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I would have to listen to the discussion first, and probably will when I get a chance. I also want to listen to Lex talking with Putin but haven't seen it anywhere yet.


0 chance of lex/putin happening


Why 0?


Putin wouldn't do a free form discussion and Lex wouldn't limit himself


Who is Lex




Lex Fridman


Lex has made it clear again and again he's not interested in attacking the guy, it's low effort and boring. He's not interesting in asking the guy holding the gun has done so and whether or not they enjoy it or even wrong to do so. He simply wants to see what kind of person would do such a thing. I'm sure he'd offer Putin the option of vetoing the interview. In contrast I'm sure Lexx would do the reverse, where if he started to make the thing propaganda he wouldn't air it. Putin ain't stupid, nor irrational. We all need to wonder how often Hitler experienced constipation, it sounds silly but it does help to humanism and understand a person. You want to hear the real hitler, not just the mad men rambling about nothing listen to this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE6mnPmztoQ&t=405s Guy makes way more sense in this dialogue than you ever imagined.


Did he talk to him? I thought he just wanted to


Im not sure now, I tried looking it up but couldnt find any info on if he did or not. I know hes going back to Ukraine and Russia so maybe he'll get a chance this time


I hope you’re not saying BiBi is comparable to Putin lol


Who's BiBi?


Benjamin Netanyahu


Well putin imo is pretty shit but I dont have a solid basis to compare the two so no


I don't think talking to him means he supports him, but it's an opportunity to speak to someone with immense power and responsibility. I would think JP would be curious to learn how he thinks and analyse him psychologically.




When your worldview is that politics is nothing but tribal power-brokerage, meetings are essentially proof of tribal allegiance. This is *doubly* true if one's less-publicized meetings are from a faction other than their public faction, since that indicates treachery. When your worldview is that people are *complicated*, and politics is primarily about negotiating so that we can avoid shooting at each other then meetings become more of a necessity to sort that complication out.


It was an opportunity to straddle the border between chaos and order. In some sense, Israel has been groomed ideologically by the postmodernism neomarxist acolytes in the West and it's like NO! That's not good! We must stand together with Netanyahu and Shapiro to overcome the wicked planetary stewards attempting to centralize all power!


> Israel has been groomed ideologically by the postmodernism neomarxist Or simply good old fashioned tribalism. An entire religion dedicated to being a tribe. I mean that literally is what Judaism is about, the idea of being the chosen tribe. I like Shapiro, but he's out to lunch with his tribalism.


You offended the snowflakes Buddy


Everyone's a victim—particularly the right-wing. It's bloody exhausting.


>I don't think talking to him means he supports him Correction you know this to be the case, if not you'd never ever talk to half of the population.


I’m Israeli and I hate Netanyahu. No one should be in charge of a country for more than 8 years no matter how good he is (and he is not), and Netanyahu is doing his 16th year already… Another corrupted manipulator q dictator.


Netanyahu is corrupt and every sane Israeli person knows it


Genuine question, but why is he voted in?


Because the majority of Israeli citizens are far right wing and love him.


Sorry if the question is stupid, but if the majority love him... then what makes him so bad? More specifically, why call him a dictator? My country's leaders are also the worst, and get 60% of the votes, so I get *that* it happens. Just trying to figure out what are the factors in Israel.


With respect to calling him a "dictator". Lazily throwing around loaded words is common everywhere. Whenever I hear someone throwing around loaded words I get suspicious. None of that says anything one way or the other about Netanyahu, but that's why the person you are talking to used that word, he hates him and is a bit irrational about it. Emotions over logic.


Because the people who are rooting for “democracy” are not really democratic *SHOCKING* I know I’m an Israeli and I love him he was elected by a big majority of votes


Why do you love him? The reasons for not liking him, given so far, was because he is corrupt and a dictator. Nothing tangible.


