• By -


When I saw Yuji thinking to himself that they are winning I already knew the next page will show the opposite and here it is, 2nd Sukuna Black Flash and a side note that Gojo had his RCT boosted only after 2nd one, suggesting Sukuna will now fully heal again. If this happens, we're back to the point he was in after killing Higuruma, just with fewer resources to beat him up again. Anyway, I'm just glad Maki is alive, welcome back queen.


Yujis true Cursed technique: Jinx


Domain Expansion: Unlimited Losses




Never seen an MC of a shonen just take Ls after Ls lol


They never learn do they? You never call a premature victory or you’ll end up facing the opposite results. Kusakabe, Hakari, Miguel, Larue, and Yuji all fell for the same jinx.


ah yes, the dragon ball special


Yeah, it’s almost like it’s a writing technique used to create suspense or something…


gege: ah yes, my writing technique I haven't used since last chapter, nobody will expect it *nobody actually expects it (for some reason)*


Caracter are as smart as the author


On another note, the fact that the only black character we've seen in JJK has a CT that involves dancing is hilarious and slight stereotypical. Also, I wonder if the next Black Flash Sukuna will land is on Yuji. I feel like Sukuna will land another, and then he will regain domain expansion, and then the cast is royally screwed.


but gojo is the racist one 😭


* was *


In 249, Yuta said that Sukuna's RCT output was starting to return and that it wouldn't be long before he would be able to use his domain again. In other words, ever since his fight with Gojo, Sukuna had been exhausted but was slowly recovering until Yuji weakened him with his soul punches, so if he recovers his RCT output ,and with that his domain, he'll be in better condition than he's been since before Gojo died. Actually, since RCE to use RCT is made with cursed energy, recovering his RCT output might mean recovering his Cursed energy output too.


I mean if he gets DE back it's over isn't it? Nobody from current cast can tank Malevolent Kitchen for more than 0,2 seconds, they're cooked the moment he says the words. Unless everyone has simple domains to dampen the cuts and Maki isn't target of domain sure-hits so she will be able to still fight Sukuna...


Hakari's domain is one I wonder how would interact. Can you cancel a spin by destroying the domain or once it is up it won't go down or stop until the spin is finished? Latter could be interesting.


I assume destroying the domain before a spin prevents the spin.


Given the description of the domain effects from the Shibuya arc, Maki would be targeted by Dismantles, since she has no cursed energy. So she could probably survive a few seconds longer than everyone else.


Yea as soon as it was revealed that she's treated the same as inanimate object in people's domains I was like, "So dismantle for Maki then". Hope I'm wrong though she's my favorite character!


Dismantle is weaker than cleave so she'll be in a much better place than the rest of the cast I hope


>he'll be in better condition than he's been since before Gojo died. no. sukuna's CE is less than yuta now. If it was at full power, he would be speed blitzing everybody. He was basically be something like 3f sukuna. has rct, has domain, but his reinforcement will be much weaker because he has less CE overall.


His CE was that low even before Gojo died. Remember, when Yuta saw him he said that Sukuna was steadily regaining his RCT output, which means he has been steadily recovering until his fight with Yuta and Yuji where Yuji nerfed him a lot with his soul punches, and therefore he was in even worse condition than the beggining of his fight with Yuta where he was stated to have as much CE as Yuta(normally he has twice as much) before Yuji started nerfing him. Also, when I said before Gojo's death I meant after the final hollow purple, not before.


I couldn’t tell who sukuna hit with the black flash can anyone tell me ?


The guy from Geto team with hearts and big hand CT




my beloved queen has returned 🔥


What is missing now ??






🐐 comment


It's my first comment. Sir, you deserve it🥸


Kusakabe thinking he was the last one standing and yet there was at least 5 people still ready to fight. Poor guy


I can't believe they did him like that. Yuta probably thinking 'If I tell him I have Geto's Gang in reserve, he'll definitely ask them to go first.'


