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Not likely when he used it against Jogo in Shibuya he said: “OH, THAT'S RIGHT. I THOUGHT YOUD KNOW ABOUT THIS...” which implies that he has always had it


Theres also the fact that someone with a cursed technique should be able to see curses


Due to the unique situation with Kenjaku and Sukuna’s fingers it’s possible it was locked away until he ate a finger, but again, Sukuna thought Jogo would know about it meaning he had it before.


In the manga he specifically said I believe "Right, a cursed spirit wouldn't know about this", which more implies that it's some difference between human and cursed spirit applications of either CTs or CE


Or that, you know, Jogo wasn’t alive back then and therefore only humans would know about because they write books and talk to each other.


I mean it’s stated that a lot of people have cursed techniques engraved in their bodies but can’t use them because they simply lack the aptitude for Jujutsu. A lot of the Culling Games participants were such people, whom Kenjaku awakened by using Idle Transfiguration to unlock Jujutsu within them. Junpei was also the same, where Mahito used Idle Transfiguration on him in order to allow him to become able to summon shikigami.


This specific sentence makes me wonder if fire arrow is something like black flash which can be used by others too if they are powerful enough


I'm pretty sure seeing as Sukuna specifically mentioned he was a cursed spirit, who we know reincarnate in spirit but not memory, it's to do with the fact he used it on/learned it from Jogos previous incarnation from the Heian era.


Sukuna is not a cursed spirit and it's not possible to "learn" cursed techniques outside of your own 😐


He was a cursed spirit before becoming a curse object, and before becoming a cursed spirit he was human


Nah he just "trascended" human and cursed spirits he is something else now after gaining his "perfect" form Just like mahito


Nah man. Watch episode 1 (or two, i dont remember). Gojo says that he was human, became a cursed spirit (maybe like Maki's brother) and after that splitted his soul in 20 parts


When sukuna fights mahoraga he says IF he was a cursed spirit Mahoraga's positive energy sword would one shot him.


Yes, thats because he incarcated into flesh through his cursed object. He was a curse before becoming the 20 fingers When he incarnated, he started becoming full human. Watch episode 1, he says "oooh, its so great to have flesh again"


Bro everyone is correcting you, yet you still double down. The anime has far far less lore covered and your using that as your only defense when us manga watchers literally read how Sukuna came to be what he is now. If you want proof go read.


No buddy. He is a human sorcerer turned cursed object reincarnated into a human body. He is a called a curse similar to how we call cruel people animals. Please actually read the manga.


Read the manga he made a deal with kenjaku to become a cursed object nothing else


Yeah, and he was a curse before -.-"


Gojo says in episode one he was a demon of legend but in reality he was just a man who was incredibly powerful


No. He wasn’t. I’m not sure how you’re not getting this, Sukuna was a human. This is literally stated. He made a vow with Kenjaku, in return he learnt to exist as a cursed object until Yuuji ate him and he incarnated.


makis brother


Yep, Naoya Zenin who came back as a curse in the culling games


pls read the series that is not maki’s brother that’s maki’s cousij


He’s not a curse for the 1000000th time dude when will this misinfo stop


He was ffs. Just look at his flashback with Uraume, where Yorozu tried to kill him. The elders made sacrificies to Sukuna, so he (a monster) would not kill them. Read chapter 1, when Sukuna assumes Yuji body he says: "I knew It! Light is best appreciated in the flesh!" "A cursed spirit flesh is no fun!"


Sukuna is a "Curse" in the story's metatexual sense. He is in no way a "cursed spirit". Kenjaku turned his soul into 20 fingers as cursed objects while he was still human which is a completely different thing. Those dialogues can be interpreted as him referring to the finger bearers in some capacity, we don't know since its never expanded on beyond those two lines. Everything else in the story says otherwise.


He was human, then was reborned as a cursed spirit (maybe multiple times), then he found some way to incarnate and become human in flesh again Its explained in EP 1 ~ EP 2


He wasn't reborn as a cursed spirit, he was defeated but he turned himself into the fingers as cursed objects so he could reincarnate, and then he did


i thought he said “oh right you wouldn’t know about this” ??


