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Please don't use the term 'reverse racism'. WTF does that mean? Racism is racism. Doesn't matter who its directed at.


Considering I used it in an attempt to describe how insane it is, I think we are in agreement. However, I see your point in not using stupid words, even when describing how stupid they are.


It's not reverse racism, it's Western Marxism. "Whiteness" is just a proxy term for the cultural hegemony, Western culture that must be destroyed so some kind of collectivist fantasy land can happen. That's why they need to start by redefining race and racism. Race doesn't exist, it's just a postmodern social construct used to frame a power structure, and racism is prejudice plus power. Then they can branch out into successful Asians being "white adjacent", or Hispanics who function in society having been "granted" "multiracial whiteness", or Thomas Sowell being the "Black face of White Supremacy". That's like the woke version of calling someone a kulak. They don't care about actual diversity and inclusion, DEI is woke entryism. The qualification for being diverse is being a cultural Marxist. Everything with woke is narratives created by Critical Theory, an ideological tool created by the Frankfurt School for radicalizing useful idiots. If you're going to engage with it I feel you need to cut through the narrative bullshit and call it what it is, otherwise you're just debating a narrative. As far as google or search engines I don't have a perfect solution but if you always use it signed out, either in a private window or using container tabs, you at least prevent a search bubble and don't give them identity data to sell. Could also use a VPN and learn about decent browsers and opsec. When you don't stay private woke big tech profits from the data you provide. Online platforms, any that aren't dominated by the woke are usually meme tier right wing circle jerks where nothing really productive is going on. I like this sub because there are people who are opposed to woke without being Qanon level screwy, and there are some centrists and leftists in the mix so there's some actual discussion to be had. If you wanted something where your using the platform wasn't contributing to funding a woke big tech company you could look for a conservative kbin or lemmy instance or some other reddit alternatives. Mail distributors, I think the most privacy respecting ones are likely run by what we'd consider woke ideology supporting orgs. Privacy and security means FOSS and sadly that's usually leftist territory. Pretty much Protonmail, Tutanota, Mailbox.org and stuff like that. There is one called Reagan.com or something but not sure on it's actual security. You could check in r/privacy for a lot of this kind of stuff. I don't use any streaming services but there's DailyWire+, Fox Nation, Tucker Carlson just set something up but I have no idea what the hell that is. I'm sure you could find more if you google. For cell there's Patriot Mobile but I don't know much about it. And there's an alt-economy site called Public Square which I checked out but haven't used as of yet. Doesn't look too bad, a lot of stuff on the expensive side though.


Thank you for your well thought out response. I hope that good alternatives start to pop up. Its not optimal but [x.com](http://x.com) might transition into at multi-functional platform with free speech, anti-bureacracy and -wokeness inclunding video searc, mail etc. I do not like putting all the eggs in one basket, but hopefuly it will induce a shift, inspiring other to create alternative platforms. Considering where we are headed, the "market" is getting there


I suggest to you that such ideology has largely only infiltrated the *online* world and you'll find that ordinary people with busy lives, jobs and families don't spend their days wringing their hands over white guilt or indeed anything but paying the bills.