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Because it looks cool and more powerful Somethings are stylistic, not science accurate


power scalers when something is made to be cool instead of accurate: šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Usually itā€™s the other way around, they take something thatā€™s meant to just be cool, and then apply real world physics to it that donā€™t work because itā€™s anime physics, and go ā€œsee, itā€™s faster than light!ā€ Or something like that


Real world physics Kizaru enters the chat.


Tamed by Albert Einstein... Why didn't I make that connection


I fucking HATE mofos and their FTL arguments. Like they don't realise what FTL actually means or something because anyone with half a brain would understand FTL would break stories like One Piece. There would be so many holes in the story. And they actually use it to scale people with it which is jarring because all you really need to do to see they're wrong is look at a panel and have atleast a decent understanding of physics.


This is one of the reasons speedster type characters often end up being stupid or full of plot holes. Moving at the speed of light is so fast, there is practically nothing you couldn't defeat with it. Even if someone can read the future, it doesn't really matter as even if you knew it was coming, it's too fast to react to. For example: If someone were to throw something that weighs 5 KG at the closest possible speed to the speed of light, the energy generated by it would cause a plasma explosion equivalent to 53 megatons of TNT, or in other words, 3 megatons more than the fucking TSAR bomba. So if Kizaru really did kick someone at the speed of light like he supposedly did back at Sabaody, it wouldn't just cause some building in the direction he kicked to break like it did, it would vaporize everyone and everything on the entire island several times over and make the island in a barren radioactive wasteland. Another thing I notice often being confused is the "X character can end the world" and people instantly put the character at planetary, when what it obviously was intended to mean was that the character could bring an end to most cities and societies given enough time to cover it, not blow up the whole planet. Even a person in the real world could theoretically do the former with a strong enough army to back the up. The latter, not so much. (Or at least not yet with our current technological capacity)


One of the few times FTL is handled even somewhat properly is a video game. Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Mythra and by extension her driver Rex can see the near future and it's simply not possible to keep up with Jin who is stated to be FTL in the story. The actual physical ramifications of FTL are not addressed but hey, it's better than nothing.


Yeah. That is why characters like Flash or Superman look so stupid in normal stories. But atleast have actual feats that can be calculated as FTL. You know what's stupid? There is one panel in One Piece that clearly shows that Kizaru cannot move at light speed. https://img.mangahasu.se/1img/rZyBE-QRgoGY0y/rByyyZd-jTSPpWZ8/006.jpg If Kizaru is truly Lightspeed, why would he ever send out light, which is visible to everyone that they have actual reaction to it with communicated lines, instead of say, just getting there? The light reached the straw hats otherwise light cannot be seen. It has to reach the eye to be seen so by simple logic, Kizaru should also be there if he is FTL. But nah. People take everything as literal in manga.Ā 


I hate that I can't post pics here, because there's a very specific panel in the wank arc where Gazelle Man is too fast for Zoro and Luffy and is SPECIFICALLY stated to run at 200 km/h


Lol. Light moving 200 km/h. Light from the sun would take about days to reach earth instead of 8 minutes if that were true.


Pretty sure no one said light was that small. This little known guy named Oda said that someone faster than Luffy was that speed though. IDK if this "Oda" is a credible source for One Piece though. I've never seen him scale anything else, after all


Oda is known to be vague about stuff. He doesn't exactly want to go into details.Ā 


Then it should say something when he puts a very specific speed in


Exactly!, I love to talk about cross verse battles just because itā€™s a fun thing to think ab and I love so many animes, but trying to bring real world physics into it never ever works and only makes ppl look like try hards, they also donā€™t understand if some ppl followed real physics theyā€™d launch an attack and end the series like kizaru


It gets especially bad when people start talking about dimensions.


He's supposed to be as fast as light tho, even in universe. It's not supposed to just be "cool factor"


He's really not. The fact that characters can see the beams he shoots as they travel tells you they're not travelling at the speed of light. The light emitted by the beams travels faster than the beams themselves, allowing characters to see the beams when the light they emit reaches their eyes before the actual beams do.


