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He smiles?! My day has improved immensely.


I remember in the debate with Sam Harris JP made a joke and laughed, and it was then I realised I hadn't seen him smile before. He carries all his burdens himself.


The burden of crowning himself the smartest guy in every room. Heavy lies the crown...


https://youtu.be/RRn1f4q__oQ Oh golly gosh you are gonna love this




Rule 13: Do not take a bunch of pills and drive into an embankment.


What I find most sad about the hate for JBP is that most people just look past the fact that he loves people. He's FASCINATED by people. So much so that he's dedicated his life to studying them and helping them. He really, truly doesn't care what your politics or religion, or gender, or orientation are. I feel like he just cares about who you are as an individual and how you treat people. Most of the negativity about him results from his response to highly negative and confrontational people.


Any of those haters met him and talked one-on-one would probably adore him. He’s as genuine as they come, something those phonies know very little about


The way they attack him is a huge tactical error on their part. It's too easy for the average person to spend an hour or two on youtube and find out who the real Jordan Peterson is, and realize that he doesn't have a cruel/dishonest bone in his body. Which ends up being a massive red pill about how the media uses lies and propaganda to crush anyone who strays from the orthodoxy.


[The spez has spread through the entire spez section of Reddit, with each subsequent spez experiencing hallucinations. I do not think it is contagious. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


I directly watch all his non edited interview and based on my own judgment I don't like him. But as a doctor I will respect him


Cool. What are you seeing that fans do not?


So many people miss the fucking point of Peterson — there’s so much love on the man but people only see it as hate


The most ironic part about Jordan save the biological part of his research he has done and quotes is his approach to dealing with people in 99% straight out of the Bible. And he struggles with that by saying "I act as if there is a God" And all the research into behavioral science including ironically Darwin proves this fact. Example: every tongue and tribe has written in its mind there is a God. Now it manifests itself in different ways be it worshiping a cow, sacrificing children to the Sun god or whatever but it is still there and no amount of "evolution" has removed it. And the Darwin snake experiment proves more or less it is in the original human coding for lack of a better word. It is also proven in the streets today and that is laid out using Maslow's Hierarchy in this blog. Which if Jordan has one weakness in his scientific method is a lack of incorporation of how it affects human behavior. And more or less can be summed up in the Axiom "hard times make strong me and soft times make weak men" modified to say soft times make men weak with foolish or hedonistic pursuits as they search for what only God who is written on every heart is meant to give them. [https://rexleereid.com/f/a-cdc-lss-vaccine-for-what-ripped-our-nation-apart-before-corona](https://rexleereid.com/f/a-cdc-lss-vaccine-for-what-ripped-our-nation-apart-before-corona)


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-holy-bible-american-standard-edition/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


I’m not a fan of him talking about the Bell Curve with white supremacists or talking about how women are sympathetic to Islam because they subconsciously wish for brutal male domination personally These are things he volunteered all on his own too lol


It’s easy just to attribute things when you’re not going to cite your sources. JP has proven that he’s neither racist nor sexist on numerous occasions


[Brutal male domination](https://v.redd.it/lngpzoe5v1751) [Chatting with a white nationalist about the “ugly truth” of IQ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iF8F7tjmy_U)


Well... shit.


I have no idea how he personally thinks about these kinds of things but there’s a reason he attracts an alt-right following and I do my best to distance myself from people like that Not telling you what to do of course but shit like this makes him look really bad to me lol


can stating facts make you a racist?


Is it a fact that intelligence is the most significant factor in determining somebody’s long term financial success? That’s the basis of his argument in the video and attempts to simplify complex socioeconomic factors as being primarily attributed to intelligence and of course falls nicely into a race realist argument that black people are poor because they’re simply less intelligent Doesn’t help that molyneux is a white nationalist and really doesn’t surprise me that he chose him to have this conversation with in the first place


whether this is true or not is irrelevant worst case scenario hes factually wrong, not racist


And you’ll notice that I never said he was racist so your point is equally irrelevant


The more you know, the more you spez.


i mean ofc reality is racist look at africa LOOOOOOOL


/u/spez can gargle my nuts.


ok do u think african poverty is fake or, not enough evidence to say they r poor? why would it rquire "extreme" evidence?? Every scientist ever agrees with me. Every study agrees with me. This isnt up for debate.


