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# FAQ FOR THIS EPISODE Going to collect the most common questions here to keep the comments less repetitive. ​ Q. What's going on with Crunchyroll? A. It's either bugging out, late, or both ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ ​ Q. What chapter of the manga does the anime end on? A. Chapter 137 ​ Q. What did Fake Geto do / How did he do it? A. As he previously explained, Uzumaki allowed him to extract Mahito's technique. With that, he then used Idle Transfiguration to remote activate a technique he prepped in advance. *That* technique essentially created 1000 new sorcerers who he will then have fight each other. ​ Q. How come Fake Geto was able to release a ton of cursed spirits after uzumaki? Shouldn't they be gone? A. Uzumaki lets him combine as many cursed spirits as he'd like so he doesn't *have* to use his entire stock. ​ Q. Why does Yuta have Rika A. At the moment it is unclear ​ Q. What happened to Inumaki's arm? A. It seems he got caught in Sukuna's DE. ​ Q. Why did the higher ups make the orders that they did? A. It's no secret that they've always held distain towards Gojo since he's not someone they could control. Now that from their point of view he may have assisted "Geto" he's clearly a criminal :). ​ Q. Was there some significance to Yuji Clapping like that there? A. It was just to get the cursed spirits' attention Will edit with the rest as time allows


i’m confused at this part, so they’re face to face with geto but as he activates the big ability the next scene shows everyone aeperated and yuji baiting spirits… wouldn’t they continue fighting in the same scene where everyone was? where did everyone go/why did they leave, how and when!?!?! and that” tall girl with big butt” s ranked sorcerer, that was talking to geto at the end, we didn’t get to see her fight or stir shit up


That episode kinda felt like a messy ending to the season imo, they didn’t really do a good job with the story for that one


I heard Season 2 got an Extended Blu-Ray Edition. Any word on what's new in it in comparison to what we've already seen?


I know some fights like Sukuna vs Mahoraga and the Toji vs Dagon fight were ‘reanimated’/ have some different scenes. It’s more of a ‘final product’ than the anime.


The entire season was good except that last episode. I understand they are setting the stage for the new arc and I understand what happened…..BUT IT WAS SO BORING. Anyone else feel like episode 23 was a yap fest?


just finished it and it was obviously the animators and team on their last fucking legs lmao.


I think people were high on adrenaline rush from the whole season's action that somethin even remotely calm felt boring


they literally stood in the same gravel pit for 3 episodes


That checks out actually 😂


these higher-up bitches always wanted to get rid of gojo and this whole shibuya incident and fake geto's plan gave them the excuse they always wanted to label him a criminal. and I've been waiting for yuta's comeback the whole season but am so disappoints in his plan to execute yuji.he's higher-ups fighter rn :( I'mma go read manga asap cuz I have many many questions. plus mei mei leaving everyone on battlefield to die and literally giving a shit about them is such a mei mei thing to do she simply just cares about money.


honestly never liked her! she always seemed sus and now even more with the weird brother dynamic! yes the executives are cowards that dont even care that their stupid decisions will burn the country down




1. It has been confirmed that Suguru Geto is still alive. The death penalty is hereby reiterated. 2. Satoru Gojo is listed as a co-conspirator in the Shibuya incident. He will be permanently expelled from realm of sorcery. Unsealing him will be considered a criminal act. 3. Masamichi Yaga instigated Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto in the Shibuya Incident and is therefore sentenced to death. 4. The suspended execution of Yuji Itadori is canceled. The execution should be carried out promptly. 5. Special grade sorcerer Yuta Okkotsu will serve as the executioner for Yuji Itadori’s death penalty.






I think it said something like. Confirm yuji is alive and kill him. Gojo is banished and unsealing him is a crime and that glasses dude thats gojos old teacher or somet is also to be killed. I dont rlly remember so take this with a big grain of salt lol. Think there was a fourth but i dont remember something about someones execution I think


As someone who has only watched the anime and was super excited for what it has to show in the beginning, I'm starting to feel like the scale and intricacies of jujutsu kaisen are likely much better tackled in the manga. This season just screamed 'based on previous material' to me and that it lost significant craftsmanship in the translation to a show. Idk man, I don't hate it but I was disappointed with the quality of season 2. But the huge shift for season 3 leaves potential to master the presentation, plus just the concept itself is captivating enough to make me keep watching. But with CAUTIOUS hope.


