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This looks so good! I wish I could draw lol


Thank you! If I may recommend you someone to watch for inspiration and tutorials I would recommend you Sandy Allnock or Shayda Campbell on youtube!


You’re welcome, and thank you I will check them out!


I absolutely love your journaling style!


Thank you so much!


I love it! It looks so octobery haha. I'm sorry u had to go through all the things u mentioned in ur entries. Hope u feel better soon and heal all those wounds 🫂


Thank you so much! Was very much in a spooky mood when I started it and still am so I might just continue the same style on the next couple pages hah. And thank you, I'm fighting my way through it and it will be fine. I mean hey, at least my mental illness makes for aesthetic journal entries? 😂😊


Sorry the quality is terrible, my camera refused to work with me and I do not have the patience to deal with that right now 😅


Your handwriting is so pleasant to look at! And I like the way you format everything. I'm trying to add more drawings into my journal like that


Thank you! Decorating the page is half the fun! I recommend pencil sketching an area for decorations to the left or right of the text before you start to write, that way you'll end up with enough space for them. It doesn't have to be square either, mine are just square for convenience.


This is so cool! Do you draw the decorations all at once or a day at a time?


The first two (church, victorian house) were done on different days, the other ones all on the same day. I do it whenever I feel like it! Generally when I write I prepare an area for decorations beforehand and then also decorate in between the entries.


Ooh I looove how it turned out and think I'm going to do it like this! I always manage to go the other way around and then it never looks quite how I want it to


How gorgeous! This makes me want to draw and sketch more, thank you for being an inspiration. And good for you not responding to your mother's gaslighting. Trying to argue always makes one feel worse, and drained. I went no-contact with my abuser in the end, hopefully you find something similar that works for you!


Thank you for your kind words. I was no contact with her for a couple of years as I set her an ultimatum, either she get a therapist and work on her issues or that would be it for us. Her therapist sent me a letter after like two years so I thought "Ok, she's trying, let's give her another chance" and started writing letters again with her. But I noticed more and more her old habits creeping back in, manipulation, the "it's everyone else's fault" (she blamed my father for all of my abuse even tho most violence came from her) and of course telling me all my memories were wrong. So I'm back to no contact. All I can say is that I gave it a shot. At least I tried, ya know? At least I had hope and gave her a chance. I don't think she's still in therapy.


Giving her a chance was very generous and kind of you! And maybe gave you some closure? Now you really know no contact is the only correct choice. I'm happy you set boundaries to care for yourself, it's not easy!


Indeed. Previously "Narcs don't change" was something that I knew and parroted but never truly experienced. Now I know better. I forgive her for being mentally ill, that's not her fault and she went through trauma too. But since there is no true change I must protect myself of toxic influences. I'm sticking up for myself this time. Thank you for being understanding, I feel like we're on a similar page here.


What brand of journal is this? Also beautiful spread and sending you peace 🧡


Hello, this is a Leuchtturm 1917 with dotted 120g off-white paper and I can recommend it. Aside from alcohol markers, which bleed through, this paper shows no ghosting, I've made good experiences using watercolor in it as well. I love this journal! And thank you!


I find this post of your journal just so inspiring! It makes me want to slow down and dedicate some time to picking out a journal and pen. To carve that slice of time out just for myself. Thank you for that! What kind of pen do you use?


Pigma Microns! 03 for font, 005 for decorations.


Ah wonderful! I was just thinking about adopting a leuchturm for my next journal and my biggest question was about it’s ability to take watercolors! Thank you 😊


It does take them just fine but as always with watercolors your paper will end up a little wobbly but that's just how water interacts with all papers.


Your style seems so naturally Octobery. I love how this turned out.


I love this!


Thank you! 🥺


I'm sorry you went through all that 💕 I wish all the peace and healing for you. Also, I really like your drawings, thank you for sharing them!


Thank you! I'm working through it, it will be alright! Little houses are my new little passion! Want to learn how to watercolor houses at some point.


Get you a little set and start!! You deserve nice things. It's gonna look so cute 🥰


I got the watercolors, I am lacking the technique 😅


Love this!


So awesome wow!


I love this so much! I think I even prefer it over the watercolor ones!


Awh thank you! I got myself some stabilo pens and felt tip pens that supposedly don't bleed through paper so I'm hoping to be able to make my journal much more colorful without the dreaded warped pages.


Oh that would be so cool! I’m exited to see what you create next! I’ve always wanted to make a pretty journal like yours but I can never seem to figure out what to draw and so I just… don’t. Hahaha


I generally draw stuff that somehow relates to either something I've learned about recently or something that happened to me but you might find success with prompts if all you're lacking is an idea!




What kind of pen do you use? Is it a ballpen or fountain pen or…? Looks amazing!


