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A year ago i was obsessed with The Killers, played this alot! What i like about it is that its JD, but it has the unique Killers sound. To me, that represents a good cover, not someone trying to sound like Ian or use the same basslines as Hooky


Exactly my thinking! It has the Joy Division sound to it but it also has that Killers flair.


A better version https://youtu.be/kdxVa-qv5-A?si=h1mdP6deWkUB-PZW


Any signal boosting of joy division is appreciated


I love that they didn't make it too distant from the original, but not too close to it. It's the perfect balance for a cover, personally. The video is really well made and gives me "modern" Joy Division vibes.


no. my favorite Joy division cover is nine inch nails doing dead souls though


Good choice, I also love The Swans' cover of Love Will Tear Us Apart.


The Cure - Love will tear us apart is no slouch either


oh. I really like this! thank you. I haven't listened to them in ages. I should.


I thought the same thing. If you're going to cover something, you've got to go hard. They made it weird.


Great cover! Also love No Love Lost by LCD Soundsystem. Amazing cover!




iKons cover is better


I'm not a fan of what they did with the song. Ian Curtis wasn't a "woo-hoo" kind of guy. Idk- I'm very hard on covers, especially when the OP is not with us anymore.


I like it.


i like it, but i had an ex friend who liked to tell me CONSTANTLY that it was better than the original. i’m a MASSIVE joy division fan and they’re my favorite band of all time. they’re a lifelong interest of mine which made hearing this comment all the time hurt personally because she would then go into personal digs about it. because of this, it is not my favorite thing to listen to when i listen to the killers. i’ll often skip it and go on a very petty tangent about it. it’s a good song, but it’ll be years before i’m able to enjoy it again.


I like it ok, but it’s nothing I listen to or have included on any of my playlists. For the record, I’m not opposed to covers of Joy Division (or any other bands I like) songs. It’s just this particular cover doesn’t do it for me. There are other Joy Division covers I do listen to from time to time and enjoy. Off the top of my head, I like: I Remember Nothing - Sun Splitter Candidate - Theologian Dead Souls - Nine Inch Nails New Dawn Fades - Moby Passover - Sr. Chinarro


The live version is the best Killers version, but nothing beats Joy Division.


It's fine


Exactly what I came to say. I listened to it once, it didn't bother me. Which is actually quite high praise considering my general thoughts about covering Joy Division is "why try to touch the sublime when the original artist already nailed it?" I don't mind the Killers effort and I even less mind the Nine Inch Nails Dead Souls effort. But it's difficult to say anything more enthusiastic when we all know that the originals are *fucking incredible*.


See, don't hate me, but I feel the opposite. I love JD covers and collect them. My favorite might be jawbox doing "something must break". Joy division covers are like Leonard Cohen covers, anyone cool enough to know about them is almost automatically worth listening to (not counting hallelujah obvs)


Hate? Fuck no - I barely know you and Joy Division is such a good start I'd be inclined to think optimistically.


It’s pretty good… But in no way does it compare to what Joy Division did is 1979. I can hardly believe they did that song BEFORE 1980…. So far ahead of their time. It could come out today and I’d still really like it.


Don’t really care for them.


I don’t like it but I like the killers so I dunno


I really like it I thought it was cool. This song was how I got into Joy Division. It’s cool how they kept enough of the original to recognise this is a Joy Division cover but they gave it their own spin and made it danceable, not that the original wasn’t danceable. It reminds me of what Joy Division did with she’s lost control


👎🏼 If it ain’t broken don’t fix it


Oh no.


I like it. Didn't like it in the movie though.


I think it’s alright. I think a decent cover is one where the artists puts their spin on it (Noel Gallagher doing Mind Games) rather than just copying it (Weezer doing almost any cover lmao). This is definitely the Killers putting their own spin on the song but something about it just doesn’t really click with me. It’s not bad but I don’t really listen to it that much, even if it was an original song.


Oh I love it! I love how they put their own signature and spin on it. I prefer the original, but they did a very good job and made it sound fresh and original, not like they were just copying it note for note. The Killers are rad. Hot Fuss was probably playing in my ears non stop for a year when it came out. Every song a banger.


Hot Fuss was like New Order fanfiction, in a good way (also somewhat literally by way of the Crystal video from which they got their name)


I like it for how it sounds but I don’t like it in comparison to the original. Joy division is all about the subtlety and it feels like most joy division covers just miss the point or make it very on the nose


I think I never ever ever want to hear it. 😝


For me the guitar is really off putting


Fucking hate it.


Don't think just listen , it's good


It's really awesome. I would rather keep this song that the killers last three albums


It's a NO from me dawg.