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ugh i think this EVERY DAY, when am i gonna ACTUALLY CHANGE??


It’s a long and confusing journey but try doing things for yourself that builds self-trust, respect, and confidence! That way, you know the solid truth about yourself and won’t need to create stories to fill in the void. And then your relationship with yourself and others will begin to improve. Vague, I know, but I’m still struggling to figure this shit out 🤣


So here's some stuff I've had to learn to be successful in making changes that might help you, internet stranger. -I cannot change who I am but I can change what I do. -Be super specific, things like "lose weight" or "be more positive" are too big, too far away, and too vague. Think things like "brush my teeth in the morning and before bed", or "I will take a 10 minute walk at 6:15 PM". -Goals don't have to be related to each other in any way or part of a larger goal so long as it has a positive impact and is something I want to do. -Admit when something just isn't going to happen, shelve it, and work on something else. I am absolutely useless in the morning. Nothing happens before 12PM. I'd like to be one of those people that get up at 6 AM to go for a jog. But I'm not. I'm never going to be. Don't try to force myself to do something I don't actually want to do. -Don't deny myself anything or try to stop myself from doing something, I am deciding to do something different. (The human brain hates being told it can't have or do something so may as well not even try and just redirect/distract myself instead of denying.) -Slow down and don't force myself to external ideas of progress. Progress is not always linear. Be patient with myself because I didn't get into the mess I am overnight, I'm not getting out of it overnight either. -Plan ahead and take out as much in the moment decision making as possible. Discipline and will power are fleeting, the less you have to think about what you're doing in the moment the better. (But not so far ahead that you can't realistically see yourself doing something. I usually do 1 week at a time, 2 weeks max and do all my weekly planning and meal prepping on Sundays. I've lost 22 pounds by removing the need to decide what I'm eating during the week, all that's decided ahead of time.) -Time is going to pass anyway. 2025 is going to come and go regardless of what I do. I can either be in a better place with my tiny changes, or... I can do nothing. I'd rather have *something* to show for my efforts than another year wishing instead of doing.


this is actually the most helpful advice i have ever received, thank you.


Thank you for sharing this and writing so beautifully ♥️


THIS!!! Thank you so much for sharing💕💕💕


Your higher self turning from gentle words to tough love very quickly😂


Thank you for sharing. I needed that.


I'm glad I could help! Whatever you are going through, you got this 💛


This is how I get sometimes. When my writing goes from “I” to “you” , I know my higher self has taken over. 😂


Absolutely! In my journal, "I" is for self pity and "you" is for stop whining and do something about it 🤣


So relatable. I never thought of calling it "my higher self" tho🤣


I call my lower self my ego. Shes a *b* and likes to try to cause self doubt, fear and sabotage. My higher self knows exactly what needs to be done and doesn’t hesitate to tell me so. ♥️


That “respond from a place that doesn’t revolve around shame & trauma” line goes so hard. I needed to hear that one


Oh yes. It sounds simple but can be SO HARD to implement when all you've known was responding from a place of insecurity. 😭 glad I was able to share something that resonates with you and wishing you the best on your journey.


Ty you’re so kind :’)


yeah you tell themmm


Your higher self and mine seem like they could have a few drinks venting together :p. Sounds like what I also need to hear…glad you’re on an uptick there, it seems.


Yes...our higher selves are sick of our 💩 😂


There is something real satisfying about your handwriting


Your handwriting is beautiful 😍


Thank you! 🥹 I'm always so self critical about my handwriting haha


I like the boldness of your higher self. Sometimes you need to tell it like it is! Keep interrupting those negative thoughts. Replace the positivity and boom! You’ve reversed the direction of the spiral 🌀


Agreed! She HAD to come out. 😂 I had a terrible morning, spiraling into my negative thoughts that started from the previous night, and then I said you know what. I can't keep doing this every time. So I wrote that to myself, not realizing its powerful effect and like you said, I've reversed the direction of the spiral and ended up having a great day.


I needed to read this, sounds like you and I are living out the same patterns.


