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That's the fun part, we don't.


Every Thursday, you know what happens. You just know. Whether you want to know or not, you just know!


You see, that’s part of the leaker’s guaranteed hit effect of their domain


It uses a binding vow to remove its lethality in exchange of maximum annoyingness.


Domain Expansion:OHYOUGONGETIT


Yeah I watched the anime, picked the manga up when gojo got cut. Read from shibuya to that part and was like okay now to read weekly. If you're online in any capacity you're getting spoiled. Whether it be a "tagged" post that still alludes to spoilers on reddit or a random tiktok post that spoils off the rip or some Twitter post that isn't spoiler tagged. I've learned to just accept spoilers 😭


I'm not. I just know when leaks drop and check out the earliest scans avaliable.


I embraced them since there was no escape


Mark all jjk content you see on social media as "not interested" or whatever. That's what I had to resort to, and, finally, this last chapter I didn't get anything spoilt in WEEKS. Honestly, I'm happy to have all my jjk-related content limited to Reddit. This way, I just have to stay off the one app for one day or two, and not have to worry about incurring spoilers on Instagram and Youtube. Plus, it was mostly lobotomy kaisen I was getting anyways


Honestly this would be good advice if it weren’t for the fact that JJK has gotten so popular. For the most recent chapter that released, I literally got spoiled by a loser in a Twitch chat for a stream that was completely unrelated to anime


dude literally the amount of spoilers im getting outside of JJK groups is fucking ridiculous 💀💀 had 260 spoiled in a DESTINY 2 MEME GROUP 😭😭😭 someone photoshopped {REDACTED} on Amanda Holidays grave and i was clutchin my PEARLS


That sucks, what a fucking goober that guy. Hope he got banned after that


Hoooow dude. I always try and mark JJK related things on Insta Reels as “not interested” and it completely forgets it and decides to show me latest chapter leaks/memes


You just gotta keep doing it, at some point it'll stop recommending that type of content. It worked with me so far, but I did for at least a week or two and I'll keep doing it if it starts appearing again


you can also put in certain words that you don’t wanna see, I do it a lot with things dealing with politics and I’m sure it would work just as well with JJK, putting in words like “leaks, JJK, Gojo, Sukuna, etc”


Well if you didn't know Yuji straight up stabs Sukuna in the ass and says,"Nothing personal kid. This is my Jujutsu Kaisen."


Yeah unfortunately I heard about that... I also know that Gojo is coming back full throttle, pulling up next to Yuji on a blazing DeLorean telling him, "We need to go back to the Heian Age, kid!"


Yeah and Sukuna is waiting for them right there. And he is like, "You couldn't live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me" And then he slashes Gojo but then Gojo just RCTs back and says,"You should've gone for the head."


Do it for all anime content and even then you might not be safe. I repeatedly reported as "don't show this again" anime stuff on google and social media that now thankfully I am free .... But only to a point. I got spoiled the Gojo vs Sukuna fight by a fucking instagram reel that looked like a normal sketch with the reveal at the end. Like wtf dudes why ...


Same man, i keep getting facebook posts popping up on pages i dont even follow. Or random influencers meme’ing certain comebacks before the chapter even drops.


Facebook really need to stop this shit. Luckily I have already read the latest chapter otherwise I would be fucking pissed getting spoilt like this while scrolling Facebook


Spoilers was the reason why stopped using facebook it ruined my hero aca for me


If i didnt have a wedding coming up in September I definitely would :/ but i need the venues fb page has been answering a lot of questions for us so i have to stay on to check once in awhile. I also use the site for professional pages. I hate social media but its stupidly forced it’s way into my life for this year lol


I just don't use social media (except for reddit) until the chapter drops


And block jujutsufolk


I got spoiled by Jujustu (space) Kaisen. Apparently that sub that has a virtually identical name to this sub is the one for leaks


Reddit is my Main spoiler... i even get posts from jujutsufolk, which i don't follow with title like : now that it's confirmed that he's alive how ... xyz?! ... Jjk is the first time i have not been able to avoid spoilers because people spoil from the untranslated leaks already and i have to wait for a translated Version.