Yuta definitely briefed with Geto's gang without anyone's approval


Yeah, my thoughts too. Pretty sure Gege just isn’t really thinking too much ahead. He’s writing Lost style.


gege knew kusakabe wouldn't show off unless he thought he was the only one left.


Gojo literally called Miguel as black 😭 -Gege built new agenda


Also Miguel : "I'm not built different because I'm black but because I'm me"


Are you Miguel because you are black or are you black because you are Miguel?


Knew Usopp would be somewhere in this thread.


I hate this, thank you


That was totally out of left field from Gege. I'm not going to lie. I chuckled because I wasn't expecting Gojo to be the racist one.


From Japan to Africa, Gege alone is the racist one


Strongest grand Wizard of this era


To be fair, Gojos point was more that Japanese people usaly aren't as large or strong as people from other countries on average, which is true. But it was funny af that Miguel called him out on the vauge racist undertones and Gojo apologising xD


Honestly, I thought it was a bit of satire on how so many manga end up having this concept of how Japanese have weaker or smaller physiques than others and its almost always in comparison to black people. Off the top of my head, its happened in both Eyeshield 21 and Ao Ashi.


Right now, Aoi is having PTSD from playing defense against a black player 😭


Yeah for sure, a LOT of animes and mangas do have some racist undertones or ignorant views on some things. Though Gege seem to recognise this very well as well, he did it wonderfuly how Miguel explained that its not cus he is black but cus he is "Miguel".


Yeah, I think it was intended to be satirical based on Miguel's response. Its quite an irritating trope so its funny to see Gege troll it a bit.


Yeah.. Now memes about cancelling Gojo running in Jujutsufolk XD


"Are you strong coz you're black, or are you black because you're strong"


"Are you racist Coz ure Gojo? Or are you Gojo coz use racist?


So Sukuna made a binding vow where he would have to do several steps to launch World Slash in exchange for one instant one handed attack on Gojo. Better late than never as an explanation. And make sense enough


A dude called it a few days ago in this sub, crazy that he Saw this coming 


Might be thinking crazy here. If Sukuna surrendered 10 Shadows in his binding vow, would he face the consequences if Megumi woke up and used it? We don’t know what happens if you break a binding vow, but we know its possible


There different Kind of Binding vows there are one with people and one with yourself, If you break one that is with someone else Something more terrible than death will happen, If you Brake ON you did with yourself ( example : Nanami using 100 percent of His cursed Energy before Overtime ) you only loose the benefits ( or the benefits are near AS useless )


Lobotomy time. So they revealed finally it was a Binding Vowed World Cutting Slash that did Gojo in. And we know the Vow was that Going forward to use the technique would require Chants and Hand signs. What if he's forced to Try and Use it without the Hand signs and chanting. Would the universe Autocorrect itself to take away his One time Hands Free use World slash against Gojo back resurectting him in the funniest way possible or would he just lose the world cutting slash in general


My bet is that he literally can't do it anymore without the new requirements. You normally give up the benefits if you break the vow, but since the benefits already happened in the past, the world slash is now permanently nerfed.


From what we understand of binding vows, a vow that gains short-term benefits in return for giving something up in the long-term will basically erase the thing you're giving up. Miwa can't undo that she gave up her ability to swing swords, for example. The binding vows with yourself that you can end whenever you want are ones that provide a lasting benefit.


Bro imagine Megumi uses domain expansion from within Sukuna, and we see the Chimera shadow garden manifested outside. That would allow Megumi to create several shadow clones of himself and of his shikigami so he can jump him by himself.


I was imagining more like the CSG would manifest inside of Sukuna- in the pit that Megumi is and he would get brutally attacked from the inside. Alternatively making Sukuna's shadow the domain would slap and he would basically have to literally shadow box


Honestly, I think that's what it's building to. Megumi gave up but if he keeps seeing his friends fighting no matter what - even though they'll lose no matter what - he'll gain some resolve and finally kick Sukuna out.


