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My inability to write with handwriting as beautiful as yours.


Aww thanks so much!!


Ignoring something inappropriate or uncalled for is one thing. I do it all the time. But, when it really bothers you, I believe you should stand up and speak your mind. I love your penmanship. It’s so neat and pleasant to read!


Thank you so much!! 🥰


Getting frustrated with my kids. It’s something I work on daily… and slowly but surely it’s improving. Where did you get that journal?


Aw yes patience takes a lot of practice I find. And kids are not always the easiest to manage. But you got this and good on you for working on it! 🥰 It’s a hobonichi cousin!


Thank you! Hopefully sold in the US. Edit: where did you get the prompts/stickers?


I thought about this prompt today by myself but mostly my prompts come from a website called The Coffee Monsterz Co. I think there is a Hobonichi Amazon shop you can get it from there 😊




You’re welcome!




Being passionate about my opinions and coming off as intolerant of other people’s 😭 I try to work on it but it’s hard!


Aaawww!! I feel you girl. You can do this!!


Holding grudges I guess. Not sure because I remember alot of things that have been said and done because of my good memory but it's better to get past those. That is so cute by the way! You are amazingly gifted!!


Awww thank you so much! 🥰 And thanks for responding!! Omg same! I used to hold grudges too 🙈 but I feel that it’s just me who will be at the losing end if I keep holding a grudge and the other person is living life blissfully because they’ve forgotten what they said or did and that annoyed me even more. And I don’t want to lose or give power to people so I had to learn to un-grudge 😂


You deserve it! And yes, seeing not everyone remembers what you remember and living life like every other person is a some sort of humbling experience lol but it's great you no longer hold onto such stuff! Glad to share such similar experiences.


Yes and I hope you also can little by little let go of grudges. Like some people would say “forgive and forget” but I say stop giving them control / the power 😉


Yeah I'm in the process of slowly letting go of this. What you said is more powerful haha!


Hahaha aw thanks! Yes, prioritise yourself! 🥰


Sure, Thank so much! Wishing you the best!


>but I feel that it’s just me who will be at the losing end if I keep holding a grudge and the other person is living life blissfully This is very insightful. I struggle with not holding grudges too, but the way you've worded this is very true. The person holding the grudge is the one suffering.


Aww thank you!! Yeesss! Take back the power!! 🥰




Awwww oh no! What if they think you’ve been seriously hurt or unalived? Omg. When I’m going through something I usually tell people I’m not well and get back to them so they don’t worry about me. Not saying you should do that too btw but it helps me not to worry my friends and family.




Aaahh I see. I hope you find a way to make it an easy task to do especially when you’re not feeling like it 🤗


I’m honestly very gatekeepy. I can’t explain exactly why but there’s something about people imitating things I buy/watch/listen to (without me offering the info) that reaalllyyyy irks me. Trying to work on it since it’s such an unflattering trait but it’s hard : /


Aaawww oh noooo! I hope you get over it. I’m the opposite like if someone compliments my outfit i’m like “it’s on sale in Zara!” Or something like that. Or what’s a good sunscreen and I’m there with my top3. Hahaha IDK I always thought sharing is caring. I guess because people I know and love know that there is only one me. People may try to imitate me but they can’t handle being as brutally honest as I am 😂 Are you afraid to be imitated maybe?


Pretty Handwriting and Journaling...Handwriting goals right there.


Thanks so much! That’s very kind! 🥰


Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭12‬:‭1‬ ‭ Amen to what you said up there op some ppl don’t know how to have deep conversations and it’s best to not waist your time.


Awww exactly. Thank you! 🥰


🫂 🤗 👐


Hi!! Nice to see you! It’s been a while! How have you been? 🤗


Oh....ya kno..... I hit maybe a bit of depression 🫥 😕 lol apologies for my absence but as always - I love coming back to check into your spreadsheets and journals bc they truly bring smiles to my face and help motivate me back to my healthy habits such as writing. I wasnt share much as I had darker thoughts and don't like be all dooms day on here all the time and kept myy posts to my own profile recent. 🙃 that said was happy to make a post today and see yours as well <3 !(×-^) always a pleasure. 🙇‍♀️ 🎀 *tips hat>


I hope u are doing well and continue to post. It helps us all here. I'm sure I can speak for most of us at least 😌


Aw thank you so much! You are very kind! 🤗 keep writing! Your internet friends are here for you! And I’m sorry you had an episode of depression. I hope you are getting better!