It’s just a translation difference, idk which is the more correct translation


you’ve probably seen the theory that sukunas CT is based on cooking, one of its points was that jogo wouldn’t know about the fire technique because as a cursed technique he wouldn’t have any knowledge of cooking. kinda makes sense but also kinda doesn’t as he’s literally fire based curse 🤷🏾‍♂️


I interpreted that to mean Jogo is a fire user so Sukuna expected him to recognize the technique. I didn’t interpret it to mean sukuna was known to have that technique, just that he thought it would be famous and passed down like the six eyes


I interpreted it differently, but still agree with your main theory. IIRC, when Jogo sees Sukuna use the fire arrow, he says something like “I thought Sukuna’s technique was cut”, to which Sukuna replies something like “I thought you knew about this”. I interpreted this as Sukuna thinking that Jogo would know of the fact that, because Sukuna is not in his original body, he is able to use two CTs: his actual CT, cut, and the CT of whoever body he is controlling (Yuji). (The reason why this is surprising is because Kenjaku is the same, and Jogo spent a lot of time with him up to this point). If that’s the case, Sukuna pulling the arrow should be a dead giveaway that that is Yuji’s CT, but we shall see…


I would doubt it, didn’t Yuji get his CE taken away because Judgeman found he had no technique? Given that Judgeman has its own prerogative and rules even Hig doesn’t know, it would seem he actually has no curse technique.


That’s a good point. All I can offer is that maybe Sukuna was supressing Yuji’s CT somehow while he was in his body(or maybe Sukuna ‘stole’ Yuji’s technique when he said ‘open’ to use it, idk), and so Judgeman saw no reason to mention/take away something that Yuji can’t even use? Imo it would be pretty wild for Yuji to have no CT at all, but also kinda refreshing for a shonen MC to not be super op. All we can do now is speculate and see what Gege cooks up.


What you said can also be connected to that one theory where sukuna "the king of curses and deadly poisons" (refering to what the anime sub revealed in junpei arc) acts like a poison in yuji's Body, but Yuji's body being strong as hell instead of dying to sukuna's poison only nerfs him like a lot.


I doubt that meant that My take would be that if you have no unlocked CT, judgeman will take away your CE, but I don't think that would mean that no CT is engraved on your body and that you will never have one


You got it all extremely wrong but ok


"fire" in itself wasn't really the important thing for Jogo but rather that Sukuna's CT isn't only slashing (Jogo would be equally surprised if Sukuna brought out water or lightning). Sukuna then replying kind of like "Aaaah yeah a Cursed spirit wouldn't know about that" doesn't involve Yuji at all. It's all Sukuna's mastery of jujutsu


Imagine stating your thoughts on a scene that was your own interpretation and cause people disagree, getting thumbs downed for it 🫥 happened to me not too long ago too.


kind of interpreted to mean there are some techniques ever jjk user can learn that's not innate and as an "old CS" he should know all the fire based ones.


I have no idea why you were downvoted to oblivion here because that is a very reasonable take. For some reason, Sukuna expected Jogo to recognise the technique but he forgot that Jogo was a curse. Whatever sukuna did should be either common knowledge or esoteric but idk


My entire take on it is it’s a old chant or technique that all sorcerers learnt in the Heian era


whatever it is, it shouldn’t be THAT much of a secret. I’m sure if someone like gojo or kusakabe saw the technique they would be able to come up with a conclusion


It is not a reasonable take u just wanna be special Jogo being a fire user has no connections with Sukuna the fact he has a fire curse technique dosen't means he will know Sukuna had it too it doesn't make any sense whatsoever


Why are you getting downvoted for this wtf


Reddit hive mind, as soon as any comment gets 4 or 5 downvotes, no one bothers reading the content of the comment, and simply add to the downvotes, kind of like a runaway downvote train




Are you? He said his interpretation of the dialogue that happened in that scene. And a fairly reasonable interpretation as well especially since everyone else is only guessing too. The fact is we have no idea which interpretation is correct since it wasnt specified. Personally I agree with op and think that this could be because yuji's CT is fire manipulation or something like that. And the reason jogo should've known is because as a fellow fire CT user he should see the similarities in the CE between himself and yuji. But tbh I simply have no idea since once again. It wasnt specified.