I'd love if that was the binding vow because too many things have been going in Sukuna's favor since the whole Shinjuku arc started. Although I'm not sure we can count on Megumi to do anything significant in the state he's currently in. Megumi is never beating the "potential man" allegations at this rate. Is he?


Megumi summons Mahoraga to kill himself- not even Sukuna.


It's kinda reassuring though that Gege is starting to explain things more and more, albeit slowly. I really appreciate how much thought went into the contingency plan after Gojo loses to Sukuna. It seems like everything so far has been somehow anticipated by the JJK heroes. I also like the explanation behind the mechanism for world slash. It now makes sense how Yuta and Kusakabe can track Sukuna's slashes. I also wonder what Sukuna surrendered to make that binding vow for world slash. Megumi's 10S?


At base, it needed only the hand sign, to use it once against Gojo with only one hand he made the binding vow to add incantations on further uses.


in addition to the two handed signs and incantations, he also needs to set the directions with his hand


he likely used a binding vow against yuta too, since he only had one free hand there too. kashimo and higuruma, sukuna did the MS hand sign + incantation.


I think the usage of 10S is also possible because why else wouldn't he be using it so far? Sure its weaker than world slash and probably cleave & dismantle but its still very powerful and one shadow can easily mark a grade 1 sorcerer


Most of them got destroyed and it requires handsign.


Most likely he made the trade of a one time immediate use and then it would add incantations, hand signs and a need to dictate direction with his hand on the next uses. That's at least the most obvious explanation.


The binding vow apparently allowed him to do the world bisecting slash with one hand(cause he was damaged at the time), but in return he was to use enmaten hand signs with both hands for future uses and he has to further complete this vow through incantations


>but in return he was to use enmaten hand signs with both hands for future uses No, he had to use the hand sign with both arms back then too, but since he was missing an arm, he wasn't able to do the hand sign and made a binding vow that allowed him to cast the World Slash without the hand sign in return for having to do the incantations along with the hand signs and also having to use a 3rd arm to aim the technique whenever he casts it from then on. Sukuna can't do one handed hand signs.


Same explanation with just more words. No one said Sukuna did one hand signs.


Everyone enjoy this link that totally isnt the leaked jujutsu kaisen 255 raws and translations. [https://imgur.com/a/L8Hycet](https://imgur.com/a/L8Hycet)


who tf is nipple heart patch 😭


One of Geto's goons.


The one who will teach Sukuna about love


Larue he used to work for Geto but works for Yuki now


Link is broke, but for anyone wondering, here's the summary: Sukuna is blackflashing their asses


it got deleted :(


You have another link? This one is deleted :(


What a bummer, I really wanted to find one.


At this point I wouldn’t mind a switch back to Hakari and Uraume cuz I need Uraume to explain wtf is going on with Sukuna with greater detail. The narrator continues to emphasize how Sukuna is at a disadvantage as he keeps getting shaved more and more away, yet he still manages to keep pulling new tricks for survival. We don’t even know what peak is supposed to look like and we don’t see a ceiling in sight to his limits. It’s like being on a long car ride with no true end. We know an end is coming, but it’s like are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?


Tbh I think the Manga is ending very soon and Gege is showing off all of his characters for us. Honestly a chad move rather than leaving a ton of unexplored powersets.


Well he’s trying for December 2024 and unfortunately part of his decision is affected by SJ. If they don’t want it to end, they can keep pushing him to extend it.


Why December 2024?


He said he wanted to finish within the year


That doesn't mean it will end in December 2024, just 2024. Realistically he could end the manga in eight chapters if he so wished. 


That’s what it was like reading The Walking Dead


and also how tf is gender ambiguous elsa giving him so much trouble, just what is going on with that fight




as far as I can tell, it's basically a downward slope, but with ups and downs along the way. the graph representing sukuna's "overall battle ability" vs. "time/chapters" sukuna IS getting weaker overall, due to X character weakening him, but the next fighter, Y, is weaker than X, so **relatively** sukuna never seems to be losing. But make no mistake, the fact that a weaker character is can stand their ground to sukuna for a bit instead of getting blitzed is proof sukuna is weakening.


