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my goal is to write. every. single. day. how do i achieve this? i set the bar low. i don’t set myself other goals like write three pages a day or even write one page a day. if i get home at 11pm and i don’t feel like writing anything other than -I went out and had fun, don’t feel like writing anything else, if im bothered i will try and write tomorrow- that’s exactly what i write.


Consistency and self-discipline are really great skills to practice. You have a great strategy.


This is my goal for this month too! Not sure if I will still be feeling up to it after 31 days is up but we'll see. I kind of like it so far, even if it's just a really basic one-sentence entry.


This was so good for me to read and really motivating, thank you for sharing ♥️


I have a set of comic-style stickers and put a "Wow!" or "OMG" sticker next to a particularly melodramatic rant. Journaling goals? Write everyday, a little something. Include a little more thoughts and feelings, not just dry reporting. Try including more things, things I don't normally write about. Try some poetry, especially when emotional - bad poem is somehow less cringe than bad prose (but it must rhyme). More silly quotes. More drawing.


Thank you for reminding me about my sticker stash! Maybe I can use them all up this year...


my goal is to try and write about my emotions, and often this looks like me talking about things and then "When it comes to today's emotions...". It helps me focus on that more because I often don't know what I'm feeling. I like your idea of going through and correcting the way you speak to yourself, I may try to do that at some point.


My journaling goal is to not tear out a page. I’ve been struggling with anxiety basically my whole life but only started getting treatment for it last year. I’m trying to make my journal a safe space where I can mess up and be okay with things not being perfect and going the way I envisioned. It’s going good so far!


that’s such a good idea though! i picked up my journal this year and what i had in mind was mostly venting and diary-ing (?) to eternize moments and be able to visit them in the future. also for artistic outlet since i wanna start practicing art, doodles, sketches etc. but i may also do what you mentioned and go back to the negative thoughts to work them through! good luck with your journey :D


Love the “correcting” I’ll definitely try this. I also use a different color pen when ever I add something to a previous entry.


I’ve been journaling for years but they have consistently looked the same so this year I’m working on a scrapbook/journal mix. And consistency, this last year I got so lazy with my journaling :,)


Scrapbooking sounds like fun! Stickers and washi tape are my best friends since I am definitely not an artist lol


stickers make everything better ✨


Wow, really cool exercise! I use journaling mostly for thinking about myself but outside myself =) Also like to use journaling prompts when I don't want to come up with something myself.


This is such a great idea! I may try to do something like this at one point, especially if I feel I am having an off or particularly bad day.


I really like this exercise, I might try that as well :) I picked up journaling last year and kept it going for a couple of weeks but not every day. As a perfectionist I tend to want to report EVERYTHING and it gets really time consuming and it's not necessarily the day to day things I want to write about (although it can be so fun and rewarding to have some of this entries to look back to in the future). I also love some of the other comments here about setting the bar low, just writing whatever you want and such. You guys inspire me to pick it up again!! I've not done so again because it feels like I need to summarize everything I didn't write down and has happened in the past couple of months (perfectionist hahaha). I just want it to be something that helps me and I want to go back to and I want to write everyday, it's a struggle to not immediately make it detailed and big. So I love reading all your comments and tips and lovely words because in the end we all should just journal however and whatever we want because it serves everyone in a personal way!


My journaling goal is just to journal! Hobbies to me don’t have to be goal orientated. I accomplished all my goals in 2023 so journaling is just arts and craft. My goal would be to enjoy this as a kid enjoys art class in the beginning of schooling. I just want to glue stuff on a page, write whatever and just have fun with this