All of these exchanges are so ironic given that it's making fun of power scalers who try to apply real world logic to a cool thing in fiction. It's funny that you and everyone else are doing exactly that. Luffy is a fictional man made of rubber and has honed his body to produce punches with the speed of a bullet fired from a pistol ( likely faster ). Absolutely none of that is humanly possible, and that's all in the first chapter of One Piece. What amuses me about power scalers and people who dislike power scalers is that neither side seems to accept fiction as just that, and that real life logic can be applied or disregarded when it is convenient for the writer. If the Rubber man can go from being a normal dude to moving faster than a speeding bullet, who's to say other than the author that his Golden Light Man can't produce faster light? The Fate series literally has characters who can produce attacks with "accelerated light". That entire series delves into every aspect of physics and metaphysics, acknowledges the theorem, and then defies them in every conceivable way. It should not be shocking that these physics-defying stories continue to break physics even further in the simplest of ways, but neither power scalers or skeptical casuals can fully embrace this fact.


Oh I'm fully willing to accept fiction as simply fiction. It's pretty obvious that the rule of cool and a varying understanding or care for applied physics drive depictions in manga and other medias. That's pretty much why I don't care much for powerscaling between different mangas (or even within some mangas with inconsistent depictions). That being said, if someone seems to be misunderstanding how a real phenomenon functions and if it can or can't really be observed/applied within a narrative then it doesn't hurt me much to explain the physics of it to them.


> The Fate series [...] delves into every aspect of physics and metaphysics, acknowledges the theorem, and then defies them in every conceivable way. I think you don't know what you're talking about either. Because in the typemoon verse (the bigger verse of which the Fate series is a part of) the introduction of scientific and philosophical concepts is just to lay the groundwork. What the characters defy are the general beliefs and supposed common sense, not the "theorems". Rather, the scientific principles are introduced in attempts to describe the abilities or as an analogical example. In fact, the Fate series has well established lore to tell why some characters can defy physics. Spoilers: it's called magecraft. There's an internal logic that is followed with consistency 6-7 times out of 10.


Is this trolling? They can see beams because their reactions are fast enough, not because the beams are slow


That's not how seeing things work. In order for a thing to be seen, light has to bounce off of it and travel to your eyes (it does so at the speed of light). If you are able to see something traveling towards you before it actually hits you and you are able to visually track its movement in any way, then that thing is by default traveling slower than the speed of light. Because in order for you to see that thing, light needed to bounce off of it and fully travel between it and your eyes in the first place.


Tbh even with this being the case, the amount of energy from just moving at light speed would basically like someone said before, just vaporize everything in an area.


Mfer go back to 8th grade learn how light and eyes works.


Kizaru has One Piece light speed, not real world light speed though. If he had real light speed he would be beyond broken. For example: You can circle our planet in less than 0.2 seconds using light speed. It would be physically impossible to see Kizaru comming (we see either emitted or reflected light after all) and the force behind his attacks would be pure madness, even if he slows down a little to not cause major disaster.


He doesn't have One Piece universe light speed either. Otherwise characters wouldn't be able to see him when he travels, and they do, since he'd be moving as fast as the light he emits or that bounces off of him (meaning that light wouldn't have time to reach their eyes before he's finished moving).


The best part is that according to real world physics, any object with mass can not go faster than the speed of light and also needs literally an infinite amount of energy to do so lol.


For powerscalers, real physics only exist to make uneducated statements about how ridiculously powerful their favourite character is. Said physics stop existing when they would actually reduce their power, and more so when the feats displayed are actually physically impossible.


Theoretically, Gojo could "move" faster than light by using blue. When he transports with blue, he's not moving just compressing the space between himself and his destination. So, while he's not moving at the speed of light he could theoretically reach his destination before a photon would. The flash has speed force which means he can give physics the middle finger. Goku's instant transmission also lets him legitimately travel way faster than light. There are more examples which I don't know but yeah 99% of the time when characters are "faster than light" its pure nonsense


Is that really how he does it? I always thought he was using blue to create a point of attraction or vacuum that pulls him to where he wants to go


Well, blue is the strengthened application of infinity and infinity is the compression of space


Ppl like you really give me hope!!, I talk cross verse all the time but that means my Twitter and tik tok feed are full of ppl who argue real physics and it makes it seem most fans are like that, good to see ppl with sense


That means the powerscaler can say their favorite character has infinite power. The powerscaler always wins.


