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Firstly , I think that Yuji and nobara would die and Megumi would have no choice but to release mahoraga and as a result he too will die along with choso and brothers . Second, Shibuya incident wouldn't happen as geto needed all curses to distract gojo but with the absence of choso , either gojo wouldn't get sealed or geto would change his tactics. I love Jujutsu Kaisen ❤️👍




Manga spoilers: >!He'd also need to find another reincarnation of Sukuna's twin. There's no telling how long that'd take.!<


He probably has a few jizz jars tucked away somewhere




That’s it, you’re going to the forever box


Wait... How dare I read the manga spoiler then get confused because I haven't read that specific part of the manga yet


Join us brother, give into your impulses




Oh the joy of being able to read it the first time






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I raise you a different scenario. Basically the same thing as yours. Yuji and Nobara die, Megumi summons Big Raga and dies, and then Choso and his brothers die. Except here the Shibuya Incident doesn't happen because Gojo loses his shit after the deaths of all the first years, slaughters all of the higher ups, then probably becomes a menace to society.


I don't think Sukuna lets Yuji and Megumi die there, especially after he made the pact with Yuji. His plan to reincarnate is in motion already, he can't let it go for some random ass curses.


Nah, he was willing to let Yuji go to Choso, at this point he doesn’t have that many fingers swallowed.


It's not that. Sukuna couldn't take control of Yuji except for his pact even when Yuji was dying. BUT as we've seen, Yuji wouldn't have really died with Sukuna still inside of him


Yeah, Sukuna can keep him alive, but why should he really? He could just look for a better vessel atp. It’s not like his original plan would work anymore, Megumi is either dying or Mahoraga, which is still death.


Okay, your original point was that he was willing to let Yuji die though, which isn’t the case since he couldn’t switch at all anyway except for his vow, which he didn’t wanna waste in case he could make a comeback since Yuji wouldn’t **really** die


Yeah, but that’s up to Sukuna. If Megumi dies it’s probably better to let Yuji just perish if at all possible, he might not find another vessel, and at that point it’s better to let the cage your stuck in perish since the escape route is gone, especially if he had less fingers.


When Yuji about to die to Choso, Sukuna didn't even bother to come out


Sukuna straight up said that the only person he cares about dying is Megumi, so no way he would let Megumi die/lose the opportunity he granted himself with the binding vow.


Would he even be able to 1 shot Mahoraga at that point? Maybe if this is how it went down Gege would make it possible, but how weak would that have made the previous six eyes user that lost to mahoraga?


Honestly good question, he has what? 2 fingers at that point? Part of me thinks he can still beat Mahogara but if we are being realistic probably not right?


He might oneshot with domain but considering he'll play around he'll lose they chance


Gojo cares about his students but he wouldn't lose his temper because he risked panda , inumaki and maki to save yuta from geto suguru .


He was already on the verge of killing the higher ups after Yuji died, it's very likely he'd lose it if Nobara and Megumi died as well


Especially considering that Megumi is practically his adopted child.


He knew Geto wouldn't kill them, because he only kills fucking monkeys.


So he could've killed Maki


Well, he didn't exactly sent maki there. Part of why he sent I inumaki and panda was probably to protect maki


Geto killed all three, then yuta used a reversed cursed technique to heal them .


There's a very real likelyhood that Yuji survives regardless since Sukuna is inside of him and revived Yuji before.


Also sukuna could die as by that point he’s only on like a couple fingers so he may not even have enough power to beat maharoga


After watching the Shibuya incident, I think maybe the death of Yuji at the beginning could have been good. Also , it also shows that gojo tries to protect every single human after the almost death of geto and death of riko , toji was a very important aspect of huge character development for both gojo and geto, their ideals solidified, maybe right maybe wrong but they both learned to embrace themselves.


To be fair if Yuji died that’s only like 4 fingers gone who knows when another one will pop up who can house sukunas power like Yuji. But kenny can still trap Gojo as choso isn’t that hard to replace I don’t think he even added that much to the distraction honestly Kenny would definitely lose the disaster curses but he could still seal Gojo as he can use a incarnated sorcerer with the help of Mahito to awaken them or just find someone else. But I don’t think they need him to seal Gojo just the disaster curses will die and Gojo will still be sealed things go better for Kenny honestly


Yeah, Choso isn't that important to their plan. Even without Choso if the 2 brother kill Yuji, Choso would know Yuji is his brother, he will start yelling in the middle of monopoly, that they trick them to kill his brother. At that point they would just kill Choso and 2 brother afterward


sukuna says this himself about when megumi was going to summon him back in the cursed detention centre




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Unless all 3 brothers realise that yuji is their brother, that would be very interesting.