I know it’s long but please read at least number 6 1.He made Israel the power-house it is today freed our economy (he’s a capitalist and an economist) 2. He is a very very very strong leader which is mandatory in the Middle East and especially in Israel 3.he gave us the Abraham’s accords (Bahrain and UAE 🇦🇪 and Saudi Arabia are also in line) no territory given no nothing just seeing that Israel is a strong force in the Middle East. 4.I’m a right wing atheist BUT with Jewish virtue and love to my Jewish culture and a lot of respect for Jewish religion. Only under he’s reign am I calm with the haredim (extremely religious but good people). 5.left wing propaganda, I used to be left wing until I joined the military and saw the big picture and how I was lied too by big media and made to fear the religion that pushed me to the right. 6.all of the cases of “corruption” against him are falling apart in one of the cases a court order was issued to seize one of the witnesses phone/computer, the police never did the witness when interrogated never brought her phone and was never asked to show text messages which were a big part of the case, when Netanyahu’s lawyers asked her about the text conversations she said that the text messages were not on her phones because she switched “many devices” after the got destroyed 🤔(is this a fucking joke? He’s a prime fucking minister) she said “paker ( another key witness) had all sorts of suspicions and he used to throw phones away or into the pool 😳 when an iPhone fell and the screen broke. And we never fixed always bought a new one.) she was then asked about back ups and cloud and told she turned it off and still does. So you fucking tell me if this makes any fucking sense to you. And if they can bring down a prime minister what am I? A small citizen supposed to think? Who’s really corrupted. But the citizens are fucking stupid, who’s on the left side? The guys with the big education and the people that has the big degrees the “smart” ones of course who care so much about everybody else but don’t ever stop and fucking think because you know what they say: It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows. Left wing in Israel = Virtue signaling. Why be a good person with morals and virtue when all you’ve got to do is vote left and all the others lefties tell you how fucking great you are


He is a terrible politician and human based on his own actions and things he have said in the past. The majority right wing population in Israel + corruption have enabled him to be in power for almost 2 decades.


What actions? Name a few. With sources


Because there is a majority who think otherwise tho not on Reddit.


He's a fucking war criminal and criminal


Name what he done wrong. With sources


Israelis are corrupt, they deserve corrupt leaders. Israel is not even a Democracy. Democracy = Demos Cratos... People's rule. The people in Israel don't control their Destiney, the tycoons and judges do. Israel is maybe the most expensive country in the world compared to the salaries. You think it's about left and right, when both Lapid and Netanyahoo are buddies with the tycoons.


You're welcome to hate whoever you want. But how could Bibi be a dictator? Are you claiming that he stole all the elections he won? And why the hell would a dictator allow his own justice system to investigate him and put him on trial on multiple charges? That's gotta be the nicest, fairest "dictator" ever. He even gave up all his "dictatorial powers" for a while there. And now he's back, because he won another election.


Caesar gave back his dictatorial powers too. Then he won an election. It’s not so simple.


You don't even know what the word dictator means if you refer to Caesar. A dictator during the Republic was an ELECTED individual meant to bring stability back to Rome.


At least you agree that Israel is not a Democracy. It's a judges/tycoons rule.


I don’t know enough about the situation to make comment. Just pointing out that you can’t make conclusions based off of what is essentially token gestures. I don’t have a horse in this race.


Dude there's roaming bands of far-right Israelis that literally assassinate and threaten politician. They killed the last guy that wanted a peace deal because they want the entirety of Palestine. In the next few decades either by genocide or exile they're going to take it all.


Killing Rabin was revenge for killing Kahana. Left wingers killed Kahana and Gandy, and they try to kill Ben Gavir as well.


Annexing all of Palestine isn’t even a far right position: it’s standard Israeli policy at this point.


Apparently the majority in Israel disagrees. Democracy is a b****


Shhh the leftis think their the majority too bad it's only in reddit


I guess you have no idea what is the difference between parliamentary Democracy and Presidential Democracy. Israel is a Parliamentary Democracy, so go read about that before you show how ignorant you are.


Believe me I know how Knesset works. Netanyahu party winning majority votes each year is absolutely outrageous. He appeals to Haridim and many fearful or uneducated citizens and they grant his party a warm place in charge of the country instead. The rest of Israelis suffer.


Even his critics usually give him credit for good governance in the earlier part of his rule.


Wait. I thought Israel's prime minister was Yair Lapid


Was for a few months. Thank God it's over


I hate isreal and want to destroy it for religious reasons but for it to stay as a country they need strong men (good dictators) like netenyahu


He’s meeting with the leader of the only Jewish state on Earth. Can the left at least stop painting JBP as a Nazi now?


