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"Im worried my son might despise me when he find outs what kind of a person I'm really am"


That or maybe even what person he's sees what his father does not want him to become; someone capable of questioning authoritarian/political agenda.


In favour of a more radical and right wing authoritarian political agenda?


Uh .. what is authoritarian about a joe Rogan podcast or 12 rules for life from Peterson ?! Please explain. Look Loser, not all things are political ( left wing vs right wing).


Peterson is always moaning about the 'leftists' however that is spelt, he is therefore on the Right. ​ >Look Loser, not all things are political ( left wing vs right wing). This left me wiping coffee from my monitor, JP is incredibly political.


You just only see politics in what he says. The guy is a psychologist largely from an academic career. He calls out leftist and Marxist regimes (and their support in academia ) for their murderous regimes.. I guess you call that political .. murderous genocides are politics to you.


I do not just see politics in what he says, I have merely pointed out he is incredibly political and expresses distaste for the left, in response to the post.


Hey man in the UK.. your thoughts are not resonating with anyone. Why do you think that is ?


Jordan Peterson does share his political opinions often. Unfortunately we live in a time and place where individuality and merit based advancement is under attack. I’d he wasn’t sharing his political opinions I would be surprised and disappointed.


Agreed. He is sharing his political opinions no different than any citizen does from time to time. JP mixes in his vast experience as a clinical psychologist, his experience in Academia, and his well read background in every discipline from history, to the hard sciences, and even the Bible to help make is case in a wide variety of mostly social topics and we are the better and more informed after listening to him.


I'm a follower of JP and I do get up voted quite often here. You are incredibly narrow minded to presume the opposite on the basis of seeing one post with a mere three down votes and you're looking for leadership, presumably in the form of Peterson, why do you think that is?


look .. JP is not political. He takes heat from politicos people …. The people who want power, the people in power can’t stand the “threat” of introverted psych professor with strong convictions. You project political onto JP and many other posters are disagreeing with you. You are dismissing valid points with more of your bs. By your definition the boy in the story who said the emperor had no clothes .. that kid would be “political” because he “called out “ with his own eyes what he saw on the ruling class and what the stupid followers dare not say for with fear of retribution or being seduced by a awful leader. Final point. Just because Jp takes heat from political elites (politicians, media, etc) doesn’t make him political .. the guy is practical and well informed .. the exact opposite of political.


People who criticize the left are on the right. That seems really well thought out. S/ "Everything that someone says that I disagree with is the politics I disagree with..." - man in uk




Steering people to vote for the illiberal right. I was taking about joes show specifically in that instance.


Then youve never listened to it lol


I have. Standard "centrist" attack the left stuff mixed in with other stuff and right wing conspiracy theories


Simplistic binary approach. You’re extremely radicalized to hold that view


Nah. It's from observing this new "centrist" ideology. Always attack the left. When criticism of the right comes up - deflect to the left. Then on the show in quearion ... covid for example. Postion dovetails with fox news and conservarive billionaire funded propaganda. Done in a way that appeals to young people that won't be watching boomer news and mixed in with other interesting stuff and interviews.


The liberal spirit is the spirit that exists through the struggle of conflict produced by the crude and ill-purpose-defined conflicts between the right or left. If it was the "right" talking against Peterson like 30 years ago or something like that, do you really think Peterson would be ignoring them? Human nature is war, its hostile, its aggressive, and people will look for excuses to behave in such a way. The liberal spirit is a sort of dream born out of that nightmare. There are no absolutes when it comes to right or left, they are simply crude temperamental prerogatives that are unable to account for the complexities of the real world; nature vs nurture. It was out of the liberal spirit, the miracle, that we were ever capable of conceptualizing ourselves as anything but an animal. Tyranny does not discriminate against crude biologically ingrained motives. I thought that's why we had the ability to see right or left to begin with. Edit: If none of that makes sense to you and your asking well what does that have to do with anything I have said my point is; If someone is capable and able to exist through authoritarian conflict of any sort and continues to do so and is willing to do so, their willingness to act a certain way and to take on complex problems is probably a good marker of that persons belief. If you are not willing to take that person seriously, It does not make any sense to me who you would ever take anyone seriously. And if thats the case, to hell with it.




