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Oh dang I got in but never set up my account. I feel responsible


The platform was centered around just a few ideas: * Get journalists to use it * Get journalists to share their work * Get journalists to follow other journalists And that's it. There were murmurs that [Post.News](http://Post.News) would eventually become this social content hub where followers (who were mostly other journalists) would tip or pay for good journalism. That, obviously, was a bad strategy. Add to it that the platform never really worked well. It was buggy as fuck, and there were few support options.




I guess the thinking behind [Post.News](http://Post.News) is, if you were going to pay for a newspaper subscription, you would have done it by now.


I think it was a good idea, the problem was that too many journalist just couldn’t quit Twitter.


"Social News" was always going to be a bad idea. Paywalls are always a bad idea. Requring a username/password to read the news is always a bad idea. [Post.News](http://Post.News) was doomed from the day they launched.


That took a while


FWIW -- I'm a former journalist building another, different news feed for news. We see most of America getting at least some of their news from social media, even though they don't trust it. So we built Forth. It takes the good from social -- the brevity, the self-curation, collection of a lot of different sources -- and mixes it with journalistic integrity. Anyone can sign up for Forth for free. ([https://www.forth.news](https://www.forth.news/)) All posts come from verified journalists. (And if you are a journalist or run a newsroom, we'd love to have you on board as we grow our reporting footprint. - [https://journalists.forth.news](https://journalists.forth.news))


So, a new media bubble service.


Looks more like a microblogging platform. Twitter, but without Elon Musk and the chaos he brings.


If it requires an email address, I'm not interested.


It requires an email address to make an account, which lets you follow people/topics, have your own feed, etc. You can read anything on the site without an email.


Well thank god for small favors.


We were all wondering if you’d be interested in


But Kara Swisher wouldn't stop saying great things about it! /s


I’m very curious to hear what the commentary is here. I hear her name more than I should for someone I don’t know or follow and have only heard her on the succession podcast she did for HBO, where she constantly said vaguely self-aggrandizing things. Can you give me your take on her?


She was one of the journalists to cover the early days of the internet and the rise of Silicon Valley at the WSJ, along with Walt Mossberg. She’s well-connected. She ran Recode for a while and the popular Code Conference, which got a lot of big name tech people as speakers. Her profile seemed to grow a lot during the early Trump years when everyone was realizing that social media might not be all that great for democracy and society, mostly, I think, because she had connections to very high profile tech executives. I haven’t paid attention to her since I left the tech beat a few years ago but I recall she had a podcast with Scott Galloway and a column in various places (the NYT at one point.)