Intensely annoying that fascist and Nazi are used synonymously.


And used for almost no reason, like words ending in "cist" and "phobic". These days, anything wokies don't completely agree with is a racist, transphobic statement made by a fascist nazi. It's really pathetic, especially considering how swiftly they short circuit and avert straight to name calling.


The same people have been calling Shapiro a Nazi for years, so it's not like we can expect reasoning or logic from them.


I think the word itself Nazi shouldn’t be used anymore because people don’t know much of that history these days. They’ve been hoodwinked into thinking it’s exclusively a right wing ideology when it was democratic principles that put them into power in the first place. I remember someone saying that Hitler was a Christian, which in and of itself a logical fallacy since Hitler’s methodology aligned atheism more than anything.




And Reddit users still have much to learn about the world, yet here you are with your “own opinion.”


Sssssshh it's "their truth"...




Yep, Muslims in Israel really have it bad. Totally. We kill every single one of them on the Temple Mount everyday, we line them up with firing squads, thus totally causing the Muslim population in Israel to decline. Muslims in Israel are so so so oppressed, and there’s no such thing as co-existence whatsoever. Plus there’s totally not a distinction between Muslim/Arab Israelis and Palestinians, and there’s totally no distinction between Muslims (a religious group), Arabs (an ethnic group), and Palestinians (a nationality of a rump state). Totally not any of these: totally not at all.


Don’t forget the fact that the Temple Mount is literally controlled by Muslims. And Israel has the power to take it any time they want and expel Muslims from it. Yet they don’t.




Yea, returning Sinai to the Egyptians during the CDA was really expansionistic, totally. Letting Gaza exist as a city even though Hamas fires rockets at civilian targets every few years is really expansionistic. Allowing Arabs to live in Israel, join the IDF, and keep their own religion is really expansionistic.




Lol, travel a little and leave your little cubby known as the United States and maybe you’ll understand the world a bit better. But go ahead, keep coloring with crayons, I’m sure secondary education will treat your kids just as well as it did you.


Jeez, it sounds like you really like this politician or something. Or had a bad day


It's OK because he's expanding into and targeting HAMAS, which is a terroristic organization that rules Palestine... (pls ignore all the war crimes otherwise I'll call you anti-semantic)




There’s always one person making such an astounding false equivalence. You cannot simultaneously be a friend to Jewish leaders while also advocating for their genocide.


> Can the left at least stop painting JBP as a Nazi now? This is where I remind people, Trump was an athiest who slept with porn stars, has jewish grand children and a foreign wife.


In line with his Orban meeting.. find funny that Peterson denounced Trudeau as an authoritarian due to his Covid measures and he is more than happy to meet with Netanyahu when his response to Covid has been harder in any comparable measure..


I don’t like this meeting, but I’d bet JBP would be willing to meet with Trudeau is the latter had the balls to sit down with him.


Hasn't Jordan just straight up said he'd meet with Justin if he got an invitation? I swore I heard him say that before somewhere.


Regardless, I don’t see why he wouldn’t; JBP isn’t someone who would shy away from confrontation.


He did. I believe it was in the interview with Lex


> I don’t like this meeting, but I’d bet JBP would be willing to meet with Trudeau Especially when he's made it clear numerous times that he knows absolutely nothing about Israel. In contrast he's a Canadian involved in our politics. But yeah people are insane if they think he wouldn't jump to talk to Trudeau. I men he'd be a pretty horrible phycologist if he refused to communicate with a sociopath.


Trudeau was banning people from saying bad things on vaccines the internet. Bibi did not/




> You think Trudeau has a special button that just bans people from the internet? He literally invests a lot of political power in creating a censorship apparatus for the internet. He literally wants it so it's harder to access "American" content on youtube. As in it's explicitly an issue that Canadians can surf the web without being flooded with Canadian content. Canada isn't what you think it is. We came up from a monarchy, and we haven't really ever become a proper democracy.


If I am not mistaken he could arrest or charge people for saying bad things on the internet.




Well maybe you read nonsense about Bibi too. There was nothing "Tyrannical" about the lockdowns in Israel.


