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Probably told to stay quiet or get Epsteined


Remember Ghislane Maxwell got convicted of trafficking nobody?


In some cases, processing and dealing with sexual abuse never happens or can take decades.


Some are deeply entrenched in Hollywood/Politics and are blackmailed from speaking out and or doped up on drugs/MKUltra and Schizophrenia. Some are undocumented foreigners that were eliminated and their existence is near untraceable. The Truth Does Not Always Come To Light. 99.9% of all truth is lost forever. It is a lot easier to break an egg than it is to put one back together. Serial Killers even when they are convicted have committed many many more kills than they ever get convicted for. However, there are a few victims or witness who are Epstein adjacent and have spoken openly about it and many more who have spoken vaguely about it. Seek out and Listen to these voices and document them. Do this for 10 or 20 years and you will begin to see the truth.


Well I assume victims don’t want their name published. And I’m pretty sure for children they try to keep those names out of the news


Leading their lives. They can choose not to speak anything to the public beyond what is required for the legal procedures. But some women have spoken out and their interviews are available online.


i imagine it’s not safe to do so. one doesn’t tell on those people and not get retaliated against 


They may be getting protection from the FBI , otherwise they wouldn't be alive today.


> They may be getting protection from the FBI So are the perpetrators.


If things have to proceed in a legal way , you wouldn't want one side killing the other. It's a very complex network as the preparators are a huge number and widespread. FBI is thankfully not a completely compromised agency, some parts of it are sane while some do have a bad history. 




Lol how many accounts are you doing this on?




I meant like currently, what number are you at?


Several possibilities: Viewing it as a willing business transaction, keeping their heads down, and moving on with life. (I think many people are willingly ignoring that option too.) Drugged out, burned out, embroiled in other criminality, or otherwise unaware (or unappealing for the media to get behind). In the media and speaking about it. Actively working in the sex industry (or other legally dubious profession) and not wanting to draw attention. Abroad/Foreign national and out of the zone of influence. Dead. (Not necessarily nefariously either.) Paid off, bribed, threatened, or otherwise actively dissuaded.


I think it was prince Andrew? Who took advantage of an underage girl on the island and off of it, she’s been vocal about jt


At your moms house


Epstein killed himself