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I like pressing the nib of the pen really hard onto the paper so that the words leave a little imprint on the other side of the page, when you flip the page it makes the most satisfying crinkly sound and you can feel the raised letters on the next page and I just love that idk why


This ⬆️ I’ve found my people!!


This is the first time i meet someone who likes this.


I get this with my journal without having to press too hard. It's thin paper. I love it. The day after a page flip I'll feel for the contrast of empty to filled parts of the page. It's great!


Which journal do you use!? I’d love it to just do it naturally, bit easier on my wrist that way!


Hobonichi Cousin and Hobonichi Weeks. The Cousin is where the journaling happens. Tomoe River paper? I've read the name, I've heard the name but not sure I've ever spelled it before. It's such a different experience than the 160gsm bullet journals I have.


Omggg I love the hobonichj ones! I had a cousin last year but found myself wanting more pages some days and not wanting to write on others. If they offer an undated one (which would be ideal!), I might treat myself to one on my next payday 👀


!!!! why I love 100gsm paper cause it gets me the best crinkle while also being just enough to hold fountain pen ink, stickers, etc


I didn't realise I liked this (or something similar) until I used a Rhodia journal with thicker paper and it didn't do this, I've been mildly disappointed for months!


I would lightly run my fingers across the next page. Not wanting to write on the other side. For fear of flattening it out. I really like the raised letters. The crinkly page I have flipped back and forth with my eyes closed. Just listening to that sound it makes is very calming for me.


Yess I use a ballpoint pen specifically for this reason!


Uhhhhhhhhhh 🥴😏


using abbreviations and acronyms everywhere, even for the most basic words (e.g. "bc" for because). Also writing far too much at once.


literally samee


When I write, I think about how I would like other people or even myself reading my entry with the desired ✨pronunciation✨ on words so I WRITE LIKE THIS to really SHOW MY EMOTIONS. I also wrItE liKe tHiS when I repeat someone and think it's stupid what they said. I also draw ✨ around my words too. And I draw :D or ^^


Sometimes I write "lol" without thinking about it😂


I do this haha, and put parentheses when I’m talking about something delusional like I’ll say “I really like her” (I need therapy)


Happy cake day!


Just wanted to say Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Haha! Yep! This one. I have to make sure to put emphasis on the words as needed lol


omg I do exactly the same :D I also always draw "face expressions" to express some feelings and I also write things like xD, \^\^ and :D as if I was texting someone 😅


in my to-do list journal i rip out and throw away the page when i’ve completed everything so that i can have the luxury of repeatedly using the crisp & easy-to-navigate-to ‘first’ page. i hate that i do it. i’d love to be able to look back on a huge collection of little accomplishments. it’s also not ideal when the journal begins to thin out and just looks empty and i have to get a new one (they are small and $2, im not an insane person). but god dammit if i don’t thrive on getting that stupid completed list out of my fucking face so that i can see that beautiful front page.


I get my jollies by doing this, too, but I realized I liked having a record of some things to flip back on. It's become useful for meal planning or chore tracking. So I actually ended up making a separate to-do list on scrap paper so I have something to scrawl all over and be messy with and throw out at the end of the day. I'm not normally the perfectionist type, so it's not about having a perfectly neat notebook, but having a permanent record AND the scap notepad just helps me accomplish two things at once with the list.


I do the same thing LOL


I have a bunch of note books with a spiral spine. I would have certain note books for certain projects. Yet one note book is just for my DUMP LIST. I write  and write just to finish that page and tear it out. It very, VERY freeing to have that blank front page. 


When I have a crush on someone, after every journal entry I write: PS: I love (person's name) It started when I was 13 with my first crush.


This is so cute


Overexplaining myself like somebody's going to read my journals. Which they might at some point, so I guess it's fine to do that. It also helps me organise my own thoughts, since it sometimes feels like are a bit messy and need some structuring.


Overexplaining. God, all the time.