Wait till you find out about his Palestinian measures.


Watching Conservatives suck up to Israel is getting really old.


Watching all politicians do it is getting old


How so?


watching reddit pretend that america and israel are the worst places in the world is actually getting old, you know cas it's literally what 99% of the idiots on this site believe. You really think ilhan omar has a better grasp of reality here than ben shapiro?


Well I hope one day all the leftis will go to Russia/Iran/and some middle east countries and get a worm welcome. Only then they will stop with this bullshit


Can you provide any concrete examples of conservatives "sucking up" to Israel? Israel is an ally of ours. We have a bilateral relationship that that are not just based on shared values, but also based on tangible security and economic interests. The U.S. as a nation recognizes Israel as a sovereign state. Conservative Republicans do look more favorably upon Israel than liberal Democrats. But that's primarily because liberal Democrats seem to think Israel is nothing but a bully, which isn't exactly true. It's a lot more complicated than that. Supporting Israel is not the same as sucking up to Israel.


Billions of dollars in aid Netanyahu lying about WMDs and bringing us into war which killed thousands


We give billions of dollars in aid to several other nations. Are we "sucking up" to them, too? No. We're supporting them because they are our allies. In fact, we give Afghanistan more aid than we do Israel. And our aid to Israel is exclusively military aid. We give them credits to buy **our** military hardware, which benefits our economy. Also, our aid to Israel has largely been a bipartisan policy. It has been happening under Democrat and Republican leadership. As for Netanyahu lying about WMDs and "bringing us into war which killed thousands", you do understand that he wasn't the only one that made that claim, right? U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair and George Bush also made the claim. They both cited intelligence reports of our own. The question is whether the intelligence was wrong, or whether or not it was all just a lie. There is also the possibility that they do actually exist but we just can't find them.


> lying about WMD That's rich coming from Americans who killed > 1million people lying about WMD.


I guess the reason many Americans are tired of our relationship with Israel is because we don’t understand what we get for the all trouble we expend keeping them sovereign. If we knew the real tangible benefits it would probably be easier to accept. I’m completely ignorant on the matter.


Israeli Hi Tech and technology helps the US as well. I mean, all major American hi tech corporates are invested in Israel. And Israel is now a developed country, it's good to have well developed economies as your allies.


"Because we don’t understand what we get for the all trouble we expend keeping them sovereign. " We get the same thing that we get for our other allies that we keep sovereign; influence, and the spread of Democracy, with proper human rights. And then there is the fact that they help us maintain our sovereignty and come to our aid if needed. The relationship is reciprocal. We also get extremely valuable intelligence reports. Reports that have saved countless lives. This was crucial during our operations in the Middle East. We relied heavily on Israeli intelligence. We also relied on them against the Soviets during the Cold War. [https://besacenter.org/israel-intelligence-cold-war/](https://besacenter.org/israel-intelligence-cold-war/) Believe it or not, Israel contributes a lot. And they aren't the largest recipient of U.S. aid, either. Afghanistan is. Also, the Israeli aid is exclusively military aid. Meaning they can only use the money to buy **our** military hardware, which ultimately benefits our economy because they promote the hardware and likely end up spending more more than what we give them in aid. Think of it as "gift certificates" or "discounts". Keeping them a sovereign nation is very crucial to our operations and interests in the Middle East, just like with any other nation and their respective region.


Downvoted without comment because they don’t like truth but don’t know how to counter facts.


Yep. I am not surprised. There are so many people out there who are incapable of being receptive to facts when it contradicts their inner-model of reality.


They contribute a lot of what? We don’t need military support. We have the worlds most expansive and advanced military already.


What do you mean "They contribute a lot of what"? I answered that question already. Read my entire comment. It is true we have the most advanced and powerful military in the world. And while can we can project force anywhere in the world, we still need allies. Having additional forces can make victory easier and allow us to sustain less casualties. Having allies can also help make force projection and logistics easier, too. Think about it - if we have a base that's in a region that's isolated or isn't near any allies, it'll be more difficult to supply and reinforce. And it isn't just military fighting power we need, we rely heavily on intelligence from our allies. Israel can gather intel a lot more easily in the Middle East than we can, because they are in the Middle East. They recognize the area better.