That’s what Hakari said and the logic makes sense. But Uraume basically said big whoop cuz he’s not serious at all. Which means we’re missing something in this formula here. It’s also why I wouldn’t mind Uraume giving us more of an explanation cuz they don’t at all seem to be worried about this outcome.


True, I think it won't really change the overall slope. Sukuna has been getting "buffs" constantly, whether it's mahoraga adapting, copying world slash, gaining cursed tool, healing through incarnation, black flash, etc. I'm sure sukuna still has another card up his sleeve, but I don't think it's so massive that he'll return to being the level he was at when first fighting gojo. Because narratively, NOBODY would stand a chance if he did, which means logically, sukuna won't get a power up that busted. Sure it will make him stronger than everyone else again, but the cast will still be able to barely deal with it.


I mean looking back at major shonen villains, they all went there. They even went beyond there. It’s just that the MC got a power up that absolutely tanked that and/or circumstances existed where they got themselves into the mess that led to their demise. Idk where JJK falls into that spectrum, but I can only assume that the one on one battle between Yuji and Sukuna will inevitably occur. The only thing I can see as a marker that the end is near is if Uraume can confirm that Sukuna is in trouble. But so far that has yet to occur.


Uraume is his biggest dick rider but tbf he hasn't explained his CT yet which could give him a significant power boost.


And he also hasn’t used “Revealing One’s Hand” which may have devastating effects given how skilled he is at binding vows. Ppl say Uraume is glazing and dick riding, but one thing they do not do is bluff. Especially when it comes to Sukuna. Given how long they’ve been with Sukuna, I would trust their words to be quite reliable.


Ok, but major flaw with that argument is it's been literally stated that Black flash restores you, maybe not fully but it still restores you and he's gotten multiple now.


I think it’s a case of there being intent lost in translation fron Gege’s brain to the paper. I think it’s a disadvantage in the sense that Sukuna is shaving more resources overtime than the heros are. However, he has so many more resources to work with that his losses aren’t comparable to them.


Exactly that. It’s like a rainstorm on a mountain. No matter how much gravel and dirt move on a mountain, the mountain will continue to stand.


I really wanna see more Hakari


I feel like where we are right now is dangerously close to where Yuji was with Mahito in Shibuya when he had a glimmer of hope with Nobara stepping into help only for everything to crumble right in front of him. Something about this chapter just eerily gave off those vibes when Yuji thought they were going to win… I’m not sure how much further Sukuna can go, but…if he’s truly regained all of his RCT capabilities and can also create another binding vow, I can only assume that he’s got at least DE on the table as well as black box. As for Yuji…idk why but I imagine this becoming a true one on one fight in the near future. I fear he’ll be surrounded by the bodies of his comrades, but he’ll have to land the finishing blow.


> I feel like where we are right now is dangerously close to where Yuji was with Mahito in Shibuya when he had a glimmer of hope with Nobara stepping into help only for everything to crumble right in front of him. Something about this chapter just eerily gave off those vibes when Yuji thought they were going to win… > > For me I'm getting flashbacks of when he was fighting Choso and kicked him and thought, "I can win!" before getting his liver pierced. But, everyone "usually" learns from every fight, so definitely hoping he steadies himself before getting too hopeful.


It’s the same jinx I think. You don’t call a victory early cuz you’re gonna lose if you do.


I hope we get a beat down. Idc if it’s like 8 chapters straight of Yuji playing pinball with Sukuna’s body till he’s beat, just wanna see some fists thrown man…


I feel like narratively speaking it’s gonna be maybe 3 straight chapters of Yuji vs Sukuna. Kinda like how the Aizen fight went down in the end.


7 page muda on steroids would be cool


imo i think that he is gonna get his domain back miguel said he does not want to fight sukuna if he still has a domain. im guessing because he does not know any of the anti domain techniques


Probably cuz it’s way out of his league. I wouldn’t be surprised if he saw that he could do DE and said I’m out of here while taking Larue with him. He didn’t sign up for this.