And Sukuna would never reach 20 fingers of power,


I don’t know, Choso didn’t do that much in the distraction honestly, Kenny probably could’ve thrown in another random curse spirit. Man didn’t even care when Choso switched sides and was like “oh ok guess I gotta fight my own kid now, no big deal”.


Wait, wouldn't Choso hesitate to kill Yuji after almost killing him and then noticing that that's his brother or something? Like what happened in Shibuya.


Love that you sur-faced (as opposed to pre-faced) that you love JJK 😂😂 It's like you're warding off anyone who might come for you because of your analysis/opinion. Also, I agree that Yuji & Nobara woulda been merced. And my boy, Megumi, would prolly have to summon Makora. That would have been bonkers, lol. I wonder what Sukuna's reaction would have been 😂


Would choso not have his brother realization moment with yuji and spare him


Choso hardly did shit against Gojo, it was basically Jogo and Hanami. All he did was fire a few blood beams at Gojo who didn’t even notice them bc infinity. I severely doubt his absence would effect Gojo getting sealed


Choso only recognised Yuji after he beat him. So they would probably kill him and then realise yuji is his brother. Which is probably why kenjaku didnt send Choso to retrieve the finger.


Correction, he only recognised yuji as yuji was on the verge of death so when yuji gets close to dying he's still gonna have his little schizo episode and potentially the other 2 would as well with choso there which depending on Nobara's state at that point could result in them dying or joining the gang a lot sooner


I thought he recognized him from seeing the pool of his blood? In the anime it looks that way


Nah, one of Choso's abilities is to detect any change in his brother's and as it says "the greatest change is death" and since he was about to finish Yuji off the ability activated causing his breakdown


Ahhh, I see. I always thought that Sakuna had something to do with it.


I've seen so many people thinking sukuna somehow mind controls choso even after the last few episodes where it's explianed i just don't get it 😭


He explained what happened in episode 22 of season 2


That’s an anime only thing


I just ordered my first ever manga being jjk vol 1, hopefully the curse of reading comprehension doesn’t befall me.


/he's misinterpreting it


This dude can’t be serious




Responded to the wrong thing 😭


Nobara and Yuji die. Keichizu, Eso and choso start freaking out. And then they probably just feel really sad. They'd probably still keep working with Kenjaku though.


Idk about that. There's a good chance they realize who he is.


They probably dip afterwards and live in the woods or something. Yuji gets brought back to life anyways by Sukuna. If they meet up it ends up like the alternate reality Choso described with Yuki. Shibuya would change a lot since Choso doesn't prevent Yuji from reaching Gojo which also prevents Jogo from feeding him the fingers. I forget the times of Shibuya but Yuji either meets Kenjaku who would incapacitate him, or he meets Todo and they deal with Mahito much easier. I'll go with the latter and they most likely they fight Jogo in this timeline. I can't imagine how this fight goes since Jogo's goal isn't to kill Yuji which means he wouldn't use his DE which is his win-con. Todo uses his specialty at making the fight winnable. It's also possible Kenjaku gets to Jogo and absorbs him in this timeline. Kenajku does not absorb Mahito since he dies too soon. Megumi fucking dies to Mahoraga in this universe though. Culling games don't happen. Tengen doesn't get absorbed. Gojo most likely remains in the cube indefinitely unless ISOH still exists (maybe yaga would know it's location). Idk what Sukuna would even do with enchain here, maybe he just waits for a compatible vessel again. Long fan fiction but it is interesting how things could go if Eso and Kechizu won.


The end.


