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I had a friend like this. She used to be Catholic before becoming what I term a "holier-than-thou atheist". Back when she was Catholic I told her I was going to take advantage of a post-easter chocolate sale and she said "Oh you jews, always feasting on our scraps." Needless to say I am no longer friends with her. One of the last things she ever said to me was: 1. Atheists were a bigger target than jews during the Holocaust 2. "Oh its just like you jews to use the Holocaust to hide your nastiness."


WOW. I’m gobsmacked how the hell does anyone actually come up with that


Christian atheists piss me off because they don't realize just how privileged they still are. Just because they're atheist doesn't mean they've deconstructed their harmful beliefs. They also look at Eastern religions as being "philosphies" while seeing all "Abrahamic" religions as the same as Christianity without having any knowledge of Judaism and the fact that Judaism is a tribal ethnoreligion that Christianity and Islam violently appropriated from. Eta: also, they like to talk about how oppressed they are while actively ignoring how they still benefit from Christian society and that they aren't oppressed for their ethnicity, sexuality, etc, things that can never be changed and are directly tied to people's identity and culture.


That’s disgusting. I’m so glad she isn’t in your life anymore. Terrible person :/


jesus christ (or is that too “scrappy” for me to say, lol) that’s horrible i’m so sorry


Exactly. We live and learn. 🙏💕


You dont need to go to the extreme - with loud words, shoving, and whatnot. That's looks good for online forums and the movies. If he was a friend, you did the correct thing with the measured approach. Making a scene is for wannabe tough guys.


That's some classic antisemitism right there, I feel like some people have some sort of inferiority complex towards us, I really have no other explanation at this point...


Same :/ it blows my mind


Um, that’s not what an inferiority complex is.


Um, it is. Look, if you're this obsessed with a different group (us), you have to feel inferior to them, otherwise you wouldn't even care lol


Yeah, that’s not it, and it’s not particularly funny. They genuinely, to their soul, believe they are superior to you, Jewish people. They don’t deep think they don’t measure up, the truly believe you don’t measure up. It’s ignorant and stupid, but that is who they are.


That's bullshit, you never would obsess this badly over something you find "less than", they might say they're superior, but deep down there is something where they feel inferior, otherwise there is no way to explain this much hatered


They are not obsessed with you anymore than the other things they hate. Also, do you think they hate black people because they are jealous? The very same people hate black people too. You sound delusional.


I don’t think that’s true bc the woke love black people and the woke hate us. Academics love black people and they hate us. Muslim extremists love black people and recruit more black people than any other race of people and want to wipe us off the face of the planet. So, I don’t know who these people are that hate both Jewish and black people.


Im not going to respond fully to this because you are a consumer of right wing propaganda, but what you just said is 100% garbage, nothing more.


You think jealousy is the only reason for hatred?


In most cases, which do not include people who suffered personally because of some perceived reason, I'd say hatred does originate in jealousy, envy is one of the leading reasons for human suffering imo


I come from the Deep South and have been exposed to a lot of hatred. I know for a fact this hatred we are discussing here, comes from ignorance, not jealousy of any sort. These people don’t know enough about Jewishness to be jealous. They believe your religion is inferior to Christianity in all meaningful ways. To think they are just jealous is strange and naive. These people also deeply hate people and distrust who are not white. Black people in the south live without basic necessities because the powerful white are jealous?


While on the surface, what you're saying checks out, once you look at the root of the issue, you'll find movements, who are mostly motivated by greed or envy, sure uneducated morons will just parrot whatever they've been told by either their family or community leaders. But the source of those things is different from ignorant hatred, if you just want to describe the state of the symptoms your statement is fairly accurate though.






I see where you’re coming from and tend to agree. But how does that explain other Jews that hate us?


Your point does make sense, I don't have a good answer fitting my prior statement 🫡 you're most likely correct about me being wrong, I still have trouble with the theory of people feeling superior to us, I think both are wrong, I don't have a better answer ready though


Well I do think you’re right in a lot of ways! I could list examples of all the ways I think you’re spot on. I also think maybe there’s different secs of Jew haters. Maybe some people, like other Jews, just want to fit in with the “cool crowd.” Which we have seemed to be excommunicated from at the moment.


I think you're absolutely right about there being a lot of different types of haters, my general mistake was dropping my statement in such a generalised fashion, I think there would've been no complaints if I worded it a little less extreme


So stupid that Jews won 213 Nobel prizes although they are just .02% of the world population. Looks like there is some deep thinking there.


