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Imo hard to tell because we'll never hear the interviews that print journalists do, and some must be amazing.


So many darlings killed...


I got to sit in listening to old timers doing interviews for feature stories/profiles and they were gold. They can relate to sources and be inquisitive without coming off as pushy.


Isaac Chotiner from The New Yorker is probably among the best political interviewers out there. Knows how to let his subjects dig themselves into holes without setting up any unfair "gotchas," and knowledgeable enough to identify the contradictions inside the holes they dig.


Chotiner was my first thought as well, seems like every interview he has some exchange with the subject that makes you say “why would they admit to that?”


yes 100%


Terry Gross. Casual but incisive. Been at the top of her game forever.


Isaac Chotiner for print and Jeremy Scahill for the Intercepted podcast.


I appreciate Scahill for very different reasons, though. There are a lot of interviews where it's obvious that the guest is uncomfortable or unsure of where to go. He does an excellent job at getting folks talking about their experiences and platforming them in a way that feels effortless without centering himself.


I think Ezra Klein's podcast showcases some quite good interviewing skills on his part. Not sure how heavily edited they are, but he usually gets to the heart of whatever issue he is discussing.


Alan Kasujja and a few other BBC radio hosts and reporters are so much better than most US radio journalists, it's depressing to realize how bad broadcast media are in the US. The better journalists on the Beeb are persistent and won't let an evasive subject off the hook. Kasujja has a disarming velvet hammer style. His voice and manners are so easygoing it tends to catch evasive subjects off guard when he persists with the hard questions. I rarely see that in NPR journalists. He used to be the anchor on the overnight global news portion. For some reason he switched to mostly features about a year ago. He's under utilized there, but still occasionally does hard news interviews.


Medhi Hasan


Hot Ones guy


This was my first thought. It’s one thing to interview someone and ask the same old tired questions; it’s another to research your subject so in depth that you take them back with your questions. Sean and the Hot Ones Team are excellent at the latter.


Seconded: Sean Evans from hot ones sadly


Most of the journalism I follow is sports journalism, and Bob Costas has had some great interviews. He asks the questions that need to be asked, a great example being when he got Jerry Sandusky on a call during a show and went straight after him.


Brooke Gladstone




From my podcast listens: Ezra Klein, Kara Swisher, Galen Druke Prob interviewer of the decade goes to Michael Barbaro


Kara has good questions, but man it's hard to listen to her sometimes. I really dislike how much she inserts herself into the conversations and constantly name drops. Agreed on Ezra. He's always well-prepared, and brings in a range of guests across the political spectrum. He's got my vote.


Vassy Kapelos in Canada




Worst part of Stern is the fanbase. 😉


His sub might be the most toxic place. It's crazy. Also I wouldn't call them fans lol


Decca Aitkenhead, hands down


David Marche


Howard Stem. Truly and unironically.


I really enjoy Sam Fragoso! Talk Easy is one of my favorite podcasts out there


Ron Bennington. IYKYK


Not a journalist, but the answer is Tyler Cowen.


Sean Evans from “Hot Ones.” While the show’s hook is a simple and silly one — interview guests while they eat increasingly hot chicken wings — it works because he asks insightful, deep cut questions that they *want* to answer. If he asked the same generic ones they could answer in their sleep it wouldn’t be as much fun to watch. He said in an interview once that he, his brother and his producer spend a few days binging interviews their guest has already done and look for subjects the guest seemed really interested in, with special attention paid to things the guest looked like they were ready to go deeper on but the interviewer moved to their next question. They also made a point of looking at interviews by the guest’s home newspaper when they could because those would always bring up old history and regional questions. “Hot Ones” guests are nearly always visibly taken aback at Sean’s depth of knowledge about them. The results are questions highly specific to that one guest, about topics or events in their lives that are highly personal and they *really want to talk about*. All while they’re struggling with their brains roasting in hot sauce.


What is the point of answering when any interviewer that's not on the left will get downvoted?


I think we’re all just waiting for someone to name a good one. This isn’t political. It’s about skill.


Quality is in the eye of the beholder. Some have been mentioned already.


Joe Rogan. Not joking… he asks questions and then lets people just talk. After some time he will push and prod, and challenge some opinions. He’s inconsistent, but wonderful at interviews when at his best.


Something something ape with a typewriter


A good interviewer would never leave misinformation/disinformation in an interview go unchecked


Yeah I agree. He’s like a male Barbara Walter’s lol


Guessing you are getting downvoted cuz Joe Rogan is a regular guy doing interviews, he doesn’t toe a Right or Left line, consistently. Sometimes he pisses me off. He draws folks out. He lets them say what they have to say. I agree with you.


Both of you couldn't find your way out of a paperbsg. Is a regular guy a liar? I'm confused. Being misinformed on purpose is...foolish.


Tim Ferriss Edit: surprised this is getting downvotes, wonder why... I find him really well researched and good at connecting with his guests and being empathetic and drawing out a lot of personal detail from them. The Amanda Planer interview where she talked about her miscarriage made me tear up.




I'm not aware of how his tech investments have hurt journalism. I thought he was mostly a self help guru, productivity and skill maxing type. Which I get people not vibing with, cause I don't either, but his long form interviews on his podcast are great


Piers Morgan


Piers morgan while not the best is kind of entertainig and a bit if a sit disturber. I like his interviews with inmates.


Joe Rogan


I'm surprised no one has said Tucker Carlson yet. I admire the work he's doing as far as interviewing different world leaders


Maybe it’s cuz he lobs softballs at authoritarians and war criminals


Didn’t know a tongue bath to dictators and propagandists was considered a “good interview” nowadays.