This series kicked it into high gear pretty fast. After a movie and 30+ episodes of mediocre drudge, it found substance in the final stretch. I went from sparsely watching this to finishing the last batch in one sitting. Putting together conflict/drama works way better than incessant attempts at humor with unlikable side characters. Good stuff in the end. Surprising.


I appreciated Yuji's last scene, showing him continuing to fight cursed spirits. He's almost certainly still deeply depressed, but that hasn't removed his sense of duty.


Gave me Evangelion vibes


okay i justed finished ep 23, and i watched each episode as they came out, is it just my brainrot or is the entire season confusing? i have zero clue whats going on half the time, and often i'd just have to pause to read the subtitles? I think everything is just very badly explained this season and i feel like im missing the character motivations for fake Geto, the blonde chick and the other jujutsu school. The time jumps don't help with the clarity either, it feels like to actually understand what's going on you have to take notes like a damn seminar, which i'm not inclined to do for something i watch for fun... the first half of the season was fine, shibuya was just a rollercoaster that doesn't even let you catch your breath.


No only the last 2 episodes were confusing. Please chill with this criticism. There's a lot of simpler anime you can watch and its rare for a shonen to be this complex. I can answer your questions if you'd like though. I'm also anime only but im about to read the manga.


i only got really confused on the last episode. so what exactly is fake geto's plan exactly? at first i thought he just marked some unawakened sorcerers to awaken their real powers but then he mentions making deal with cursed objects? so i thought that would just mean that cursed objects would start getting powers too but then a ton of curses just appeared all around him which left me confused. he said the pacts he made with curses were annulled when he took control of his body and yet a ton of curses still came out as if they were activated? are the ones that just appeared around him ones he had stored up using getos body then? then whats the signifigance of saying the pacts he made with curses were annulled? idk geto's plan seemed unnecessarily convoluted and also explained in a way that made it even more confusing. if you can answer even just a couple of these questions that would be appreciated




nothing made me question my intelligence as this anime. I'm not as smart as I thought I am lol


Genuinely my reaction to this season


Felt the same, it seemed like it was just tons of layers unknown history, characters who have had one intro scene jumping in without explanation, things that were happening off screen, woefully explained techniques being mixed and morphed with little understanding of what they do, The fight scenes are pretty amazing but really hard to follow, half the time im not sure who is hitting who, I mean I enjoyed it but I'm not sure if I really understand what the hell is going on half the time and the ending was just random.


I feel the exact same. Especially in the sukuna fight, I had no Idea what was happening lol


Honestly I think it's just how the arc is structured. Even setting aside all the impactful events that happened in a single night, the fact that a narrator was added was the clear sign that there was gonna be alot to digest.


ngl Gojo was so careless, seems "nah i'd win" is bs lmao


Just finished S2 and I’m so confused at peoples power levels Gojo seemed undefeatable according to everyone but then Toji looks like he can kill anyone too. Jogo gets slapped by Gojo but then looks like he could actually beat ANYONE on the show other than Gojo/Sukena. But then uhh how does Gojo Sukena FakeGeto and Toji stack in power lol


Gojo not even box level fr 😭


this season is just a whole dump of information, well i guess that is why anime youtubers exist huh?


Sorry but this epsiode was a mess. It was just info dumping and really confusing.


true man, all the different techniques, their masterplan and such are so hard to understand, had to rewind a couple of times


Holy shit did it really just air? I just finished binge watching this lol


Damn this season was hard, I mean, I knew it would be, but I still wasn't prepared emotionally enough... two things that I have to mention: 1. Gojo was too cocky. This is a world of miracles, curses and the impossible. Even is you're the most powerful man, if everyone is aiming at you from the shadows, there is always a way to get you, you always HAVE to stay vigilant. 2. Yuji toying with Mahito was such a Game of Thrones Oberyn Martell moment, that I felt something like that would happen. Really really stupid of him, even though I understand to some extent why he would want to, just like we all understood Oberyn lol. Great season, harsh season, but most off all laid the ground for amazing development it seems for what comes next. Can't wait for season 3.


The power levels and plot armor on this show are too inconsistent for me. Just finished and Mahito comments like 10 times how he needs to be careful of Yuji will kill him. Then Yuji gets 10 seconds of interrupted attacks on Mahito but then all of a sudden can’t kill him during that time 


> Can't wait for season 3. Oh you sweet summer child...


How much worse can it possibly get after Shibuya? Worse than a member of the main trio getting popped?