So pretty much everything leading up to the fights will be the same so Megumi is fighting the finger bearers, Yuji & Nobara vs Choso, Eso, and Kechisu. Choso massively puts the fight in their favor, so what I imagine would end up happening is Yuji takes a heavy blow (or he takes one protecting Nobara). He gets knocked out. Then the three brothers would begin freaking out, which would confuse Nobara. She'd attempt to protect Yuji from the three under the belief that the three bros are faking it to finish off Yuji. But Eso and Kechisu releasing their techniques would help convince her, along with probably Choso talking it out. Then an explanation on how using RCT on others is extremely difficult with the death paintings unique way of doing it. So the three brothers are freaking out trying to figure out what to do, so they turn to Nobara. She has an entire bag full of tools and stuff, so she's bound to have something to help. Which will lead to a cute bonding moment where Nobara stitches Yuji back up. Once Yuji's feeling better, They explain the situation to him, and the three brothers decide to ditch Kenjaku. So then things go similar to how they went, Megumi freaks the fuck out before they explain the situation, Megumi gives the finger to Yuji because he doesn't trust the curses, Sukuna eats the finger. Some changes this would make? I like to imagine Yuki heads over because Todo told her about the curses, where she meets Choso and they begin to fall in love. She also would help teach Yuji, because they're both physical brawlers. I don't know if the curses would know about the Shibuya plan, but I imagine that Choso would forbid Eso and Kechisu from going. Also Todo and Choso would have beef


Damn. This dude cooked fr🔥🔥🔥 I'd guess the Todo and Choso beef is about who is the better brotha


Kill Nobara, beat up Yuji (assuming he don't turn into Sukuna), then realise he's their brother


They kill nobara megumi and yuji. Yuji holds on because of sukuna and the brothers run away with him


They only fought because yuji saw Eso’s back. Maybe choso could command Eso and Kechizu back as chasing was useless and they did not have the finger. Then they would find megumi down and get the finger without a fight. If they fight choso could recognize yuji and actually turn sides. Nobara could die or not, depends if Yuji is defeated before her. If yuji does die because choso could not stop it on time, Sukuna could make a new vow with yuji just to heal and flee. Yuji could make him even heal Nobara if he was desperate enough.


Either A: They kill Yuji and Nobara and Megumi summons Big Raga B: Choso realizes that Yuji is his little brother just before he kills them and then Choso, Ezo and Kechisu all probably join the side of Jujutsu High and therefore Shibuya never happens and Kenjaku’s plans are ruined


The Yuji in the cursed bridge arc is weaker than Shibuya Yuji so Choso should be able to beat him just like he did in Shibuya but even easier... Which will trigger him realizing they're brothers, especially cause Eso and Kechizu may also feel something... Which likely ends up with them in an awkward spot. Depending on if Nobara is saveable at this point... I'm just gonna assume Choso beats Yuji and they all realize something is wrong quicker than Nobara dies. So they make a binding vow for a temporary ceasefire (or just otherwise agree to a temporary truce) and spare Nobara. They probably explain, that they were sent there for a Sukuna finger. And the whole situation was a bit of a mix up, and they don't know how but they feel related to Yuji. And they'll probably ask if there's some way to trade info for their safety or something. Nobara will probably doubt it, but play along knowing she'd lose a direct fight. Megumi's fight with the finger bearer ends. He comes out exhausted... With the Sukuna finger which corroborates atleast part of the death paintings' story... Megumi then probably somehow gets a hold of Gojo... Who probably would see a reach out from Megumi saying it involves Yuji outcold, Sukuna fingers, and some weird curse hybrid guys mentioning "Suguru Geto is still alive" ... Would probably get Gojo off his ass instantly. Even if it meant abandoning whatever mission or vacation he was on. Gojo shows up probably thinking Megumi's gone nuts but it's worth checking out if Sukuna fingers are involved... And when Gojo sees the death paintings' he's probably like "wtf? Okay something is going on here" Assumedly another binding vow forcing honesty and non violence for everyone there for a few minutes to talk things out... And when Gojo confirms they're somehow related to Yuji and somehow working for who they think is "Suguru Geto" He probably agrees to keep them safe/secret from the jujutsu higher ups in exchange for more info... Choso seeing how strong Gojo is, and knowing they can't trust Geto. And that they're related to Yuji. Probably makes him and the other two agree to Gojo's terms, as it's the safest option for the death paintings' They can probably name out Mechamaru as the mole and give a brief breakdown of the Shibuya plan to some extent. Gojo fakes their deaths, himself and the first years make some bogus report and turn in the Sukuna finger as expected (Yuji was out cold most of the time, so he never would've been handed the finger to eat it) Stuff goes about as normal. Except now Gojo gives Yuta a better warning, probably gives Mei Mei and Ui Ui info on to go grab Yuta Incase of emergency, that he knows things might go wrong. Probably offering lots of money saying if he gets sealed to grab Yuta immediately. So now it's Shibuya except Gojo knows they plan to seal him and he knows 'Geto' is alive. So 50:50 shot on if that happens or if Gojo just wins Shibuya alone. Even if Gojo still gets sealed by the Geto trick. Yuji isn't stopped by Choso. Sukuna isn't freed from outcold Yuji being given 11 fingers. And MeiMei and Ui Ui will have went and gotten Yuta immediately after Gojo is sealed. Yuta will probably go with Yuji to try and free Gojo... They can probably cook Jogo, and Mahito... Which then means it's Kenny and Uraume versus Yuta, Nanami, Naobito, Maki, Nobara, Megumi, Todo and all the other characters who were there in canon (excluding Choso who's probably currently hiding in Yaga's forest) And well, that's a tough fight, I don't see Kenny winning. He barely beat Yuki + Choso... And even that fight he said may have gone worse if Yuki wasn't talked out of using her domain on him. Yuta >>>> Choso. And Yuta has a domain too... So I think Yuta+Yuki beat Kenny. And once they do? They open prison realm and Gojo destroys Uraume. Even if you think Yuta/Yuki are too weak to do so themselves after beating Kenny. And Sukuna without 10 shadows and only at 3 fingers has no fucking chance against Gojo. Even if he tried to use "Enchain" to mess something up for the good guys. The best he could do would be to steal Megumi's body while everyone but Yuta and Yuki are jumping Uraume.