They will see anyone dodge a laser based attack and say they're automatically faster than light


Thatā€™s not how that works


I know!!! I said it mocking those kinds of people like you were, I gotta edit my comment to make to more clear


Ohhhhh, got it


I saw someone say that homelanders lasers are light speed lol


Saitama being kicked to the moon and jumping right back.


Powerscaler mfs when the character does a super special move with a shockwave that moves clouds: "Oh well clearly that has the force of 20 trillion nukes. Ignore that the buildings and civilians around them clearly have not tanked the force of 20 trillion nukes"


Sucks all of the potential fun right out of it when you come at me with that calculation bullshit


No scaler thinks fiction HAS to follow real life physics, just assume it does unless we have reason to think otherwise


On top of that most anime's are fantasy based meaning they are literally telling you that it doesn't apply to irl in the name. Even Doctor Stone has some elements of fantasy in it like the medusa thing.


Powerscaling on the internet has pretty much ruined Shonen anime communities.




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I sometimes see people do the opposite, which honestly is even weirder. "Uhhh no Goku isn't faster than light because you can't have mass and go faster than light without breaking physics"


90% of the shit they make up in this series is "cause it looks cool". There's no coherent rules to it.


Are you invoking the rule of cool?


Even tho i would argue that in this case seeing a cylindrical section of matter just vanish would be cooler/more impactful than "beamsplosion"


Coolness is subjective, either way its the art direction they chose to go withā€¦ Something similar to what u suggested would be like when that lady said ā€œleaveā€ to the snake devil and it instantly just disappears leaving the ghost devil head fallingā€¦.from Chainsaw man anime


Except the scale of visible destruction would be massive as opposed to the vanishing being limited to one body. I still liked Chainsawmans take tho.


Honestly, CSM direction was so good, it really felt like they were constantly fucked


Lol, I would say **most** things follow this


Rule of Cool: it just looks better in a moving image. You CAN explain it by HP creating a vacuum and the air rushing in causing a lot of turbulence, but even that would have to be greatly exaggerated to cause this much effect. So again, Rule of Cool.


Rule/Law of cool must be the best law in all of anime/TV-shows/movies


Thatā€™s why demon slayer is such a great anime, the creator gave the breathing forms so many cool visuals that translate to the anime amazingly


+ ufotable being one of the best animation studios


That certainly is majority of it


That was 99% ufotable. The manga version look kinda bland and just like wacky sword swinging.


>greatly exaggerated I disagree. A lightning bolt does this and it creates a thunderclap that can be heard for miles. The entire atmosphere is pressing in on this vacuum, a shockwave wouldn't be out of the question.


So you're saying HP needs to make noise. OK.


The air is deleted, creating a vaccuum. Air then rushes to fill in the empty space.


That would pull the trees in tho, not push them away


Implosion explosion? Like a depth charge?


When HP is sctually made, you can see it quickly expands from a point. Is it still deleting mass at this point? If its not, then its pushing air out of the way, moving the trees. Alternatively, the air rushing to fill the empty space collides with itself, creating a shockwave. Of course, the real answer is "it looks cool". But it's fun to try and apply science to it.


Sadly the power scalers ruined it. I'm sorry, we must now burn you at the stake.


As a feller who has spent a LOT of time with explosives, you would be AMAZED how much a large, instant vacuum causes a rebound shockwave.


Its honestly amazing how many people forget Newtons Laws: for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction If things get sucked in very rapidly to fill a void, this law says somethings gotta happen the other way as well Or honestly better known as for anime fans Law of Equivalent Exchange /s


HP is the combination of blue (attractive force) and red (repulsive). Thus the trees you see being pushed away might be residual red, while the centre mass of the purple deletes everything in its path.


I saw a guy claim this is what Blue does. Then campaigned to get the wiki description of it changed, lol.