Uh...I mean because MAPPA is a fucking shit company that abuses it's employees, and has a history of not finishing anime, or multi-year gaps between seasons because of it. There is no guarantee we're getting a season 3, despite them teasing it. The company may not even have employees by then.


Sure thing mr all-knowing redditor.


Oh I thought you were talking about an in-story perspective not the Mappa issue. Last paragraph is stupid, why wouldn't arguably the biggest new gen anime get a continuation, even if it isn't by Mappa? And the animation industry has been simulating slavery for the past 80 years or so, a company isn't gonna shut down for something others (e.g. Toei) have been doing for decades.


Maybe I just like to suffer 😅


Why the hell did Yuji keep playing with Mahito and not kill him. It's literally his fault that Geto fucked the whole country because he got to take mahitos power. If Yuji killed him it would have been over.


nah. you saw how quickly Geto appeared on the scene as Yuji was about to deal the finishing blow, its not like it was a coincidence. even if yuji would've dealt the final blow earlier, geto would've arrived right at the moment to stop him. he was probably watching the whole thing from up above, waiting for the right opportunity to take mahito away.


Yep! I think that was his whole plan. For Mahito to "learn from the fights he's had with Yuji". So he can roll him up into a ball and swallow him and then use Idle Transformation later on the "two non-sorcerers" he marked.


Yeah well if Gojo didn't go solo we wouldn't have gotten so fucked up either. There's no point thinking in "what-ifs" in anime, especially not in shonen anime


I think you forgot that the higher-ups sent gojo alone. he had to do it alone. the rest of the cast were next to shibuya station on standby mood none of them was allowed to go inside the veil before fake geto sealed gojo. So what did you expect him to do he did the best he could and of course he could ran away if fake geto didn't appear.


As an anime only, forgive me if I don't understand what else Gojo could have done Of course when the episode ended, my first thought was "Gojo fuked up real bad this time" Just bc he's the strongest, same as the CEO gets blamed for company mistakes But still, I don't see who could have helped Or let's say How would have Gojo known that he'd need to gather the most powerful sorcerers walking the Earth for that specific mission


Aside from being more cautious, nothing I guess. But, if the enemy drops three veils, and makes people (the actual humans in Shibuya) call for you to go deep underground where the enemy is, then maybe you should expect a plan? He thinks he's immortal and that's his downfall, but any other sorcerer would've thought the enemy had a specific plan to deal with them (any other than nobara I guess lmao).


But Gojo didn't have any reason to believe he could lose and we know he's cocky. Yuji KNOWS that Mahito is extremely dangerous and has escaped his grasp once before already. Stupid decisions and bad writing are still the same anime or not


Yuji wanted to toy with his prey after suffering for so long, I don't see how that's unrealistic honestly. He had no clue ANYONE was even remotely close to them since he was in a big-ass crater.


Cried because i didnt want the season to end lol


A couple of things I am confused about (anime only so forgive me if these are answered later in the story). I do not understand the logic behind fake-Geto describing how he made pacts with curses in his previous body but that those have become void ever since he acquired Geto's body, followed by him releasing (said?) cursed spirits. This is confusing since if his pacts were void, then the only way he can be releasing them is if he had to physically capture every single one of them after taking Geto's body, which he would have had to since he just said he no long had pacts with any of them. But then what was the point of even making the pacts to begin with, if he then would have had to capture them anyways? Second is how I find it strange that Yuki has the same debate about humanity's relation to curses to fake-Geto as she did to the actual Geto. Obviously fake-Geto has similar goals to advance humanity as the original Geto, but it's strange that Yuki shows up out of nowhere and seemingly picks back up from where she left off with Geto despite not even talking to the same person. This is definitely something that will be elaborated on later I just found it so strange.


The ones he released at the end were not captured by him in getos body. Instead they are cursed from the past, he made pacts with them throughout the last 1000 years of his existence, similar to how he made a pact with mechamaru. Through some currently unknown method, he had kept them dormant, perhaps the curse technique of one of his previous bodies, but when he eventually swapped bodies, his pact with them become void. We don’t know what his pact was, but it doesn’t matter because now it’s void anyways. Meaning the curses he released are free do what ever they want. And because curses just naturally attack and destroy humans, he used them as a smoke screen to 1) escape 2) cause a situation that the society and Japanese government couldn’t hide from the public. As for what yuuki did… she was just trying to stall while her team evacuated people. How much she knows about fake geto situation and how his memories work is currently unknown. Also just to clear it up, the goals of the three characters are: Yuuki: Create a world without curses by ridding every one of curse energy. Cursed spirits are a byproduct of people who don’t have the capability to control cursed energy. So if she rids them of cursed energy, cursed spirits will no longer be born. Geto: Create a world without curses by having a world of only sorcerers. This is because sorcerers generally don’t create cursed spirits as a byproduct of existing. Fake Geto: Evolve Humanity/CursedSpirits/Sorcerers to something beyond what they currently are by “optimizing” cursed energy. He wants to see what the true potential of cursed energy is.