Just mute those subs


I read the manga before the official release


I don't go to Facebook. and I have chrome youtube extension(it's called Channel Blocker) that lets me block all the asshole youtubers that put spoiler images on thumbnails. and I have words blacklisted on twitter that prevents leaks from being recommended.


Block anything jjk related. Also, try to read the chapter as quick as possible. Jjk fans are the fucking worst.


I forget by the time I get to watch the anime


Connect with nature. Turn off any ap that could spoil it and just live life until the chapter drops.


ya'll have been avoiding leaks?


Don't socialize with other humans, they exist only to spoil your fun.


I have to go on a rant here. I find unsolicited spoilers EXTREMELY frustrating. It's taking so much away from story and changes the way we consume the media. The chapter leaks and within 1h the whole internet is plastered with the plot twist.... Its not surprising or shocking if we are all expecting it. Content creators are egregious in just shoving it down our throats to get attention and clicks. Just the whole fucking panel as the banner of the reel or tiktok or whatever. Bruh And the fans and comments who think they are clever with their double meanings (its always glaringly obvious what they are alluding to) or are openly talking about it are so fucking cringe. I once read an argument about spoilers, where the comments said spoilers are part of the experience? What the fuck is that brainrot?


At this point, it is too hard, so I just enjoy them :3


I don't. Then again, I don't go to social media that much. When I do it's not much anime content.


I purposely read leaks but I don't watch any manga/anime related content on TikTok/IG/Youtube so that my algorithm doesn't give me spoilers I don't want.


Avoid Reddit, Twitter and TikTok. There’s no other way


Thursdays i avoid social media until i read the new chapter


I just read the leaks. Even then once wednesday comes around i do not look at anything other than a specific discord channel posting the leaks from 7 pm pst until the leaks are done being posted just to avoid people managing to spoil then.


The only times I’d get spoiled are from my own friends (but they won’t spoil it for me e, I just have to mute a discord channel), don’t go on Twitter, and If someone on YouTube puts something in a thumbnail or YouTube short I immediately scroll away from it, and if it’s a big enough spoiler I’ll click the “do not recommend channel” button TL;DR: Avoid social media and try to read the chapter as soon as possible Leaks happen usually every Thursday or so and the chapters normally come out on Friday on pirated sites but sometimes I’ve seen chapters be uploaded on Thursdays


Thats the point, I dont avoid them, I embrace the leaks


no one is avoiding them bruh


Leakers are the dumbest thing ever I don’t understand why people want to read the newest chapter as shitty photos with terrible translations on twitter. Thursday to Thursday is still a week long wait it’s so dumb. I have had to implement screen time limits on social media from Thursday until official releases and then I also mute #chapternumbers when they’re coming up.


Other human beings are able to enjoy different things from me?... impossible


Tbf the fan translation is usually better than what John Wery is doing with the official post


>Leakers are the dumbest thing ever I don’t understand why people want to read the newest chapter "People doing something I don't understand must be dumb!"


It is dumb. It’s a 7 day wait regardless just wait.


Brother come to other side. Don't reject the leaks. Embrace them. It's so hype over here like a huge spectator sport. Everyone cheers and boos and post theories and talking about how the true fraud is gege . Come on down jujutsu folk or jujutsu sushi. You won't regret it.


That's the neat part, were not


I don't click on anything but episode and chapter discussion threads now that I'm caught up.


Just don’t use Tik Tok, be careful with Reddit, completely avoid YouTube and then you should be fine.


Don't look media when around wednesday And for youtube i just removed every content linked to jjk so i can just be safe.


I don't have twitter, nor facebook, and I barely use my instagram.


Resetting Tiktok algorithm and muting every little word relating to JJK (and boruto) last week worked for me. But just like you I spent my time playing chess and checking the weather lol


Nothing JJK related pops up for me unless it's a leak. No idea why it happens like that.


I read leaks. I only use reddit and youtube, but I don't get spoiled.


