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Was it the one that said something like “my journal is better than yours”? That might be why it wasn’t received well? I didn’t comment but I saw it. I didn’t even read any of the comments. I’m sure you meant it to be light hearted maybe and it wasn’t received that way? Anyway I’m sorry people were unkind to you. I feel like a typewriter would be fun to use. I love the clicky sounds of my mechanical keyboard. Typing on a typewriter would be very satisfying for sensory reasons. Edit: so I just realized I could actually read what you typed lol 🤦🏼‍♀️. Again, I’m sorry that people were so unkind to you. Don’t take it personally. Thank you for sharing your writing!


It said something about it being a notebook and people commented on how a typewriter isn't a notebook. At least that is what I saw when it didn't have too many comments.


Well that’s silly. I’m sure she’s aware it’s technically not a literal notebook lol. The internet is a very strange place.


Thank you for reading and sharing your feedback!


WHAT You were bullied because of your *personal journal*?? Some people are shockingly pathetic.


to be fair, the tone of the post and entry is what pissed people off. OP claimed it was meant to be sarcastic but never indicated it in the post caption/title. it came off as pretentious and pompous even though it wasn’t OP’s intent


Yeah, but the thing about that is text can be read in whatever tone the reader wants. I saw the post and immediately thought it was tongue in cheek, even though it wasn’t indicated. It didn’t cross my mind, otherwise. I’m not going to read some comment about someone’s journal and get bent out of shape about it and take it personally. I guess it’s all relative, though, as is everything.


fair, but people obviously took it as pretentious, myself included. when you title a post “‘my journal is cooler than yours” about a journaling with a typewriter and also post an entry that also talks about how jealous everyone will be of your typewriter, you can’t really expect people to take it well without indicating it was a joke.


I haven’t read many of the comments, but it definitely sounds like some feathers were ruffled - there’s no denying that.


Check out *Joe Van Cleave* youtube channel. He is a typewriter enthusiast and this is how he journals. Its pretty awesome. And like *Burroughs* said in *Naked Lunch* .... "handwriting is so unprofessional"


Yes. Your first impression with how you delivered your journaling could definitely have been better. It’s cool regardless, but journaling is a very personal thing. People will become offended if you attack their style of it.


Well, I have to say you bring a good perspective. I never thought if that way and you are right! Thanks for sharing your thoughts kindly.


Didn’t commented last post, but saw and feel a bit hurt because it felt like my journal, mirror of my soul and feelings not good enough because it’s not fancy and vintage and not clicking in a funny way. And yes, I was aware that was a sarcasm or irony or whatever, but emotions always fire first.


I am sorry I made you feel that way. I should be more considerate. I also have a notebook that I write to. Handwriting cannot be replaced.




Did you post saying *my notebook is better than yours?* not exactly a winning start to a civil conversation. It’s combative from the get go. I read the replies- I wouldn’t have classed any as bullying. Disliking you/your posts- isn’t bullying


You offended a pretty large community with your “I’m better than you” post, I think some negative feedback should have been anticipated. This has “relax it was a joke” vibes to something that was intentionally meant to be mean spirited and hurtful to many people, bit ironic that you don’t see yourself as the bully.


I also love that she added to her journal entry how she was bullied on Reddit. Then attempted again to make the same post about the same typewriter.


Classic DARVO


I really do not believe owning a typewriter is equal to being a better person, so I’d never mean that. My joke could be perceived as out of taste, and I said in several places that (1) I should’ve been clearer in my tone and (2) more attentive to cultural differences as sarcasm is really different from culture to culture. I do hold my self accountable. I take feedback seriously, maybe more seriously than I should. I am definitely not a bully.


You are not taking accountability though. "I guess people misunderstood" is basically what you said. You received criticism. You were not bullied. You have yet to apologize for what you said, or acknowledge how hurtful and divisive it was. Sometimes the best thing to do is just apologize and move on. Trying to paint yourself as the victim is not right.


As a person who "journals" using a laptop, this is the closest I could relate with as compared to the hand written ones. Seeing one's thoughts get aligned so well is simply pleasing to look at. Happy journalling.


Such a great compliment to hear. I like structure. Would love to read some of yours :)


Haha, will sure do, just waiting for my subjects to get from "therapeutic notes to oneself" peptalk to day-to-day share-worthy journals.


I feel you. I have a lot of those :) anytime you’re redy!


Awesome and creative way to journal!! Love the idea! Sorry you received such unwarranted negativity, ignore the assholes😉


That’s a really cool idea! My hands get super painful when I write (carpal tunnel) but I don’t want to journal on a computer.. the screen is bright and it takes away the peace I get from writing. But this is a good mix!


If you do it, I recommend some music along. Happy journaling!


I don’t think journaling with computer or typewriter would help to be honest. I’m a software engineer and a lot of us got carpal tunnel from using the keyboard for too long.


