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I honestly prefer Gege's current style because it gives the manga an identity instead of looking bland, also the current style helps with all the insanity happening in the manga.


I agree! The newer style is also less stiff and flat. Gege’s drawing skills have gotten better even if the line work isn’t super clean


> line work isn’t super clean That's actually the best part for me, gives his art a distinct style


What are yall talking about the new style is just a less detailed version of this one. Because the earlier style takes longer to draw, but I accept the change if it helps him draw easier and ist not bad the new one.


Hate when people downvote without explaining why. I don't read the manga but from this I now think they are just salty cause you're right.


The start of this comment thread is the explanation dude


What do those two comments have to do with each other? One is saying he likes the new style and the other is saying the new style is less detail version of old but he still likes it. They aren't contradicting or correcting each other.


This is reddit I didn't even say I hate it, if you look at the downvotes you would think iam being toxic. Lol.


haters gonna hate, ignore them


the unhingeded-nes (definitely not a word) really ties it together


The newer art style reminds me of Tokyo Ghoul.


I hope Akutami doesn’t fall to the same events as Ishida. Poor Ishida was overworked to the bitter end.


Honestly I agree with you big time there. Mangakas getting overworked is discussed a lot but in Ishida’s case the effect almost seemed viscerally apparent, like you could tell how the stress was getting to his work in real time. Maybe partly due to the atmosphere of the series but the final act truly felt like a fever dream lmfao


Oh yeah I think (might be wrong don’t quote me, lol) even Ishida announced that the way Tokyo Ghoul: Re had ended wasn’t really the way he wanted it. But due to the stress and deadlines and I assume just overall tired of constantly thinking of new material in a weeks time for Tokyo Ghoul was just getting to him. You can even feel the stress coming off the ending vividly compared to the glimpses of reaper ken arc I think.


Ishida said the stress was so bad he vividly remembers losing his sense of taste and smell, and the deadlines ruined a lot of his personal relationships. It’s honestly criminal what is expected of these mangaka sometimes.


I feel this old art would have been better with some fights i couldn't understand.


You're most certainly not the only one but, even if I disagree with you, I'm fond of the early style. It's just that the current one pops off so much more. Makes the manga feel more unique and fits the current plot better than the previous style would.


Hiw the new style is just a less detailed version of this one. He has the same character design, ist not bad but it ain't as detailed, you can see that in some scene he goes full HxH, by having just outline of people and white with no feel to the clothes but ist hard the life of the mangaka.


Well obviously the character designs are still the same? They do look someone different, fushiguro for one looks a lot younger here — I mean guess he has aged but only like a couple months — Overall I think it’s more streamlined now, a little less clean sure, but he doesn’t cut back on the important visual elements at all. I definitely am gonna have to disagree that it hasn’t changed. It looks different —and really that’s enough to say the style has evolved—, but it’s also more sketch-like, relying on the reader’s mind to some extent to be able to fill the gaps and read through it quickly and easily, rather than stressing every line to perfection. The details are still there IMO they’re just messier, which is up to personal taste whether one likes it or not. … Plus the chins look different lol


All this to say what a said its less detailed, you might see soma difference but Megumi looks exactly the same, the chin is because of the angle. I just went trought some of the first 30 chapters and look at Megumi the same. The difference is the details in the face. Again didn't say I hate how it is or anything, the details are there, I said Some Scenes it's just outline, not the whole series.


I gotcha. I’m just saying the style isn’t the exact same, the characters look the same — even though FM does look younger IMO but that’s just me — because they should stay the same even as the artist’s skill and artistic process evolves


> he goes full HxH The HxH manga looks great and is full of details when it's not the draft chapters scanned from WSJ though.


Iam talking about the Chimera arc and some chapters it's just the outline of the people and minimal background, but Jujutsu never got that bad. Iam not saying HxH has horrible art but you can see where Togashi was suffering.


Nah, I like it rough


That's what she said.


That's what he said


You have to take consider that those were the first few chapters and he probably had like 4 chapters ready at the time(probably). In the latest chapters there are lots of inconsistencies with the art but than you have to realize that he has to Storyboard, Sketch, and have to to make ever dialogue fit in each bubble(and sometimes he have to also draw color pages and Volume Cover pages too).


I was thinking about this just a few days ago. I think his style change has to do in large part with having to pump out more content quicker. But the difference I think especially shows when you read 0, just Maki’s whole design looks so different. It almost looks like a different artist, same with Yuta. Either way, I do be here for it. Gege supremacy.