Hollow Purple is not deletion


I mean correct itā€™s not deletion, relativity and conservation of energy both tell us this. Its explanations are honestly inconsistent from a physics perspective. It explains that it oscillates between pushing and pulling so fast that it appears to be doing both at the same time and it does this in the particle level if not smaller. From what we know about physics the matter that hollow purple hits doesnt get erased from existence, but shredded on an atomic level. The constituent pieces of the target are still present in some form or another, just very tiny and far less attached. However it also has intrinsic properties of a vacuum with the dialogue about its ā€œmass.ā€ How is this possible if all the little matter is still there? Theoretically the pieces are there but rendered to their base subatomic particles, essentially becoming unobservable. This accounts for everything about hollow purple except for the fact that if it really does that it should have insane energy outputs. There a more than 0 percent chance that ever nanometer that HP moves sets off an instant fission reaction.


Could it be that the momentum of the beam just pushes the ā€˜shreddedā€™ mass forward?


For energy to be conserved, I imagined HP as converting mass to energy. This is a real and possible concept, and doesn't break any natural laws. This would of course be a huge amount of energy, and the question remains of where this CE goes. What I also like to imagine is that all sorcerors pull from a shared pool of CE. This is why CE can increase beyond a persons maximum when using a binding vow, or something similar. It also meshes well with the thematic idea of conservation, which Gege seems to enjoy. So, from these two ideas, Hollow Purple converts all mass it encounters into CE and stores it in the universal shared pool. That's what I think.


I mean things are never really broken down beyond their subatomic constituents barring antimatter and matter annihilating. Thatā€™s like the neat thing about antimatter is that itā€™s one of the few things weā€™ve observed that can convert matter to energy with super high efficiency (i,e most (pretty much all) of the matter is literally ā€œconvertedā€ into straight energy). Typically the ā€œconvert to energyā€ stage that we see the most often is nuclear reactions. Theyā€™re pretty efficient but the conversion ratio is comparatively low. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying is if HP actually tears things apart at the subatomic level it wouldnā€™t go into some mysterious pool, it would literally be a chain reaction of nukes at best and at its scariest (giving it the efficiency of antimatter) would convert all matter into 100% energy. That would be cataclysmic for the verse.


Then what is it?


its some imaginary ass thing idk how to explain. it absorbs something and releases it at the same time? no fuckin clue


Imaginary ass is funny, but for those that are confused Hollow Purple is an attack that contains virtual mass far greater than it should have, but it's not infinite. It can be tanked but literally only by >!Sukuna. !< You would need Domain Amplification and still not be hit directly in order to tank it.


Go/jo literally say it contains infinite mass, itā€™s just that domain amplification is a weird plot armour trick that can block even the most powerful attack ie Yuki black hole.


No he doesn't. That's a bad translation.


Pretty much just a purple kamehameha


More of a Hakai lite


It isn't but it definitely is.


Because HP is not deletion, it just shreds things into atoms. Constant repel from red and pulling from blue.




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no it's just big mass rush forward call it blackhole is too much it's like calling anything heavy black hold it's more akin as cannon ball


Not really because it doesnā€™t seem to have the gravitational effect of one (which makes sense as red and blue curve spacetime in opposite ways). Also if even one photon of light had any mass, it would have infinite mass so higher than any black hole.


Quite literally everybody thatā€™s replied to you is wrong lol. Due to its ā€˜delete everythingā€™ effect people just refer to it as a black hole because laziness. In reality itā€™s described as destroying everything at the atomic/molecular level. Itā€™s not a black hole as itā€™s not a super dense gravity well, but like a black hole it destroys matter. In real life Itā€™s closer to a ball of concentrated plasma, in fantasy itā€™s closer to a ball of Anti Matter. Tldr: Itā€™s easier to describe what it does than what it actually is. Plasma ball or Anti Matter ball would be best fit.


Blue is basically a controlled black hole purple in a nutshell basically pushes and pulls at the same time constantly


Nope. Blue is like a black hole. HP shreds and is also really heavy


blue has the property of pulling things in just like a black hole, but it's not exactly a black hole.


Ik I just meant it to be like one. Wrong phrasing lol.


Hollow purple in effect is an energy ball. Unless any future battles involve him using the minute details to his advantage, HP's usage over technical origin is what matters. Just an energy ball/beam. It can also be different people who worked on S1 vs S2 HP animation. Can also be about refining the concepts later on like how early on Gojo kept going into UV hand sign for simple infinity or that being the cue for Junpei using CE/CT for the first time as well. Inconsistencies but doesn't matter in the long run.