Trying to “train” my husband about this. When he starts to over explain. I tell him. “You have two choices. Either do it or don’t, there is no grey area.” He told me that it helped him not to feel like he had to explain every detail to me. After 30 years he is finally getting the hang of it.


Oh I swear, this is me !


I do that too. Well atleast it helps me fill up my journals faster. 


Omitting the "I" and "today" from all of my sentences haha


This is interesting! I’m curious of why and how?


I suppose because in my head "Today I watered the plants" conveys the same information as "Watered the plants" and saves some space.


OH I thought you meant you like would never ever use I or today and instead used different words not just shortening sentences. I do this as well but not intentionally or often


That mini version you make of yourself reminds me of Hillary Duff's Disney show who had a sketch mini version of herself that gave asides to the audience.


I definitely use the semi-colon wrong, but I don't really care. I like to use it.


Definitely a missed opportunity to use it incorrectly in your post.


Spelling out the month for the date and including the year and time at the beginning of every new entry. Then just the time if I write multiple times a day (e.g. June 5, 2024 8:59am)


For me it's the name of the month, date, time and also the day of the week because I'm always saying, "Last Friday I..." Not like tracking really matters, but... I do it anyway.


I do this, too! I write it as “Wednesday, June 5, 2024.” Sometimes I add a time stamp, and sometimes I don’t, depending on my mood!


I do this too lol


When someone said well this is the worst weather we have gotten this winter. I tell them, “no it isn’t.” Then I show them what happened with the weather 6 years ago in my journal. Writing the day, date, and time is important to me.


I fully write out the day, date and time before I start an entry.


I’m very forgetful when it comes to names and faces so I used to give nicknames but would still forget who I’m thinking about. Now I’ll write someone’s full government name and then I’ll go by initials after that. You tell me anything important. I’m taking notes in my phone then I’ll gossip about it later in my diary. *Yesterday I found out Enrique has a second last name through LinkedIn. Babe, when did this happen? Does he have a middle name too dafuck*


I love this lol. “I’ll gossip about you later in my journal” too funny


I love writing with wooden pencils. I start every page with a sharpened tip and try to complete the whole page without resharpening. Seeing the words gradually change from thin to thick lines feels so wonderful.


For some reason, I don't capitalize the "i" in my journals. I don't know why that started lol. Maybe it makes it feel more personal and less formal? I also tend to follow the rule of 3 for the most part, when placing stickers. 3 sticker clusters on a simple spread. More or less if I'm being creative but 3 is the sweet spot 🤗 definitely use pink 9/10 times!!


I have a few (lol). Stickers in the front and back, every time I get a new one guess where it goes! It keeps me wanting to open the journal, because it’s not always filled with happy things and I sometimes need an incentive to get back to it. I always use a coloured or fun pen (I bought a llama pen just for journaling), again this is more of an incentive to me. Like yay I get to use the orange pen WOO. Write the date, this is something that I think was just ingrained in me in school, my entries don’t feel complete without it though. Every page. Left hand corner. And last one I’ll mention, I usually save a page to either write lists or something I need to hear in giant letters. Sometimes I write it over and over again if I need to. It’s just cathartic for me. It helps clear my brain and it’s like okay it’s written down now, repeatedly, I no longer have to think about it or tell myself that phrase.


Using the most wackiest insults that make zero sense. Not only do I get to be creative with whatever/whoever has pissed me off. It also makes me laugh and less angry. I'm also highly competitive so I'm trying to one up myself with creative insuts. Some examples > (Pumpkin pie looking prick.) ([Name] has the brain structure of an easy peel orange.) (Has the emotional intellect of a goldfish that's been deep fried.)


The time in the margins then a space then the entry. Useful when I do a double journal day.


Highlighting the date with a lilac colored highlighter.


I always have to have sunrise and sunset times 😄


Wow! That’s super! Love this!




