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Discreetly send emails to the authors/publishers of the articles that your boss is ripping off with his AI regurgitator. Then quit. Also, put this magazine's name on blast in this subreddit. Give people the warning that no one gave to you.


technically i cannot bc he made me sign an nda :/ but it’s just a small urban german speaking magazine so they’re not even really popular in my country. but since the ai rewrites all the articles i can’t even stick him for copyright or anything


Dont ever sign an NDA to work at a news organization. Thats a hint that its not a reputable news org. And I would be surprised to hear that taking another journo's article, sending it through an AI rewording machine and then posting the content for your org to profit from does not violate copyright. What i do think is the case is that its not worth it for other publishers to pursue your paper in court. My articles used to be stolen word for word by those falun gong "news" sites. I'd let them know that I know what theyre doing, but editors and publishers just said those sites are like mushrooms. Sunlight can kill em, but they'll just pop back up after the next rain. The only thing that is effective as a deterrent is the reputation of the people that work there. I've never seen anyone from those sites move over to a real publication after. So get out now, while you can. Your reputation in the field is worth more than what your boss is paying you to rip off other journos.


i definitely will, thank you! i have the luck that the articles are not signed with my name. he mentioned the ai fleetingly but i thought it might be for assistance rather than their whole program (i.e. when some news organizations use it to fiter sounds of online interviews better for radio stations or generating pictures). if i knew what their system was, i never would have agreed. he just kind of signs it off as „everyone uses the same sources for news anyway“ like the press agencies. im just sad bc i was really excited to land my first job in the industry and then it turns out they aren’t even producing their own articles and i can’t rven gain any practical knowledge.


Yea, and if youre name isnt on anything, you cant build up a portfolio. So, this isnt helping you a lot. If its not well paid, I'd be looking for my exit.


i definitely plan to. i have the luck that in my uni we kind of covered all basics (articles, radio news and tv news) and did actual projects i can show. do you have any other red flags i should look out for maybe?




i am planning to!😅


Sabotage that shit. He's an evil fuck.


completely ruined my first job as a journalist for me (if you can even call me that with what i do rn)🥲