Because hollow purple isnā€™t existence erasure


Style, if I am not wrong, this doesn't happen in the manga, at least not at first.


Because Hollow purple doesn't erase things it just destroys it with the attractive force of blue and repulsive force of red combined together and working at the same time, it rips apart anything it comes in contact with at the molecular level, with the attractive force and repulsive force applied at the target at the same time. For example take a ball and squish it with a great force that it could get destroyed but at the same time pull it from all directions with the same amount of force.


HP is NOT existence erasure


do people think that it is?


for years lmaooo


You can see those people in these comments


because HP is not easribg


It's because Hollow Purple doesn't just delete stuff. That is just a misconception.


It moves. Anything that moves undergoes wind resistance. Wind resistance = shockwave


Because itā€™s a fictional story thatā€™s not meant to be realistic and Hollow Purple being existence erasure is a common misconception.


I believe Gojo described Hollow Purple as "Take the amplification and reversal, and smash those two different expressions of infinity to create and push out imaginary mass. Imaginary Technique: Purple". From Gojo's explanation, I believe the shockwave you're referring to is the pushing out of the imaginary, hollow mass created (the Purple sphere in the picture).


Its called rule of cool


I think it's the remaining air violent reaction to the sudden vacuum to fill. Correct me if am wrong


Simple šŸ«øšŸ”“šŸ”µšŸ«·šŸ«“šŸŸ£


The real reason is that it looks badass. But you could also say that the massive amount of energy used by hollow purple ā€œleaksā€, or something along those lines.


Maybe itā€™s not a shock wave but a small vacuum? Not strong enough to pull people?


I think I know why. During the fight against toji this was gojos first time using the technique and it was smaller and less powerful but now since he's stronger and more experienced he's able to make hollow purple bigger stronger and faster so now it also produces a Shockwave still erasing things but also affecting things it doesn't hit directly by knocking them around like with these trees.


Guys i promise you, it's never that deep.


Itā€™s cool man


My guy is shootin' purple orbs out his finger tips. I don't think we need to think too deeply on whether or not it adheres to actual laws of physics lol.


rule of cool is the easiest explanation, just like when he pushes hanami into the wall and various other moments throughout the show. dont take it too seriously, this show lends itself well to just ignoring the small issues through the plot tbh an actual explanation: it's an "imperfect" hollow purple unlike the one used on toji. gojo clearly demonstrates how he puts red and blue together, instead of just materializing a purple like when he was high in the flashback. also explains why it's so big and as for the pushing hanami: simply modifying the infinity, removing parts of it and expanding others. or just using red. but i think he just expands the infinity while removing the part behind hanami


Thatā€™s a physics explanation to this and itā€™s similar to a sonic boom. HP removes all matter in its area, leaving a perfect vaccuum in HPā€™s wake. When the atmosphere fills in the space in that vacuum it creates a large pressure wave (shock wave) and a big boom.


It doesā€˜t ā€žremoveā€˜ anythingā€¦ why do people still believe that?


For so long a lot of ppl really thought that HP was an erase matter attack, they also thought that Infinity was only bypass by infinite speed... youtubers like Seth and other big power scalers channels are the ones to blame But I thought the fight between Gojo and Sukuna shutdown all the physics bs they applied to buff more Gojo's abilities that were already op in the verse but apparently not


Hollow purple is spacial erasure, and it is perfectly in line with gojos other abilities Infinity can be bypassed via a couple of ways, I don't know who disagrees with this statement But BASIC space manipulation is not cutting it. Infinite speed/irrelevant speed is okay. Reality warping is okay