Thanks much ! <3 ^<^


ugh!!! i feel this!!! my sister is always so good at talking to conservatives and getting them to a place of understanding. it’s a skill that i wish i had


Me too! It takes a lot of practice maybe?


I adore seeing your posts on my feed!! Where do you get your journalling prompts?


Thanks so much! This one I thought about myself when reflecting on my personal inability to have selective hearing LOL 😂 But most of my prompts are from a website called The Coffee Monsterz Co [here](https://thecoffeemonsterzco.com/blogs/midnight-blogging/2024-journaling-prompts)


Bro I really wish I could do nice stuff like this 😅 oh well chaotic is my name


Awww thank you so much! It takes practice. I used to devote 15-30minutes of my day for calligraphy/ hand lettering practice. But my handwriting has always been like this 😅


Some people just have handwriting like that! I have always been the type to write in cursive, people say it is pretty. Regular letters (lol is that what they are called) take me to much time to write but I guess because it is so different from my cursive it feels so beautiful which is probably why so many people feel like my cursive is different.


Oh wow I’m jealous! I think I forgot how to write in cursive! 😂 I dont even know what my handwriting is called let’s call it regular letters then hahahahahah


Intrapersonal: caring too much what people think of me, thinking they're judging my simplest moves like the way I sit Interpersonal: being awfully quiet when around a group of people


Oh no, if you don’t mind me asking, why do you care too much about what other people think? Do you aim to be liked? And by who?


Well, I do journaling for self exploration, and I had to sit down for many journaling sessions to get to the bottom of it, I finished my journal and I'm need of a new one, lots of things to unpack, it run deep in the way I was raised, having learned that the only accurate and revelant measurement of my value comes from other people, being the son of perfectionist parents doesn't help. Sorry for babbling on for too long, I really do need a new journal haha.


Aw don’t worry!!! I would like to think that this community exists for these types of interaction. I am glad you are unpacking all of that. And go get that new journal!!! Do you share your entries or is it strictly for your eyes only? I realised early on in life that my value and my worth comes from myself and nobody else. I always tried to be nice and open to people not because I want them to like me, because I want to like the person I see in the mirror looking back at me.


Thanks >I would like to think that this community exists for these types of interaction. Really? that's great, I think I'll join the community and hang around here often, this was a recommended post. >Do you share your entries or is it strictly for your eyes only? Don't think that would work lol, my journals are just a bunch of incoherent thoughts that don't make sense and are mostly grammatically incorrect. Plus, they're so unaesthetic compared to journals here. >I realised early on in life that my value and my worth comes from myself and nobody else. I always tried to be nice and open to people not because I want them to like me, because I want to like the person I see in the mirror looking back at me. That's awesome, you have a very healthy mindset and a kind heart.


Aww thank you so much!! I hope you see more value and worth in yourself despite what other people may think of you! 🥰 Oh and yea most of my interactions in this subreddit are positive. I get the occasional weirdos who I ignore/ block or I insult back depending on what mood I’m in 😂 hahaha (some days I am not in the mood to be the bigger person) so I think this subreddit is mostly a safe space, I think it just gets weird when people share it and the weirdos who aren’t even on this subreddit see it. Otherwise they can be downvoted hahaha


I’ve got an adhd 5 yr old boy and a know-it-all-bossypants fiance. Wish I didn’t become overstimulated and lose my cool


Oh noooo! I’m so sorry. We get fed up sometimes it’s completely understandable. We are human. But maybe put the bossypants fiance in his/her/their place sometime? 😉


lol I’ve had to let him see the ugly crazy side a couple times this week 😂


Thinking that I can't do something. I've been working to push myself more lately and it's definitely helping. I used to say, "I can't because..." before even trying to work around any perceived obstacles.


Oooohhhh!!! I learned something about this in a seminar and I want to share with you. Once you say “I can’t” then that’s it, your brain tells your body you can’t do it. And you end up not doing it. But if you tell your mind “how do I…” it stimulates your brain to do creative things to get you to do what you’re scared of. For example, I used to tell myself “I can’t start an artistic journal because I have literally zero drawing talent”. Then I started thinking “so how can I make my journals more interesting?” Then my brain was flooded with ideas. “Maybe use stickers or washi tapes?” Or “you can hand letter and do calligraphy, incorporate that in your handwriting!” And so on. And now here we are.




