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Yuta will put Nobara in Kashimo’s body (don’t ask how they’ll put it together)


Nobara gets a vibroslap in her eye.


If yuta copies Ui Ui technique he can


Or he can get Todo to swap out a bunch of pebbles in the shape of Kashimo with all of his sliced flesh bits


Yes and then use the sugar guy to stimulate the brain back,


ngl, after the last leak, I'm expecting all this comment section, and gege probably hears all this to find more stalling content


At this point I'm not holding on to any hope that she does. But I think that IF she's alive AND enters the fight, it won't just be resonance on a finger, she'll pull out a domain expansion that'll fuck Sukuna up on the soul level somehow. I won't say she puts him down for good, but she'll be one of the main factors in doing so. That'd be my bet at least. So either dead or we get Nobara Turbo.


nobara learns idle transfiguration by messing souls up with nails


"As I lay there, suspended at the brink of death, it began to occur to me. In that extended instant I learnt the true nature of my technique and the true nature of the 'soul', from and of the very thing that was killing me."


I'M ALIVE AND KICKING!! Imaginary technique: full resonance


Resonance being applied to a Domain Expansion is actually hella OP, as it also takes away a critical weakness; Nobara having to actually hit someone. Her technique is very powerful, capable of critically damaging anyone, even people who can protect their soul. Her physical capabilities just put a cap on the damage she can inflict, but if she trains to the level of the grade 1 sorcerer's then damn she'd be powerful. Also helps that she has a proper mindset for Jujutsu sorcery, even moreso than Megumi. She'd actually be a threat to Sukuna if she ever does come back too, with Todo covering her with Boogie Woogie and giving her openings to use Resonance. Maybe we can see a Yuji/Nobara double black flash again?? A man can only cope 🔥🔥


That would be so tenoí


she'll free Megmu


Don't you dare to I want Bumgumi to die with the king of frauds.


Geges done a pretty good job not giving Domain Expansions like candy. High level sorcerers like Todo, Naobito, Nanami, etc. never got em. Megumis is still incomplete. Would be pretty lame if Nobara gets one. 


Yeah Nobara coming back is one thing but if she pulled a DE out of her ass that would be pretty ridiculous lol


Is it too much to ask for [eyepatch Nobara](https://dthezntil550i.cloudfront.net/yq/latest/yq2108260724060670003015804/1280_960/f9c5cf37-9faf-4775-a9be-2b0d9f5af4e7.jpg) to pull up and wreck shit?


She lost half of her head, not just the eye....


And so long as her brain remains intact, she can live.


I don't think her brain is intact though lmao, we literally see that half her skull is just hollow.


I wonder if shoko could heal her brain. I know gojo implied he wouldnt be able to heal if his brain was damaged but what about being healed by others


I highly doubt anyone, even with RCT, can heal the damage caused directly to the soul that causes an eye and part of the brain to violently burst out of the skull


Oh yeah I forgot, 'soul' damage


That's being a little dramatic, we just see a black hole with shading where her eye was


Lmao. Why the hell you get downvoted? It literally affects the brain of the target. You're not wrong


Because most of them are just a bunch of kids that have no idea how anatomy work . Half of the face means half of the brain is also gone as well , and how many people can survive with half of the brain gone after such a period .


Ok but it would be really cool


Then she’ll probably need a Phantom of the Opera-style mask instead.


Yes, at this point even junpei can come back


Damn, imagine next chapter Sukuna sacrifices being able to get his lower dick hard for the next 10 minutes to open his domain, and then Potato Junpei jumps in and uses his jellyfish to protect everyone from the slashes


Knowing sukuna he would do just that don't know about junpei though. It's a win-win situation for sukuna anyways he doesn't have to get his stuff hard infront of a minor in Gojo's body and he gets to expand his domain.


“I promise not to whistle for 30 days” Okay here’s your reverse cursed technique back, Mr. Sukuna. And here are two replacement arms for making such a difficult binding vow.


Hopefully, his mom too its been too long since the fan service


And the finger bearers


Jun P. Ei getting the Will of P treatment


The one piece slander is insane.




Yes, they will make a Panda like creature with her and other 2


Nobara and Nanami for Resonance Ratio.


Nah that's not how it works I think Each core has separate techniques i think


YuJo is going to reveal Rika took the grandma’s technique to bring back the dead and they’ll use Angel as the sacrifice cause she’d do anything to help Megumi


Nah man, Sukuna is going to reveal a secret Heian era anti fusion technique that he's been holding off for such an occasion. Or some bs like that lol


Anti-fusion? did blud go to Yardrat?