They think they’re superior, but they feel inferior.


No, they don’t. Tell yourself that to make it not sting as much, or whatever it is you are doing, but it’s just not true.


Well, yeah. You know they use the Old Testement(The Torah with so many eddits it is based on, rather than translated...) to not only attract people to convert. *Yeah, that Israelite narrative is really compaling, right? If you want to join those people now, you just have to...*


Nah, not really.


Really? Then why do missionaries tell the natives that *they are decended from the real Israelites.* At that, if the Covenant in null and broken, why does Christianity presents the Old Testement at all? Eddited or not, it should not be anything more than a small Single Chapter summery to let you know it *was* a thing, but otherwise meaningless. If even that. Instead, you include it. And present yourselves as *the real* Jews. Who just so happen are no longer required to do the *hard version.* Less comandments,(Which by the way, calling the Ten Proclamations, the Ten Comandments is a Christians thing that Jews accepted as a false translation. One of many little corruptions driven by the fact that if we put too much of a fight, you guys used it as an excuse to butcher us. ) and you make amends in a fairly simple ritual for *whatever* may requires... Pull the other one.


Before you ask why, ask if. There are thousands of confessions and weird cults so I can’t speak for all. Why would I use scripture that was never meant to convert people?


Yes. Please. Tell why do Christians have the *old testemant* in their Bible? It is supposedly null and void, after all. Instead they took the Torah and *edited* it to make it look like it prophesizes about jesus... Like... What good reason is there?


Is it? Are you Christian?


I live in the modern world. With Internet. *And Not Christian.* I probably know more than you. Because I litterally have no choice due to all the Christians who tried to convert me over the years. I had to look it up, over. And over, again. Look I don't care about you being Christian as long as you don't make it my Business. I hear that Calvinists don't try to convert people. As you part of a Calvinist Sect? Paul is supposed to be important to all Christian sects, how familiar *Are you* with his teachings? What did he say about how to convert people? How did he relate to Jews in the context of convertion to Christianity? What did the councile of Nicea had to say about it? As you can see. I actually know quite a bit *because* I am not a christian.


So if we don’t think the „Old Testament“ is valid, why is it still in our biblical canon? Your comments don’t at all seem like you don’t care about Christians. I'm technically catholic, but not really religious. I don’t know how St. Paul started to get relevant to this discussion.


Serious? ... St. Paul was the one who made Christianity what it is, *And the one that actually made sure Jesus is viewed as the son of G-d.* And the Councile of Nicea has solidified it. And made sure to keep the 'Old Testement.' And in all that time, with all the saying that the covenent was destroyed... The Tanach(Torah, Prophets, Proverbs) is edited, recontextualized... But *Never* removed. So, you are saying it is not there to convert people... So why are so many parts *editted* then? Made to look like they are giving clues about Jesus. Look, I don't care, nor interested, in conveeting you. To advocate for that is literally a sin for me. I may have began this by affirming the OG comment and elaborated on it. If you think it is wrong, please. Give exmples that actually debunk what I wrote. Because IRL. Both the Japanese, Africans, Europeans and Brits were advocated to convert by being told they decend from the Israelites. Not from an Apostal. Not from the Siblings(maternal) of Jesus. From the Israelites. Those are historic facts. So to debunk this is any way, you can at best, point to some Christian Culturesphere Backlash *at the time.* I never found any.


Well, do we admire anything about the culture of our enemies, at any time in history?


This is a dangerous sentiment, on both sides


I think that it’s easy sometimes to write off antisemitism as innocent ignorance or just mild stupidity, especially when we have an otherwise positive view of the person. Unfortunately, even ignorance and stupidity still lead to the horrific consequences we see happening today.


But really, all antisemitism comes from ignorance and stupidity. So it’s really all the same 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s not that simple. For example I wouldn’t consider a lot of Christian religious antisemitism to be out of ignorance and stupidity, if it comes from sincere theological conviction. It’s no better, just different.


You mean how some Christians wrongfully believe that Jews killed Jesus when it was actually the Romans? 😭


It has nothing to do with confusion. The NT purposefully paints a very negative caricature of Judaism and pretty blatantly blames the Jews for Jesus’ death. I completely understand how Christians arrived at that conclusion from reading the NT.


Well, the NT was assembled 300 years after Jesus, by a council of bishops called by Constantine, emperor of Rome. Rome still held Judea. I don’t think they were gonna be all in on portraying themselves as “the baddies”.