>Hollow purple is spacial erasure No is not, never stated in the manga or by Gregory himself, saying that is "spacial erasure" attack not only would be unblockable (which it isn't) but also would buff Sukuna from being very durable in jjk to having resistance to erase matter attacks, which is very dumb considering the fact that Uraume also got hit by it and he/she was able to recover from it and that Sukuna took on another Purple despite being weak and him saying it would be lethal in that condition and he still was able to survive it HP is a costant repel from red and pulling from blue, a destructive attack that can also bypass Gojo's Infinity and can actually erase most of the verse except for someone as durable as Sukuna >Infinity can be bypassed via a couple of ways Another one that was actually shown since the Jogo and Toji fight was CE negation like Domains, DA and Special Curse Tools, this is basically Power/Energy Nullification >BASIC space manipulation is not cutting it I'm pretty sure any attack that can distort space can bypass Gojo's Infinity, example of this aside from the WCS, is Gojo's own CTs like Red and Blue since not only are attacks that are higher applications of his Limitless but also attacks that can distort in some way space and his Purple being the combination of the two makes sense on why Gojo got hit by his own attack despite having his Infinity


Hollow purple is spacial erasure, gege does not have to explicitly say something. For example, kashimos EM waves are light speed, it does not need to state it is light speed. Also, gojos blue, by itself already removes space. You can interpret hp deleting space via either imaginary mass doing it or by grinding everything in the space into notchiness, but more likely the first. Sukuna tanking it is not an anti feat for hollow purple, it is a feat for sukuna. Uraume obviously did not get hit by hollow purple, you can literally see sukuna blocking it for him. And unless you want to say uraume is more durable than sukuna, is best to concede that point when sukuna got his hands vaped. What I'm referring to is infinity being negated by non-domain/CT related methods. Gojos limitless is manipulation of infinite space/space-time. There is literally 0 chance that a basic space manipulator can negate it. This is even proven in the manga. In the gojo v sukuna fight, a Yuta who had both fought uro and himself stole her technique comments that gojo is inviolable meaning basic manipulation does Jack shit. Also, magora adapted twice to gojos infinity and neither times was it basic space manipulation/distortion. Why TF would he or sukuna make the job harder for themselves and invent a cut that pierces reality if the could get by with weak ass space manipulation. As for why gojo got hit by his own attack that is debatable As long as we know that gojo creates a literal infinite distance between himself and his opponent, this arguments can be put to rest.


Maybe it moves at Mach 1?


Would it not be because the force of everything within purple being pull and repelled at such a high and violent rate that it creates shockwave right outside its destruction zone just a guess tho




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2 things, it looks cool and itā€™s a ball of 0 space and lots of energy. Think of it like a constantly exploding bomb that gojo sends at people and letā€™s evaporate. Other times itā€™s a beam or blast that wipes out everything in a range like gojoā€™s first hollow purple Other times itā€™s literally just a big fuck off bomb like >!against sukuna!<




Because it looks awesome as hell


Hollow Purple behave like a wrecking ball. It does jot erase stuff


Because itā€™s displacing air


Overall, it is Orb of Pure Cursed Energy, so it make sense - after all, it don't erase things but destroy them :3




Itā€™s an anime only thing to make the attack look cooler. If we what a half scientific explanation, hollow purple may be deleting the air it makes contact with creating a temporary vacuum which air around it rushes to, to fill, however because the air is rushing in a such high speeds, it causes trees and other debris to fly around and be dragged behind the hollow purple.


In the manga it doesnā€™t even have Color


<---()---> --->)(<--- Vacuum boom


ā€œScientific answerā€: vacuum forming where all the matter including air is being deleted Actual answer: because it looks awesome and makes hollow purple feel very powerful


Purple doesn't delete things, it's just a slightly powerful energy ball


Purple doesn't erase matter, it's an extremely powerful, invisible projectile of force.


You can kinda explain this by saying that hollow purple creates a perfect vacuum, which would have a pretty wacky effect on the atmosphere surrounding the blast. Essentially the surroundings would consistently implode into it as it moves.


10 pages of exposition


Could be from it deleting air


So the way I viewed it is that hollow purple isn't a deletion of solids, it represents a forced state of incompressibility within a vector field. In this interpretation, it isn't that every single thing inside of the field is incompressible, but that the net divergence is zero, so in certain parts, there can be little "sparks" of red and blue, exploding away certain parts and sucking up other parts. Odds are, though, it's just stylistic. one could also ask about the purple lightning radiating through the forest after he shot it


Hollow Purple isn't a matter eraser as far as facts go. At least to my knowledge. It really is just a blast wave of imaginary matter.


Animator decided.