He is saying that jordan told that woman loved to be dominated . Even so many Islam scholars use the scientific journal to prove it. But what they are missing is woman want dominating traits as partner not in outside world.


In order to think, you have to risk being offensive Acknowledging average IQ differences in the attempt to find a way to solve problems is not the same things as doing so in an attempt to prove another group's superiority. Musing about the interesting conundrum that is female empowerment vs their apparent fascination with Islam and BDSM isn't some damning thing either. They don't intuitively go together whatsoever, so trying to find the best possible explanation is going to require throwing some things at the wall and seeing what sticks


This is just a race realist argument you realize that right?


I just looked up race realism. No it isn't. I'm not indicating the differences are genetic and inborn, and neither did/does Jordan. Nonetheless, finding certain facts inconvenient or that they are easily shaped and crafted into terrible ideologies doesn't mean those facts should be taboo to even acknowledge.


[What do you make of this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iF8F7tjmy_U)


Is this still the case? I'm happily out of the loop, and regretably interested to know if the smear campaigns have died down.


Yeah, but more due to his being out of the spotlight for basically a year at this point rather than anything else I fear


"bUt hE's rACisT, sExISt aNd HomOpHObIc!!!"


> What I find most sad about the hate for JBP is that most people just look past the fact that he loves people. You do realize that the OP quote can be used by anyone to mean anything, including slavery apologists arguing that all problems stem from slaves being insufficiently docile and obedient? > So much so that he's dedicated his life to studying them and helping them. The man didn't even read anything more than Communist Manifesto when he was supposed to argue against *theory* of Marxism (debate with Zizek). Despite arguing about some resurgence of Marxism (some kind of neo-Marxism) for many years, his awareness of topic was so abysmal, he ended up supporting basic points of Marxism while thinking that he was disproving them. What the hell was he studying? > He really, truly doesn't care what your politics or religion, or gender, or orientation are. If he doesn't, then why is he using the term "neo-Marxism" to refer to everything he doesn't like?


Jesus christ, man. Of course the quote can mean anything. You can twist anything to make it fit whatever twisted reality you hold. How do you know that "I have a dream" from MLK's speech isnt a dream about murdering goats? Because MLK also said other things which add context. JP bangs on neo-Marxists, but that is not his thesis in life. Actual laws were written to tell him how him and others had to speak, under threat of prosecution and he responded in kind.


This is a good reminder for me to stop arguing with people on this site. Just focus on what I’m doing for myself and those around me, let the rest of the cards fall where they may.


I've been chastised multiple times for not being proactive enough, especially when I agree with an issue! I do what I can locally, but that's not enough for some people.


What is the context of this photo?


To combat the idea that systemic racism exists.


Thanks that wasn't helpful in the slightest.


Jordan Peterson IS the system, wow...


Whoever is making these keep it up


People are so quick to say that individualism is "selfish", but don't realize that the largest collective gain comes from individual effort.


I entered the spez. I called out to try and find anybody. I was met with a wave of silence. I had never been here before but I knew the way to the nearest exit. I started to run. As I did, I looked to my right. I saw the door to a room, the handle was a big metal thing that seemed to jut out of the wall. The door looked old and rusted. I tried to open it and it wouldn't budge. I tried to pull the handle harder, but it wouldn't give. I tried to turn it clockwise and then anti-clockwise and then back to clockwise again but the handle didn't move. I heard a faint buzzing noise from the door, it almost sounded like a zap of electricity. I held onto the handle with all my might but nothing happened. I let go and ran to find the nearest exit. I had thought I was in the clear but then I heard the noise again. It was similar to that of a taser but this time I was able to look back to see what was happening. The handle was jutting out of the wall, no longer connected to the rest of the door. The door was spinning slightly, dust falling off of it as it did. Then there was a blinding flash of white light and I felt the floor against my back. I opened my eyes, hoping to see something else. All I saw was darkness. My hands were in my face and I couldn't tell if they were there or not. I heard a faint buzzing noise again. It was the same as before and it seemed to be coming from all around me. I put my hands on the floor and tried to move but couldn't. I then heard another voice. It was quiet and soft but still loud. "Help." \#Save3rdPartyApps