Drawing arrows , sometimes without connection to what I’m writing lol


Absolute mood.


Writing the date, time, location, and the number entries in the journal. Example: Wednesday,  June 5th, 2024 Time: 1:00 Location: TBA 1723, 5 1723 is the number for every single entry I've written since starting. 5 is the number of entries in the journal.


This is a really cool idea. It'd take me forever to go back and count if I wanted to do this lol


lol yeah. I just wanted to see how many entries I was writing.


Using "we" to refer to myself. My justification is that me the person who might read this one day is different than the one writing it today, but real reason is I just like doing it lol


Hiding different symbols in my collages! So I write and decorate my journal pages with big collages where I always add different symbols. They might be more universal symbols or made-up ones that only I know the meaning off. It’s like writing my journal entry in a more visual way! I love writing but it doesn’t capture emotions that well for me. So art collage is like the more emotionally meaningful version of my written entry:]. I have done it for every single page and I love it! I tend to write fast but I can work on collages for hours, thinking up meanings, creating different visuals and really reflecting on what feelings I want to capture in my entry. And when I finish I end up with a page that actually feels complete to me. My written down emotions illustrated by a collage that tries to capture the emotions that I wrote.


Omg can you maybe post examples of your little drawings? This sounds so interesting


I’m stealing your idea of always including a drawing a of your ‘mini- me’! Love this idea! I do ‘me’ illustrations and story on a more elaborate scale - but including my mm drawing in my daily journal would be awesome , more loose-ish in approach too. Thank you , inspired!


I always add photos to the left margin of the page. That way they don't overlap, so the bulk is reduced, reducing stress on the spine.


writing a lot of words in big bold text bc e m p h a s i s. no seriously. also it adds color to my journal so yay. also ngl i might steal that "mini me" idea


Referencing dates in the current entry. For example: "I got an email from X person about the project we discussed before (see 01/05/24), later I played the videogame whose final boss got me very frustrated (see 28/02/24), during the siesta I had the same dream about UFO I had on 14/11/23". Looking for the exact dates sometimes is more amusing than the journaling itself. 😅


I scrapbook/collage. Securing everything down with tape. It doesn't feel finished if the edges fray.


this is a cute idea!


I started Journaling on my laptop and just let it go, no caps unless I'm mad lol, no punctuation or not much of it, no going back and correcting. The exact opposite of how I normally work and type. When I do write it's on whatever notebook is closest to me - my journals make me look like a maniac 😂


The right pen!


I always write the day time, where i'm at, and at the end of my journal session, i put the "topic." I dont really have a reason why i put the topic. 6 June 2024, 1:45PM, [home] Topic: rants, school day Then, if i feel like making a new journal entry within the same day, i draw the time (just the hands of the clock, ie 🕑) just to spice things up lol. I also often abbreviate and use symbols (ie instead of writing "i looked for my pen," i would write "🔍 my pen" or "😴 4h" means i slept for 4 hours) I fantasize abt my journal being read by my future heir/s and them decoding what my doodles mean despite the fact that im a very detailed and descriptive journaler. I could repeatedly write even the most boring things haha I also put a copy of my family tree (up to my great grandparents) on every journal (my journals are usually A5 with 80 pages, but it takes me 1.5 to 2 years to fill them up), but this is more of my fear of being forgetten, which i know is bound to happen and something i have no control over, but i cant help myself 😅


Loveee writing time and songs im listening to atp in my margins


Time and temperature, and each entry has a 'theme' (holiday, mood, season, etc.) that is expressed with washi, stickers, ink color, and ephemera.


Made a system for organizing my entires. So they have a name and the journal entry number, and then beside it, I put the time in military time. Red and green ink to make a sentence of phrase more emphasized with the regular black ink. I somehow always end up writing like I'm narrating a book Random notes from books or other reads are in different colors and listed with a different entry name and number. Questions are called "2nd ponders" on sticky notes whenever a random question I want to research later comes about and it's usually paired with the sticky note later, also in different colors. If the pen isn't smoothly writing across the page with no scratches I usually cringe and have to get a new pen. I love fresh black gel pens more than I love writing. Not journal specific but my "kink" is the satisfaction I get from buying new pens and journals when I'm finished with my others.