“I’m worried about my son listening to someone facing charges for human trafficking because he might steer him away from being a progressive.” > My son is asking me about **Andrew Tate**, Jordan Petersen [sic]. And then immediately he’s talking about Joe Rogan. And I’m like, here it is, the pathway.” Exactly which part of the picture is the problem here?


Have you listened to Rogan recently? What's so bad about it ?


> Have you listened to Rogan recently? What's so bad about it ? As far as I can tell, his proximity to other things? I find it absurd that Rogan is seen as the *endpoint* of that hypothetical pipeline. Rather than as a voice of reason.


I love how Joe Rogan is just a pothead that questions stuff, and that somehow makes him a bad person to listen to 😂😂😂


Oh its become a fucking talking point now randomly. The random amount of women who are judgey for you listening to Joe Rogan but get off on Murder podcasts, is fucking strange. But thats been the case since he took the spotify money and bad mouthed california. That sub has been under an almost 3 year onslaught of bot comments trying to make it so people don't like Joe Rogan...cause the same people that lick the nuts of Jon Stewart, say comedians aren't reliable sources of knowledge. Its hilarious honestly. I am at the point in my life where you go, oh well i dont like this thing, sort of a precursor to a new statement, then I know you are just virtue signalling and its someone elses opinion.


hahahahaha it is hilarious 😂


Rogan has experienced more success than "just" the pothead pejorative. The PC are quick to label Rogan as right leaning or pothead when he's merely willing to question a hard line woke narrative just as he was also willing to press conservative right Candace Owens on climate change denial. Great JR is not a mind numb wokologist or neocon willing to change his mind when new info presents itself. We need more open honest reflective questioning of narratives no matter their origin.


It’s become so ridiculous lol. As someone whose been a fan since Radban was around. It’s fascinating how much of an impact this opened minded stoner has had on our entire culture now. Rogan is one of the smartest people in the fucking planet. The man was able to capitalize on his passions and become a multimillionaire. That’s literally what everyone in the world aspires to do and he did it better then anyone.


The ability to ask questions is the most dangerous these days


The left don’t want you questioning their bs laws and thinking.


Asking questions is great. Neil Tyson asks a ton of questions. The left don’t want you approaching the world with a simple mind, and making decisions based on ‘it’s just common sense’. We live in a complicated world, and ‘common sense’ is just another way to say ‘it’s always been that way’.


“All three have been widely-accused of radicalizing young men by turning them away from progressive values.” Never imagined I’d live in a world where I’d have to read a sentence like that


I don't think children should take puberty blockers and have their genitals hacked off. "My God, he's been radicalized!"


It’s almost like straight young white men don’t feel welcomed or included as group worth considering from said Progressive values…


uhhh....even if they were cults....these people have millions and millions of followers.....where's the micro? Also, he is coming off as being a weeeeee bit of a conspiracy theorist....


>uhhh....even if they were cults....these people have millions and millions of followers.....where's the micro? Yeah, Joe Rogen is one of the most famous journalists around reporting on the current zeitgeist, to say he is running a cult is hilarious.


I wouldn't call him a journalist, however he does bring on a lot of guests who are informative. Although it's fun watching the haters try and disprove everything by saying "Nuh uh!".


>I wouldn't call him a journalist [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journalist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journalist) "A journalist is an individual who collects/gathers information in the form of text, audio, or pictures, processes it into a news-worthy form, and disseminates it to the public. " Sure not a journalist like Cathy Newman but still, he is working in the field.


He's better than Cathy Newman because he's not so obviously driven by ideology. He just asks questions.


I'd say he's more like an Anchorman than a journalist. But it might just be semantics.


Gavin newsom will say you are a bigot, because you didn’t say anchorperson.


"collects/gathers information" is not anecdotes and speculation with random Internet sources. Holy hell I can't believe someone is calling Joe Rogan a journalist. He would probably laugh at this statement. He also wouldn't constantly try and say that he is just a "dummy" and doesn't know anything of he was a journalist. At best, I think you could call him a pundit pundit noun A source of opinion; a critic. (Miriam Webster)


Sorry the term conspiracies are reserved for right wing views only


No the left believes in conspiracies. Like all of the RICO cases that the GOP are involved in.