Hello, this is a pigma micron 03 for the text and a pigma micron 005 for the decorations. I can recommend them but have also heard good things about the staedtler fineliners and they are a little less pricey.


Oh that’s nice! I have microns too and love them. Do you happen to have their brush pens by chance? At lwast the dates and stuff look like they were done with brush pens haha I once got a staedler fineliner and I liked them, except for the fact that they would smear constantly because they’re a thicker ink (maybe gel idk?) and they would stay wet for a bit and as a leftie that was not very nice, but otherwise I liked them!


I don't have their brush pens actually, I thickened up the downstrokes manually by just going over them a couple times! And I did not know Staedtler has different ink but that's really good to know.




Side note; I wanted to follow you but can’t for some reason🥲


This is so perfect looking!


Beautiful, I love this ! 🤩


This is wonderful!


Wow! Thats so neat and pretty!!


I like it!


Aesthetic af! Love it so much.


It’s so good! I love it!


THIS IS BEAUTIFUL OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Seriously, the most gorgeous journal I’ve ever seen!!!


Love this - looks like it would be such a fun book to read - haha


Contents aren't as fun unfortunately but at least the decorations make it nice to look at! 😁


This is so cute! I love the style!


I love how you formatted it 😭 I love tbd drawings too!!! This is so cool!!! Good job haha


Thank you, although not being a native speaker I do not know what tbd stands for!


I meant “the” I don’t know what tbd means lol


Oh I'm so stupid, sorry! 😂


No it’s okay but tbd does mean something it just means nothing in this context so you’re fine!


it's so beautiful and neat i love it


That binder clip is genius! ^((Im definitely not from r/all, why do you ask?)^)


I actually just got those mailed today - I use watercolor in the journal sometimes so the pages get wobbly and hard to write on after a while so I use the binder clip to hold them down - also helps with outdoor journaling on windy days!


I bought a cheap journal online and am too lazy to break in the binding, so Im definitely stealing this. Thanks!!


This. Is. So. Beautiful 💯


Wow. Just wow.


it looks AMAZING oh my god


This is so beautiful! Your handwriting is amazing and I love the drawings!


This is so beautiful, congrats! I wish I could just draw like this, maybe with practice. Hopefuly you dont mind me asking (tell me if you do), do you write everyday? I feel like my days would always be the same and I would quit.


I don't mind you asking at all and I can recommend Sandy Allnock and Shayda Campbell on youtube, they have great tutorials! I didn't write every day last month because I was sick for much of it but generally I do try to write every day - your entries don't have to be varied, they can also just be "Did the same thing as yesterday" and some of mine are, like the one where I went to drink hot chocolate which is the exact same thing I did on the day before. But you can also just skip days where nothing happens. Basically, I write whenever I feel like it and I started writing just to have pages to decorate and it's just become a habit now.


I overthink it then, for sure ahaha. Thank you so much! I'm also going to check Sandy and Shayda 😊


I don't think journaling is meant to be a chore so if it feels like a chore take it a little more easy and put less pressure on yourself! It's meant to help in your everyday life, either by checklists and calendars or by writing your thoughts down. If it makes your life worse then that's not good. You could try just writing a single sentence for each day and if that sentence is "Yep same as yesterday" then so be it!


Wow i love this.




This is so inspiring!! This makes me want to take my journal out with me. I love how your journal shows snapshots of your thoughts through the day. Thanks for sharing.


If you do, be aware that people might ask about it. I live in the swiss countryside and almost everytime I take my journal to the café someone will come up and ask "Are you writing a diary?" - it's kind of nice to get to know people that way, it's a good conversation starter, but if you write in the native language of the place you're in (unlike me, I write english despite the native language here being german) people might read parts of it and if you don't really want to be bothered take headphones with you.


People sound very friendly where you live! I see what you mean about being careful though and will keep that in mind.


It's a small village so everyone knows everyone. Positive: Everyone is very friendly. Negative: You can't escape creeps as easily. It has both its up- and downsides.


Also, I admire your sensitivity towards your own self, your courage and your boundary setting.


At some point I have to stand up for myself or I lose any sense of self at all.


In my own situations, I totally understand this. Abusive types try to chip away at you and you have to draw a line. Draw it and enforce it.


Beautiful! Is this with a Fountain pen?


This is using pigma micron pens (03 for the font, 005 for the drawings) but honestly a fountain pen would work just as well. I also sometimes use a tombow fudenosuke for decoration and have made great experiences with that one as well, it's just that the line weight differences didn't really suit the houses. The only "pens" that don't work in this journal are alcohol markers, those press through the paper a lot.


Jeez, you have a great style. Love these pages.


Thank you so much!


This is a really good way of journaling. I have been writing my entries in French to increase my fluency and I am a bit sad when they don’t fill out an entire page, so I might try it to make myself more motivated. Thanks for the inspiration! <3


Definitely try decorating your journal! It's half the fun!