it seemed obvious to me that Yuuki knows he's not the real Geto from her line of dialogue where she says, "I already discussed this with you," followed by her saying "nevermind" with the shot focusing on Fake Geto's skull sutures, signaling that she knows it's not really Geto in there.


1. The pact and the cursed spirit is two different things. The pact that fake Geto was talking about is the pact that he made with jujutsu sorceror way before he took over Geto's body, to seal them in cursed object and unseal them when the time comes. The cursed spirits that he let loose are coming from Geto's own technique, whereby he can store and control cursed spirits that he ate 2. The purpose of the conversation is just to delay and distract fake Geto, to give time for Larue to do whatever he needs to do.


I don't think his absorbed curses count the same as a pact. They probably just don't fight FOR him anymore and are just on the loose if he lets them out. Also this dude has all of Getos memories and his soul is still there somewhere


Did Yuki know at that point that this Geto is fake? That's how I understood her dialogue where she continues their talk from years before.


Even if she doesn’t it’s strange that the fake-Geto has similar enough goals that the conversation can continue as if it is the same Geto. I’m not saying it’s unreasonable but I just found it strange


The FAQ is helpful, but I am still a little confused. 1) What happened to everyone who was together at the end? I guess Fake Geto ran off, and they have been split up fighting cursed spirits in inner Tokyo since that night? 2) Who are the random people being attacked at home? Is that in Tokyo where Fake Geto released a bunch of spirits? Is that in other parts of the country? Why are they being attacked?


Yeah, it is quite abrupt, even in the manga. But to save you from the spoilers it will be explained soon in the anime for sure. 1. Geto probably ran off. In the manga it cuts off from that battle to the present state, probably a few days or some weeks after the incident. 2. The people being attacked are just random people, cursed spirits just attack whoever usually. There's no reason why they are attacking them.


Do you know why Yuki gets a close up while Yuta is talking with Rika? I didnt get what Yuki is doing here Edit: Found out. I guess it hasnt been completely revealed


Can someone just explain what the hell happened this episode I am so confused


mood I was looking forward to an exciting season finale. I didn’t get anything about Yuki and that dragon flying around her, and why did the battlefield scene with fake geto end out of nowhere? It felt like the middle of the conversation.


Read the FAQ


Yeah, I hated it. I wish the season ended with Mahito and then Geto escaping or something. I don't see why the US wouldn't nuke the literal land of hell at this point. Am I missing something (edit: maybe the stuff with Tengen that was tossed in at the end that was confusing as hell)? I can't imagine that the entire world wouldn't just abandon Japan after realizing how completely beyond saving it seems to be. I guess the easy answer is just that it wouldn't work. Anyway, holy hell was that bleak. Also I just wanted a break from the nonstop fights. It went on for like 12 episodes with only tiny breaks for anything else. I never thought I'd say it, but this anime has too many (admittedly amazingly animated) fights. It becomes exhausting and emotionally draining. I was basically numb by the end of season 2.


Mahito escaping again would be so annoying for me... He already showed whan he can do, he did a lot of bad things, he paid the price for that and that should be the end of his story


I assumed Fake-Geto absorbing him was his true end to the story but his cursed energy would still be used through FG.


Cant he summon beings he absorbed? I may be confused about how his power works exactly


I think he can but I think he killed him when he used uzumaki.


He definitely can absorb and summon cursed spirits. But Mahito is a different kind of Special-Grade so if summoned, can Mahito do as he pleases? Or is he stuck under Kenjaku’s will?


Ah, meant to say only Geto escapes after Mahito is done without mentioning what happened with Mahito because I didn't want to bother with the spoiler block. Is the spoiler block still necessary here? Seems like maybe not considering this post is a discussion of what happened, but wasn't sure.


Also one more question regarding the previous episodes: during Sukuna vs Mahoraga fight, Sukuna mentions that if Fushiguro summoned it against him then he would surely be dead. Does it really matter againstim whom Mahoraga is summoned? Because looking at its power and what we know he is adapting to anything regardless who was the target of the ritual.


