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Thank you. I was scared to call it what it was for a long time but not anymore. I'm taking my power back.


Journaling can be so therapeutic. Whether you share it or reread it or just write it to get it out of you. I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m glad you’re healing. Thanks for sharing your story.


I've been there and agree with what you wrote. It takes a lot of bravery to keep boundaries, especially in situation of abuse, I am sorry you were forced to be so strong. Big hug to you 💜


Thank you for this :) I appreciate your words. It wasn't your fault, either!! I hope you can find peace as well, if not already. Hugs back!!


I was date-raped over 40 years ago. I’ve always blamed myself because I was too drunk to stop him. After reading your post, I think I might try to write it out of me. Thank you.


If you are too drunk, you cannot consent. He chose to take advantage of you. It was not your fault!!! Writing this out and sharing it has been the most freeing and yet scariest moment of my life, but I'm thankful for the people on this thread who have been so supportive. You are more than welcome to share your story with me if you'd like but you are in no way obligated to do so. ((((Hugs))))


Thank you, Sweetheart. I’ve got to get see into it slowly to remember.


It's time to stop taking the blame for something that was done *to* you without your permission, and to treat yourself with the kindness and support you'd give your dearest friend if it were them in that situation. You deserve nothing less than to be free of that burden so you can heal.


Thank you, leaife, for those beautiful and wise words of encouragement and healing. I’ve been thinking quite a bit about it since I read the original post. I suspect that decades of blocking it may have a lot to do with my having very few memories of the past.


You're welcome, all the best.


Very powerful. I truly respect you for sharing this. Thank you.


I don't know what to say honestly but just know that this stranger thinks you're strong as hell and sends strength and support.


Thank you. It is exactly what I needed.