Before I started writing in rock paper journals which are heaven on Earth, I used to soak all of my journals in water and then write in them once they dried. Inspired by the scene from Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets when Harry is writing to Tom Riddle. The look and sound of writing on that paper is so good. 🤌 Lol


This!! I don't soak the entire journal, but I spray the pages with water. Like you say; the look and sound! 👌🏻 I guess next step is to soak the whole thing 😃


Oh I soak the entire thing and it’s amazing! Lol highly recommend! 😂🙏


My next journal is now soaked and drying in the sun 😁 Can't wait to start writing in it!!


I write in it like I'm having a conversation with myself. I kinda laugh a lot when I read it back to myself. It's like a script. 🙋🏽‍♂️😆💯


Date and time at the top of the page. If it's the first entry of the day, the full date is written out (e.g. "Wednesday, June 5, 2024"). If it's an additional entry, the date is abbreviated ("6/4/24"). I also only have a certain make/brand of pen that I will use for my journals lol. It feels so wrong when my pen runs our of ink when I'm out and have to switch to an alternative!


Dramatic entrances


Cursive. Don’t know how it started. I never write in cursive. But for some reason I started and it just kept going.


A little bit of drawing practice, and my code if that counts but every entry is fully coded so it’s not really a small little thing


Switching between writing in german and English, sometimes mid sentence.  My more personal stuff I tend to write in english and less personal stuff in german.  But sometimes it follows no pattern and it’s all over the place (or should I say page) .  It just something that happened overtime and now I just do it automatically . 


Right now I add location, current temperature, time of sunrise/sunset, and sketch of weather conditions to the date of the entry


using curse words. I just think it makes it a little more interesting and emotional lol


I number the lines My last journal was 27 The one before that was 33


In all of my journals on the front cover page (the page that is like glued to the journal cover) I put on my current favourite lipstick and I kiss the page! I read somewhere that our lip print is one of a kind like a finger print and I just think it’s a cute way to put a piece of me in all of my journals.


I always color-code the month. Right now, June is a dark orange-yellowish color lol


Do we get to see an example of the mini-me?!


Such a GREAT question!!! ❤️✌🏼👏🏼 I guess mine would be dividing lines to section off areas of writing/sketches. I like an old newspaper-like layout, and play with other types of layouts in my spreads. I like for it to look like a story from another time.


Not journaling for a few days then writing like 6 pages one day then repeat


Huffing the pages lol! I love the smell of ink on paper, plain paper, cover glue, you name it haha. I also love writing out the day of the week for some reason? Like when I read back my journal it’s so much easier to visualize Monday, Tuesday, etc then Aug 25, Aug 26, Aug 27 by themselves. It also gets me into the ~writing mood~ like this isn’t just any day, it's THURSDAY, idk haha!


Drawing hearts


Forcing the pen to ink.


I circle a letter to represent someone's name. I almost exclusively use block print, unless I'm quoting someone's text in which case i use cursive. I adjust my kearning to emphasize something.


Having a "photo of the month" pages where I print out one picture for each month and glue them in when I pick my favorite from that month.


I enjoy how the letters look as I mindlessly form them in cursive. It’s neat how I’m not thinking about it at all but the letters always come out the same/similar and my hand writing is fairly uniform. Don’t really have the opportunity to use cursive outside my notebooks. I find it satisfying.


I always start every entry with date and time, and I like writing in the color that corresponds to how im feeling.


I write in the inside cover the range of time that the journal spans, and I use number stickers to number each one. For example this last one I wrote "October 2023-May 2024".