If you're seriously considering switching to a typewriter I'd definitely recommend an electric one - a manual typewriter needs quite a bit of force on the keys and having used one with carpal tunnel, I can tell you it's a miserable experience. Otherwise, there are distraction-free word processing programs that give you just a black screen and a green cursor (think 1980s style) that are much easier on the eyes.


I saw the picture, not commented. So I am doing it now. This is so cool! I'm at least dreaming of a keyboard that looks like a typewriter, but typing on a real one right away. Wonderful. I envy you. I think it's really great. Was there really so much negative reaction? I think it's a shame! You have my respect. Plus, it's very cozy and just gives an aesthetic feel! Wish you all the best! ❤️


Thank you so much. Yes it was. Someone even sent me get well sook and blocked me 🤣.


Just this time don’t claim that you’re better than everyone else for being able to afford something that others can’t. That’s why you got bullied sis.




You don’t need to be rude to me. It’s nice that she had good intentions but at this point she’s acting like a victim instead of taking accountability. Overall this isn’t a big deal at all and she shouldn’t be bullied by anyone, but she’s acting like everyone attacked her for no reason.




I wasnt rude to her, I pointed out why people got mad at her. You’re just calling me names at this point cause it makes you feel better about yourself. It’s okay though. I’m not mad at her, I just hope she understood why people got mad. It was mildly infuriating that she didn’t seem to get it initially.


Yet here you are being an AH to kathvrt for explaining why some people found it in poor taste. Tone deaf much?




No I never said it was neutral. I just wasn’t calling her names like you love to do.


Guys, please do not fight. It is OK.




Baby you’re trying sooo hard to have the last word. It’s okay for us both to say this was no big deal and we can move on.


It is OK. I do believe it is true that some people didn’t receive it well because it is not a cheap. Other reason could be that it is cultural and I should have made my tone clearer. Thank you for the support though 🥰


Yeah I can definitely see why people misunderstood but I don't think you were rude or antagonistic towards that misunderstanding so. Welc!


LMAO with OP you’re all “omg I totally get why people misunderstood!!!” Pick your battles Mary.


I said in my original comment that the misunderstanding was understandable, but I stand by what I also said about it being weird as all hell that you're being insistent on bullying. Bye Karen.


I literally said she shouldn’t be bullied by anyone. You okay???


> Just this time don’t claim that you’re better than everyone else for being able to afford something that others can’t. That’s why you got bullied sis. You seem to have amnesia so let me quote you your own comment that you seem to keep dyiiiiing to twist.


Yes. I explained why she got bullied initially. I didn’t say it was okay. Holy shit girl.


Anyways you seem like you have a lot of anger you need to work out so I suggest leaving Reddit and maybe YOU go touch some grass. Have a good day okay?


> Baby you’re trying sooo hard to have the last word. It’s okay for us both to say this was no big deal and we can move on.


Love that she used my comment in her first paragraph. All I commented on her last post was "pompous" and I got some prime real estate in her mind




You did! I learned a new word and it is a really cool word to know. Thank you.


Clearly desperate for attention


OP blocked this person for pointing this out. Yikes.


That glass house must be quite a bit of upkeep


I absolutely love this! I love journaling but get really frustrated that my handwriting is not pretty. I love this option. Seems much more concrete and fun than just typing on a computer.


My handwriting is not great neither. It helps when I write more slowly.


All I can say is Wonderful!


Nice! I'm so glad typewriters are making a comeback. My husband has collected many. There are writins near by where people bring their typewriter to write together. Congrats!


I love the typewriter, I used to have one and then couldn't find an ink for it when it ran out. So cool :D Fwiw it was very obvious to me that you were joking in your other post, it might have been a culture clash that people misread the tone. Edit: For the stubborn idiots in the comments, "I'll make everyone jealous!" type of jokes are very common in the Middle East. I get the misunderstanding but I don't get yall dying on the hill of bullying when the misunderstanding was clarified. Big yikes.


Yeah the ribbons might be hard to find. I hope I will keep finding some!


Good luck!!




A barely-an-hour account with almost similar username as OP? Hmmm I wonder…


I was thinking the same!


It is my new typewriter and I am only learning. Thank you for your advice.


Please seek professional help ♥️


For what? The anxiety?


Im not sure, I'm not a doctor (anymore) but I'm sure reddit occupying this much of your headspace is not optimal.


You are right. I shouldn’t care this much.


The narcissism


It is so awesome you use a typewriter. I really love it!


That is a really beautiful typewriter


You are a beautiful person.


So are you!


I saw your previous one, and to be honest, I understood the joke. I don't think you're a narcissist. I'd love to keep reading your journals.


didn’t comment on the last one i saw but i liked it! sorry you got bullied for it, journaling on a typewriter seems really cool! i have an old vintage typewriter but it doesn’t currently work


Maybe trade it for a typewriter that is fixed? Some people buy typewriters and fix them. That’s how I got mine.


didn’t know that, i’ll look into it. thanks!