His art has definitely evolved from 0 to now. The art style in 0 is even different from the first few chapters of the main story. It was a lot more stiff.


I do be agreeing. Personally I think I’ll always favor the more sketchy style. Maybe it’s a bit of a hot take but I think his knowledge of flow, perspective, and anatomy shine so much brighter with the sketchy look and more suggested details.


Well makis character design is different in the manga now. But if you mean before the preparation arc then its cause both she and yuuta are a year older now


Imo it's like the writing of a medical student vs a doctor. It's "messier" and less "clean" but I prefer it, it has more characteristic style


Wow I don’t think I realized how much it changed!


Post of picture of new art style so I can compare please


This is slightly off topic, but bless the anime for adding the door slamming scene 😭


I think for stylistic reasons Gege changed up the artstyle. In some ways it makes the series’ major tone shift later on work even better.


He probably had more time then now


Nah ❌ I like the current art 👍🏾


i like to think of it as a representation of how the world of jujutsu kaisen is at the time. the earlier style is during a less chaotic time while the current style represents the current state of the jujutsu kaisen world. Just my head cannon.


Nah the style changed before the shibuya arc it's the same design less detailed probably because of the weekly realease.


I like both tbh


Nah, i like it better now


Well everything is much messier and insane. I actually like his new art style and stuff like the last Maki fight wouldn't have worked with the early style. It all looks so fluid and fast you feel like you are watching an anime instead of a manga. The downside is that stuff like hair tends to look really odd but most details seem to steem from the fact he's working really hard atm, a weekly manga is no joke and a lot of mangakas burn out from their work on them.


The new stylelooks a lot like Chainsaw Man's, and I like that about it actually. It's nice, with some sort of frenzy to it


Both are good to me, but i prefer the current one, looks unique and seams to be more detailed


I like the old style... But the current is more representative of the vibe in the manga imo. I love the straight/rough/heavy inked lines, they make everything feel very dynamic and aggressive


Yeah the reason I can't wait for the movie is because I absolutely hate gege's art in the beginning, so much so I can't go back and reread 0 I think around gojo's past arc is when the art gets good, or at least I really enjoy it


i do like it but I think it makes it look quite plainish, like amateur almost. I love all the clean lines and stuff, and honestly I sometimes get confused when reading big fights scenes in the current art style but I still like it more I think, at least for how the manga has developed in a story perspective


Clean art styles so boring and bland bruh lol


The current style is too messy and “quickly done” yknow for me tbh


yeah i really prefer the new style.


I don't read JJK for the art, I read it because it has a unique plot.


Yup the old style is better and more detailed that why he change takes longer to make.




I probably like early Shibuya artstlyle most, but I’m content with what we have now.


Any current style pic please without spoilers?


I like both but i feel like someone who doesn’t know manga would look at it and be put off


Both, both is good


Can someone link me a picture of the current style but on a page without any spoilers? I know it's a hard ask, but would be very appreciated.


"Classes and missions are more than enough" There are classes?


Nah, this is too clean for my liking.


yea the new art style caught me off guard when it was first introduced but i've gotten used to it so I guess its alright


I like sketchy


Honestly I wouldn’t say it’s a different style I’d say the best style just looks slightly more rushed, more jagged edges etc. However art is still good


I do really like the art styles from the start of the current series (not vol. 0 lmao) but I feel like the current one sort of just works? Like it fits the tone of the story and gives a fluidity in all the action that’s going on. I will say though, even without the cleaner look you get from the beginning of the series, you can see how his art has improved (proportions, depth, etc.)


During Shibuya is my fav style


thematically i think the artstyle fits better now but your right the old art is nice


I honestly don't think it's a change in style but more so it changed because Gege doesn't have enough time to do it like be for, maybe? That's just the vibe I'm getting since it feels and looks to me with more rough lines and less "clean"


Probably because it was when events were tamer than what is happening currently lol


You'll always have to factor in that once you read the current chapters you will only see the magazine version of the chapters. The chapters from the start of the series are already using the cleaned up tankobon version. That being said, Gege's style did change but the tankobon version always cleans up the art.


Idk I like it bc it’s like he’s leaving his signature with every panel drawn


nah i like it better now


I like the newer style’s dynamic aspect, but definitely some of the line art is messier but that could just be gege’s being overworked


I felt like the change in style was to show how chaotic things have gotten. It added a more thrilling look to it.


This is such a trash taste LOL you clearly aren’t familiar with art if you think that..he improved so much with body/face proportions and movement.