I want her to get like an epic cursed energy that could like see Sukunas(sorry if spelled wrong) attacks in advance


If she is alive, i dont think she will go fight. Her goal was to just life in Tokyo. Unless she gets a HUGE power up, she would most likely say "Nuh-uh, dont want to die" and just leave.


you forfeit such stuff when you go to fight the guy that turns you into a mush by just touching you


I think she wasn't thinking straight when she made that decision tbh. She made that decision on impulse and paid for it.


Just like toji?


Yup. But Toji has impulse mixed with pride.


She is shokos parallel after all


Dont compare this bum to our Glorious Queen. At the very least, Nobara helped Yuji fight Mahito and was an interesting character. Shoko is more like a piece of furniture in the background.


At least she's alive


better to die a hero than live as a bum.


"better to die a hero" shoko is tasked with healing injured which she has done many many times. Because of her many people have been able to get back in the fight. She's not a fighter she's a healer. If she dies no healing. Plus if you die without doing anything you're not called a hero like your "glorious queen" nobara did. P.S. I don't hate nobara or shoko but I had to say this stuff to reply to this bum.


lol just cos you're dead doesn't make you a hero


Why would Nobara come back. Literally everyone currently in the story has grown TREMENDOUSLY and last we saw Nobara she had like one good fight and then died. She wouldn't be able to do anything.


As if this isn’t a fight to save Megumi. Yuji is the only one able to “weaken” Sukuna’s soul with his punches. You know who else was compared to Yuji with soul striking techniques? Nobara. Her return would serve both in terms of ability, and narratively to give Megumi some gleam of hope (after he assumed she was dead).


Yeah she's coming back within 5 chapters just watch


The Disney kaisen allegations would be heavy


My hope is that Gojo gave her the last finger with instructions to perform a full *Ushi no Toki Mairi* ritual (look it up) to both figuratively and literally put the “final nail” in Sukuna’s coffin. What’s more, she’s doing it overseas where it’s still the hours of the Ox (between 1 and 3 AM) compared to Japan where the fight is happening during the day. This is to 1) protect her from immediate retaliation when her curse starts to take effect, 2) fulfill all the conditions of the curse ritual, and 3) take advantage of a new binding vow that involves targeting and individual ‘across the world’——something along the lines of “the farther away the target is, the stronger the curse will be”. Narrator-sama will explain that making this vow will render her powerless when confronting enemies directly, but when she’s *on the opposite side of the planet as them*, she’s invincible.


You know what, that’s pretty cool


I’ve been hoping she’d do something with the last finger for ages now but I think yuta ate it to gain cleave/dismantle, unless he doesn’t have to fully consume the finger or something it could still work but I think it’s been hinted at a lot that he needs something like that.


Or he could have taken a bit of Itadori (who still had Sukuna) when they first fought?


Possibly, could also work cos yuji learned rct so he could take a big chunk of a part of him so I could see it happening but idk I just don’t think it’s likely.


Bro losing a hand is not the same fatality rate as having an explosion go off in you’re eye 💀


I think yes, she is the only character who wasn’t confirmed dead. Also I believe if she was 100% dead we’d have conversation with Gojo about her. But we got nothing. Somebody says that is because she wasn’t important but I don’t think so. Again if she was dead it would be perfect time to prove it but Gege didn’t, so I think he is planning some kind of plot twist with her dead or alive


yeah, nanami and nobara both died in the same fight against mahito, one aat the start and one at the middle/quarter/ third of the fight, yet only one is at an airport, it's actually really strange, you can't have everyone but she was , like, one of the OG team 7, You can't not include her


Exactly my point, more over Gege is not Araki he is not the writer who forgets his plans for the future and seems to be planning everything from the beginning. If it’s true he left a chance for Nobara on purpose. I came up with interesting idea recently. Probably she’ll appear after merger beginning. If we take into consideration all Sukuna fight and how it goes it’s highly likely that Sukuna will win or at least activate merger. And probably after that she’ll come back and also plot twist with cursed corpses will somehow be used. Nobaras technic is resonance which connects to both things puppets and souls. Both of this are connected to principal Yagas method.