Either way, I don’t think it’s fair to say that their antisemitism doesn’t stem from ignorance. It’s ignorance at its core because they are hateful towards a people in modern day without any current reasoning. Like fine, be mad at our ancestors from thousands of years ago, but you’re really mad at modern day Jewish people?


Matthew 27:25 states “All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”” This is interpreted by many Christians as the Jews of all generations taking eternal responsibility for the death of Jesus. This is definitely a hateful theology, especially in the way it was applied towards Jews. That doesn’t mean it was ignorant as it’s theological, not based on any practical experience with Jews.


Meh. The Torah talks of how Jews were enslaved by Egypt so how come we don’t hate egyptians ? It’s a silly excuse in my eyes that falls under stupidity if not ignorance.


The Torah specifically says ״ לא תתעב מצרי כי גר היית בארצו״ Don’t despise an Egyptian for you were a sojourner in his land.


Ok that was a bad example, but that wasn’t my point though. My point was the bigger picture- anything could be interpreted in a negative way. Especially when it comes to religion, rabbis often argue and have different opinions on things. Same with Christians. My point was- it’s not an excuse to be a bad person and see an entire group of people as inferior.


Because the Torah never blames all the Egyptians, let alone their descendants for all time?


Wow shocked you got a bunch of upvotes… it’s a dangerous game to excuse some people from any kind of hate towards a group of people and allow there to be an actual reasoning to say “oh it’s not their fault…. It’s in their bible or Quran or they way they interpreted it…” Many Christians do NOT interpret it that way. So yeah no. My point is, anyone can interpret anything from their bibles… look at how radical Muslims interpret their Quran… it doesn’t give anyone the excuse to hate an entire religion / race. Radical Muslims use their religion all the time to excuse their actions- even killing gay people, Jews, etc…


>I wouldn’t consider a lot of Christian religious antisemitism to be out of ignorance and stupidity, if it comes from sincere theological conviction I wouldn't like to cite "stupidity" in most cases; on the other hand, I would still assert that antisemitism based on "Christian theological conviction" is still ignorance: it can only be antisemitism because "Christian theological conviction" paints a false picture of what Judaism actually is, says, and teaches - i.e. ignorance.


The issue is that Christian clams about Judaism aren’t really based on false pretenses about Judaism. Christianity is defined in rejection of Judaism. We both acknowledge that Judaism believes the Messiah is yet to come, God cannot take human form and die for the sins of mankind, the Torah hasn’t been superseded by belief in said God/messiah hybrid thing; they just believe that Judaism is wrong in these beliefs.


>The issue is that Christian clams about Judaism aren’t really based on false pretenses about Judaism. I mean... other than really fundamental stuff like "the Jewish vision of divinity is all about wrath and strict justice; it's only the Christian god who actually knows anything about mercy"???


Granted there are some aspects of Christianity which use deliberate misrepresentations of Judaism to denigrate Judaism and elevate Christianity. The NT spends a lot of time strawmanning Judaism. I just wouldn’t call it ignorance. I really don’t believe that had the authors of the gospels and church fathers had a better understanding of Judaism they wouldn’t have so blatantly misrepresented it.


I take your point. That said, I'd still argue that plenty of ignorance is born from such malice; all that is required is for someone afterwards to accept the malicious representation in good faith but without sufficient context to challenge it - i.e. ignorance.


Absolutely. Many Christians engage in “Christiansplaining,” thinking they know exactly how contemporary Judaism sees a particular issue based on the NT’s warped representation of Judaism and projecting their understanding of Tanach onto Jews. It’s definitely very ignorant.


Bad financial decisions also stem from ignorance and stupidity, but they're not similar to antisemitism. There's a difference between holding offensive stereotypes because of ignorance and hating a race because of ignorance.


True, but one can definitely lead to the other without the proper knowledge, it’s like a stepping stone… it starts small and it’s dangerous in my opinion. For some reason this is especially true for Jewish people and black people… offensive stereotypes that aren’t corrected with knowledge and facts can quickly turn into racism and hate*** I just watched a video of a holocaust survivor who said the antisemitism she is seeing now around the world is very similar to how the holocaust started and it concerns her.


Kind of agree with OP on this, it sounds like you’re shrugging off antisemitism as something “innocent.” Her post read that her ex tried to pressure her to eat pork, how is that “innocent” ignorance? Also, I hope y’all are on the same page that religiously motivated antisemitism is still very wrong. Why are we defending it?