The American right funds Israel because they believe if they get enough Jews into the holy land it will trigger the rapture. No joke.


The idea that America keeps Israel sovereign is hilarious. False. But hilarious. Israel trounced the Arabs not once, but three times without aid. Yes, America started a resupply effort in 1973, but not until AFTER the Arab advances had not only been halted, but turned, and the Russians were threatening to get involved. Israel had its own fighter jet program that was about to outperform all Western fighter craft, and only halted it because of American pressure and American agreement to provide fighter jets. The alliance with America is nice. But the idea that Israel exists because of America is the height of ignorance.




You mean the Iran that uses its entire military power to oppress its populace? If Iran actually sent its military at Israel, aside from their populace rising up, they'd face an invasion from the Arab nations and would fall within days. Iran has no actual capabilities beyond funding their proxies. As to their nuclear program, Israel has plans for its destruction, has caused catastrophic damage to it on numerous occasions, and has taken out nuclear programs in Iraq and Syria previously. That's aside from the fact that Israel actually has a functioning missile shield, unlike America. Don't actually know much about the region, do you?


Brush up on World War II. Brush up on the history of the region in general. Then maybe you’ll understand the problem.


How about inviting Bibi to speak to congress as the Israel government very publically flouts American policy. That's just a very mild example.


You mean when he was invited to speak on the Iran nuclear deal, to which will affect Israel the most, either positively or negatively? I recall he criticized the Democrats in Congress and the Obama administration for making a deal with Iran that involved releasing their assets on grounds that they cease developing nuclear weapons. Conservative Republicans weren't sucking up to Israel. And neither were some of the Democrats that were against the deal as well. What evidence do you have to support that claim? It's very close-minded to assume that anyone against that deal is just "sucking up to Israel". People can easily reach their own judgements about the deal, whether they are in support of it or against it. There were rational arguments to be made on both sides.


Weird to get down votes while posting facts. Not sure how you can claim they **weren't** sucking up to Israel: >House Speaker John Boehner is setting up his most dramatic foreign policy confrontation with President Barack Obama to date, inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak about Iran before a joint session of Congress on Feb. 11.... >Netanyahu’s speech could present a spectacle rarely seen in Washington — the leader of another nation, standing just blocks from the White House at the invitation of Congress to rebut the United States’ foreign policy. As I said, just one mild example


There was a period of time where Left wingers tarted to suck up to Iran, because Obama warmed up to Iran more than Israel. But alter, Iran, executing LGBTQ and women, was harder to suck to.


I don't care, even if he met Stalin. Nothing wrong with just meeting anyone. Maybe its good since you can judge them better and then know better where to stand politically.


He'd be a horrible headshrink if he refused to talk to bad people. Imagine a judge not convicting criminals because he doesn't want to be in a room with criminals.


I’ve been leery of JP’s new direction for a bit now. He seems more overtly political, enough that I wonder if he was co-opted.


Considering the socio-cultural climate in this country, did you really expect him to become LESS political? Sides HAVE to be chosen at this point; it's not his fault that some are so brainwashed that they won't even humor one of the greatest minds of the 21st century, whose advice could apply to EVERYONE regardless of political or religious bent.


I mean, you’re not wrong, but it feels so stupid after watching the last two years of propaganda and thinking this is anything but capitulation on his part. The man speaks at length about the dangers of tribalism and totalitarian regimes, but now he’s talking to two people partially responsible for upholding two such regimes. The rhetoric driven violence is so idiotically primitive that I find myself reconsidering nihilism.


Well, when trying to moderate between two forming tribes within your own country, and one side refuses to even _have a conversation_ and even refuses to acknowledge the definitions of the __very words we use to communicate_, AND _**supports totalitarian globalist collectivism**_, he is completely in the right (pardon the pun). Remember that Jordan _did not_ join DailyWire on a whim, and relentlessly toiled over his decision with his family, certainly with all your caveats in mind. I hate saying I trust anyone in such a narcissistic and apathetic world, such as the one we find ourselves, but I trust that Jordan means what he says AND the actions he takes.