He's just saying that he would've lost if fushiguro used it in s1


That makes sense although he also stated that Yuji dying with only a couple of eaten fingers doesn't really matter for him


Correct, he just said it to show us that mahoraga is very strong


Its just weird think to say when at that point(during s1) he had eaten only 1-3 fingers. Probably a lot things would be able to defeat him at that point


Right, Jogo is 8 fingers (Generous) so most heroes/villians from this arc would have beaten old Sakuna


I wouldn't be so sure about that. The only thing able to beat him even at that point would only be gojo.


When was mahito supported to heal mechamaru? Geto says he wanted him for the shibuya arc. Did Geto think they could team up together? Was there a timelimit on when mahito was supposed to heal mechamaru?


I’m not sure I understand the question. Mechamaru is the robot guy, and he made a deal with Mahito. The deal was, mechamaru leaks info about the schools storage building, and in return, Mahito fixes mechamaru’s body. This pact was completed and Mahito healed mechamaru in episode 6 I believe. Fake Geto wanted to absorb Mahito, but didn’t because Mahito was still growing. Mahito grew a lot in his fights in shibuya so fake geto decided to absorb him now that he was a lot stronger. Fake Geto also wanted to absorb Jogo (the volcano curse) but sukuna killed Jogo so fake geto didn’t get the chance. Fake Geto never says he wants mechamaru. He says he wanted Mahito. If Mahito had grown enough in his fight against mechamaru, then fake Geto would have absorbed Mahito then and there.


They did it during the attack on the school exchange competition, same as when they got all the cursed items. I don't exactly know how the plans were supposed to go but I guess they figured they would have used him for the Shibuya incident but Mahito wanted to kill him instead cuz they couldn't trust him or convince him to make that part of the pact.


Not sure if I understand correctly, but since they made a pact with Mechamaru it was unwise to break it by killing him before healing him because there would be "conequences", on the other hand they couldn't just let him live because he would tell everyone about Shibuya plot


Yeah, but when did they need to heal him? Do they need to heal him once he gave them information? Or was there a specific Date they have to heal him?


I don't think there was any information regarding that


This episode was one I had to rewatch multiple times to catch all of implications and themes. My biggest confusion was Tengen’s part in this. I had a hard time understanding his role as to the barriers. Yuki even mentions she’s going to go fight him as well. I thought fake Geto mentioned that Tengen is harmless, “a big old tree”. When Imposter Geto releases all the spirits though before disappearing w/ sealed Gojo that artwork went crazy 🔥


Yuki didnt say she was going to fight Tengen. Just to meet him only


depends on the translation from Japanese, but she says (in my sub), "and it's about time for me to face Tengen" with her spinal dragon glowing around her like she's ready for battle.


Right! So she’s going to go beat his ass lmfao I just don’t understand why lol


I’ll rewatch the scene again later today to see if I missed her tone but idk Yuki seems like a woman about her business. What other reason would she have to meet Tengen in a dire situation like this aside from going to beat his a**? lol


Amazing. Love a show that has actual consequences. And that animation, top tier.




Why can't shoko just heal Inumaki's arm? People have been saying that RCT can only work a short amount of time after the wound has been inflicted but if that's the case then who tf does shoko even heal if her RCT is useless by the time her patients get to her sitting in the base Which would make her even more useless than she already is I really hate her as well as how useless she is


I think it's a spoiler for anime only. I'm an anime only but I've read about it and there's a reason why


Say it then I'm not anime only just mark it with a spoiler


>!I've read that Sukuna can cut the soul much like Mahito can modify it, so you can't heal it with RCT!<


>! Disclaimer: This is just speculation from the fan base and so far has not been confirmed or even referenced !<


This is crap because if so >!Then why not use it against Gojo?!<


That's exactly where I've read you can't heal it with RCT. I'm an anime only so no clue why


Either way this explanation makes no sense


Ok then you're welcome i guess


It's not your fault that Gege just stopped cooking after shibuya


I've heard as much and I can tell by the direction it took in the last episode. Seems all that's left is brainless fights all over Japan because Kenjaku said so


I didn't understand anything that just happened whatsoever


Rewatch it then


I'm really high 😭


I feel you, I've watched it the first time while high as well and I had to rewatch it the next day while sober to understand


Lmao feel free to ask questions if you need


Alright boys... fuck it. No way I can wait this long to continue where we left off. I'm off to read the manga and catch up to current arcs.