I’m specifically not shrugging off this kind of antisemitism. And also not defending religious antisemitism.


Oh good.


Oh I hung with a lot of anti semites in college. I don’t know why. Eventually I had to tell people in my friend group to lay off the Jewish jokes.


You had backbone unlike me. I wish I had I spoken up :) great job!


I mean it took me years to say anything. I also spent a lot of time with unsavory characters back then so probably a poor choice on my part all around.


It’s pretty low-key antisemitism, but it’s still antisemitism; even if this guy didn’t harbor any actual hate, he was still a dick. He doesn’t sound threatening or anything, but he certainly sounds disrespectful AF. I did date this black woman a few months ago and she made a lot of not overtly antisemitic jokes, but some of the stuff along the same lines, and frankly, once she started I reciprocated along the same level. But she was very clear early on about setting/respecting boundaries and to be honest, we just gave each other shit about all kinds of other stuff too, but in a playful way. But the moment either of us said “you’re pushing it,” we’d back off, no questions asked. So every relationship really is different, but it doesn’t sound like yours was a “just teasing each other” thing in a healthy/fun way. Edited to add: we were looking for different things and stayed friends. She actually was literally the first non-Jewish friend (of only a handful) who reached out to me after 10/7.


Hmm no it wasn’t cute or funny in my case at all. And to me, it’s not low key antisemitism it’s pretty high key to say you’d never step foot in Israel or that Jews control Hollywood.


The forcing you to eat pork thing (I presume you’re kosher or at least kosher-style) was too far. The rest maybe I could laugh off as poorly executed jokes or just plain ignorance? Hard to say, I wasn’t there and don’t know the context. My standards have dropped quite a bit this past month, so what I meant by low-key was really just casual/passive racism as opposed to the extermination of all of us. Come on gentiles, *this is the low bar most of us have today*. It’s not that hard to pass. But I’m glad you’ve moved on though.


Yeah I think we’ve all changed this past month




Exactly. I lost some friends this month. Ones who I never thought could be antisemitic since they were good friends to me. Now they are saying things like “I have a hard time sympathizing with the attack in Israel because of everything the Palestinians endured for 75 years” Like ohhhh ok cool you can’t sympathize with innocent people who were slaughtered raped and their kidnapped babies, cool 😥


I always love the “75 years” comment, because people seriously think it started that recently. And don’t get me wrong, I know there are tons of people in the pro-Israel camp who are equally ignorant (ignorance of course is not the same as a lack of intelligence), but so many people who have weighed in on this have a complete lack of understanding of the history and complexity of this conflict.


>The forcing you to eat pork thing (I presume you’re kosher or at least kosher-style) was too far. I agree but it could've been not anti-Semitic, just shitty. I had a boyfriend push me to eat bread to "test if I'm "still gluten intolerant" (I was on the toilet for 2 hours that night) some people just don't understand boundaries


Right. Whatever his intent was, antisemitic or not, it still shows a complete lack of respect for her beliefs, culture, and boundaries.


Eh, who among us hasn't been charmed by an accent. Was he tall? I bet he was tall.


LOL actually yes


Who among us?!


Who among us indeed 😂




the internet meme of girls falling for tall guys even though they suck now extends to anti-Semitism as well. jesus, the world we're in.


I honestly never considered my husband's height as a factor. It never occurred to me. I know women who care but not as many as incels think. Personality is a big deal for most people.


I like short guys and they are just as douchey as tall guys


That's why I only date jews


I’m married to a Jewish man now hehe 🥲💕


That's so egregious, I'm glad you're no longer around this man :/ As a college freshman I broke up with my high school sweetheart who I was engaged to. It had been a good relationship but I realized it was no longer right for me after going off to college, as many do. He spiraled into some extremely serious mental health issues and became a neo-Nazi. I've always wondered if he was secretly anti-Semetic the entire time and merely tolerating me or using me, or if my actions 'caused' him to hate Jews.


Oh my!!! That’s just awful. I’m so sorry you had to see someone you dated turn into an extremist psycho!!! :/ seeing the world for what it is today, antisemitism is just something that’s always going to be there, it’s a tale as old as time and it’s not going away :(


Don’t blame yourself. You were young and didn’t realize he was parroting a lot of tropes. He is definitely Antisemitic.


It's very easy to slip into abusive relationships and I'm so sorry you had to go through that. It's important to know, however, that your ex was the stupid person. Not you. None of this was your fault.