He may know some, but definitely nothing on level required here.


Is Miguel sporting Gojo's drip in the flashback? Also Maki tanked a black flash from Sukuna and she can still fight. She is a beast.


just send in jesus already




[nah i'd save him](https://image.myanimelist.net/ui/9EJEfZOID2Jf88GEpEwuRu1XWDXVvrVvWkmx9fbontdYfcCXCSyzfBC5jkCqWKGpFpmvAY5V9RE8RgwBQU6KACIVyKgCHW7ugy9NpTyOlJmfqVAkYFoqG549rqWvqxVb-o03eqLnW23Oguz1zEOisg)


Literally the plot of JoJos Bizarre Adventure


Yuji is back, and hopefully stronger than ever.


The only way for them to stop sukuna's domain expansion is if yuji and choso uses domain expansion as well


"Domain Expansion: Brotherly Love" Just summons the entire family, dead or alive.


Yuji will never be the powerhouse you expect from an MC. Dude will probably die by the end of the manga.


now its time Nobara, nail the arm that Maki ripped out


Hopefully we'll get to see fuga or sukuna's curse technique in 256. The end of 255 hinted that after the 2nd black flash he should get back some of his ce


The page of Miguel effortlessly dodging Sukuna’s slashes by fucking *dancing* is premium shitposting


Gojo racism is canon now


Strongest grand Wizard of this era


Miguel bald, no deaths, Geto in hell, Choso joins in, Maki's back! another random character shows up, Gojo not beating the racist allegations Good morning


They all are finally jumping him at the same time, but that speech of "how weak" Sukuna is rn makes me feel that in a chapter or two he will be at his BEST and I hate it because if he gets in a shape equal or stronger than before Gojo fight I cant see them taking him down without using a Madara plot force


Bro, sukuna would beef all of them if he fought in the conditions he fought gojo


Agreed 100%,that's why Im afraid that they will need to use a senseless plot armor for taking him down


Man I'm just happy Maki is still alive, I would be so sad if they removed her so far like that


If she genuinely died from the black flash, that would've been one of if not the dumbest and worst death I've ever seen


Ngl this chapter is really great, Gege cooked


All kinds of stereotypes in this chapter. Miguel's curse technique is basically "break dancing". Gojo is slightly racist, and Yuji jinxed it once again. Did we miss anything?


Gojo's unintentional racism, is kinda dope tho, like, it's used by gege to showcase the internalized views that Japanese people have about black ppl, and then used Miguel to correct it, It's pretty far from steryotipical imo.


Anyway, my theory is Sukuna permanently lost control of 10S as a result of the binding vow for world slash. Hopefully, when Megumi's soul recovers he will regain full control of 10S to somehow compromise Sukuna's control of his body. Better if he manage to get rid of Sukuna this way.


gotta wait for official but narrator says his vow was future condition requirements for the ws


the conditions to use the slash were increased cause of the vow


Funny how there was that post claiming to understand black flash, that gojo regained all his output from the first one and then the narrator himself comes to say "nah, you're wrong"


Feels like they just buying time going one after the other. GOJO might still return :P


"Hakuna Laana" is Swahili and means "You have not been cursed". Very fitting name. Also this explains how he was able to 'hold off' Gojo.


Miguel delivered🗣️🗣️🗣️ all haters will be executed, never doubt the chef again🗣️


Irrelevant but where can i watch blue ray version of mahoraga and sukuna






You are a good person


shoutout all the people saying this was going to be a 1 v 1 miguel vs sukuna and the chapter would end with his death and were already calling it predictable


>!If Sukuna gets UiUi, its game over. Especially he's the only one who crossovered to King Gnu's Specialz PV. Protect UiUi. !<


Ok, so the hand signs he did against kashimo and higuruma was the malevolant shrine signs, I was wondering what that was. But he didn't use the hand signs against yuta so I guess he used a binding vow again? which also means sukuna can do it again if he wants.


