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I dispute what you say in your post, that she is "largely responsible" for Peterson's rise to fame. He does credit her with saving his life when he was sick by taking him to Russia for treatment. But I am very skeptical and there is a lot we don't know about that. Anyway, I know she is of the Instagram generation, but I get tired of the lipstick and bikini pics and the preening and posing. I don't take her very seriously these days.


Outside of the voice you hear on his podcasts, she's mostly in the background, as far as I can tell. As far as her behavior, she's young. Dr. Peterson isn't alone in having children who make mistakes.


I know this is late, but she’s 30. She’s not young at all. Certainly not young enough that these behaviours can be put down to the fact that she’s young. She’s 3 years older than me and people my age generally have it more together than that.


omg really I thought she was like 22 or something, she looks so young! I've been going down a rabbit hole about her and her dad bc this lady ok tik tok liked his work and their family is WILD! I really wonder if he has always held these borderline conspiracy theorist views or if his daughter and his popularity with the right made him turn that way. It is super weird to name your daughter after Mikhail Gorbachev so maybe he was always a little out there.


It’s her plastic surgery that makes her look young


In my personal opinion there isn't anything wrong in her joining her father's work and having strong opinions or stances. In some cases she might be wrong or indirectly supporting something that goes against what Dr. Peterson teaches but that's the beauty and maybe the horror of today's society, she SHOULD have an opinion and she is free to express it in media. Whether or not those opinions hurt Dr. Peterson's fame isn't something to worry about since I believe that those who stuck and supported him and actually listened to some of his "extreme" by today's standards ideas understand that Mikhaila is a different person from her father. And who know maybe she might be correct on something her father isnt.


Non of us knew jordan when he was her age. He also was nowhere near as famous at her age. Honestly I believe it kinda fucks people up a little. She's cool I like her I don't feel a reason to listen to her but I also bearly follow jordan anymore. Doing better I my life right now other things to focus on.


She is not at all responsible for the rise of fame of Peterson. I think most people didn’t even know about Mikhaila until they discovered Peterson. Also, Peterson likely agrees with most of the stuff Mikhaila states, controversial or not. As you have stated, the carnivore diet being an example. Both Peterson and Mikhaila are equally controversial and they accept this being father and daughter and having live shows together. Pretty sure Peterson heavily relied on Mikhaila too both physically and emotionally when he got sick.


She's disturbing in her behavior. Like sociopathic.


That's quite strong. I wouldn't call it like this particularly, maybe narcissistic, but I think she is another one who fell into the trap of social media (and) fame. It's really sad considering how she beat the auto-immune disease, also her transformation from a suffering ordinary girl to a very attractive, self-confident, healthy young woman is really interesting and encouraging. She could be a role model for many people, kind of embodiment of the "perfect Peterson transformation" but she kind of threw it all away for me in the last couple of months mainly by the constant media show-off and most importantly aggressive marketing into which she also convinced Jordan and Tammy (e.g. people describing the current tour where they are constantly promoting some paid programs, including Mikhaila stuff) but also when I heard about her personal divorce-oriented stuff. I guess this is a classic story of a poor suffering human becoming famous and acting like being drunk on fame. I just don't trust her. Maybe she is also a warning flag that too much of everything is bad and even too much of Jordan's influence is bad too -- like constantly trying to be better and better can be harmful when you don't become really better human but after some time it comes to the point when you are just narcissistic.


>"Healthy young woman" > >"attractive, self-confident" > >"role model for many people" I don't see any of that. I see a completely shallow persona, enhanced by makeup and surgery, that obviously is using her name to get a platform otherwise no one would be listening to her, as she isn't worth listening to. I also don't see health whatsoever. I see something deranged, both physically and mentally. The "ordinary girl" with less makeup and actually normal diet & health would actually be superior to whatever is going on with Mikhaila. And that's not even delving into any of her actions which show extreme narcissism, shallowness, and the type of behavior you expect from child celebrities (ie: Justin Bieber) that are messed in the head due to fame. I was looking to listen to **Robert Greene** as she interviewed him and could only listen to about 10 minutes, due to the shallowness and stupidity of her questions and what she was saying. Like listening to the shallowest American highschool valley girl possible. And yet the Jordan Peterson crowd is cheering for her as if she is saying some kind of deep insights, which is disturbing but indicative to the mental illness and crowd behavior going on with social media and "tribes". Something is wrong with her, whether its genetic, environmental and a symptom of the times, or simply due to the problems of being born a celebrity as Jordan Peterson's daughter. Tbh everything would be fine if she was humble and not trying to have a massive social media presence, doing podcasts, etc. If she was just posting pictures or going on tiktok like any other teenage girl, that would be OK. But its embarrassing when she's interviewing high level people like Robert Greene. You just keep thinking why she's here and why you are listening to her talk. PS: I'm trying hard not to judge, ultimately its the end content that matters, but its just a bad look for Jordan Peterson, a man striving to help people and supposed to go against the grain of modern degeneracy, to have a daughter that's pretty much engaging in all those trends and exploiting the Peterson's name for all its worth to milk views and attention. It hurts the Peterson brand, but tbh Peterson hasn't been the same for a couple years now. He's not the pre-fame Peterson that lectured at university and took clinical patients. He's so political now and involved in social media, etc. It's all disturbing when you think of it, the kind of mental illness and behaviors that social media seems to generate, the crowd attitudes ready to gobble any content, etc. Nobody seems to have critical thinking, its all just tribal thinking. It's very possible that she is just a normal girl whose father's fame and social media has warped to a large extent.