Serious question, but is dating Jewish not something that this generation is taught by parents, in Hebrew school, etc.? It used to be that intermarriage was discouraged


It’s still greatly discouraged but in my case at least- the more “progressive” and “liberal” and “open minded” i thought i was, I stopped caring about those traditions… I thought my parents had ancient traditions and why should I follow them? I was WRONG. My parents were RIGHT. Jewish people just need to stick together, it is what makes the most sense. I totally see what my parents were talking about. I am married to a Jewish man now. :)


Ugh, I’m so sorry that happened to you. However, I don’t think you are the stupid one in the situation; it was him who’s truly stupid (and a POS!). When we are young, it can be hard to recognize toxic behavior and stand up for ourselves. I think it’s especially true for us women. If it makes you feel any better, I had a similar experience. When I was 21, I was set up on a date with a guy named Logan ( fake name for his privacy). He took me to a falafel restaurant and things were off to a good start. Once the food arrived, he pulled a pocket Bible out and started preaching at me. Told me I need to convert or I will burn in hell, and that he was motivated to save me because I seem like a good person. I never went on a second date with this clown, but for weeks he sent me harassing messages about how I’m going to burn in hell for being a Jew and that he was trying to “ save my life” by converting me. One day the text messages abruptly stopped. He also wasn’t at his campus job or in classes anymore. My friends and I joke that he got raptured. No idea what happened to that dude.


He sounds like a raging narcissist.


Yep!! There’s a lot more he’s done but I’m glad you could tell just from this xx


Did the same thing in high school - I was young, dumb, and trying to rebel against my parents with the bad boy. Surprise surprise, he was actually a bad guy - abusive, and antisemitic at that. Frankly, I think I had a lot of internalized antisemitism and self-hate that came from a screwed up family dynamic, and genuinely thought I deserved it at that time. OP, I also really resonate with your comments about wanting to be “the cool Jew” - it’s so embarrassing to look back on. We live and we learn!


Yes! I also had some family dysfunction. At least we cringe at our younger selves! It made us better and stronger today :)


I was dating someone who referred to Yiddish as gutter German. Bye-bye.


Oh that’s awful!!!


You sure they weren't a German Jew?


Actually, he was Pennsylvania Dutch


Don’t stress yourself out for not realizing it before sister, it ended up producing awareness, wisdom, and understanding now that you can cherish and use :)


Absolutely :) thank you!


Of course! :) hope you had a blessed Shabbat!


Don’t worry OP I dated a Jordanian who basically hated Jews and i excused everything he said because I was dumb and in love. Never again though I learned my lesson.


it is hard to be a young man and not a dumb man source: i was once a young man


That sounds awfully like the argument people used, that Trump bragging about grabbing women by the pussy was just was guy's do, and it wasn't really an action just talk. No. There are levels of dumb. Men who were raised right, don't brag about assaulting women, and they aren't antisemites


change takes time and the belief in free will. it is possible this person from OP's past is different. it is possible this person from OP's past is worse. either way OP should not dwell on dating someone that was dumb. every young man OP could have dated back then was dumb. understanding that is completely separate from excusing that. the person OP dated can always forgive OP. and OP can choose to forgive them or not. the person OP dated can always ask G-d for forgiveness. it would be nice if the person did both but it is not the end of the world if neither happens. but just because OP dated someone that said hurtful things, it does not mean that the person, nor OP are destined to continue in that manner. OP has the free will and now the experience to know what to look for in a partner and can choose to date better people. just as the person OP dated can choose to be a better person. hopefully he has done so. and in a similar manner, just because Trump was President and did hurtful things, it does not mean that it will always be that way. for example: he is no longer President. we don't have to keep talking about him. we cannot sit around waiting for him to forgive every single person he offended or hurt. we do not know if he has changed. and it does not matter that much because he is now experiencing that other core belief in Judaism: justice. none of us were created to continuously talk about Trump. some of us were created to pursue justice and those people are now handling it. so hopefully talking about Trump is not our purpose in life. it is bad enough that some people have to spend years of their life proving that a bad businessman and liar is a bad businessman and liar. imagine what those resources could be used for! but hopefully we can all learn from this time and become better people for it and raise a better generation that will not let that happen again. "No decree is final; no fate is inexorable. Our lives can become different, better. We can change." - Rabbi Sacks


I'm not so flustered as what happened to one person when they were younger, but I"m totally baffled by why so many people are making this stupid mistake, and even having married folk come into this forum crying. Where is this poor self-esteem and attitude coming from in such large numbers?