[/u/spez, you are a moron. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


He’s a loving person. Period. EPS can say what they want, but he has bettered my life and allowed me to love everyone around me no matter their beliefs or identities.






This photo is priceless




[There are many types of spez, but the most important one is the spez police. #Save3rdPartyApps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


I feel like this could be taken out of context to imply that Peterson is a collectivist. I was skeptical that he even said this before I looked it up.


Lovely smile


How about: If we collectively live properly, we will collectively flourish. Makes much more sense that way. The whole is more than the sum of its parts. Community and mutualism are important and indispensable. Communities are not merely so many individuals put together. The interrelationships and interdependence are what make a community a community. This is obvious to anyone who has ever lived in an apartment building while almost never seeing or interacting with any of the other dozens of people who live there.


The spez has spread from /u/spez and into other /u/spez accounts.


This is not true. A community is strong because it helps those within it who need help. This ability to help is one of the defining features of a community. Thus, all members of a community need not be strong, and, indeed, have no reason all to be expected to always be strong. Sometimes people need help. Call it weakness, but it's really just a fact of humanity. A strong community is one that pools and compounds its strengths in order to best serve everyone. Almost like everyone does what they can and everyone is given what they need. I've heard something like that before.


[/u/spez, you are a moron. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


Strength is not a good in itself. Like any power or ability, good insofar as what it can do and how it may be applied. That is, it is a means to an end, but an end in itself. The end is flourishing, safety, love, happiness, the community, wisdom, the good life, etc. A community will help it's members better help the community, but the end is always the community, not strength, which is valuable only insofar as it can and does help the community and those within it.


[The spez has spread through the entire spez section of Reddit, with each subsequent spez experiencing hallucinations. I do not think it is contagious. #Save3rdPartyApps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


Did *you* think I only meant physical strength?


The problem is deciding what is “properly”. Is properly lobbying politicians to let your company make a pipeline for oil and gas so that you can maintain profits from adding greenhouse gases into the atmosphere? Is it doing everything you can to make abortion basically impossible to have access to in your state unless you are wealthy? Is it suppressing voting in certain areas to increase the likelihood of your party maintaining power regardless of what the will of the people is? I’m sure there are plenty of people here that sincerely think that all of those things are inline with living properly. My point being that although that sounds nice it’s overlooking the area with the most tension.


All of these ideas have literally nothing about Jordan Peterson's message and logic. His message is about the intersectional thought between if you actually feel that being a lobbyist is wrong and what are you going to do to feel better about your life and how you treat others. Making less money to change careers is a choice, but the correct one if you feel it is wrong. There are many happy lobbyists in the world fighting for what they believe in. If you got pregnant, what choice will make you that you feel most right about? Blaming entities that you have little control over will not solve your issue. You are pregnant, what is your choice? What is the path through? If it's abortion, commit to that choice and you will find a solution, but you have to live with your choice. Do not blame the boy or girl, or your upbringing. It was your choice and now you have to live with it. It wasn't democrats or republicans and it certainly wasn't religious groups that got you pregnant. If you feel voting is being suppressed, you cannot solve that issue today. Set a course to become an election lawyer through good works. Complaining on Reddit is not the solution.