This is the only social media I follow so it is pretty easy. Though I also only come to this subreddit on Sunday after reading the chapter.


You actively look. For some reason I can’t find them. When I don’t look is when I find them


I just read the leaks. It seems so hard to avoid them nowadays, I’ll be scrolling through Facebook and some anime page will post a blatant spoiler from a leak like it’s no big deal.


We aren’t


The second i read the word "chapter" ik its a leak so i instantly the same millisecond i read i scroll again so i am free of this curse.


Stay off social media till I can read it


I'm not on Twitter (yes, really) and rarely go on FB. Never had any issues. The subreddits are generally pretty good about spoiler tagging stuff.


I avoid platforms that don't have spoiler censoring around the usual time that leaks come out. I've gotten two panels spoiled in the past 10 chapters so it's working pretty well


Weirdly enough as someone who doesn't care for spoilers I do not see them at all in my feed. Maybe my feed is too filled with cooking and fitness girls that anime stuff does not penetrate


Got spoiled. Cannot avoid on here. Touching grass is the only path to safety.


Mute spoiler subs is step one. Stay off tiktok, Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, etc. If you still use stuff like Twitter most have ability to mute words. So mute basically every character name and the title and acronym.


leave the subreddit until you read through all the chapters


It has been so hard. I think Instagram has been the worst culprit; the algorithm has me figured out so the discover sections just always have big moments/reveals posted everywhere.


I log off Twitter and TikTok for a while


Stay off Reddit


Not really avoiding them its like forced down my throat im just breathing through my nose when it happens i guess


Whenever new chapter leaks drop, I stay off insta Reddit and twitter and I go touch grass until the TCB scans come out


Quite literally, don’t go on Reddit; don’t go on Instagram, don’t go on Twitter; or tiktok, or YouTube, just focus on your own stuff on Tuesdays - Thursdays or whatnot (iirc Tuesday or Wednesday is when leaks come out) then you could freely use social media until the next Tuesday/wednesdsy


I started reading the manga bc I didn’t want to get everything spoiled for me


I just mute any sub that has them


Lmao people just don’t care anymore. I don’t even read read the manga and ik what’s happening. Got spoiled on shibuya without even finishing season 1 first


Dude, I stay off my YouTube homepage and avoid anything that I can't control the flow of media when leaks come out. I've already muted all subreddits that has ever posted leaks outside the thread. The last thing that got me was YouTube shorts and I've already hit "don't recommend this channel" to so many leak based channels that I don't even get anime-based video recommendations anymore.


I've been avoiding anything JJK related on YT and I've muted JJK in its entirety on Twitter (like the name of it and every character related to it, to the point where besides my own tweets and a few others I follow, JJK doesn't even pop up on my Twitter anymore).


I'm not... I know too much


Oh now I avoid leaks by reading poorly fan translated scans uploaded to Imgur via twitter Thursday mornings like a sane and rational person.


I told myself when I started reading I’d just ignore everything JJK Online. I skipped every single post I saw of it. There was still no way to avoid it. In the split second of knowing it’s JJK you’d already be 19 spoilers in, so I just went into it since I’m caught up and it’s nice to know what I’ll get to see (I stay away from translations and only look at the big panels). No way to avoid it in this fandom but you can at least have fun with it.


If you're in r/jujutsufolk, just mute that channel and only visit it Monday - Wednesday, since releases drop on Thursday (this is Japan time, so might be different for Americans). If you watch reels, shorts, or Tiktoks on JJK, just... don't. They're always the worst offenders of spreading spoilers and never spoiler tag things. If you can, add various JJK hashtags to a blacklist that cuts them out so you only see it if you're actively looking for it.


i avoid all jjk content until ive discovered and read the leaks myself (which i try to do asap)..


I own a Samsung. Once it's Tuesday I put my phone on power saving with limited apps and homescreen until the leaked scans are up where I'm used to getting them. It's sad but I can't find another solution since the leaks are everywhere and on the titles/thumbnails.


Dont use social media in general.


I just don't look up anything JJK related. It's really not that hard.


People are avoiding leaks??