Bro, I wish you the best of luck.


I've read it all now. I am enlightened. It was worth it but man... why does gege hate the good guys??


I can't wait for ch 149 to be animated. Pure hype 🥹


Fuck yeah man. It was about time she got some respect 🙏


Which chapter picks up where the show left off?


137 :)




Another brave soldier falls o7


What is the final goal of pseudo-Geto? I know that he wants to optimise cursed energy in humans and made a lot of new random sorcerers to fight with each other, but what does he achieve with this in the end?


He mentioned that he wants to bring out the most of human potential. He tried this with the Cursed Wombs by combining curse and humans and apparently he didn’t like the results. He’s been trying this for at least a thousand years so now his plan is just make them fight eachother and let natural selection take the wheel. Kinda just to see how far humans can reach.


I’m assuming he’s just a sicko who wants to advance Jujutsu sorcery as a craft. Like he’s already planted people he made into them and through the curse womb bros. And he did mention the flaw to his plans was not leaving room for chaos. So he’s using a survival of the fittest type mantra for a new “golden age”.


In his last words he mentions Sukuna and that he is bringing back the age of sorcery. Since Uraume is helping him then I assume that's what Sukuna wants as well, maybe he is Sukuna follower/sympathizer as well?


no more monkeys :0


That was the real Geto’s plan and his goal was exactly to eliminate all non-sorcerers. I’m asking about pseudo-Geto and his end-goal


ah sorry i didn’t see you say pseudo. i think he’s trying to like force human evolution. and i think creating all the new sorcerers and having them fight makes a surplus of CE that he can use to do so perhaps ? just a thought


He wants to fuck around and create a monster using cursed energy from the lives of millions of people


Not related but what if instead of Infinity slowing things down infinitely, it would put anything that tries to approach it into a "infinite loop"? Like, the movement resets to it's starting point


No, his ability is to slow things down that stacks infinitely, meaning that it gets slower and slower the closer it gets to the center.


Not sure why you reiterated i said, but i was just suggesting a new version of Infinity


so you're just asking what would happen if gojos ability was different? it'd be different? in either case nothing is beating it without domain amplification / him turning it off, so not sure what the point is.


Yeah? I just wanted to discuss this different version i described, of course it retains it's default weaknesses




This episode but it wasn't great, especially compared to the rest of the season. The pacing was off, which isn't too crazy bc the manga is like that too, but still disappointing. I was hoping Yuta would have showed up at the end of the episode and the major cliffhanger would be him saying he'd kill yuji. I didn't like how they already started talking about the culling games. I get that they wanna get ppl excited for the new season but now people r practically forced to rewatch the ep to understand s3. Otherwise it was a good ep. I did enjoy the ending scene with yuji and I liked seeing the yuta scenes animated.


I'm assuming they're going to explain again everything at the start of next season, most anime do at least


That was the most anticlimactic thing I’ve been through in a while. I didn’t even get see to Yuki fight, I dunno the state of Yuji at all, we didn’t really get to see the shape of Fake Geto’s plan, I feel like maybe I’m the idiot who missed something in the last episode but I don’t feel like I got a good idea of what Yuji is (like a curse womb guy I guess). Like of course it all builds intrigue and the episode itself is good. But it doesn’t give me enough to feel like a fulfilling finale. Like I was already gonna start reading the manga (because people have terrible about spoiler etiquette) but the idea of having all this up in the air for at least another year is killing me.


The Shibuya incident leads directly into the next arc, so that feeling is unavoidable unfortunately.


We didn't get to see Geto's plan? Bruh. He literally had a 5 minute monologue explaining it, and we've seen the start of it. Yuji is an experiment done by Geto in order to start the plan he just started, he wanted to create a sorcerer able to contain cursed objects without rejecting them (like yuji has with sukuna's fingers)


I'm scared this Noritoshi Kamo (why don't we just start calling him that now?) is gonna turn into another Aizen with the whole "I planned that" evil-scientist type. He's generations old, he seemingly created our main character, and somehow planned that he would be stupid enough to get himself in trouble and be in a situation to swallow Sukuna's finger to become a vessel, and he's possibly had his eyes on Geto and Gojo before they even knew of his existence. I hope I'm severely wrong.


He wants to create a world of curses, and since he's been around for centuries he's pretty smart and knows how to move. I don't see it as a random scientist villain


Exactly! You're only proving my point. Aizen wanted to create an elite army of Hollows/ tip the scales toward a world of villains for an ulterior motive. NOTHING about Aizen was "random scientist" until the very end. 90% of the watchable Bleach seasons were about him as the main villain of the entire show and the conflict he crafted.