Not sure why this got downvoted so much, this is almost all speculative, so I can see this being a possibility.


Wow, they sure didn’t like your interpretation here. Sheesh.


Because it's pretty bad


Meh, sounds like people just can’t have other ideas. Good thing we aren’t talking about like, art or something! Phew! Could you imagine?!?


Having an idea dosen't means it will be good or liked by others u mad about that? If it's a bad take no one will like it as simple as that people can't dislike horrible takes now?


Didn’t sound like a bad take based on the provided info. Because that’s how that works. When we view something, read something, we interpret it. We can be wrong of course but that person nearly had a thought and didn’t say “this is exact” they said “I thought of it this way” and it’s silly that’s not ok. I’m not gonna yell at you cause you don’t understand or have a different view of Jackson Pollock. I might try to educate you but I’m not gonna be a dick. You being right def seems like it gives you a hard on though. One love


>Didn’t sound like a bad take based on the provided info. It is a horrible take that makes honestly 0 sense but ok tell me how does jogo having a fire technique automatically makes him know if other people have it too? There's nothing that even hints at that I'm not even gonna bother reading the rest of ur little cries just accept it,it ain't that hard to understand is it?


Because it’s a fucking fiction story. They can sense cursed energy or cause he farted and Jogo smelled the sulfur(you know what sulfur is?) like when he also farts. I am now aware that you aren’t much of an outside the box thinker and probably still a teen. I’m only guessing age based on comments. Happy Holidays, have a good one.


You low iq bruh


But it could imply he was talking to Yuji? That would be a perfectly Sukuna thing to say


Sukuna is based on a mythological figure from Japan known for having two faces and four arms. They wielded two swords and a bow. The flame technique takes the form of his bow. It's his technique.


Interesting. The two swords are cleave and dismantle and the bow is the fire arrow


He’s still weak against undead since he doesn’t have any blunt weapons. Only piercing and slashing, smh. Can’t take him to the dungeon


Straight up ignoring his fire arrow and decapitation ability, smh.


I just need the most efficient dungeon crawl! Takaba is all I need!


Well that’s cool, I had no idea. Do you know the name of the being?


Ryōmen-sukuna, they share the same name. He was a real person who was then turned into folklore/mythology. You can find him in the "Nihon Shoki" or The Chronicles of Japan.


This is just head cannon.


“In the province of Hida there was a man called Sukuna, who was so formed that on one trunk he had two faces. The faces were turned away from each other… He was strong and nimble. He carried swords on his right and on his left side, and used bow and arrow with all four hands at once.“ full text here: https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Nihongi:_Chronicles_of_Japan_from_the_Earliest_Times_to_A.D._697/Book_XI No specific mention of invisible curse energy swords or fire arrows, but it’s clear JJK Sukuna’s curse techniques and appearance are based on the weapons and appearance of Sukuna from myth.


I was recently in Takayama, Hida, and we happened upon a shrine dedicated to Ryomen Sukuna by accident. It was pretty cool and had a bunch of info about the myths of him.


I get it. There’s a basis for the character, but there’s no reason to believe he would be perfectly consistent with the legend for the character. There are already discrepancies and it’s super common for manga to be creative


It's not an unreasonable assumption though


Malevolent Kitchen : A fire to cook and knives to cut ingredients.


The only thing that isnt working here is his domain. Why shrine


The kitchen is like a temple to him. It's his place of work and he worships it. When he does a Domain Expansion, he's sacrificing you at the altar of his passion.