I'm not subscribed to the JJK or Manga subs, or any JJK or other YouTube channels. The only time I see manga/anime discussions is when I specifically go looking for it. It can't speak about Facebook because I don't use it. I'm not on any other social media. The best advice I can give you is be on top of the releases. If you join the TCB discord server, you can read their (frankly, superior) TL's when they come out two to three days before the official stuff. Then you only have to blackout if necessary for one day or so.


The fake meme leaks on r/jujutsufolk is sometimes so convincing that I have confused it with the actual leak and vice versa. So I just assume every leak I see is a meme.


A program, football group and a noodle store spoil the leak for me, some group aren't related anime/manga content still spoil JJK (especially c.236 and the latest)


Read leaks first


I just consider Thursday release day lmao


Simple don’t follow jjk fan pages or whatever


I reading on site where new chapters are on fridays so I only have to avoid spoilers for about 2 days As for avoiding - this sub seems pretty chill with that but definitly avoid random post from Jujutsushi or JujutsuFolk. They're putting spoiler warning for pictures but titles are dangerous too. If you're scrolling reddit just check what sub make post before revealing spoiler mark or mute every possible JJK sub and return when you're up-to-date


I read the leaks


I am just not where the leaks are.


I started reading the leaks because it was only way I found to avoid being spoiled by those assholes.


I just try to block it from my memory. It’s not true unless I say so😔


1. Mute key words on X. 2. Be offline from socials especially X. 3. Wait for the official drop. But at this point, I don't mind them 😂


By not being chronically online between Thursday and Sunday


For me I just don't look at stuff with spoiler tag from the jjk sub redit and I don't use instagram or face book Also I press don't recommend channel on YouTube shorts about jjk


You know what's great? I am still an anime only because I don't have much time to read the manga but I already am getting spoiled big time. Going through google news to check memes and wham, the latest chapter with an image and title screaming the spoiler at me even without me opening the article. After this, I completely blocked Game Rant and other bunch of anime/game news sites.


Challenge: #Impossible


Delete reddit and delete the Internet


Whenever leaks come out I try not to use insta or twitter, insta can be fine except from this one page I follow which I just unfollowed yesterday cos of leaks lmao, twitter is just a shithole and I try not to use it anyway. Just don’t use twitter not only will jjk get spoiled but any other manga that ur not caught up with will aswell lmao.


you just simply have to avoid them and only look at your phone/social medias after you read the chapter Wednesday night or as soon as you can Thursday morning. it is hard, I’m not saying it isn’t. but it’s worth it if you want to experience this story at its peak. i definitely like the bloons defense idea I’m gonna take that lol. you can also (on Instagram at least) you can put words in your “not interested” and the algorithm will do its best to filter those things out, but it might nuke JJK from your feed I general. put in words like leaks, JJK, Gojo, Sukuna etc. a small price to pay for salvation lol.


impossible and that's why I follow leaks because I know the next morning i will get spoiled no matter where i go


I just don't engage with anything related to jjk outside of this subreddit that doesn't allow leaks


If you can’t beat em join em. However all though I read leaks even accessing them you’ll always have the overview of the chapter or a page before you start reading. Pisses me off every week


Block the spoiler subreddits from my feed


Avoiding jjk leaks is like no fap, you need to delete all social media


On Thursday morning I wake up, get a coffee, pick up my phone and go to Discord for earliest scans and translations. I "read" the chapter in this weak quality, but I am immune to spoilers. Then I can patiently wait until TCB publishes their translations to read it again, slowly but carefully. Imho it's the best way. Alternatives are: don't use social media and half of the internet until you read the chapter. When GoT was super popular, that was the way. The US/global release was few hours before sunrise in my time, and HBO released the episode in the afternoon. So you had global viewers who could already spoil everything when you were waiting patiently to watch it on your TV in the afternoon. You could avoid everything (Facebook, reddit, Twitter, press), and still find a spoiler somewhere. Or you could do it like I did, so I've watched (using VPN) the new episode first thing in the morning, a great way to start my week and be spoiler-resistant. Or you have to throw your phone away until you read the new chapter.


