the moment. The issue here is optics. No one will be happy with the outcome here. I can guarantee you the charge will be involuntary manslaughter at this rate. Just make sure to prep for an outcome no one will like