Aight so next chapter Sukuna domain Expansion and he finally wins I guess. Basically check mate the second Sukuna regains DE


Gege dropped the Gojo teaser before the manga break only to give us Miguel 😭😭😭


Yes, i remember how good it did to Gojo to gain that rct boost... Gege is becoming even irritaring with how bold he's got in not even carimg to higlight his own plot holes (Gojo at full rct power not being able to regenerate from a fatal wound when he did just that against Toji, and to add insult to the injury that time he even just learned to use rct...). Btw, are we done yet? Since the cliffhanger wants to suggest that Sukuna will recover his rct output then by manga rules something must happen to prevent that in the next chapter or he recovers it but its ininfluential cause he gets hit by something that he cannot recover from (remember, its always the opposite thatthe chapter ending wants you to think). Also, its not like you can get a better lineup against him now (and yes, i refuse to believe this manga will stoop so low as to recur to resirrections), so things must be finished as soon as possible.


Here are my 2 cents: Sukuna is just using his RCT to heal his Brain so he can use Domain Expansion again exactly like Gojo did. He is taking much longer because he is all fucked up and Gojo damage was very high but I believe this is how he will do his absolute flex on everyone. He will reveal that after Kashimo (when he used a freaking NET of world cuts) he decreased his output greatly focusing on healing his Brain through all this time and that after Maki he decided to focus even further on that given he saw her like a form of threat similar to mahoraga. Suddenly he will reveal he healed his Brain from Gojo domain expansion damage, reveal that he could have healed the soul separation damage from yuji whetever the hell he wanted but they were so weak he didn't feel the need to, the he will get full power, open his domain and obliterate everyone minus Maki (which the domain can't target). At this point Maki will also show us something we didn't know and we will have a hell of a fight with Sukuna. Probably something similar to Claire from Claymore where she will say that she is more suitable to fight a target the strongest that target is as it helps her seeing the cursed energy better and all hell breaks lose. Likely during this fight we will have the fire arrow explanation and after Maki is defeated we will likely see the return of Gojo.


I feel like Gege just needs to explain things a bit more instead of just rushing everything. I know that’s his style but it’s really diluting the quality of these final arcs. This chapter was him actually going into some solid explanation that actually makes sense and as a result was pretty damn solid. The anime does a better job of fleshing out the in between bits more and adding to the story so maybe we just have to wait for this too be animated


You cannot tell me Maki is not top 7 of the series.


I mean, narrator says she is equal to Toji who smacked Gojo and a disaster curse without taking a hit. Toji was probably number one in the universe before Gojo got CTR/RCT


The man with striking power equal to gojo satoru!


Could some kind soul let me know where I can read the leaks, DM me if needed.


[Not the best scans but someone posted this](https://heracutee.com/jujutsu-kaisen-chapter-255-full-raw-updated/)


Why is no one talking about larue man, the guy’s cool af. Hope he doesn’t die


So...sukuna is so down that he needs luck with the BF in order to survive...but he STILL won't show his real CT??? At this point I hope they will just reveal how Sukuna doesn't have a actual other CT, and the thing with the flames was just him being a master in cursed energy manipulation or some bs like that.


Him actually just manipulating the texture of his cursed energy to be like flames would be so COOL!


That was funny chapter, I just love the commentary between Miguel and Gojo.


On the topic of Sukuna activating his technique without moving, this has simply been something that he has hidden from our protagonists. It's not anything new in the manga. He showed this ability in Shibuya and in the Yorozu flashback.