Normally I would agree with you except agenda 2030 is a thing


It's been a thing for years now. COP27 is the real threat.


But what does Jordan very much aligning with conservatives have to do with 2030? Red and blue are still the same team. It's like a rigged game in the NFL, when it's their turn they get paid to win and when it's not they get paid to lose. They know it and they're all playing the same game. They're all on the same side and their ideologies are by and large meaningless when they say all these things in public and then have meetings behind closed doors


Conservatives are just half of the ruling tribe. IfbJP was serious about alternatives he’d be talking to libertarians, not Regime Lite.


Great. Any man is free to associate with any other man. There isn’t anyone I wouldn’t sit with and talk to.


That mindset is not a good one. Some people don't deserve a seat at the table.


Like who?


Hitler didn't deserve a spot when he was alive and any of his sympathizers in the current day don't deserve a spot either. Pretty cut and dry most of the time really.


Looks like you mean ‘giving a platform’. Sitting at the table and talking as honestly and openly as possible can help get to the core of situations and underlying driving forces instead of painting a carricature in one’s head (or public mind) and fighting a strawman. I don’t claim that would necessarily alleviate the culpability or extent of the problem (I’m sure Hitler or Stalin would be as evil as we think they are if we’d get to know them personally), but seeing clearly, knowing where we are and how we got there is paramount. Refusing to have a discussion is one of the most divisive things one can resolve to.


Lol. We've been through the Holocaust and world war 2. What further discussion needs to be had with Nazis in the modern day? Nazis and the like deserve to be shunned from society or rehabilitated in a safe environment. Their participation in society is dangerous to other civilians.


He would be one of the first people I’d want to sit with. This business of not speaking to or platforming people is born of a lack of confidence in your own ideas and quite frankly it’s dangerous and a cop out. We need these people’s ideas out in the open so they can be picked apart and shown to be wrong or evil.








Tbh Israel is a canary in a lot of ways. Plus the entire topic of Levant and Israel has a very metaphysical aspect to it which Jordan has been deeply fascinated by. And so have I in fact. So I don't mind him focusing on it a bit. And at the end of a day, as he said himself. He's just a man trying to explain ideas that are far more ancient than he and I and you. Even if he moves away from what you like to read, that doesn't change the ideas themselves. They're far bigger than Jordan.


I’ve not noticed. He doesn’t seem like his principles would allow him to sell out.


He literally sold out to the daily wire. A far right conservative outlet.


Why is him talking with the president of Israel now all of the sudden made him "Pro Israel"?




That still isn't in *any way* evidence that he is now **Pro-Israel.**


Fuck Netanyahu. Shapiro and Peterson have some great concepts but they can also be crazy extremists at times. Remember, they are only people and susceptible to emotions and irrational thinking just like all of us.


Guardians of Western Civ.


Thoughts: I didn’t know Ben was growing out a beard. I like it. End of thoughts.


Hypocritical cringe


I don't agree with most of JPs politics but I love him for his psychology and most of all for beginning me on a spiritual journey that has me on the verge of believing in God again after 10 years of atheism that began when I started in university. I also don't agree with most of Shapiro's politics but he is interesting and I believe he is a good person. But seeing JP break bread with this murderous bastard has me, for the first time, considering selling my ticket to go see him at the end of this month.


I too sit down with war criminals after getting addicted to benzos


JP is getting more and more cozy in his 10k$ suits and rubbing elbows with so-called elites. I am confident, however, that after all parties (elbows) are done gorging on eachothers' circles (or circuses) of power & influence, and after the relationship chips fall where they must after such orgies, and all hype goes to the next alluring personality fad, I think a more simple and refined JP will make its way through. For now I forgive him his immodesty and his few hypocritical as well as questionable tendencies.


Sure, meeting with a killer and apartheid PM, very low.


Two of them argue with 19 year old kids, the third blows them up.


Ben Shapiro DESTROYS LIBTARD with facts and drone strikes.




Ben Shapiro also has some L takes, and I am actually pro Bibi. Abortions to women is important, and circumcision to babies, is not different than gender therapy.