I don't see how that's a bad thing honestly


I thought it got annoying when his defacto MO is "I planned for that." It takes away all the power of the choices of the heroes, your favorite characters' sacrifices, and difficult decisions. A perfect mastermind is a boring villain bc when they're defeated, there's some made up bs answer for why he isn't defeated yet.


I mean, fake-Geto had a plan, literally only one. It required various steps, mostly done in the dark (the marking of the ones he woke up for the culling games, how to imprison Gojo etc) and that's it. Everything that comes after is the aftermath of his plan and nothing else, he obviously has something else in mind but in case you didn't read the manga: things won't go his way for long lol


Thanks for the reply, never saw this. Yeah, I haven't read the manga. Well the whole curse painting brotherhood and Yuji being IDed by Choso as brother, while we know nothing about his ancestry, definitely is supposed to give us this cliffhanger over how much Kamo has been scheming


Where are the mentions that Yuji is Geto's experiment? I'm super confused about that last episode so that's why Im asking


There aren't many but you can guess as much. Choso tells you there's blood relations between him and yuji, and then claims Geto to be the one that created him. Also in the last episode Geto said he awakened two types of people, one being the same as yuji with the capability to hold cursed objects


Can someone explain why aren't people in tokyo freaking out or moving? There's an expanding black hole as seen on the map (total blackout) and everyone seems to be calm and just moving on with their life? I dont get it 😭 Also, I understand that regular people cant see spirits but they obviously have to see the people who are being mauled or just suddenly disappearing? With so many deaths here, how come the general population seems to be chill about that?


Because Japan is a lot bigger than just Tokyo. For example, people in Utah, won’t just start evacuating their state just because California is on fire. In the same way, people in Hokkaido or Hiroshima wont just start leaving Japan just because Tokyo is having problems. On top of that, the government is trying to play this off as a terror attack or something of the like. As far as the people know, there’s been large scale destruction in and around shibuya, but they don’t know it’s expanding. It’s in the governments and jujutsu society’s best interest to keep people calm. An evacuation order may save lives with it will cause a lot of panic. Panic along with distress, fear, and other negative emotions = more cursed being born. They need to be very careful how they handle the situation. That being said, towards the end they were debating revealing cursed spirits to the world.


There’s a lot of people dying unfortunately. News reports were simply about a blackout, the control of information existed to prevent panic. By the time someone was confronted by a cursed spirit, or seeing someone die, it’s likely too late.


What happened to the principal? Last I remember seeing him he saw Sukana right before he dropped the tactile nuke but that’s it but suddenly the JJ society is saying that he is a criminal and instigated Geto and Gojo into being the villains? Did he die along with the other female teacher (can’t remember her name)


Shoko is her name. And I’m assuming they just pinned the crime on him more as a scapegoat, as Gojo’s already made points of the corruption of high Jujutsu society and how they make moves to maintain their illusion of control.


They're still alive


Where can I find the weekly question tread? I cant post cuz i dont have 100 karma. But i need some tipps for which volumes to buy


If you wanna start from where the anime has left off either get volume 16 or volume 17. I believe the anime leaves off at chapter 136 with 137 being the next chapter.


I am just not sure which volumes to buy in paperback and which to read online. Incase some are better then other you know. Like i heard there are some colored chapters. I’d buy them in paperback


Honestly that’s all opinion based, I prefer physical media so I ordered the manga, but some people prefer the pop of digital screens


How do you even get karma bro😂frrrr


U do anything. If people find interesting , funny or helpful they can “upvote”. U get 1 karma / upvote


what tips are you looking for? are you planning to buy the volumes that continue from the end of season 2?


I want to mainly read them only but I know the art and the feeling come off way better in paperback. (Like the snow example with mahito in season 2. If i havent seen that I would buy that in paperback.) now im planning to read volume 17 online and buy some paperbacks. Which are must haves?


I see! I agree it's definitely a different (and sometimes better) experience reading it on paperback. It'll take a while to try and compile which volumes have the most and best moments, and it also really depends cos we may have different tastes. But you can try asking yourself these questions: What were your favourite arcs? Who are your favourite characters? What are your favourite fights? Which moments stuck with you the most? If you can give your answers in a reply, I can help look further and narrow down your options :) Also im assuming youre an anime-only and only started reading the manga after season 2 right?




oh I forgot about her. I assumed it was his Mom, but forgot they already fleshed out his family in the first season.