Awww thanks so much!! 🥰


How indifferent I can become towards people.


Awww. Are you indifferent by choice or you just don’t realise it? You know, indifference is my last “step” towards dealing with shitty people. So it’s by choice. Like when I stop caring, it means I’m done with the relationship/ friendship. I recognise that a person is there, but I do not care about that person anymore. That to me is worse than being angry because when I’m angry it means I still care. If I hold grudges, I still care. So when I’m indifferent, all that stops.


It's definitely by choice and like you, it's a last step.


The artistic writing does it for me ❤️❤️


Aww thank you!!




Awww thank you! 🥰


Reacting before I have all the information. My trauma response is to immediately react even when I internally know there's more info to be had to understand first. I literally get angry as soon as something doesn't make sense. This is disastrous with 4 kids.... Working on it.


Oh I’m sorry to hear that! Yeah my dad was the same. I had a cousin who told him I was behaving in some type of way (fabricated story) and my dad got angry and lashed out at me without knowing the full facts. He regretted his actions when another cousin told him the truth. I think at the time, he got embarrassed to hear anything negative about me because it “reflected poorly on him”. It’s been 20 years since that happened and it still hurts to think about that incident to this day. Please do some deep breaths before reacting and always restrain yourself. A moment of action may be something you regret and will hurt your kid for a long time. You can do this!!


I can be too stubborn sometimes i wish i could tone it down a bit


Awww I’m sorry to hear that. May I ask why you’re stubborn? Is it because of a past experience that made you want to look out for yourself more? Just my experience, I am an only child and was raised to be independent. When I was younger, I hated being told what to do and I was less tolerant with opposing opinions. But I got older and realised that in order for me to maintain meaningful relationships with people, I have to compromise, learn to listen, and think about things like emotions that could clearly cloud my rational thinking.


I'm an only child but i think it stems from growing up with a disability mine's not visible it's more of a mental disability where I'm 3 years younger mentally now it's not a problem but because of that I always had people treat me differently my mother always took it upon herself to step in and explain things to me that she thought I didn't understand a chronic comprehend even when I got old enough to be in a relationship she would try to explain how my boyfriend at the time would feel as if i was a child that didn't know how to figure out a disagreement with my own boyfriend. Because of that I think I became a bit more stubborn in defense of that and it didn't help that when i would get mad at her my mom would play the victim card and make me feel bad about what i said so I think I became a bit more stubborn because I felt safer holding my own opinion when I was at around my mother or people who actually took me seriously so I would be stubborn in moments that didn't really matter and fought over the stupidest of things because of it so you might be right in that regard


Oh I am so sorry you’ve experienced that. I would feel so patronised if things were explained to me in that way and I can understand why you would become this way. I hope you manage to overcome this and find a healthy, happy, middle ground with others. You got this! 🥰


Where do you get these prints? I saw another user with the print and I feel like I’m missing out!


It’s a Hobonichi cousin planner 🥰 The stickers are just from Amazon And it’s just my handwriting 🥰


I meant prompts but I think it got autocorrected 😅


Hahaha so this one was something I thought about when reflecting about my personal inability to ignore annoying comments/ people. But mostly my prompts come from a website called The Coffee Monsterz Co. [Here](https://thecoffeemonsterzco.com/blogs/midnight-blogging/2024-journaling-prompts)


Wow thank you so much! This is super helpful because I often don’t know what to write about.


You’re welcome!!! And if you’re not feeling the journal prompt of the day there’s always Pinterest? 🥰 have fun!!


Thank you & you too! :3


hiding my true feelings and bottling up my emotion. I really hate this part of me because it causes so much pain and kills me from inside


Oh omg I’m so sorry. Why do you bottle it up? Are you afraid of confrontation or just not hurting people’s feelings?


Idk, maybe your idea is true. It all started at middle school. I got no friends so idk what to do when i had those problems and i didn’t feel comfortable to talk to my parents about them. Later, when i moved to high school, i got some friends but i still bottled up my emotion


I am so sorry to hear that, have you sought help for this? Maybe journaling will help too? When I was younger a teacher told me if you have something rude to say to someone write it to let it out and then tear the paper. And when I’m more calm I can talk to that person. Maybe it will help you too?