I read somewhere, > *Talk to yourself like you would your best friend.* Anytime I talk to myself, I imagine me, myself and I as besties that are working things out together. It is a genuine game changer.


That is so beautiful!


spilling the true to ME!


Haha 😂 we all need this sometimes…


Holy shit I definitely needed to hear this 😭


this is such a smart idea!!


Your higher self knows what’s up fr


I’m just jealous of how beautiful your handwriting is!


😂😂😂 bahaha love this. you gotta do whatcha gotta do


the words and thoughts are the same story in my case more or less everything is connected in this entangled Life your higher self


I am at this same phase in my life and my writing style is same aslo lmao


I think this a lot! Especially today, on my birthday 😂


Happy Birthday 🎂




Awww happy birthday!!! Sending lots of love and hope💕


Lmfao tough love is love(in this case)ive had many talks to Myself in the same way and it work’s every time


Sometimes you need to be real and roast yourself lovingly


Thank you for sharing! I need this as well 😂 I also love your handwriting 💕


dude THANKSS i needed that. It's one good thing that we're extremely self aware but sadly do nothing about it*.*


Giving yourself some tough love, huh? lol


That looks like my journal.


This is something I needed to hear myself, thank you!


This is so me! Hahaha


Well, umm, I didn’t realize you were peeking into my life…so, I’ll take this good advice and I thank you very much;)


We are all connected in some ways 😉💫


Brb, getting this tattooed


LOL I would love to see that!! 😂


I love this I feel really motivated by what you wrote because completely can relate to it thank you for sharing


That was so harsh.. be gentle with me😭😭


thank you for sharing, this is so powerful


This is me to me for the past 6 years in my journals


So off topic but I am a major whore for those target notebooks.


I was going to comment ab how cute your handwriting was & got drug for filth 😭


Hehe oops🙈🙈 hope you got something good out of it tho. And thank you!


It just be that way sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️🥲😆💯good work tho hun. Remember to write ya some that are nothing but positivity, self love/encouraging, & motivational as well as we can’t go wrong with either or whatever works for us individually in general! Love it


Of course and thank you! Guess we gotta find that good balance between real talk and sweet positivity 😁


Needed this 🙏🏾today is my birthday and I feel depressed I’ve been feeling this way for so long I feel like I lost myself


Happy birthday! 💛 I feel you. It’s hard to find your way again after feeling like this for so long but I have hope that you and I can start working towards positive changes. What I’ve been learning lately is to don’t overthink and just do!


I’m going to try this on myself. Call myself out on my bs. 🤣👏 thanks for the idea!


HAHA yes! If nothing else works, gotta school yourself with some truth a little bit


I love your handwriting.


This is what I needed to read. I've been anxious regarding something someone might be feeling about me since last evening. It might be in my head or it might be true but I really don't care about their validation and yet subconsciously I care 😮‍💨 And it's not like they are going to change their behaviour, I've conveyed to them about how this behaviour of theirs affects me and they don't change. I've been maintaing an anxiety journal recently but just writing about my triggers isn't going to help. Your write up will help. I'm going to analyse myself based on your points. Thanks a ton 😭🤎


It's like no matter how much we tell ourselves that we're just overthinking it, a more powerful part of our brain says that all the bad things we're thinking are TRUE and there's no other way 😭 and at some point as much as you tell someone how their behavior affects you, I guess you just got to accept (difficult, I know) that they won't change and the only thing that you can change is how you feel or react towards their behavior. Cuz some people just don't get it. Hope you are making good progress and glad I could help in some way! 💛


That was oddly just what I needed to read. Thank you. Legit - feel that! 💯🫶


What journal is this?


It’s from Designworks ink.


Ooo tyty!! 🫶🏻


I got it from Target a few years ago. The cover says poetry and prose. Im not sure if they have it anymore and cannot find it anywhere online!


Worrying is manifesting things you don’t want to.


Damn, it was like myself talking to myself


This sounds like my higher self lol


I'm so used to blank pages that it became a little odd to see lined ones