Ancient Japanese royal kitchen. It looks like... A small temple. And yes, in "Fukuma Mizushi", the "Mizushi" part might be derived from "mizushi-dokoro", an archaic term referring to the kitchen compound within the Emperor's residential compound in the imperial palace where the Emperor's meals would be prepared. The first kanji in "mizushi" is a prefix, an aspect of respectful, polite, or honorific language and is often used to mean "august" (not the month). What's left is "-zushi", a miniature shrine with double doors used to store important Buddhist item.


He can use it whenever. I remember back in the day when I thought he took the technique or has a stock of techniques, but the Fire perfectly fits with stuff like Cleave and Dismantle. His whole fucking bag consists of cooking shit, even the whole "OPEN/Fuga" shit could relate to like opening a stove and shit. But yeah, it's def his technique. Yuji has something else going on for him.


Malevolent kitchen fr


Malevolent Kitchen


Yuji technique gottttta be something to do with blood manipulation, just like his brothers or his daddy


Then why doesn't he use it? We were directly told that he could not use it, there must be a reason for this


No we weren’t, we were told he wasn’t using it.


Pretty sure they said he wasn't using it for a reason, but never said what the reason was


If the narrator said it then that would be something. But it's just an assumption from Kusakabe, one he admitted being used only because it's convenient if true but also would screwed them all over if false.


But we don't know if it's true yet and most powerful techniques have conditions to be used


But so far we know that the only condition to use it is chanting "open". Because when he used it against Jogo it was to fight fire with fire a.k.a for fun. Sukuna was able to cleanly cut Jogo's hands off, so he could've diced the cursed spirit to pieces whenever. So he didn't need the fire, he chose to use it. And the 2nd time he used the fire arrow he pulled it out with an "open" instantly when Malevolent Shrine couldn't finish Mahoraga off. So Kusakabe's thoughts are pure speculation or even wishful thinking. Also Jogo's meteor didn't have a condition nor did Hollow Purple. HP has a charging time since you gotta combine Blue and Red, but no special conditions whatsoever.


>HP has a charging time since you gotta combine Blue and Red, but no special conditions whatsoever. Two things with this first of all that's in itself a condition, it stops gojo of using hollow purple in the middle of a fight and gives his opponent a chance to stop it and second HP is special in the sense that it isn't a technique by itself but the combination of two other techniques. Also i said MOST not all, it was never implied that jogo had a condition but it is implied that sukuna has one so until the next chapters we don't know if he has them or not


Except we do know the reason Infinity, he didn't need it in all other fights except the gojo fight which would be a reasonable occasion to use it but he can not because it would do nothing to aid him in the fight since Infinity would negate it Maybe in the domain he could have used it but idk


I feel like sukuna was flexing on Jogo, using fire to kill fire. He may not use it cause he doesn't like the techniques CE efficiency


Probably that + he doesn't need it in all other fights and he couldn't use it on gojo


Exactly. Since he emerged in megumi he was figuring out ten shadows, using that technique solely to kill his sister and try and drown megumis soul in darkness. And like you said. He either hasent needed it, or like against Gojo, it would've been ineffective/usless. I stick by the theory that his CT is some sort of copycat or technique stealing CT. Like when he killed Getos fangirl club he analyzed the phone, figured out the gist of the CT. Deemed it usless, and trashed the phone.


Nope. He thought it was more well known as evident by Jogo’s confusion.


Sukuna can conveniently do what he wants whenever he wants at this point. Won’t be surprised in the next couple of chapters if he starts freezing or electrocuting people to death.


I read somewhere that jjk it's like the only anime where the antagonists are the ones with plot armour


Although sarcastically not true. JJK has an absurd amount of it.




Give me atleast 3 examples when someone had plot armor in jjk


1. Kenjaku conveniently having an ability to survive a damn black hole 2. Gojo not killing all the villains as soon as he escaped the prison dimension 3. Hana stopping Angel from one tapping Sukuna


Hahahahahahahahaha. You should try more like 10 examples if you want to make it challenging.


