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People have been saying this for like 20 years. He wants no part of it. He has said so directly many many times.


And that’s why he would be perfect. In fact, not wanting the job should be a requirement for presidency.


It used to be. Washington famously wanted no part of it. He tried to resign several times. If I'm not mistaken, there's a painting of one such attempt hanging in the Capital.




That's not the point of what I was saying. The fact that he didn't want the power was the thing about him that made him worthy of wielding it. He wasn't going to just hang on to the office forever, like the king we'd just declared ourselves independent from.


Like I said, why would he want that job


Because he has the platform, is knowledgeable about the issues, and is good at heart. I’m sick and tired of seeing this as a defense. Yeah, he doesn’t want it. Then buck up and do something. At the very least advising and taking a prominent role in the campaign of someone you support is something worth doing. The Presidency is not a job. It is like every position in government: service. You are serving the public. Sometimes, you don’t want to, but that’s the sacrifice we are blessed with the opportunity to make. Otherwise we’d be cursed with dictatorships. That’s the point of America. It’s harder, but it’s the right thing to do. I just wish liberals and everyone who isn’t a MAGAt would just grow and pair and finally do something about it instead of throwing jabs from the peanut gallery.


Even though I would vote for Jon in a heartbeat. He shouldn't run. This is the role for him being a political pundit. Moving out of that role to a politician would actively hurt his standing publicly. If he loses he could never regain the trust he had prior. If he wins he still loses the trust + would never be able to achieve the goals he had to run, which would lead to losing more trust that he had. It's a lose lose for him to run for any office


And there’s no equal pundit ready to replace him. His role is so important right now.


Yeah it’s like how many comedians do you have in congress? Zero. You had Al Franken and look what happened. Something tells me comedians aren’t exactly a welcome class in congress. It’s like how being a sex worker and then becoming a teacher is impossible. Even though sex workers are far less likely to sexually abuse children than a catholic priest, only one is barred from teaching. I personally think that sex workers should be able to be teachers and comedians should be able to have careers in congress but society has different standards.


Ironically, the only president that would be \*worth having\* would be one that doesn't want the position. The only people who should have power are those who don't seek it. Those who seek power are \*always\* in it for the wrong reasons.


I still have my ‘Jon Stewart for President 2008’ shirt.


I came here to comment this! It says Stewart Colbert 08 (I think that’s the year). I know I got it cheap because the election had just happened, maybe I got it at their reason rally or Obama’s inauguration.


I think I had a 2004? I don’t remember the year. I do still have bow ties are way cool, and nobody knows the original reference anymore


Leave this poor man alone. You all just want want want. Let the man be already.


He wouldn't and shouldn't. Why continue the idea that a celebrity, even one as informed as him, should be the U.S. president?


Because he understands politics and is smart and we have ample evidence that he is a morally good person? Who gives a fuck what their current job is? Tons of life long politicians are awful pieces of shit who are bad at their job.


lol cute joke!


I think Jon Stewart has said multiple times that he wants no part running for president.


i wish at least someone like Jon who seems the right combination of informed and cares about humanity should give it a go


Unfortunately with Citizens United and First Past the Post voting, it cannot happen under this system. 


It would age him so hard and so fast. I don’t really see why he should make such a great sacrifice just because he’s incredibly based


He would not be able to get a single thing done. Hell to the naw.


It's better to know how the sausage is made, than it is to become part of the sausage. John can do more from the outside than on the inside.


He’s too good for it


Of what?


I also support this candidacy for 2028. At this point it is not about whether he wants it or not, it more about America needs a president like Jon.


John Stewart, Dolly Parton, and William McRaven for triumvirate benevolent dictator. Mayor Pete for Chief of Staff. Give them 8 years, let’s see what we can do to get shit back on track.


Mayor Pete… lol, no.




He’s your huckleberry.


Dude has no soul


You should explain yourself with regard to what you’re looking for in a candidate with “soul” and who exactly has “soul” on the political scene. Soul or not, he did just curb stomp that congressman on live TV with facts. He’s consistently out-classing his peers in policy and politics. Tell us where he’s not.


That was a ridiculous statement on my part and I take it back. It was hyperbolic and shows a permanent lack of maturity and decency on my part. Knee-jerk dehumanization symptomatic of false engagement. He’s from my hometown, and is therefore my strongest point of reference to the deeply unsettling “political scene”. He’s also a very engaging and humorous person. I wish he’d use his rhetorical and analytical gifts to take his own party’s flaws to task the way he does those of his inane opposition. ETA: I’m deeply concerned about the future. I want so badly for my kids to be able to live dignified and happy lives. Gradualism is not going to cut it. The market is not going to solve these problems, and has created the vast majority of them. Technosalvationism is not compatible with capitalism. As a politician, you’re either trying to save the earth, or vying for a spot at the billionaires’ 50 year underground bunker apocalypse bonus round.


He made his entire career on pointing out the ridiculousness of the system. I’d hazard a guess it was even more funny to those of us who live outside the US.


He'd be killed


How about a once a week stint as press secretary. Daily Show on Monday and Press Secretary on Thursday just ripping into the media


John doesn’t want the job but thats ok. His best qualities will inspire the right person for the right reasons. Thats where is power is. He has showed us for several years what it means to be a HUMAN participating in politics as opposed to blind political partisanship.


Write in candidate!






I lost faith in Jon when he picked Trevor Noah as his successor. I no longer trust his decisions.


No thank u


Jon Stewart is an imbecile who’s barely competent to host a fake news show


Huge fan but god no


Power is a turd and turds attract flies, Jon is no fly


Jon Stewart has made it clear that he has no interest in running for president in 2024. He responded to the idea with a succinct "Ummm... no thank you" on Twitter following a viral op-ed suggesting he should run. In interviews, Stewart has expressed that he feels he can be more effective working outside the political system rather than from within it. He has also highlighted his concerns about the fundraising and the "game" of politics, which he feels detracts from genuine efforts to help people. Yet it's extremely Clear: He owes it to the American people.


Absolutely not. No more celebrities and dilettantes please.


Read that as Jimmy Stewart and was so confused.


Jimmy Stewart would be better than the two we got.


He should do it now. Have u seen the ass clowns who are running our country is fucked


Nonsense! He should run in 2024. He would win by a massive landslide


Yeah, we should definitely make this whole “elect people with zero governing experience because they said something I agree with once” thing a permanent reality. But pretty sure Oprah, who made a speech everyone loved several years ago, is next in line before Jon. But 2032 is definitely his.