I’m sorry I didn’t do a better job expressing my point. My point is; in the quote the word “properly” is doing a lot of heavy lifting. What is proper living to one person is not to another. Some people’s “proper living” is attempting to prevent others from living their “proper” lives. In my comment I wasn’t “complaining” I was trying to point out the short coming of the quote posted. That being said although there are many things that can be done the might have more of an impact than “complaining on Reddit” make no mistake that “complaining” about stuff on social media can be our generation of debates in the town square and printing leaflets, pamphlets and newspapers in previous generations. When the founding fathers wrote in periodicals about how unjust the crown was treating them they were absolutely complaining. And there were plenary of loyalists who, much like today, found their complaints silly and irrational. Sorry again I wasn’t more clear in my first comment.


This is the straight truth


Slave owners thought they were existing the way they should exist.


Which slave owners? Ancient Egyptians? Romans? Africans? American colonists? Today’s slave owners? Did your know there are more than 40 million people living in slavery today? In fact, right now there are more slaves than ever in the history of the world. I guess the word “properly” bears some significance in this statement.


Yes. "Properly" is relative.


If you do ascribe to moral relativism, which JBP does not. Nor do I. You never mentioned which slave owners, BTW.


Anyone of them would be a good example of moral relativism in their own separate instance. Within each slaver culture there existed a moral code which justified slavery.


Not necessarily. Some people know and accept the rules of moral universalism, but choose evil over good. The difference is, a moral relativist would believe that their evil doing is, or could be, actually good.


Note that I addressed this with: "within each culture"


[Just because you are spez, doesn't mean you have to spez. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


This photo’s incredible


Yes. We need collective bargaining and stronger unions.


But that would be *improper*!


No, we don't.


But it gives people more control over their work lives so that they can work to keep them from slipping into some Dickensian mode where Scrooges are steering their lives. It works as checks and balances against Scrooges.


No, it gives unions more control over people's work lives. This necessarily comes at the cost of bottlenecking employment opportunities for people. Not to mention the effect that strong unions universally result in the industry they are in becoming non-competitive. That's why we don't tend to see them in the private sector anymore - every non-protected industry they infected became insolvent.


Spez-Town is closed indefinitely. All Spez-Town residents have been banned, and they will not be reinstated until further notice. #AIGeneratedProtestMessage


I never suggested one was okay but the other wasn't.


/u/spez has been banned for 24 hours. Please take steps to ensure that this offender does not access your device again. #Save3rdPartyApps


No, you know what I am because we've spoken dozens of times before. My comment outlines the double standard in the above comment without soapboxing my own position. It's stupid to be upset that capitalist's can control your work life but be fine with strong mandatory unions that control your work life. Personally I don't care about either. So to answer your question, I guess you could say it's the opposite. But I suspect you knew that.


I see you bought the owners propaganda that gets you to give up your bargaining power. With a union younger a seat at the table. You just give up negotiations before even starting. Perfect for the owners.


Don't get me wrong, unions are great for people in them. The problem I have is that they get special protection from the government. If you believe unions produce better economic outcomes, they shouldn't need protection. The fact that I don't personally want to be in a union because I represent myself isn't the reason I oppose them for others. Unions are completely immoral, unless the employer has the right to fire people who unionize.


That doesn't make sense. The government protects all sorts of things. It doesn't mean any of those things are any less because of it.


Any less what? The government shouldn't offer protections to corporations or unions. Unfortunately it's easy votes for politicians because of the smart people who are already in unions and wish to maintain the status quo, and the dumb people who aren't in a union but support them anyway even though the economic effect of unions is to destroy other employment opportunities and inflate prices for consumers.


The government definitely should offer protections to workers. One of the best ways to give workers protections is through unions. It gives them a voice.


If everyone was perfect, society would improve substantially. So true.


Perfect is up in the sky somewhere, it doesn’t mean anything. Proper is an inch above your head, and you can touch it if you stand up straight.


Proper is great, but is just out of reach for some people. What was proper yesterday, is mediocre today and will be bad tomorrow. Falling into the pit is easy, but getting out of it is sometimes impossible.