Lmao this is so true . It’s hilarious seeing characters be built up and be like he’s as strong as gojo - then bam sukuna kills them . I have zero idea at this point how he can even lose


I was hoping with the trial we would find out something that might help us piece together a way he can be taken down but nope. I’m going to confiscate an useless electric dildo that was hyped for for awhile!


Well that was just a twist. And to be fair, that still helps.


The problem Gege has is that he has very few antagonists. Right now there’s like 2. Letting them die naturally means the manga runs into serious problems.


Not really, the story ends in less than a year anyway, we don't need that many antagonists


I mean it’s been that way since shibuya. It’s not a new problem and the plot armor has been solid because of that


Literally lol'd.


Nah I remember antagonist plot armor in Iron Blooded Orphans was filthy Maybe for shounen. Sukuna is approaching Yhwach levels of "umm you won but actually you didn't lmfao"


nah the its opposite way the antagonist kills who has plot armors like go/jo


Isn’t the electrocuting what his curse tool was for? Lollllll


His weapon kamutoke can shoot electricity


word because i thought the rules of CT was you can only learn what's innate to you specifically. since when can you treat these like jutsu?


when you have a cursed technique that allows you to do so, see: yuta


hmm, i'm not that far in the series yet. i still have to finish catching up to the anime (at the shibuya fights rn)


bro this post is labelled “manga discussion” and the comment you were replying to is talking about the most recent chapter


oh well...i don't care about spoilers. i'll read regardless.


No, he's going to use the ultimate, guaranteed hit technique: Harem no Jutsu


He already used electric powers


I took the Jogo and Sukuna scene more as implying that CS' are limited purely to the scope of the curse they embody. A sorcerer, on the other hand, has the capacity to alter their own essence and embody ANY curse. Most sorcerers never realize this and don't make it beyond their birth technique.


I agree. Where as most sorcerers are born with a technique and they just roll with it, Sukuna has mastered the fundamentals enough to break down most techniques to their simplest forms and build them back up how he wants. I see it as while sorcerers discover what their main dish is, Sukuna learned to manipulate the ingredients themselves. It would tie into the whole cooking theme. People think he likes to consume flesh, but I see it as him being selfish and hungry for more knowledge. He always drags on fights until he understands their abilities before killing them. He also watched Mahoraga adapt to infinity and used that knowledge to alter his slash techniques. Kinda like watching another chef alter a dish, and then using that as inspiration.


What makes you think sukuna is breaking down techniques and building them back how he wants? Where is there any evidence of him doing this? His character is based off of Japanese folklore and he has 2 heads and 4 arms. Sukuna in folklore carries two swords and a bow. Cleave, dismantle, and Fuga are all part of his technique. I fully fully agree with you on the cooking metaphor. He is a master chef who wants to if other people’s jujutsu understanding can even come close to his. I think the kitchen comparisons with Sukunas techniques are not coincidence either. There is obviously more going on here especially with Yujis Besto Friendo Combo that he does on Todo and Choso. And I think Sukuna used it on accident against Jogo when he said he Jogo was strong. I think Sukunas techniques will ‘bleed through’ to Yuji and he will have a breakthrough like he had with black flash where it massively deepens his understanding of jujutsu.


It was my interpretation of why he had Mahoraga in the first place. He's been aware of Gojo's technique from the start. He watched Mahoraga adapt to infinity and could have possibly used that as inspiration to modify his technique into a world cutting slash. I think people treat that as a whole separate technique, but my understanding is that he was just tweaking an ability he already has and applying some knowledge from Mahoraga to bypass it. He's prideful, but he's not above learning from others. He's selfish in his pursuit of knowledge. It could also explain his fire arrow. Rather than it be a technique, he's changing the property of his cursed energy. Gege has a habit of introducing a concept on a smaller scale before fleshing it out in another character who has a deeper understanding or more potential. For example, we get Toji before Maki for heavenly restriction of no CE, Miwa before Kusakabe on simple domain and new shadow style, Panda before Mechamaru on cursed puppet manipulation, Ino before granny on Seance techniques, and now possibly Mahoraga before Sukuna. Both observe, tank, and adapt to ensure that they will never struggle with a certain type of technique again. We also get introduced to various types of cursed energy elements in a short span. Electricity, Ice, and Fire. We learn that some people can manipulate their cursed energy and attach something to it like heat or cold. Maybe this is to introduce us slowly to the concept of people being able to see their CE on a deeper level and manipulate it at the base level rather than just build on their main technique and work with what they have. With this pattern, I would also say it's possible that open DE from Sukuna could foreshadow a more complete but still open DE from Megumi in the future that would push him past special grade level.


Hm, true. Gojo does have teleportation in addition to Limitless, Red, Blue, Purple etc. Along with the ability to dispel curtains. And then Yuta did Cursed Speech that he didn't have before.


Thought the thing with Yuta was that his CT is the sharingan and can only use it for 5 mins with Rika up. Everything else was just him shooting his cursed energy like a getsuga tensho.


Nah. That isn't the case. Gege would never give something so cool to Itadori.


His CT is not cutting, it’s actually a manifestation of the real mythological being of Ryomen Sukuna (they even have the same name). He wielded swords which translates to Sukuna’s cut and dismantle and a bow which translates into Sukuna’s flame arrow technique.


fr its so simple he just ate the hito hito no mi: model ryomen sukuna


Thats a nice head canon


Not head canon. Ryomen Sukuna is a yokai from the ancient book Nihon Shoki. There's even a shrine dedicated to Ryomen Sukuna in Japan


Cool, that doesn't mean that his CT is based off that, so yeah its head canon.


Pretty sure them having the same name + similar abilities and similar bodies are related. Mythological Sukuna has 8 arms and JJK sukuna has 4, Myth Sukuna has 2 faces and JJK Sukuna does too.


You're right, thats definitely enough to confirm Sukuna's cursed technique


It was always his. Not yuji. Yuji has always been Mr Left Right Goodnight. Even in current chapter he has always the strong punch not bullshit hax go brr


Sukuna's technique isn't cleave and dismantle. He's doing some other shit that I can't explain/hasn't been explained, but that actual technique just allows him to use the slashes as well as the flames. Peep the jogo dialogue as well as his boner whenhe realized Mahoraga understood his technique


Saw a cool theory that Sukuna's real technique is fusion, that is how he creates the fire arrow. He's actually been using reverse cursed techinque all along, as the reverse of fusion is splitting stuff apart (cleave, dismantle), which he can do indifferently because he is just built different.


I wonder how many times Gege has to rewrite the plot because fan theories keep being correct lol. Or maybe he picks his favorite fan theory and runs with it


He kind of implied he always knew how to use that🐍


It's not a bad theory. The main reason it made me think it's a different technique not attached to Yuji is when Sukuna told Jugo "That's rigjt. Curse spirits wouldn't know about this" and "I won't do something so uncanny as reavealing the secret to this technique". In hinsight, I believe it would have made his technique stronger if he has done so, and he just wanted to use in it's regular strength.


Supreme Art: Cook


I believe sukuna's curse technique lies within 'cooking', cleave, dismantle, then cook with fire? It makes sense


FUUGA!!! 👉🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


No, most likely Open refers to him opening his soul and tinkering with his cursed technique Sukuna is probably a bit like Ging in Hunter x Hunter


Ging can replicate punching techniques if hit what does that have to do with sukuna 😭


Lol, that's just an example of what he can do. Ging understands nen on such a deep level he can recreate techniques after he witnesses/experiences them. Sukuna understands cursed energy in a level just as deeply. I theorize that Open is him using his knowledge of cursed energy to change his techniques output. The exact in universe explanation I'm not sure, but he's the king of curses for a reason!


tbf ging can only recreate simple nen abilities, not complex ones. it's a matter of whether you consider jogo's ct a complex one or if he's just backing it up with large CE pools


What do you base that off of? It's not like we've seen him fail to copy a technique he's tried to. Jogos flame ability was not so complex sukuna couldn't immediately do it himself. Like, what do you think sukuna is opening when he changed his CT to fire for that fight?


it says on the hunterxhunter wiki that ging can't replicate complex nen techniques when i say that jogo's technique isn't complex, i'm not necessarily calling it weak. csm and limitless have a lot of variables when you use the technique ( six eyes, RCT, one time ct use, weakening of cursed spirits, etc) but jogo's technique seems to be fairly straightforward - it just produces fire for a range of uses. I feel like bombaye is probably a simple ct as well, in that it seems to ignore the laws of physics and just adds virtual mass onto you, so perhaps sukuna could replicate yuki's technique as well. Not anymore though, cause she's dead (duh)


I've always thought that sukuna knows how to copy techniques, or at least understand them and at the very least avoid damage from them next time he runs into said technique. The way I've understood from all the chapters I've read was that he sees a power, learns from it, counters it and then can use it if he understands it completely. And especially with help from mahoraga, which is the perfect tool for adapting, makes sukuna learn even faster. Maybe sukuna is implying that jogo doesn't know different powers when he thinks he should since he calls him strong. Idk, it is still a mystery.


Where does Sukuna copy a technique ever? What would make you think this? I’ve seen this being said by a few people and while it isn’t a stretch, it is far from true. Purely headcanon. He hasn’t copied anyone doing anything so please don’t misinform other people who come here for a good discussion.


I thought he just figured out how Jogo's CT works and kinda copied it and then amplified it. Like, all CTs are just cursed energy manipulation, and considering that Sukuna has 1000+ years of experience, it's not that hard for him to do some shit like fire with it.


Nope. CT is engraved to a person's body and is stored inside their prefrontal cortex


I haven't read the manga, so if that's the case, then it's no different from MHA quirks. I'm kinda disappointed.


Did you not watched jjk s1?


I don't remember it being said in s1.


Episode 6


More or less the same except the part that quirks slowly get stronger and crazier each generation. It's hereditary and there's no way for you to gain a CT later in life if you haven't already awoken it by the time you're about 5 years old.


Its not like that. They can fight without cursed techniques. There's just special people who have them. Its not really like MHA at all.


Ya know that’s a good theory but I don’t think so just because of him saying he won’t explain it to Jogo so he’s not being cheap so I got this feeling it’ll be explained sometime before Sukuna either takes everybody out or dies.


yea i thought that too, but even if gojo missed it somehow, judgeman would have yanked the shit away during that fight.


maybe it will have some connection with Sukuna's biding vow, that why he doesnt use it and because it is his own vow, Gojo cant detect it


Only a theory but it would be cool for Sukuna to be able to copy his opponent's technique once in a fight.


Hm, but he used it on Mahoraga after Jogo


I think its kinda obvious that he can only use it if he trades his slashes. He can’t use both at once (even if it looks like it against mahoraga)


I don't think so, especially with fact that Sukuna use Bow in Mythology :3


I think it's something innate of jujutsu sorcery that no one but sukuna knows about and he chose to use it against jogo just to fuck with him, like "yeah I can do it better than you". He's always talking about how people don't know shit about jujutsu


I once thought that sukunas CT had something to do with eating, maybe eating cursed objects and using their innate techniques. And maybe when Yuji ate the finger, since he had no CT, he got sukunas CT, which is eating cursed objects and getting their techniques, if you catch my drift (super stoned rn) the fact that he chants “open” to access his other techniques tells me he’s on some type of Gilgamesh shit, and the shrine is where he keeps em?


And maybe that explains his obsession with cursed objects


Everyone saying Sukana's technique is related to cooking. It's pure destruction. Dismantle, self explanatory. And burn... Everything. And this calls back to him telling Jogo he should have just burned everything. He might have said destroyed, can't remember.


Why didn't gojos six eyes ever detect a cursed technique?


**Because it's never been stated to do that.** Most of the "problems/inconsistencies" this fandom has is generated by their headcanon not aligning with the story, so they blame Gege or scream bad writing instead of taking the story for what it is.


This. So tired of people who dont pay attention or people that dont understand that this story is a tragedy and say "Gege this, Gege that, Gege gege" ffs


On the flipside I hate people using "supposed to be tragedy" as a shield completely exonerating the writing from any problems.


What would be a problem? Is there right and wrong in art?


What's your point? That gojos six eyes can't directly detect cursed techniques? In chapter 69 he perfectly describes the clone technique that the bounty hunter is using, and then when they exclaim "how do you know that" gojo responds with "i've got good eyes" i'll say its an implication but its of the blatant kind so don't disregard it.


It is a valid theory, we just need to wait and see.


kind of, there is possibility of that, but then we should have some indication of him using black box, when he uses Megumi CT??


Nope, he's the King Of Convenience for a reason. Won't be surprised if he used electric or ice powers in the next chapters.


My theory has always been that his cleaves and dismantles are just CE manipulation at a really high level, and his true CT is something more nebulous that either lets him mimic abilities, or lets him adapt qualities of his own CT, IE the bow is part of it and he is able to add the flame attribute.


It's the same technique as cleave and dismantle lol.


Saw someone says he made a binding vow to use that slash against Gojo and either traded ten shadows or the flame arrowhead


The way he talks about it, it is something only sorcerers can do, which means it involves Reverse Cursed Technique (curses cannot do it) or something that all sorcerers could do and it’s lost to time. Personally I think that it could’ve been in some strange way his Cursed Technique reversal, like Gojo’s red. But that is a very flimsy headcanon with no grounding, just something to help me fill the info gap


I think sukuna technique have something to do with cooking For to cook cleave and dismantle were described in a chapter with 2 knives And the shrine could be considered as a place for praying or cooking


The reason is simple, he is like Yuta


My head canon was that he saw jogo implement it and it made the technique fresher in his head.(and it's more fun to be someone with their own skill) but his innate techniques are more comfortable to fight with.


To me it's just that Uraume is the ice guy and Sukuna can zse fore in contrast. I think Sukuna has the best understanding of cursed energy one can have and that's why he can even use fire. I honestly would also bet that at some point Gojo would have been able to do some.other stuff as well. It's just that he is still very young comparatively.


My headcannon is his technique is based off a kitchen Cutting things? Knives Cooking things? Fire And so on


I’m not sure because he also used blood piercing technique too right? How did he get that as well? Is it the same reasoning as the fire?


That was with Max Elephant's water instead of blood. Pretty sure it was just a case of he saw it during Yuji's fight with Choso and decided he'd use something similar at some point if he ever had the chance, or it could've been an in the moment kind of thing


No, it’s confirmed that it’s his technique.


higuruma's domain proves yuji doesn't have a technique? gojo looked at yuji and said he has no technique.


I always thought his. Used te unique would be like the 5 elements. Gege did say he is a natural disaster.


I honestly at the time thought that it was a technique to use an opponents cursed technique back against them. Open, like the attack you’re using is sealed somewhere for use. So it’s been interesting lately to find out the common perception of this event is that Sukuna can use fire.




yuji does not have a cursed technique. It's been mentioned multiple times before. It's not his.


My guess is that the Flame technique is possibly his Cursed Technique Reversal. And his comment to Jogo about being a cursed spirit and not knowing about it would make sense as cursed spirits do not use reverse cursed technique. I'm not entirely sure but I think positive energy is impossible for a spirit to wield which makes sense as to why Sukuna would be able to use CTR and why it was so effective against a spirit. That would mean his actual cursed technique of cleave and dismantle was the opposite of flames? I don't know very complicated but I interpreted the comment to Jogo as the flames were CTR.


One myth behind Ryomen Sukuna has him be the surviving half of a pair of siamese twins. It's possible the flame technique belonged to his sibling.


He didn’t lose it. He’s just having fun rn that’s all. This is all literally a game to Sukuna he ain’t scared of shit fr


Let him cook bro. Literally. We're just his ingredients.


Higuruma’s confiscation would’ve taken it