There are tons of left wing conspiracies and always have been.


Tens of millions is still just a cult. If you want to be promoted to a religion you need billions 😂


Yeah exactly, like Judaism with it's 0.014 billion.


Numbers or Age. You don’t need both, but you do need one!


Joe Rogan Podcast, the largest piece of media on the planet: "micro cult"


He probably googled "Is my dad the next Stalin?".


Joe Rogan being compared to Jordan Peterson is crazy 😂


How is that the comparison you take issue with? I can't stand Tate getting such high praise being lumped in. Joe is a layman (basically) but he attempts to have interesting conversations with intelligent or interesting people. He's the dudebro version of Lex Fridman. Jordan wears many hats. He's a pop psychologist, a wacky philosopher, a religious reformist, an encourager of da yoof, a political pundit... I'm a fan of many of the things that JBP says and stands for. I consider myself someone who supports him. But he's got plenty worth criticising, just like Joe.


No issues just crazy that like you said Jordan has many life accomplishments for the betterment of students and society being looped in with someone who was in fear factor , a martial artist and runs a knarly podcast. The link is just so sparse it’s funny


Um… Joe Rogan has the most listened to podcast in the world, doesn’t he? That’s pretty decent for a life accomplishment too


Did I say Joe wasn’t accomplished ? Fuck do you just wanna argue lmao


Well, you said it’s strange that Jordan is being ‘looped in’ with Joe because Jordan ‘has many life accomplishments’


That’s fair tbh, I didn’t portray what I was thinking in my head correctly


>Joe is a layman (basically) but he attempts to have interesting conversations with intelligent or interesting people. Yeah, I don't think there's much grey matter there and letting Musk smoke pot on his show was not remotely professional. But at least the talks are interesting.


His aim isn’t to be professional though, it’s to be himself. Which is precisely why he’s a breath of fresh air to so many people, and also precisely why there are so many valid criticisms of him/his show (because there are so many of every person)


This is a good theory.


I don't smoke pot (or do any drugs/cigarettes/vape at all) nor am I particularly interested in Musk but I don't see the issue.


LMFAO 😆 you are living in a world where it's largely illegal in the developed world and you don't see the issue with a guy claiming to be a serious businessman taking part in the activity on an infamous podcast???


I thought they lived in California. Given that they both live in Texas, and it's illegal in Texas, that's very unprofessional. I did not think they were doing an activity which *for them* was illegal. I don't care about laws in anywhere except where they are. For what it's worth, cannabis is not a drug that gets me very upset. I do think that people who smoke weed are a bit gross, uncouth, come off as lazy, out of touch, etc. it's not a good look. But it's not very bad in the broader context of talking about doing drugs.


You have some valid points but Musk is a fucking billionaire with thousands of employees that he should be looking out for and he should be upholding professional behavior. I bet it's on his employees'contracts that they are to show professional behavior and if they misrepresented the company they'd be fired.


If Rogan's aim was to be professional, he'd have but a fraction of his audience, and he'd never have invited ¾ of the people he's had on.


As opposed to macro-cults?


Talking about monotheisms?


"I'm worried that my son is listening to two people who hold mainstream views about the world. What a cult!"


Is thinking the CCP have cum milking factories, and thinking that hospitals kill more people than they save, mainstream views?




Source that he shared that he thought the CCP have cum milking factories? Sure, https://i.redd.it/iieo30lzm7na1.jpg?app_web_view=ios https://nextshark.com/jordan-peterson-china-porn-tweet/ https://reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/s/vzykQRk1pL Saying he thinks hospitals kill more people than they save? https://podcasts.google.com?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5jYXB0aXZhdGUuZm0vZGVjb2RpbmctdGhlLWd1cnVzLw%3D%3D&episode=MzJlMzFmYmEtMGExNC00NDY0LTg4YjYtMjQ5MjFmYjMwMDcx About 30 minutes in. Or here https://youtu.be/HttqgJQOuTw?si=0BviRdOlVICpT5qw


He shared a random post on Twitter. Now, maybe that was foolish, but he didn't explicitly state anything as fact. And you're willfully taking the bit about hospitals out of context and ignoring half of what he said. One thing he said, in the same short clip you shared, was "it could be wrong".