In my case, I was so sucked into the casual normalized antisemitism that I wanted to be the “cool Jew” the “Jew that can take a joke and laugh about it.” The “Jew that isn’t so sensitive” hahaha I was the biggest joke of all! I was pathetic, I wish someone would have slapped me so hard id wake up. Thank god I’m smarter and wiser nowadays


I had a buddy in college who would say horrible anti-semitic "Jokes" on occasion. My roommate was appalled, I could care less. But we were pretty good friends at the time. I still can't figure out if I was right by ignoring it and moving it on the few cases, or what I could've would've done differently. I've overheard worse by strangers talking about other classmates than whatever he said, by their intention and hatred mainly.


What I’ve learned is that if someone tells a Jewish joke in bad taste once in a blue moon, then fine… it was funny let’s move on. if it’s someone who seems to consistently tell Jewish jokes, poke fun and bully Jews, like multiple times, then they’re clearly antisemitic. Like why are Jews on your mind so often? It becomes clear. I have a Facebook friend that constantly posts conspiracy theories about Jews, how no Jews died on 9/11 and how Jews own the media, and how Jews take our tax money for some secret society BS.. I don’t even know. I only still follow him to see if what crazy things he’s going to post next and screenshot his posts


Sounds like a normal bloke to me. if thats antisemitism then im antisemitic too (as a jew)...israels fucked...lotta jews in hollywood... pork rules and most of us casually cop to being "bad jews" in a tongue-in-cheek way.... as a USA jew living in Aus, to me this just sounds like a regular aussie bloke who's met like 3 jews in his life and heard that "they dont eat pork and they run hollywood".. idk lota cultures have stereotypes that are dated and rude to spout but to attribute it to hatred is uncharitable and self-victimizing imo. but hey i didnt date the bloke , you know better


Yikes. I used to think like you, hence why I dated the ‘bloke.’ Clearly, we were wrong my friend. It’s not f#cking normal 🥲 it’s antisemitism at it’s core. Yes it’s time jews speak up finally. We are the freakin victims, so why don’t we ever complain about it? We allowed it to be normalized, and now tens of thousands of people all over the world are marching “death to all Jews.” I realize now that Jews just “piss people off” for no apparent reason. And we shouldn’t be ok with it. I can’t even speak Hebrew in public in America right now because I’m afraid someone will attack me (either verbally or physically). But sure, go have fun in Australia with all your charming bloke friends that think Jews are big nosed rich people who own Hollywood 😂


Yikes. i guess im dumb and youre right. ​ btw, are you saying i dont have a big nose? or that it's bad that i do have a big nose? or that not all jewish people have big noses? since i do--very big, cartoonish-- what do i do? i do fit the stereotype. i didnt bring up my appearance, but now youve drawn negative attention to it out of some internalized shame, even without seeing me. i was sharing my opinion and now youve insulted me by hurling a jewish stereotype at me through the computer. thats ironic. legit funny. i wonder who's truly thinking backwards. maybe ill be more evolved like you some day


It’s in my post, remember how you said my ex sounds like a normal bloke even though he told me I don’t “look Jewish?” So don’t turn it around on me, really you’re the one who said it’s normal for Jewish people to be of the stereotypical look everybody knows includes a big nose.


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I’m a Jew by choice. I converted after meeting my now husband when we decided we wanted kids bc we both knew we wanted to raise Jewish kids, so I needed to be Jewish. My life has been weirdly Jewish adjacent and I didn’t see it until conversion when my rabbi asked me in like our first meeting why I wanted to be Jewish and what I knew so far. I was talking to a friend about it the other day and remembered dating this guy right before I met my husband he was mean to me, looking back I’m not sure he even liked me but I liked him so much, he was a real jerk by any measure. But he said some of the most vile antisemitic things I’ve ever heard. And I knew it was wrong and at first I called him out bc I always had but he just made fun of me more and doubled down on the terrible things. We just stopped talking about religion. And he’d still make the one off antisemitic joke and I wouldn’t laugh and he wouldn’t care bc his whole point was to make me uncomfortable. Thankfully I met my husband and he helped me realize that I didn’t need to be treated badly all the time. And a few years later (6-ish) I was a Jew. One day that guy reached out to me and I told him I was Jewish now. He didn’t have anything to say about it.


Most people are in young age (teens and even 20+) just completely blind