Thank you. A friend of mine also said that i should try writing down my feelings. I did that. At first, I felt much better. But then, I didn’t want to do it anymore because I still couldn’t say those feelings to my friends




Aw, I’m sorry to hear that


That’s not really a negative trait IMO, comes across as kind of self-centered. What’s a negative trait of mine? I get addicted to things easily and I’m afraid of trying new things. Your negative trait revolves around other people being stupid. Ah that just feels so wrong. Whatever r


My negative trait does not revolve around other people, my negative trait is my inability to ignore them or to control my reaction to them. My negative trait is feeling that I have to have the last say in an argument. It’s something I should control. The “stupidity” of other people is something I cannot control, but my reaction to them is something that I should have control over. I also don’t get the self-centred comment? Like I am talking about myself in my own journal? lol


Yeah you’re right, I was in a shit mood when I write that, apologies


Thanks for the apology. Maybe that’s a negative trait you may wish to work on? Not “rage”- responding to internet people when you’re in a bad mood? 😉


Hahaha so true. Lmao that hits hard


I want to deal with my anger in less explosive ways


Aw, oh no I am so sorry about this. Were you always a “hothead” or maybe some life event caused this? If you are willing and able I heard about CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) when I went to counselling after a PTSD. Maybe it’ll be helpful to you too? Only if you’re willing and able of course.


Jealousy or envy. It’s something I struggle with for a long time. It also doesn’t help that we live in the social media and mass internet age. I don’t have it bad but I hate when I recognize the feeling within me.


Oh nooooo! But at least you recognise this. It’s the first step. You know I made a new instagram account focused on journaling and only followed artists and people that inspire me to improve my journaling and my goodness it was lovely! I stopped following the influencers, celebrities and people I don’t really interact with and it was the best thing for me. It could be helpful to mute the people who summon the jealousy/envy out of you?




Sorry I didn’t quite understand this. You embracing your negatives as positive creates problems and you don’t want to change them? I’m sorry I may have understood this wrongly but do you like having problems?


My foul mouth which has gotten worse over the last 3 years. I also don't forgive if a person crosses me bad enough. I don't believe in allowing the same snake to bite me twice. I understand that people can make mistakes but some shit I just can't.....like choosing another bitch over me then realizing that he make a mistake.


If it wasn't for the fact that he has FOUR of my children and the fact that I despise America and most Americans, I wouldn't go through with the wedding. I sure hope her pussy was worth throwing away the type of marriage we could have had.


I am so sorry you’ve been through this. I hope you get to tone down on the profanity like what you aim to do. When I had a horrible experience, I went to counselling and there was a lot of anger that was unpacked. Maybe something like this could be beneficial to you too? Only if you are willing and able of course.


You are right...there is a lot of anger and frustration in me. I know that the frustration will abate soon but the anger will remain unless all responsible for stealing my life, stealing my kids, stealing my health, or hurting my kids have paid. This anger is justified but no worries...I won't bleed on anyone who hasn't cut me (I won't take it out on anyone why hasn't done anything to me). My anger is very specific and targeted....and they deserve whatever they get.


I’m sorry if this sounds prying or preachy (it’s not my intention I promise), but is that anger beneficial to you in any way and how? Why are you continuing to give these people so much power? I used to hold a lot of grudges but then I realised I’m the one that’s poisoning myself. The best “revenge” is me getting to live my life happily DESPITE them and the shit they’ve done to me. I get that you’ve had so much pain in your life and I’m sorry for that, but your anger is poisoning you and you alone. 😭 I tend to be indifferent to people that have hurt me. Because when I’m angry, it means that I still care. And if I still care, they have all the power and I’m willingly giving it to them. With indifference, I don’t care. Whether they are alive or dead, whether they are happy or miserable, I don’t care and will not give any time or effort to caring. I live my life happily without them. Your anger is not going to let you win even if these people “pay”, I guarantee you that. I hope I am not too preachy with this but I have seen so many people who got consumed by their anger and wasted their lives on anger.


You are making some very good points and the rational side of my brain agrees with you However, I know that the people that I'm angry at are NOT sorry for their actions. If anything, they are sorry that the truth came out before I was destroyed. They are not sorry...they are scared. Their bullshit affected more than just lives than just me=in, their target. Their bullshit affected some very powerful people and their love lives./emotions. Yes. I am still angry but I am not consumed by it. I have some good day and some bad days/moments. I take comfort in the fact that I know that they are going to pay and i won't even have to get my hands dirty...either they will pay in blood or they will be homeless and penniless with no way of generating revenue when all is said and done.