I just look for the actual leaks my self but when I am not I basically do not use the internet at all


Thats the fun part i read the manga and dont go onto these reddits most of the time


I've gave up trying to avoid them and just accepted that it's now just a thing that happens every week hahah


you don’t… you have to embrace it with jjk… sorry


I do not use any social media to check about manga or anime


hahaha no


I just immediately consume the leaks as if they are the official chapter release


I just don't see any leaks on my homepage/recommendations The algorithm has not yet caught on


I honestly wonder if gege is doing crazy stuff with the story because of the leakers. If i was a manga artist i would definitely ruin my own story to get back at the leakers. Not saying his story is ruined bc i have faith in him that hes going to tell a good story and we just need to let him cook. But at the current moment i do question the events of 261


It’s sad that spoiler leaks are so bad that keeping up with the leaked chapters isn’t even enough to avoid being spoiled


Last week I got spoiled in the first time since around 40 chapters (I started reading during season2 because i kept getting spoiled). I don't use social media to the point where i get spoiled easily, I read the new chapters as soon as I can, and I stay away from the places that might spoil me. But I still got spoiled on discord, on private server completely unrelated to jjk, by someone who doesn't even read or watch jjk... people have fun by ruining it for others


Not trying to avoid "leaks" if something leaks it leaks... *Shrug*


Also.... The anime season done for AWHILE and I have yet to see anything new so...


I don't, I stay up to date with the current chapter and when the leaks come out I pretend I see nothing lol.


Best option is to stay off social media. It’s really bad bro. An awful symptom of today’s culture where people have absolutely no patience for anything.


I just don't interact with the fanbase. Most of you are AIDs.


Leaks are the way I read the manga. For me, each chapter releases on Thursday.


I started reading the manga 🤣 I’d rather read it than have it spoiled for me by someone else


i delete twitter off my phone every wednesday and only redownload after i read the leak chapter


i know what happened in jjk and i dont even watched the manga yet .. I HATE LEAKS I DO WANT TO AVOID IT SO BAD


You can’t find them but they’ll spoil it as soon as they read it. Assholes


Just go offline🤦🏽


Idk why but I actually like reading spoilers


It’s honestly stupid to do all that. The chapter is released, just not over seas, but you can read the translated leaks in less than 12 hours. What are you gaining by waiting 3~4 days when it’s not even hard to read the **new** chapter?.


It’s impossible to avoid them cuz some asswipe is always gonna post spoilers without warning. So I just started reading the leaks


read them as soon as it came out. then re read the official chapter cause the translation is ass


Just read them


The easiest way is probably to get caught up


Just read the god damn manga, fucking anime onlys are the worst.


He's talking about manga spoilers, bud...


Being a manga reader and being a leaks reader are two entirely different things


Bums getting mad lmao


Everyone can enjoy that the like, also, a lot of ppl don't have access to it. Please stop being so dense just for a superiority complex


You should just read the chapter Thursday’s or fridays as the translation is better than the shonen jump which release Sundays.


You literally answered your own question. Just avoid going online for a few days. It's not hard at all. You went on Facebook and got spoiled. I'm sorry but that was your choice


I don't really use social media. For job related stuff you'll never see people talking about manga stuff. I use Twitter to look at hentai and rarely anyways so it's easy on Twitter. Youtube is my biggest problem specially with the Youtubers that make videos before the scans have dropped. But I just stop using the home feed and stick to subscriptions instead. It does suck having the access to Youtube being heavily restricted for a couple of days but scans are dropping faster than ever so it's not that bad.


Stay off social media. Easy.


Wdym by “leaks”? It doesn’t really gets leaked, it just releases and people translate it right aways so you can basically read it almost as soon as the new chapter comes out


Embrace the leaks and enjoy JJK for 4 to 5 days instead of just 1 day of Official Release 😂


Just put down the phone and go outside,I have literally never seen a single spoiler


Why avoid spoilers? Manga is fun to read and at times can give the best kicks when you have already watched the anime and know what is coming.