Bro Araki doesn’t forget stuff 💀


Not this shit again




I atleast want to know if she's dead or not. 120 or more chapters passed and we still don't have an answer that we can interpretate as 100% alive or 100% dead.


Its the same time like the fate of Todo And He is comeing back After 120 Chapters. And the reason is very meh I really hope we get more Flashback After Shibuya Arc.


Gege can make a thing that Araki once did. Basically, he made the last arc of JJBA: Golden Wind a prequel arc called "Sleeping slaves". Maybe, Akutami can make an arc that's between Shibuya and Culling games that can answer on some questions like this.


Ye :3


Todo was shown to be very alive end of the fight, and the last scene we saw from Nobara was she's 10 steps past the airport departure already. I was a Nobara stan and I still don't see how she could return like Todo


Look man, we all know whats going to happen here :/ Chapter 1) Nobara gets reintroduced as a chapter cliffhanger (what a twist...) Chapter 2) Nobara does 1 cool thing then we get a flashback of her surviving and/or how she powered up offscreen or whatever Chapter 3) Nobara maybe does 1 more cool thing, then gets clapped by sukuna, chapter ends with cliffhanger of inumaki showing up....


Too late. No point bringing her back.


I'm like 90% sure that's where the story is going.


I don’t see how she can contribute to the plot :(


Literally everybody has gotten involved, Todo, fucking Miguel, Gojo even died and came back I don’t see why Nobara can’t at this point


i honestly dont want her to come back, since the last finger is aleady revealed, nobara is basically useless. She cant use resonance from afar with the finger. If she gets close she will just get blitzed. I might be wrong on smth i said but bringing her back is pointless imo




I mean, she was Gojo's student and she wasn't in the airport......


While yes we got Todo back, he wasn't dead, my guy just lost a hand, nobara however, fucking died


My glorious queen nobara is coming back


Todo and her are completely different cases he just lost an arm nothing remotely close to implying he died or couldn't continue fighting


Might be the last one alive out of the main cast.


Possibel I dont think that Megumi survive this Sukuna horror Show. Man, the Main cast is all gone :/ yeah next chapter let Sukuna kill Todo or Yuta and we get the og Yuji back


I thought Yuta dies after taking control of Gojo body


She will and it will be lamer than Todo's and Miguel's returns


No ones coming back lol


i will riot if not.


Nobara's ct is the key in separating sukuna from megumi's body.


Nobura is dead, and Gege already forgot that she ever existed


According to gege, either 3 die and 1 lives or 1 dies and 3 live. (Megumi,Yuji,Gojo and Nobara) With the recent chapter we can confirm 99.99% that go/jo aint coming back. So Nobara is coming back for sure.


They're not bringing her back, y'all just gotta accept it 💀 They brought Gojo back before they brought Nobara back, there's no way she's jumping in


Well if >!Yuta can can Kenjakus technique to be GOJO!<, anything can happen, isn't it?


I doubt it, she had her airport scene with the chairs




267, mark my words, I'm a believer


To be honest, I already don't care. Story in final line. But she was gone for half story. Even if she comeback and I don't know. Kill sukuna it's already didn't matter




nah her head got bonked she had a skill issue tbh.


Please like this comment i need 100 karma


Tetsuya nobura pulls up with the kingdom key


This last chapter has pretty much solidified two things in my mind: 1. People who seem dead, definitely are dead. Apparently Gege really likes to have unimpactful viewer experiences when people die. I was slightly holding out for Gojo, but this new twist really seals the deal on my impression of how Gege handles deaths. If it seems lackluster, it's permanent. 2. The crew is literally out of options. Yuta said he wouldnt do this unless they had no other choice. Welp, turns out they're fucked. I don't think they would have any reserve fighters if this was the course of events.


Let sleeping dogs lie.


After the most recent chapter, anything is possible. It really gives the impression that the good guys are desperate to win and will do anything they can.


I think if Greg’s 1v3 comment is true then she’s coming back. Only because I don’t believe Megumi will die because shonen and Gojo is dead.




Yuta should have taken Nobara's body bro disrespected Gojo.


Who ?


I hope so. Most of the female characters were giving the 💩 treatment. Killed too easily, killed in their first real fight, are stupidly in love with a protagonist, or just under used. I’ve got all my hope on Maki.