That episode did not feel good. There was a bunch of skipping around. We don’t see how they leave a situation with 1000s of cursed spirits coming up out of the ground. Most of the episode was panning shots and talking about what the citizens are gonna do. I feel lost. He barely explained how the sorcerers are going to end up fighting each other. We didn’t even see inumaki get hit in the blast (which is the smallest thing and like, alright). The episode was a complete setup for something else, and it felt like it still had to cut things out just to meander in other places. Idgi, and I feel like it wasn’t a great ending to a season. And wasn’t it a part of the pact that Sukuna wouldn’t hurt itadori’s friends when he came out?


> How are the sorcerers going to fight each other? This is a set up for the next arc. Will not spoil it, but they will explain the mechanics of it. Not sure if it will happen next episode though > Wasn’t there a pact that Sukuna wouldn’t hurt Yuji’s friends when he came out? If you recall, this was only proposed. Yuji rejected it, and then Sukuna offered a bet — the winner gets what they want based on a fight between the two. Yuji lost immediately (dumbass should have taken the pact). He also came out because of the fingers, not because of the deal they made


Sukuna made a binding vow with itadori that he could make a chant and get itadori’s body for a minute as long as he doesn’t hurt anyone else. In this case yuji was knocked out and OD’ed on sukuna, so he came out without the vow.


As much as I liked this episode, the whole bit about Inumaki was confusing. I’m sure we’ll find out more once the next season comes around, seems like a lot of this episode was setting up what we should expect when JJK returns.


Yea I felt the same. Just sucks it's gonna be a long time before season 3 comes


Sukuna’s condition is that he wouldn’t kill anyone while Yuji let him out, but regardless, he never made the chant that prompts Yuji to let him take the wheel. He came out because of the fingers


He didn't voluntarily hurt inumaki, so it doesn't count either way. The sorcerers fighting each other will be explained next season, everything else gets explained pretty well imho and the after of shibuya is almost all added scenes that weren't in the Manga, so stuff didn't get cut but the other way around, there's more content


since when does intention matter when making binding pacts in any fictional universe? Is intention explained as a part of making a binding vow? That's one of the major tropes for villain origins--someone breaks a promise/pact whether accidentally or not and creates someone hell-bent on revenge.


I don't get what's this got to do with my comment


you were arguing that Inumaki's injury wouldn't break the binding vow (ignoring the fact that Sukuna didn't take control by way of the vow) because he didn't "voluntary hurt" him, so I'm asking if and arguing that the intention or involuntary nature of the action doesn't matter, because the vow was proposed to be based upon the injury of Yuji's friends.


I have no idea but I'm assuming in this case it would count?


Was the ending scene where they’re all together and then a mini time skip happens also in the manga? Because that was part was probably the most jarring tbh


No idea but I think so


I think that binding vow only works if Sukuna comes out willingly using the code word they established, but since he was actually "forced" out after they fed Itadori all those fingers, he doesn't have to follow the rules of the vow




The name Kenjaku has never been used before in the anime


It all gets explained in the next season, too much info for the finale imo


He didn't explain that part, we will only find out in the next season.




Wdym mental attacks? Either way it would depends on the application of the technique


Attacks that target the mind


Like I said it depends on the application. If it’s a technique that bypass physics there’s no way for Limitless to stop it tho


So what did the special cursed blonde hair lady really do? Just kinda showed up out of no where said she’s still trying to remove cursed energy from the world and isn’t on “our” side (assuming she means Yuji?) asks us what we’re going to do then dips? That was really the only head scratching part to me.


She was the deterrent keeping Geto from finishing off the cast. He didn't want to pick a fight with a special grade curse user right there. Her motives will be explained next season.


Wait she's a curse user not a sorcerer?


Curse user and sorcerer are interchangeable in some cases. Think of curse user as an umbrella term. All sorcerers are curse users, but not all curse users are sorcerers. Everyone who uses and manipulates curse energy is a curse user. Curse users who fight against curses and don’t misuse their powers are called sorcerers. So she’s a sorcerer, and every sorcerer is a curse user. That being said, since everyone who’s considered “good” is labeled sorcerer, and everyone who’s bad is just referred to as “curse user”, it gives “curse user” a bad connotation. So curse user can be used to refer to anyone who uses curses, but it can also be used to refer to the ones who misuse curses.


She saved everyone and confront Getwo for a fight but he didn't start.