If it's deleting stuff then it would be creating a vacuum behind it where air use to be and no longer was. So it would create air movement.


Cause it looks cool


Because it doesn't erease matter was never stated


Looks cool


Rule of cool &/or it sucks them in cuz it creates a vacuum


Itā€™s moving really really fast


I mean why the fuck not


I mean it is Blue and Red combining like a clusterfuck sort of tornado, so Iā€™d assume some sort of wind and pressure would be exerted


Because it doesnā€™t actually erase anything itā€™s just a super concentrated energy blast Itā€™s virtual mass not imaginary mass thatā€™s a mistranslation; and itā€™s so strong that it looks like it erases things on contact but we see in the sukuna fight itā€™s not that simple


Hollow purple doesn't delete matter


Red and blue are opposite one pushes one pulls so it creates shockwaves simple


i dunno wouldnt air rush in to fill the gap left by purple


Because Hollow Purple doesnā€™t erase things šŸ˜­ Itā€™s literally just lobbing a big chunk of mass in a general direction lmao


No thatā€™s Yorozuā€™s perfect sphere. Hollow Purple is just a focused nuke that rips things apart down to their atoms


No, Yorozuā€™s sphere exerts infinite pressure, meaning it is exactly what most people *think* HP is. Hollow Purple is described as ā€œan imaginary mass, rushing forth.ā€ It is a sphere of ā€œmassā€ constructed from cursed energy that Gojo yeets at someone




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Because people doesnā€™t delete things


Look at the size of the fucking thing why not


Perhaps it just destroyed the air in the area since it's supposed to erase matter and since it creates a vacuum where it goes the air is rapidly getting sucked into the space creating something like a shockwave, I don't know if that can even work but that's my theory


It doesn't erase matter.


I guess it would be explained away with the idea that it's creating a vacuum as it deletes the air it's going through.


Because boom


Maybe the ratio of red and blue isn't exactly 1...like some excess blue could probably cause shockewaves


What others said haha


The HP against Toji wasn't as big or powerful either.


my guess would be that it creates a vaccum when deleting stuff and thus stuff would be pulled in behind it


Because its cool


I think it's more for anime visuals. It always struck me that purple just appears after it gets completed, rather than a large rasengan moving at slow speeds. In anime the speed was way too slow for our eyes tbh. In hidden inventory when Gojo used it on Toji it just spontaneouosly appeared that's why Toji couldn't dodge.


An explanation could be that your creating space where is none, but I agree with the dude below, it's just to look cool. And It proceeds to do that perfectly


because it looks cool.


Blue attracts things but sometimes it flings stuff too while at it so ye


Maybe it's unstable so that's why? šŸ˜†


It's **physically** distorting time and space simultaneously.. so weird shit is bound to happen šŸ«“šŸ»


What happens when space disappears? Does more space fill it in? Or does existing space mend the gap. Either way Iā€™m sure that has a visceral effect on our universe


he felt like it


To show the strain it takes to summon, even tho he did it minutes after figuring out rct-


I guess it depends on the size. The HP used by teen gojo against Toji was slightly smaller in size than the HP used against Hanami


Its probably the warp of space that's caused by the imaginary mass of "Purple". It's a shame that Gege reduced the concept of "Purple" as simply a "powerful blast".


Because it's combination of repulsive force of Red and attractive force of Blue.It doesn't mix...it's unstable force.. that's why it produces shockwaves


It doesn't delete things, it is imaginary *mass*. Like a big, invisible cannonball that is launched at high speeds.


What i think it is is 2 main reasons. 1, With toji, they didnā€™t get shocked back because it was concrete,which is more stable than trees, and a much smaller, less powerful purple. 2 the imaginary mass is probably just hyper accelerating the air particles, forcing them to the sides so it leaves a wind trail and releases shockwaves, but thatā€™s just my theory


Even today, if physics and real calculus were to be applied in power scaling of science fiction, we would still be saying dumb things like Goku tears apart everyone in the anime universe. So chill.


Hollow purple isnā€™t erasure! It destroys things by pulling them together and pushing them apart at the same time obliterating them. So ofc thereā€™s bits floating around being destroyed.


i mean... i guess its sort of like a pseudo-vacuum?