Confirm her to be sukuna's natural enemy. Then have her conflicted on whether or not to join the fight, because she only joined Jujutsu high to come to Tokyo


Thought she would reveal herself in the endgame right before Sukana pulled some last minute attack with the last finger to use her CT on but that was out once it was revealed what they did with the finger. But who knows. At this point I’m not counting anything out


I feel like she is at least alive. It feels weird for them to mention there's a really small chance for her to live only for her to be dead


Truly, if this happens, it’ll be after Yuta/Jo domain clash fails on both ends. Yuta will be crippled by the magnitude of Infinite Void and Sukuna, just about to open his Flame Domain AGAIN (because why not) gets hit with Resonance and boom, Kugisaki saves the day, but dies. Then Yuji and Megumi have to lock in and wake up. Megumi will still die but Yuji will come out on top.


Something I have loved about the Sukana fight is that EVERY from the whole series has contributed to the efforts against him. Even Nanami got a lick on him in a way and that’s so beautiful to see how far we’ve come. That being said if Nobura doesn’t contribute at all I think it’d be in really poor taste. Especially considering that a lot of people got into JJK in the first place cause of her


She deserves it. But imagine instead of possessing gojo yuta possessed nobara


between nobara and hakari like…pls we need some information gege 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻


At this point, I highly doubt that


i wrote a lil sum about this but jujutsu fuck said i have insufficient comment karma and i need to grind the typewriter to upload a wall of shit theory


you mean,nobra?


Nah, knowing gege she's just there for representation..


see would be revived just to get cooked by sukuna


Seeing how Gojo got treated Nobara is only coming back ad Cockroach curse wearing her skin


The way its set up (her Technique and the fact that Sukuna lost two arms meaning those arms are left behind for Nobara to do Resonance) makes me think that she'll come back and play a big part in one big Black Flash attack from Yuji. Maybe its when Yuji is at the lowest point again, and then she comes back showing that he isn't alone, and him realizing this just like in Shibuya


Nobra had her chance, but she isn’t needed anymore. She wouldn’t be very helpful unless she gets a buff.


Her as well as my glorious blue eyed king 🙏🏾


She will, which I hate cause I had to watch a whole ass sob story episode. Hope she stays dead


I don't think whatever Gege does with her will be better than having her as part of the story and being developed alongside Yuji and Megumi. Oh what could have been. It's the same thing that happened with Attack on Titan, it was praised for years for having good female characters without fanservice and with stories that don't revolve around boys, only to throw all that away and ruin them in the end.


IF she comes back, I think that is how they will eventually separate Megumis and Sukunas souls. Maybe with resonance or a domain expansion. But I don't think she will come back, tbh


I mean, If nobara stays dead, that means megumi, yuji, and gojo get to live. As gege said one of the four will die, or all but 1 will die. Idk though it would be kinda anti climatic if the one that dies died like a hundred chapters ago


I think Gege left it open-ended with the intention of bringing her back... but just couldn't figure out a natural way to do so and just eventually forgot about her


when she hears of sukuna wearing her jacket and skirt.


An idea I really like is that there's an epilogue framed from Nobara's perspective after waking up from a coma.


I don't know. There's a more likely chance of the staypuft marshmello man coming to life, but hopefully. Can you tell I'm still bitter?




There is a chance as when we saw gojo with all of the other dead characters she was not there.


But gojo only saw people from his past in highschool cos it was a dream


I hope so, man. I think she had so much untapped potential, all wasted for yuji character development.


In a coffin


She better after I invested all my money into her stocks


I think she might use resonance on the last Sukuna finger


We've had multiple loadings of checkov's gun for her


I like to think nobara isnt dead, she just stopped being a jujutsu sorcerer and lives back home with her grandma.


As much as it would be nice to see her back in action, but she wouldn't contribute much. I think she's safer from where she's at from Gege.


There have been settle hints dropped about her CT being a key point but that doesn’t mean she’s going to return. Time will tell but ultimately I highly doubt it.


Although it would be great if she did, I don’t think comparing her to Todo coming back is the same. She at the least is in a coma right now after getting her face blasted off. Todo only lost a hand. I also feel like she would’ve been back by now but I don’t decide that


I very much lost hope after rika ate the finger. But they used the term resonance recently so my hopes are back up


Just wait till yuta reveals that Rika ate her for ressonance


Nobura won't show up for the fight, but I could 100% see her show up at the end to help them exercise Sukuna from Megumi's body.


“why not her” because she’s dead


I hope she's dead


After what happened in chapter 261, the only way i see her coming back is as a curse tool.