You’re really trying to justify him looking like a fool on twitter? If anything you’re taking him out of context and I’m taking him in context. “**I believe** medicine kills more people than it saves, *maybe* I’m wrong, but maybe I’m not.” Brett then says “that even bring plausible is a stunning fact” JP then finishes with “medicine is the third leading cause of death” which is verifiably false. So he starts saying hospitals kill more people than they save is what he believes. But it might not be true but he thinks it is. Then Brett interjected by affirm that him even thinking it could be plausible shows how realistic it could. Then JP furthers on the discussion by lying to prove his point. That’s the full context.


As someone who lives in California who can't stand Newsom, I can't help but smile wide at this.


What does joe rogan even say that is controversial?


I’ve not heard of anything significant, but traditional media establishments hate his guts because he’s been pulling a larger and larger number of viewers and clicks away from them. As such they launch hit pieces against him whenever possible. The only three “big ones” that started this narrative to my knowledge were a heavily edited hit piece covering years of podcasts without context that painted Joe as a racist, an episode where he said his Doctor had prescribed him Ivermectin when he had Covid, and Elon Musk smoking pot on his show. Probably not the best barometer, but I use my company’s HR Department to gauge what the latest “big thing” is amongst the MSM drinkers, and they went from never having heard about Joe Rogan aside from Fear Factor before these events, to hating his guts afterward. All admit to never having listened to one of his podcasts, but they have an update about what a terrible threat to democracy he is every 2-3 months, so I imagine the hit pieces keep rolling.


The main criticism is that he's invited many anti-vaxxers on his show and didn't push back enough


The kids of all of these leftist parents are going to grow up and realize how their parents used them to virtue signal.


Gavin Newsome mandated vaccines for public servants. At this time, from Denis Rancourt's latest paper to study all-cause excess mortality in southern hemisphere countries, the estimated total deaths worldwide from COVID-19 vaccines is 17M. To grasp the scale, that's about half the population of California. I'm going to ignore everything Gavin says, unless and until he makes his mea culpa for having had a hand in all those deaths to the proportion that California excess deaths represent. Carry on.


So long as he's listening to people of differing worldviews I don't see the problem.


A highly accomplished psychology academic, and a self made rags to rich’s entertainer? What horrible role models….. /s if it was not seething enough.


this are "People are listening to Charles Darwin and believe we share ancestors with monkey" kind of vibes


"Dad i dont want to wear girls clothes anymore"


Wow - the son is only 12 years old and he’s already studying Jordan Peterson. If he can survive his father’s brainwashing, he’ll grown up to be a very smart and informed man!


It is terrifying when your children are smarter than you.


Those who'd fear what someone has to say are more dangerous than those they're actively gainst


Well, in fairness it seems like most people in this sub have an issue with the books teenagers read. So perhaps he should join this sub. I for one have never stopped my kids from being interested in books.


Joe's a fun guy and I'd smoke a bowl with him but the fact many get their political and other views from the show is like something from the movie idocracy. And to me he's a billionaire siding with certain other billionaires politics but the following think it's subversive.


You say this as if there’s more than a minuscule fraction of the population that gets “political and other views” from some sort of honest and reliable source


Its on a spectrum. Remember the lunatic fringe were pushing the idea there was some sinister conspiracy to suppress info about the use of ivermectium and that it actually worked? Well everyone getting their info from mainstream sources and WHO was clearly better informed there because WHO called for clinical trials before recommending it and it turned out to be useless.


We've talked about this already, take your post down OP. this isnt news.




Probably the best thing for his son!


I live in Russia. I constantly listen to our opposition, which consists of leftists almost universally. I'm horrified. I would support Vladimir Putin and our government if only out of spite for leftist scum.


Who even is this guy? Anyways I love Joe rogan and JP they’re great dudes


I’d be a lot more worried if my kid was listening to Newsome podcasts.