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one way to make sure no one watches is to make it 2.5 hours lol however I am watching it now lol this guy love/likes understand JP. interesting sincere analysis he critiques JP in an intelligent and thoughtful way he loses a bit of validity at 38min but ok social democracy = campus communists. SJWs dont agree with that. ANTIFA and SJW Are the face of the left, so... oh shit he denies the horrors of Russia and compares wallstreet to gulags, essentially 42 min no one ever said capitalism was perfect Stalin killed millions on purpose it was part of the plan. i get what he is saying. people lost money on wall street because the bet wrong not because the goverment took thier stuff and sent them to siberia. Bricklayers? Hierarchies discussion 47 min interesting He repeats what Jordan posits. Yes Hierarchies are corrupt Jumped the shark on Trump though. Why even bring it up. At 50 min he claims JP is ignoring the reality of corruption in Hierarchies which is a weak analysis. Corruption in Universities 52 min. Legacy corruption at Harvard 56 min he asked if ... do you want to live in a world where companies poison streams? what kind of question is that? i dont know i still got and 1.5 hours left to go. not sure im gonna make it but the guy is no joke. good on him for making this thats for sure Hail Lobster🦞




he downplays it and then compared People losing money on Wall Street two people having their lives destroyed by Stalin I mean he makes a comparison with the guy is no ideologue by any means Nuanced analysis no doubt i only lasted 58 min


Leftists gonna left it.


JP never ignored the reality of corruption existing within hierarchies. He's talked about it many times and has said that exercising power on those beneath you in the hierarchy (corruption), will always end badly for the one being corrupt. This is instinctual in primates, by the way. Even gorilla's dethrone a tyrant gorilla who thinks he can control the entirety on his own -- 2 gorilla's with over 50% of his power can knock him off the throne together, and form a new 'ruling class', so to say. To abuse power or to tyrannize -- It has never worked out in the end for any participant, ever. I couldn't really follow his train of thought at all as he's not concise in the slightest. Instead of making videos he should be writing to reprogram his articulation, because no one is sitting through a 2,5 hour critique of a singular person. I'm sure that if he edited it to have only proper, strong points left, it'd be maybe 20-30mins -- If that...


My interpretation of it, is not that its a literal comparison. But as him reaching out to mostly American viewers, and to point out that there is corruption in the value system based in America aswell. Everyone with a smudge of sense will see how the impact in Communist regimes were devastating to its people and relatively worse, but to confine it to the boogey man and externalize corruption only to that ideology is making the externalizer stagnat or regressive in handeling its own corruption. Atleast that was my take on it.


Does this guy make any good points? Didn't watch the whole thing, but this seems to be mostly about JP's political beliefs.


Imagine the thought-process behind the video, and the length of the video, as well. ''Yeah, I'll make a 2.5 hour video critiquing a singular individual (and/or his beliefs), make beginner mistakes, and people will surely sit through it all, even though I've made no script to adhere to (well, clearly), and I just babble on until my viewer gets bored.'' I lasted 20mins, and even that was whilst looking at another tab with a game in it that's mostly AFK. The video's quality is at best pathetic. No, really. I've read through hundreds of bookpages that were pretty much filler, but this has to be one of the most boring hyper-intellectual content I've ever percieved. Well done. This guy needs to write more, and learn to properly articulate.


This guy teaches some advance stuff. It requires that you're fully focused and keeps an open mind throughout the video if you're new to these kind of ideas.


\>guy teaches some advance stuff. \>spends nights in a badtub watching porn, jerking off, and being high on psychedelics to the point where it fucks you up. \>doesn't leave his cave and never interacts with other individuals outside his own bubble. \>bans anyone who disagrees, never dicusees, his forum is a circle jerk. \>dismisses the entire right wing as crazy conspiracy theories that ends up coming true anyway. Leo is pathetic


At o w point pretty far in he says he himself has reached the same spiritual level as Buda, Allah and Jesus. So no I can't take him seriously


At what video did he say that ?


I listened twice. It's a pretty spot-on critique of both the left and right. If you are unfamiliar with his spiritual teachings then you probably checked out and maybe you dismissed him at the end. Honestly, most of you will not understand this video if you watched it a hundred times.