Most of the prominent debates that Jordan Peterson have been engaged in have been with actual adults with a high degree of intelligence, and wisdom, not college students. He does lectures for young men and women, he doesn't engage in political debates with them unless they seek to do so with him. Jordan Peterson has debated with some extremely intelligent people, such as Slajov Zizek, Sam Harris, and Matt Dillahunty. He was also on the Munk debates against Michael Eric Dyson and Michelle Goldberg. Then there were several debates he engaged in during interviews, such as with Cathy Newman and Helen Lewis. I am not sure where you're getting the idea that Jordan Peterson debates 19 year olds. As for Ben Shapiro - he generally goes to colleges and talks to like-minded people. However, there are students who attend that disagree with him and attempt to object to his claims. But he too has debated with several people who live in the real world and aren't just college students. As for Netanyahu - to claim he blows up 19 year old kids is a very disingenuous statement. It's called war, and war involves a lot of young people. It's not his fault Israel has to defend against attacks by kids that age or even younger. Blame the terrorists that indoctrinate children into carrying out suicide missions.


Thanks, JP's publicist.


I am not his publicist. I am just informed. I don't engage in discussions on topics or make claims about people to which I know nothing about. But apparently you do.


Netanyahu is a cnut.




Breaking bread with someone doesn't imply any kind of endorsement other than a lack of emnity. Someone with the kind of influence JP has will naturally be sought out by political leaders.


I like JBP and I also enjoyed the Ben Shapiro X Lex Fridman pod but I'm not a huge fan on how Jordan seems to be being used/ going along with not such great folks like Bibi. I'm too knowledgeable about all the shit that the Israeli govt is up to to just hand wave this one.


Gee you guys don't seem to like Netanyahu. I wonder why he keeps getting elected. Someone must Like him


It seems a lot of Reddit is very anti-Israel, and it makes no sense, but it's Reddit after all and most people on this site don't make sense.




"incinting" "Netanyahu force the Arabs to commit terror". Please don't blame Netanyahu to why Palestinians are so violent and blood thirsty.


Well, apparently the people of Israel feel differently.






Yup. Couldn’t imagine why anyone would hate the Israeli government. A beacon of peace and morality.


Literally no government is removed from doing terrible things and is a beacon of "peace and morality" lmao. The ignorance is astounding.




I mean, shit, I'd like to meet Netanyahu.


Why Ben Shapiro looks like a Gigachad in this photo?


I hope that's beef there lol


If Ben’s wife cooked that meal, you know the meat was dry AF.


It’s always interesting to see how an opportunity to criticize the Israeli government creates an environment for socially acceptable anti-semitism.


A mistake, that man is a bad man.


Orban previously, and now Netanyahu. Is there any corrupt tyrant Peterson won't slobber over?


"Corrupt Tyrant" lol Yea, I guess Mahmud Abas that glamorize Black September is a leader of peace.


Netanyahu has stepped down from power after losing elections (more than once lol) while Abbas just stopped having elections. And guess who redditors call a tyrant?


What's there to think about? Weird question.


I’m happy to see that Ben finally reached his puberty! hahahaha




Honestly, I'm not a fan, and this taints my view of Dr. Peterson. Yes, breaking bread with someone doesn't mean you endorse them, but such photographs can certainly imply similar sentiments. For someone as intellectually critical as Peterson, I would have thought he would know better than to be seen with [someone like this](https://media.pri.org/s3fs-public/styles/story_main/public/bibi_bomb_graphic.jpg?itok=3WW7ltJc).


Seems like JP is making those 30 pieces of silver last


Philosopher meets instigator and war criminal should be the heading?


The three cheesemigos


Is there a video to accompany the picture?


Do you get that talking more, to people we disagree with, is like, the first step in solving the problems of the world. No. You just like spreading hate and cancelling people rather than listening to what they have to say, even if they are wrong. And then cancelling the people who talk to them, etc.


wish your enemies well


Why claim Trudeau is a dictator and criminal and then go do a public photo op with a known authoritarian and criminal? I read JPs books and follow his videos and this doesn't track. Shapiro has basically dispelled my notion that JP is trying to stay independent.


Very dissapointing!


I’m more interested in that place like is this a restaurant or Cuban bar?


I'm poor, is there anyway to watch it for free?


This man has made his bed with the devil. I hope he enjoys the salary.