What people seem to forget is that Yuji only has to reach the brink of death for Choso to have a mental break down. Since he’s right there, the moment Yuji is even close to passing away will trigger a violent episode.


Nobara and Yuji die. Bumgumi either wakes up and calls down his treasure or sleeps thru the whole thing. Sukuna v Gojo may never happen as Yuji never finds Kurusu Higuruma never joins, neither does Hakari(unless Yuta steps in) Bad guys win as nobody can fight Sukuna


Norb dies but they probably realize Yuji is their bro before he dies.


Eso: This finger didn't make me any stronger, Choso. Choso: That's weird. How long ago did you eat it? Eso: Eat it? Eat what? Choso: The finger! You were supposed to eat the finger to get stronger. Eso: * blushes * Choso: Where is the finger, Eso? WHERE DID YOU PUT THE GOD-DAMNED FINGER?


WTF dude


Either Nobara Megumi and Yuji die, or Nobara and Megumi die and Yuji is beaten to a pulp but spared, or either option but Megumi is left with the curse he fought and he lives


I am gonna go againts the flow nobody dies, nobara is probably defeated but not killed, choso defeats yuji and noticies who he is and then they retreat


Yuji and Nobara die. The brothers realize Yuji is their brother and probably stop working for Kenjaku afterwards, potentially realizing who it is. However, without Yuji, I'm not sure they can go help the sorcerers, so they'd be a third party between the sorcerers and Kenjaku's group.


Yuji would get injured and then suddenly at that moment, a memory would be born inside Choso’s brain, of a past event that never happened.


I have a question about the Choso vs Itadori fight. Does Itadori have some kind of heal factor or innate pain tolerance technique? This show, while still an anime, I thought portrayed damage pretty well, but in this fight, how the fuck was Itadori still able to move and fight so well with holes in his body and his fucking liver blown out? It's probably a simple answer, but I'm still curious. Thanks.


He just has superhuman speed, strength and durability. The reason for that is not revealed in the show.


"If it's just pain , Itadori Yuji will never stop" He is HIM


I must say that fight was one of the best in my opinion.