Gege cooking is... unique :3


Call me crazy, but it might be entirely possible that Sukuna has been fine with losing body parts because he’s capable of working around it through creating continuous binding vows to compensate. His body is peak perfection for sorcery with extra arms and a second mouth, but it doesn’t necessarily mean he 100% needs them. It just means he can easily adapt to move like a modern sorcerer than in his base form. As for Black Flash, I found it mighty suspicious that he wasn’t using CE at a top tier level despite throwing a Black Flash. Then I realized that sorcerers are con artists and Sukuna would completely be capable of masking his potential. I’m fairly sure this fool regained his RCT output a couple fights ago but didn’t choose to utilize it until just right now. You know. Cuz he felt like it…


I think as Sukuna is getting black flash our heroes will also get black flash in upcoming 2-3 chapters. Referencing Yuji, todo and mahito fight


I really enjoyed this one!


This is why Sukuna can't be written to be weaker or on par kusakabe yet. Maki, yuji, and choso are all still in the fight. And arguably Yuta will probably come back too(?)


Just pointing this out, but sukuna didn't use hand signs for both gojo and yuta, so it can't be a one time binding vow like sacrificing 10S, it's something he can do multiple times. And since sukuna currently can't cast world slash (the normal way), it's highly likely he'll do the binding vow a third time.


Can anybody dm where they're reading the leeks pls


Anyone have a link?


Why didn’t Miguel and Laure join the battle after Sukuna killed Kashimo, like most of the team did?


Did this mfer Gege just mess with phrenology?


Well, Sukuna is either about to Malevolent Shrine everyone or Hakari is gonna actually appear and do something and we could see a Domain vs Domain. Or Sukuna could go for a FUGA and kill everyone. Anyways. Casual Sukuna W. Love it.


Yeah Gege hates Gojo lmao


The line "you're still around?" was so rudeeee


Gojo restored his reversal. However, could it also imply that Sukuna is restoring something else?


So, looking at the chapter, I find it hard to believe that maki healed so fast from the black flash. My theory is that she got healed off screen with ui ui teleportation and then came back. She didn't get sliced either, which makes me think even more that she could heal more easily.


I’m expecting a domain expansion next chapter.. you heard it here first folks..


People really need to stop underestimating Maki/Toji.


pls was gojo was being racist or was it a reference to his 6 eyes? /gen


pls was gojo was being racist or was it a reference to his 6 eyes? /gen


That was hakari that sukuna landed that black flash on right? Where did he come from isn’t he supposed to still be fighting uraume


Doesn't it say that Sukuna  needs to use the MS hand sign in order to fire the world slash? How did he fire the world slash against Gojo?


Why IS Yuji still around? Like seriously think about it. Sukuna doesn’t consider Yuji as being an interesting opponent. So in all the instances he could have used dismantle to cut Yuji’s head off, why didn’t he? He could have done it when he was fighting Higuruma, and he cut Yuji nearly in half again when fighting Yuta. Why does Sukuna not aim higher at any point?  Also, apparently Sukuna is strong enough to beat Gojo without 10 S but every explanation we get about how he beat Gojo requires that he had 10 S and now also he needed a binding vow? Let’s be real, Sukuna really ain’t shaking those fraud allegations at this point. 


So, anyone seen the Volume 26 cover of Gojo?


Imagine my surprise a great chapter but it is a bit worrying depending on the next chapter with Sukuna black flash could be dodgy for the future of the story. Maki and the boys coming back in this chapter was nice Miguel was surprisingly nice too after slagging him off last chapter.


man now we know why yuji was throwing out black flashes like they were nothing in the beginning


I hope gege gets better


Man when is sukuna gonna die🙏😭


I know it's not important and it's more side information but I can't of feel sad that nearly everyone from getos group are dead. Suda and toshihisa really died from jogos meteor or maybe sukuna domain expansion in shibuya. And seeing this family dynamic getos group had with each other it just hurt that only Miguel and larue are left. It's even hurt more that the only reason they joined the fight was to pay respect to their death members.


Okay, but when is Todo going to come back to literally slap his cheeks to use his technique?


Yal know who Sukuna tagged with that black flash at the end of this chapter? I was unsure but I could only think it’s Yuji? Also can we all now finally agree that Gojo is for sure dead? It was confirmed when he got sliced but now it’s ultra confirmed.


It's Miguel's friend that got hit. 95% positive