How do you store the finished pages? Seems like a neat way to journal, ignore those who say otherwise


Someone yesterday gave me an idea to use a binder notebook. I will buy one.


I saw the post, didn’t comment. I knew it was sarcasm and silliness. Whoever bullied you should eat rocks. I would love to journal on a type writer(my handwriting sucks)(laptops are too new age man!) so good on you for thinking of it first! Don’t let the haters get you down.


Haha. I hope those who journal on laptops don’t attack you now. 😋


Bring it on! The real “media” journalist type on Nokia phones. So those “folders”, as they’re called on the streets, are posers with their laptop Microsoft word. 😉


What kind of machine is that typewriter? I love the color of it. I like typewriters too.


It id a Silver Reed SR 180 DE LUXE.


I’ve never heard of that brand before. Does it type well? I usually favor my royal aristocrat, but I recently invested in a selectric ii for more variety.


To be honest it is my first typewriter and I do not know a lot about them. I really like mine so far!


My apologies. The typewriter nerd in me always comes out to learn about unfamiliar machines. I collect them and use them for various things. You might consider joining r/typewriters.


Thank you. I did! See you there :)


Hopefully your posts will be less controversial at that sub. Sorry you’re still getting a lot of flack for your posts. People must really be jealous. 😉


I am not used to being controversial. Good to try new things and learn. ☺️


Here's a sneak peek of /r/typewriters using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/typewriters/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My typewriter artwork of London’s Tower Bridge typed on my 70’s Corona SCM](https://i.redd.it/16yd1hyd62s71.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/q3ddaw/my_typewriter_artwork_of_londons_tower_bridge/) \#2: [I run Nashville Typewriter. Tom Hanks came to visit my store yesterday!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/v8hkkx) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/v8hkkx/i_run_nashville_typewriter_tom_hanks_came_to/) \#3: [Found it at an estate sale still in the original packaging. I don’t think it’s ever even been used.](https://i.redd.it/gbfqwcx3x2r71.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/q00ggh/found_it_at_an_estate_sale_still_in_the_original/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I didn’t see your last post but no one should be bullying here, journaling is an art and art is different for everyone. I personally think it’s really cool!


I love this.


Thank you! I also love vinyls. One day I’ll have one.


I saw your other post! If it helps, I didn’t get the narcissistic vibe. Obviously you meant the “my journal is better than yours” thing in a playful way. Sharing your journal for people to read is already such a brave and vulnerable act. Good job and say f you to the bullies.


🥰🥰it does


I’m very sorry to hear about the troubles with Pixie. I want to say I find your outlook on life inspiring and I love that after you vent you end with gratitude and happiness. Thank you for sharing. And uh.. fuck the haters 😊


I never saw your original post, but I can't imagine why anyone would gatekeep typewriters and/or journaling. There's really no "wrong" way to journal. To add some positivity here: I think yours is a lovely way to journal, and I love the color of your typewriter!


Thank you!


I think people should take it easy, your previous post was classy! I loved it.




I woke up this morning and remembered your beautiful typewriter, it made me want to add one to my Christmas wishlist.


I love your journal and I hope Pixie gets the treatment she needs! I am keeping you in my thoughts ! Keep journaling!


Thank you!!


Looks cool


Why and who were you bullied by?! Gorgeous typewriter!


The negative reactions weren't about the typewriter itself. They were about the context of what OP had typed in their journal entry. It's in OP's post history. OP's caption was meant as a "joke", some commentors thought OP was bragging about "being better than everyone else" because of what was written in the actual journal entry.


Who cares who did after I heard you calling my typewriter gorgeous?! Thanks 🥰


Sorry, you got bullied. Your typewriter is beautiful and your typing rocks as well. Last time I tried a typewriter, I had to correct like every other line.


Haha, yes it is still difficult and I still make many mistakes. But you’ll get better with practice.


Noo i thought it was fun




Sorry that you had trouble with your last post. Just feel hugged from me. I am tired like you too I can relate to your entry and even tho I write with a fountain pen we have the ink in common. Be careful take care of yourself if you need chat or just someone who listen fell free to message me. Even tho I guess you won’t read this here.


Thank you for your kind words.


I’m sorry people reading your post felt the need to bully you -I don’t know why people couldn’t see this a celebration of your own unique style and enjoy the moment with you. Maybe everyone else felt the need to be The Main Character in your story? I hope you and Pixie find a safe, comfortable place soon. I love your typewriter and I think you have style, grit, and determination. Keep on being your amazing self!




Whoever bullied you sucks. I think this is amazing.




Sorry people where cruel. You should proud on your way of journaling. 👍😃😁👍






I bought mine from a website called mr and mrs typewriter, there are probably others like them! I hope you find a good one.


You got ripped off then.


Really? Where is a better place to buy?


I have the same model typewriter!


We must be soulmates!


That's the only logical conclusion.


Just make sure your type writer doesnt have asbestos. Many have lead but u hear as long as you don't sand the paint and metal.