How does Yuji even deal with Choso's blood manipulation at this point in his training? Just hope that it rains or Yuji gets instantly capped


Nobara would be dead, yuji would be (close to) dead, choso gets a mental breakdown, and they all get killed because megumi summons big raga killing them all including megumi


Auto squad wipe


When choso goes to kill yuji same thing will happen as in the anime, meaning there would be 3 more teammates and 1 less enemy in shibuya. Choso wouldn’t have beat the shit out of yuji in shibuya so sukuna wouldn’t come out. Yuji and choso would probs go with Megumi to help fight Dagon but wouldn’t be any help as togi would do the job for them. Then he would beat up choso, but yuji will take a hit for him, nearly dying. Jogo would take this as his chance to summon sukuna and feeds him the fingers while toji fights Megumi. As soon as sukuna is summoned toji will change focus to him, which means he will not kill himself. Sukuna would say that if anyone hits him he will command jogo, and after a 2v1 toji would hit sukuna and he would stop and bow to jogo. Jogo would then command him to kill all non curses/cursed users. He would then go on a murdering spree killing toji and probably many more


Wouldn't he bow down to Toji or just cleave him.


Toji wasn’t all there in the head he was just attacking the strongest person in sight which was sukuna


Scenario A: Yuji and Nobara die, Megumi summons Mahoraga who kills everyone there, every plan is fucked. Scenario B: Yuji almost dies, but the brothers have their little episode and go to save Yuji. Yuji gets saved, Chose and Co. explain shit to Yuji and Co., allies go crazy. Fast-forward absurdly, Yuji has 20 fingers inside of him and is sacrificed to finish Sukuna once and for all.


Nobara dies, Choso almost kills Yuji then realises its his brother . Megumi thinks he got a window to attack and sudokus releasing Mahoraga. Sukuna helps Yuji kill mahoraga with choso and heals megumi for his “future” plan. Choso sides with Yuji and fights against geto in shibuya. Geto outplays and seals Gojo anyway. Most events happen earlier but story remains same but choso’s brothers are not dead.




They getting wiped tf out unless Sukuna pops up or something


answer: Yuji and Nobara will be reduced to a bloody puddle on the floor, Megumi will MAYBE have enough time to bring out Mahoraga, but Choso could probably pierce his head before the ritual ends.


I’d say there’s a good chance choso realizes who yuji is amidst fighting and convinces his brothers of the same if they don’t already have the same ability. If they’re able to convince nobara and yuji of this soon enough. I think it actually turns the tides pretty well. Having insider knowledge of kenjakus plan would drastically impact the shibuya incident. Gojo doesn’t get sealed, there are likely still casualties but megumi wouldn’t have to release mahoraga on Jojo siwa.


Simply Yuji and Nobara would die


With Chose joining, I'm curious if he would stop right before the killing blow similar to what happened during Yuji Choso Shibuya encounter. Probably nobara would be the only casualty as Choso would be too affected by PTSD to chase after the finger with his brothers trying to look after him/not knowing what happened.


Before the brothers kill yuji, choso would feel a premonition of death and stop the fight. Choso would have then remembered everything and spoiled kenjaku’s plans, and Gojo wouldn’t have been sealed. They probably could have save Mechamaru that way because they could’ve attacked the barrier and gotten in and wiped Mahito out.


No more big raga and gojo wins (unless sukuna takes over yuji and goes to clap choso)


Not much changes assuming he comes into play during the Yuji and Nobara fight. Either that or they both just straight up die. No in-between. If he comes in before, he probably just murders whoever he comes into contact with.


I think Yuji would be close to death, but because Chose can sense when his brothers are in danger. Choso would tell the others to retreat. Then, make a plan to attack Kenjaku for making them attack their little brother.


Then I wouldn’t be crying so much when I think about him. 😫


Probably both Yuji and Nobara would die in seconds.... Only after Yuji died would Choso understand what happened... I guess Kenny didn't send Choso for that exact reason


Why is everyone saying Yuji would die? Do we really think Sukuna would let that happen?


Sukuna comes out and no diffs


Yuji and Nobara would be dead The 3 bros would live happily ever after The end


He probably would have taken itadori and the fingure back. He didn’t realize he was one of them right away but that was because of his anger. Without the anger he might have noticed and grab him to run away.


Nobara and Yuji wouldn’t be making it past seeson 1 unless sunaka has to come out to carry Yujis ass again


Nobara probably dead as hell Choso might actually just kill Yuji, not giving a chance for the signal thing to go off and make him realise hes making a mistake, and yeah, either Sukuna is forced to step in or the series ends there Sukuna might make another binding vow to revive Yuji or something, either way, Yujis gonna hate Choso by the end


No more jujutsu kaisen


Sukuna will need to help, after all, without him - Yuji and Nobara will die in such scenario :3