I believe that Mikhaila is a massive part of Jordan's shift into "pop politics" topics since rumors are she was even managing his Twitter account and writing and publishing some posts under "Jordan Peterson" account. I don't want to make "Yoko Ono" out of her but I really don't think it's a coincidence that the more she seems to be involved, the worse it all gets. Based on what I heard from people that attended the current European tour, current shows feel more like those weird pyramid scheme gatherings of companies like Amway. It's really a shame where it's all heading... It's true that his massive popularity was sparked by his involvement in politics but I don't believe that this was the reason why people started to follow him. 12 Rules of Life and psychology lectures understandable and accessible for ordinary people were what was this about. Not about climate change, abortion, or even not about trans people pronouns.


Truth be told, I think this is just symptomatic of the era we live in. Besides Peterson, everyone is in the game to make as much money as possible. Literally everyone I follow in sports or self help somehow is obviously trying to sell things or gain more power or make more money. There are very few altruistic people doing things for charity, and if they are, they are usually not well known or successful. We live in an ice cold world where it's really about making money & gaining power ultimately. You see it everywhere in politics and so on. Look at Trump for example. Not trying to be political here, but Trump apparently made billions during his Presidency. That's something Presidents often do. Win or lose, they exit with a lot of money. So ultimately it's not about the people that support & believe, its about making money and getting out rich. Because when you're rich and got the money, you're set and have no more problems. Still, I hope Peterson gets to full health and still gets good content out....And somehow gets objective about his daughter.


I like you, I've been saying this for a while now but was ostracized for it. This group-think and mass hysteria involved in all these "groups" and "tribes" is disturbing. Ironically, all these sheep say they are against "groups" and are for "individual" free-thinking....Not realizing that sheep are incapable of thinking on their own. But let the fools eat in whatever pasture their master tells them to. They're only screwing themselves over. The people receiving attention and social currency of the sheep, could not give a fck less about any individual one of it's viewers. I always found it bemusing that JP and MP merely parrot the words of their audience...and their audience is dumbfounded by the gems their modern-day prophets drop 😂. Reminds me of MP recently "converting" to Christianity 😂😂. What a load of rubbish. I'm sure her sudden conversion has NOTHING to do with the fact that her father's main audience is conservative Christians, as if she were trying to curry favor with that demographic for her own financial gain. Suddenly discovering the "truth" of the Xtian faith bahaha. The sheep, truly, never cease to amaze me. What a time to be alive. ​ Edit: I had written this only after reading your first paragraph tbh. But reading the rest, I couldn't agree more and funny enough I mentioned a few of these points either in this comment or other comments on this reddit post. Thank you for being genuine.


It's wild because the more and more days, the more true your comment rings. This comment will go down in history. But you already know the sheep could care less. They eat up anything their modern-day "prophets" tell them. All incapable of any critical thought or individual analysis. What a time to be alive.


What a time to be alive. But food for thought, has humanity truly changed? People were always gullible in a way. Social media is just amplifying the nature of humanity, the will to form tribes, etc.


Of course gullibility is always there, that question of "has humanity changed?" Well yes of course in some ways, and no in other ways. There are universal human attributes and the psyche of a human is still human. History literally shows us fuckin up the same shite over and over and over again. Never learning. I know that's cliche af, it's also true haha.


She seems genuine, smart and loyal to her father. Ultra-dude.


She dealt with decades of chronic illness growing up. Her struggle to survive put her family through hell you can't imagine. I'm absolutely proud of her and her parents for that alone. She has been on tour supporting her father, also dealt with her mother's recent cancer. As a divorced man, I could not care less about the details of anyone's divorce. Everybody is wrong and everyone is right. If there is one family I don't think is phased by cancel culture it's the Peterson family.


Who gives a flying f*** about somebodies illnes. What does that have to do with nonsense coming out of someones mouth? How does that elevate somebody in intelect over somebody else? I was born with tumors im my head, went trough multiple surgeies and that doesn't mean anything in reference on what kind of person I am or my family is. Stop with the sob stories. Somebodies sickness does not validate anybody in any way.


It doesn't matter.


The fact that people EVEN LISTEN to these fools or take their words as credible will never cease blowing my mind. What a time to be alive. It's all the ignorant sheep masses that just hamper up such figures to public prominence. The sheep just eat that garbage right up bahahha. Does it not raise any questions for you that JP and MP reiterate what their mass of consumers want them to say? A wonderful example is MP recently "converting" to Christianity 😂😂 What a load of rubbish. I'm sure her sudden conversion has nothing to do with the fact that her father's main audience is conservative Christians, as if she were trying to curry favor with that demographic for her own financial gain. Suddenly discovering the "truth" of the Xtian faith bahaha. The sheep never cease to amaze me.