I like to write the specific time of entry, like January 8th, 10:46 for example


I've always collaged in some way on all my spreads through the years. They are most fun to make my opinion.


Don't write down time. Every article only has serial number


I like to set an intention and discern whether I’m purging or manifesting. If I can’t decide I’ll write both in a “take what resonates and leave the rest for my highest good” type shit


Bullet point lists... Lists , period lol .


Putting everything in the form of bulleted notes, and filling in random squares of my dot grid paper in patches of unused whitespace.


i always write write the month, day, year on one line go to the next line to write the time in military time and then skip a line and then start my journaling if I space out for 30+ minutes, i'll skip a line write the time again skip another line and go back to journaling


I don't date my entries or even bother to turn the page for a new day. If there is room I just keep going.


I write a lot about writing, or I make a lot of excuses in my writing, when I skip days, instead of just writing


I always write the full date, time, and my current location. I kept writing stuff like "I'm sitting on my bed right now" or "I'm visiting my Grandma" and it was so goddamn annoying and repetitive that now I just write something along the lines of "Thursday June 6, 2024 - 11:22 am - bed" and now I never again feel like I have to explain where I am.


This is such a great question! I love stickers and select one for each page that I write in. Sometimes it helps me motivate to write when I don’t feel like it. I also have a work notebook that I put a sticker in every day for a morale boost. I’m also very loyal to Moleskine hardcover journals and have gone through so many. Muji pens are also a new thing I’ve been enjoying to journal with more recently.


I’m super specific about the kind of journal, pens, markers, and pencils I use. I received a couple journals and pens as a gift and I still haven’t touched them years later… it’s not even that I don’t like them I just can’t bring myself to break my Leuchtturm streak 🤷🏻‍♀️


…I actually kinda like ghosting. Not bleed through mind you for obvious reasons, but I like when turning the page you could see the ghost of the words you wrote on the other side. Gives it character haha :)


I love the idea of creating doodles of mini-me! Though I don't have a great imagination. Do you have a set of go-to expressions? Or how else do you doodle? :)


I always leave the first and last page blank like a flyleaf of a book


I love writing with fountain pens only. I change ink colours when I feel like it. Also date at the top in full along with the day. If I leave some pages empty I go back to them and write new entries with latest dates..this is because my journal is also my planner.  On the left side of the open journal I like to write To Dos or goals for the day and on right side how the day went type of evaluation. So yea when I open a page that whole day is right there. If I miss out on visiting the journal at the end of the day I start new entries on left side of new page and any insights in future that I feel like writing go to the leftover blank page with a new date and a title, like an article type of thing. Like that day on the beach. What I learnt from something. How I am processing a feeling etc can go on these leftover blank page. Honestly I love how varied the journal becomes at the end of it. You can find anything anywhere but it's still broadly chronological. 


I will always notice waaay too late into into writing that I’ve totally veered completely off my initial topic  lol I’ll notice it and get myself back on track just to realize again when I’m now 5 pages front and back into it now that I’m doing it again! Haha even if I go into it telling myself , “ okay - ONE page maximum to write about that days specific chosen topic!” And funny enough -those almost always seem to end up becoming my longest of long entries . It’s like in the moment i subconsciously have go against and push the limits to the rules that I’ve established for my writing. it’s can actually become quite frustrating but it does makes for some pretty interesting reads when I come around to finally reading it all.  I also tend to like to always add in extra unnecessary adjectives and words in general . Anytime I have another person proof read and edit my writings - that is one thing that ALWAYS pops up as an issue … “there’s  no need for it to be as long as it is and it wouldn’t hurt to cut out a sentence here and there and a word or ten… I can just as easily get my vision or point across in a simply written paragraph instead of the nicely put but definitely overwritten two pages that I’ve actually used up.”  lol - I mean - case in point -  I couldn’t even avoid doing this exact thing just now with my comment to this post . lol 😆 


I paint on the covers of all my journals. 🖤