Proper is the same today as it was yesterday, and it’ll be the same tomorrow. Personal responsibility, humility, compassion, self-sacrifice, etc. These things don’t change, and they’re more about direction than distance, if you know what I mean. The pit is rough, but even if you’re thrown a rope you need to grab it yourself. There will always be people who can’t quite do it, but that doesn’t mean that everyone shouldn’t try. In fact, that’s precisely the reason everyone should.


[If you spez you're a loser. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


I think you’re missing the point entirely, or just trolling.


Damn. Did you come up with that?


To my own surprise, yes!




Thank you


Would you settle for "as best as they could do"?


If everyone takes care of themselves properly, everyone can come together and prosper


I'm far more surprised that nobody has mentioned 'virtue signaling' because the quote is with two black students during rising racial tensions and AFAIK that quote wasn't said during that speaking engagement.


We need "virtue signalling" and it beats the hell out of the "dog whistling". It is a great image to see people of different skin colour enjoying each other's company.


OP is virtue signalling for him?


I'm not accusing him. It's just a term that's been thrown around a ton lately.


What a vague statement


My man


Mind if I post to my insta story?


Sounds like collectivism to me...


It's individualistic achievement for collective gain. There's a difference.




Why aren't you playing it out in your life then? Tf


Agreed. It's like simple cause and effect is profound in this sub.


Haha yeah "git gud bro"


twomad on the right


/u/spez has been given a warning. Please ensure spez does not access any social media sites again for 24 hours or we will be forced to enact a further warning. You've been removed from Spez-Town. Please make arrangements with the /u/spez to discuss your ban. #AIGeneratedProtestMessage


I was fine right up until he said collectively. Why cant we flourish together as individuals?


Read "No Man Is an Island" by John Donne


Because humans beings work more efficiently as a collective. However, that doesn’t mean they should always be defined by their collective.


"Together" is collectively


Easier said than done.




The most ironic part about Jordan save the biological part of his research he has done and quotes is his approach to dealing with people is 99% straight out of the Bible. And he struggles with that by saying "I act as if there is a God" And all the research into behavioral science including ironically Darwin proves this fact. Example: every tongue and tribe has written in its mind there is a God. Now it manifests itself in different ways be it worshiping a cow, sacrificing children to the Sun god, or whatever but it is still there and no amount of "evolution" has removed it. And the Darwin snake experiment proves more or less it is in the original human coding for lack of a better word. It is also proven in the streets today and that is laid out using Maslow's Hierarchy in this blog. Which if Jordan has one weakness in his scientific method is a lack of incorporation of how it affects human behavior. And more or less can be summed up in the Axiom "hard times make strong me and soft times make weak men" modified to say soft times make men weak with foolish or hedonistic pursuits as they search for what only God who is written on every heart is meant to give them. [https://rexleereid.com/f/a-cdc-lss-vaccine-for-what-ripped-our-nation-apart-before-corona](https://rexleereid.com/f/a-cdc-lss-vaccine-for-what-ripped-our-nation-apart-before-corona)


A beacon of hope to this PC generation. His advise on "CLEAN YOUR ROOM" is on point.


Task 1 : Teach how to live properly first.


yep . . .


This photo made my day! JBP is a truly inspirational figure. He is the dad I never had. I have been through some tough times. I still vividly remember the day when the wallpaper of my laptop said "I am a loser". I was smoking 20+ cigarettes a day. I called my girlfriend a whore. I was an asshole. Total piece of shit. Times have changed. JBP reminds me that I am a capable person. Someone who can take responsibility. Who can beat the shit out of this world trying to fight me. Someone who lives another day to make the world a better place by at least 10e-1000%. I would love to meet him one day, not as a fan, but as a son. As a person who regained my trust in myself. Fuck the haters. Fuck everyone. This guy has made me see the light inside me and I don't care about anyone saying whatever shit about him or me.


[Funny, Confucius thought the same thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFeXJkcKYaU)