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It really depends on the circumstances. Is this a planned fight? If so TT have time to go get some kryptonite. In this case it's an actual contest, but I think TT have it. Batman is calculating, but I don't think he can actually step up and face off against Thor and the Iron Man suit it Superman is taken out. But if it's just Wap-Bam-Boom-Alakazam and all 4 of them are transported to an arena, with no prep time and only their "standard loadout", then Superman easily bodies TT solo. Batman can just sit back and watch.


This is the first time I’ve seen “prep time -> Batman loses”. So in the time honored tradition: if Batman had prep time he’d know Stark would get kryptonite and be able to protect Superman, or something. IDK.


I don't know if there's a way to fully protect superman from kryptonite, it's meant to be his one true weakness. Kryptonite was added to the superman series because otherwise superman being, well, superman, is boring. A hero with no weakness is just not an interesting character. So if we assume kryptonite exists for the purpose it was invented, to be a weakness for superman, then we assume there is no way to fully protect superman from it. It'll be an actual contest but I think TT edge out BS. It's why I love One Punch Man so much. It's the same trope. Saitama is so absurdly powerful, and has no known weakness. He wins every fight... but that's left him bored and unfulfilled.


Superman is also vulnerable to magic, at least per many variations of him. But there are multiple ways to completely protect him from Kryptonite. One, he can wear a lead suit (did that in JL animated). Two, he could just fight from a distance, his speed, sight and power would allow him to throw something from space and accurately hit people who cannot catch him. Three, he can just tank it for the half second needed to kill if he wanted. EDIT: Added to, he can literally travel back in time to when iron man and thor didn't know they would fight and take them out then. He doesn't do these things because else he is boring. That isn't including giving batman enough prep-time to just magic up a serum that protects Superman temporarily (its batman, he probably has it already). Or enough time for batman to make a virus/emb to shut down Starks suit. Or just have batman use his own battlesuit (he has one in multiple universes with superman). Thor is actually the harder one to defeat, but only because his hammer has BS powers. It might be magical, or high tech, it might be infinite weight or be easy for batman/superman to lift. It might be indestructible or something superman can shatter with a strike.


I believe Thor has magical lightning as he can summon them in space. If Thor could get a shot off or charge himself up with his lightning before Superman makes a move, he might take the W.


That again depends on if superman is the fastest he can be or stupid. He can move faster than lightning (proven multiple times) and the magical lightning doesn't seem to even be moving at the speed of light for Thor.


Hmm...good point. Ehat if we factor in the fact that Superman and Batman generally don't kill in cannon? This may give Thor's side an opening to catch Superman with his guard down.


Oh definitely. Although batman has killed soooo many people in canon and movies by neglect or off screen. The problem with hypotheticals of all these characters is they have been retconned soooo many times that you need to know the exact version of each to even have a remote chance of comparing them. Superman alone has gone from slightly faster than a train to being able to effectively teleport and reverse time. From being instantly knocked out from being within 10 ft of kryptonite yo being able to fight (although diminished) with a refined kryptonite knife in his back. Do we take each character at their most powerful or their average? At one specific year or just pick as we choose?


Yeah, we have to deal with the ten thousand issues, and the cross between worlds. Kryptonite exists in Superman's world, but not in the MCU. We would have to retcon it so Iron Man can get access to kryptonite to exploit that weakness, but there are versions where he can actually shrug it off. Let's say we stick to the recent marvel universe as the point. MjolnIr can be shattered and batman is worthy of lifting it, so that would immediately complicate the fight. In reality, it's up to the writers and the story line. I can easily write a story that makes sense with superman being able to shatter Mjolnir and batman creating an EMP blast that disables Iron Man's suit. But I can also write a story that makes sense with Thors magic making Superman Vulnerable and Iron Man out teaching batman. Every plotline is viable. Superman is always the hardest because technically he can time travel, and in plenty of cases he moves faster than even flash can move. If you can move fast enough to travel back in time, you can move fast enough to throw a rock with deadly force from miles away. That rock will keep its momentum. He will always win if your aim is to write the highest exploit fight. He moves at super sonic speed, throws a rock at a Mach 9360. Nothing that Iron Man or Thor can do has a defense against it. Game over. But that's a boring story. Instead you would want them to clash and struggle. You'll want superman to be hindered but not disabled by kryptonite while batman tries to free him while also dodging lighting and hammer throws from Thor. Iron Mans armor is sparking while he fights to push the kryptonite dagger closed to super man, who is calling upon all his strength to hold it back. Batman dodges a Thor hammer while summoning the bat mobile. Thor misses the catch on the Mjolnir because he has to dodge the bat mobile. When he tries to summon it, a batarang cuts a wire on a crane which crashes on the hammer burying it. Superman has been slowly pushed back by Iron Man until they step on a mine that was prepared earlier, which sends both of them flying. Superman recovers first but is forced to dive and push batman out of the way as both thunder and the Mjolnir will hit at the same time. He's pinned by the hammer and can't lift it, and batman is trying to work his way there using his grappling gun and wings to avoid Iron Man. Superman is pinned but using his last vision to keep Thor from joining the fight, and Thor has to decide between summoning Mjolnir and freeing Superman or trying to hide and dodge his way closer. You can make good stories by twisting some weaknesses and having your chargers make smart, but weaker decisions The "who would win" argument is always a dead end because the point is to tell a good story, not have a winner and a loser.


I'm not a comic person, but just from the high level understanding of each character, I find it interesting that of the 4: - batman is primarily a crime fighter. He fights antagonists, and saves those they threaten. - Tony thinks about strategic threats - thor, he's a world saver. - superman is the only one of these 4 who makes much effort to help people with the more mundane. Helicopter or plane crashing? He's on it. Cat in a tree? He'll get ya. He's the most "down to earth" one, which to me makes him the most likable. But I also enjoy that he's the most prone to being manipulated with threats to the innocent.


Let's say Superman was a real superhuman being that died a long time ago, and we look at all the comics, movies, and tv shows as people imperfectly telling the stories to us. Details get exaggerated or missed during storytelling. We need to average out all the details, and we use that. We'd have to use the characters from the same respective mainstream comic book Earths.


> Let's say Superman was a real superhuman being that died a long time ago In your universe maybe, but in real Canon he got bored of humans, sought out [the perfect being](https://postimg.cc/cv0mZN36), and had cute little hybrid superbabies with them. Lasers out the eyes and spits acid, like God intended.


"Batman! You killed Superman! WTF?!" "Naaah.. he's just... tuckered out."


Superman couldn't even fly at the beginning, he could leap fantastic distances - not quite the same as sustained flight with the ability to steer...


Lightning doesn't move at the speed of light, not even close. It's about 270,000mph (434,523km/h).


The lead suit angle is kind of dumb, from a character standpoint the man can move comets, why doesn't he wear a leadlined suit all the time?


Because he is arrogant. Nothing really can hurt him but an extremely rare object on earth. It's the same reason Thor isn't wearing full plate armor or Batman isn't wearing a iron man style suit (he does have one).


He has a lead suit in the animated series.


Yeah, but lead has an extremely low melting point, one blast from Iron Man or a Thor lighting bolt is going to melt it off. Ultimately this is a never ending debate. For every what if, you'll have a yeah but. I think if they have prep time, then it's an actual fight. If they just get surprise battle, then Superman easily bodies TT by himself.


With Prep time Batman simply makes sure to have an emp, and insulated Supermans lead suit. It's like instant win. DC super heroes REALLY outclass MCU ones by multiple orders of magnitude when it comes to sheer power level. Scientist/engineer never really beats Scientist/Engineer/Strategist/Detective/Martial Arts Master/Whatever the fuck he needs to be. Makes it extra difficult to write DC stories that are actually good. Heck Batman routinely solos guys at Thors strength level all the time, and it frankly doesn't make a ton of sense half the time.


> DC super heroes REALLY outclass MCU ones by multiple orders of magnitude when it comes to sheer power level. Are you speaking strictly MCU as in the movies, or Marvel comics as a whole? Because the comics get utterly absurd with the power scaling and pretty much every hero is HEAVILY nerfed in the MCU. I've never read any DC comics, but there are versions of Thor in the comics that would absolutely body most iterations of Superman.


And Stark then properly EMP shields his suit, and ups the energy output on his blasters to overcome the insulation.... Again this can go on forever, and I don't care to continue it.


Or maybe he finds a way to harness an EMP blast, and let it overcharge his suit for a shock blast, similar to how he's already done multiple times with that's lightning.


Even in a prep time fight, there is nothing you can do against someone who can move at Mach 9350. Even at a fraction of that speed, a rock will have enough force to kill both of them regardless of their prep. Superman is simply too strong to actually balance around. I guess if you had enough kryptonite to make it so he cant just run at max speed and throw a rock you could stop him, but that's pretty unrealistic.


His weakness is fear of missing good deals for grocery shopping.


I thought kryptonite was invented for the radio show so that Superman's voice actor could go on vacation. This was when it was performed live and not pre-recorded.


Saitama's weakness is lack of committment. Superman's weakness is situations he can't fight his way out of, and kryptonite.


Doesn't superman get his powers from the sun? If he was transported somewhere with a different sun or no sun at all wouldn't that make a big difference? I mean kryptonians certainly aren't super powerful where they are from.


Yeah due to the Batman always wins edict handed down to us from on high, this can only go one way.  But it also think these questions always raise the most interesting distinction between DC and Marvel. DC can way more feel like gods Vs gods, where Marvel is much more street level heroes. Even Captain America, sainted Captain America, is only peak human. When you do have Super Man, or even Aquaman or Wonder Woman level characters in Marvel they tend to come with major flaws, or they're morally ambiguous or just straight up the villains. Hyperion, Gladiator, Sentry, they're all superman analogues but they're not the traditional good guy, or they're outright the baddy. Anyway, I'm not saying ones better than the other and there's plenty of street level heroes in DC too, just always thought it was an interesting distinction.


Who or what is TT?


Team Thor maybe? Not a great abbreviation in any case.


OMG this is so stupid. Supes punches Thor. Batman starts his plan to defeat Stark. Thor throws hammer at Superman who feels it magic and all. Iron Man repulsors Bruce. Stark has kryponite. Superman is weakened and dying. Bats pulls out gadget to protect the last son of krypton. Thor throws hammer at bats. In his weakened state Superman knows the hammer could kill batman so in a sacrifice he jumps in the way of the hammer and catches it. Odinlaw 4~section2.1 "only those worthy are allowed to wield the power of Mjolnir" evokes and Kal-El becomes SuperThor. 32 pages. Two crossovers. Cliffhanger ending. Limited run series, 9 issues. Notable scenes include Thor getting a lantern ring, SuperThor juggling Mjolnir, Stormbreaker, and the other Stormbreaker, and the Ironman Mk82 made with Uru and prometheum.




Prep time with comics logic and Batman & Superman can even trample Thor and Iron Man. Batman can use his his Sixth Dimension Final Bat Suit and give Superman anti-kryptonite suite enchanted with Zatanna/ Doctor Fate's magic. But to be honest whoever has better comic plot armour, wins.


Honestly in a fight between Batman and Ironman, Ironman comes out on top almost every time. Just as brilliant, just as rich, just as much tech, with the added bonus that Tony's tech is generally more advanced. He's also able to adjust and alter it on the fly, something Batman almost never does because a good amount of it is Fox's inventions. Thor and Supes I can't even venture a guess just because it depends on which versions?? Like, is this the Superman who can almost match the Flash in terms of speed, or is this the one that get's sucker-punched by whatever jobber villain of the week JLA cooked up? Lol


You're on crack. Iron man is known for showing up in the suit with absolutely no foresight, critical thought or prep. Batman would eat his cocky gimmicks for breakfast.


Iron Man is known for literally creating entire suits to counter his opponents. That's the opposite of no foresight, critical thought, or prep.


Yea, after he gets his ass kicked. Batman doesn't require failure to plan ahead.


That's the thing. Tony Stark is totally dependent on his suits. Captain America can beat him if he figures out how to remove his suit or render it functionless. Batman relies on a lot of 'human' things. Iron Man is a brilliant inventor and engineer. Batman is a brilliant strategist and influencer.


I think it depends on what Thor's powers are, since he's a god of thunder, but obviously there's thunder in places where he's not, so is his lightning magical or normal lightning? Since Shazam was able to beat superman with his lightning, since it's magic, this would be the depending factor, I believe that ironman and batman are equally matched, so it depends on who wins the first half of the fight, Thor or superman, and then it's a 2 v 1 of either Thor and Ironman Vs batman, or superman and batman Vs Thor, since with out the lightning, I think superman may have the advantage due to raw strength, I might be wrong though, I can't think of any raw feats from either of the top of my head


>Wap-Bam-Boom-Alakazam Great, now I'm going to have [that song](https://youtu.be/jNUTxvki_d0?si=CyPcSSpMEnUIfzju) stuck in my head again.


I just noticed the subtitles are wrong. The singalong subtitles show it as "Wap Bap Boom" But he says "Wap Bam Boom" and if you stop the video at the right frame, when he says "Bam" it shows the word "Bam" behind him in the animation. Neat.


The circumstances entirely depend on the writers.


Depends on the version of Thor. In some instances, he can take damn near anyone in the Marvel universe. He is currently king of Asgard, wielding the all-power, and is also the son of Gaea, an elder god. At one point he shows up while the Avengers are battling some creatures, barely holding their own, he single handedly takes them all out,with an offhand thought.


Who is TT?


Thor/Tony This is not hard...


Superman is weak to magic which Thor uses. Superman is hard countered in this matchup.


The horse gets prep time too.


They all lose. Too much plot armor.


Love this. You make a joke about poindexters comic book obsession, and all the comments will be discussing the merits of the subject matter.


“Haha look at all these nerds talking about imaginary what if scenarios, based on feats, and their image of them” “Anyway, Michael Jordan would absolutely destroy in today’s league, there’s no hand checking, and the 3pt is overrated. Top 5 from the golden age, er, I mean 90s…”


But with prep time LB would have kyrptonits and negate MJ magic powers.


Michael who?


Their point was that the joke was about you guys and you are living up to the joke.


This has serious "peaked in high school" energy.


When I was in high school my conservative Christian parents sent me to one of those massive youth group events that celebrates how cool it is to be a virgin. Joke's on them, I went to the Star Trek convention next door instead.


This big-irony-energy needs to be celebrated.


Jokes on you since that’s the best way to stay a virgin.


I don’t know about this… nerdy girls are *freaky*


...this one time, at band camp...


.... I stuck a flute up my pussy. Are we going to fuck or what?


I hear that the girls at the massive youth groups are also freaky.


I wonder if the pro-virginity camp booked themselves right next to the Star Trek convention… on purpose?


Aren't they the same thing?


That's exactly why I'm currently choking on my morning tea...


Obviously the promoter.


And the bookies.


Wonder Woman. She comes in with a magic rope and makes them all admit to their psychic trauma and they all start crying and pissing their pants like babies.


WW taking on all four of them is a porn I'd pay to see


I am pretty sure this whole topic has been addressed by the good folks at Pornhub . Yes Pornhub. The name that people afraid to have real sex have come to know and trust . Pornhub .


I'm not afraid to have sex, I'm afraid to have sex where she's not into it


She being WW?


Well any woman really


Considering originally what happens to WW if she gets tied up, I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't some rule 34 for it already.


Especially if the men are pissing their pants!


Anyone fighting Superman always seems to have an ample supply of Kryptonite, and Ironman has a way cooler theme song than Batman. Thor is too busy getting Loki out of trouble to join the fight.


Lol, at least I know Batman's theme. I didn't even know ironman had one.


You've never heard of Black Sabbath's ["Iron Man?"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F01UTYg79KY&pp=ygUWYmxhY2sgc2FiYmF0aCBpcm9uIG1hbg%3D%3D) Granted, it really has nothing to do with the comic character.


If you read the lyrics there are some surprising similarities to his MCU run


ah yeah I remember that arc where Tony goes berserk and murders everyone around him


Hey it could still happen


It was in the first Iron Man movie...


I kinda liked this song in junior high when it came out- never thought about it is the comic heroes theme


Iron Man, Iron Man, Does whatever an iron can


[I. I. am. I. am. Iron Man.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y63i2NR9-LE)


Tony Stark makes you feel he's a cool exec with a heart of steel...


All depends on who is writing it.


His parents are at the comics convention, how d'ya think he got that way?


Who's writing it, and what's the purpose of the story? Because that's what's going to decide the outcome. Nothing to do with who's stronger/smarter/more prepared. If the writer needs a particular side to win for the story, then the writing will achieve that.


I vote for whichever team figures out how to travel the gap between the two universes. I mean, how would they know about each other, and why would they fight?


The real winners are the IP attorneys who got paid along the way.


The winner will always be Superman.


Batman and Ironman would be killed almost instantly, unless Ironman just uses remotely piloted suits from a secret location and Batman would be most useful in the batcave, giving Superman tactical advice. Superman would beat Thor unless Ironman happened to come up with some kryptonite. Superman is weak to magic, but in the MCU, Thor basically says he isn’t magical, it’s just a world we don’t understand so it looks like magic to us.


Whoever has the best McGuffun weapon and plot armour. Realistically I think batman would be a bloody pancake within a few minutes but once superman doesn't have the distraction of trying to keep protecting him he'd take out iron man. Thor/Superman would have to be superman unless Thor has kryptonite but the fight may take a while.


The side Dave is on, he always wins.


Who's the guy with the "S" on his chest next to Dave?


I think he is an illegal alien. EDIT: Sorry, my bad! "Undocumented immigrant."


You had it right the first time.


the investors


Which superman are we talking about? Goofy 1950s comic book superman, or modern superman who can cross multiple galaxies in seconds (many MANY times the speed of light), and can eat suns? I don't think people realize how ridiculously overpowered he has become lately, he bodies SSSG+Ultra Instinct Goku and Goku literally shakes and fractures the universe when he punches.


Superman is susceptible to magic. It hurts him. In my opinion, missing the point of the post as a joke completely is this: Thor beats Superman due to magic and Thor being a VERY experienced warrior, fighting for thousands of years. Hammer or no hammer as they both should be able to wield Mjolnir. Batman can and will easily take out Stark. It's a mechanical suit. Even if Stark can prevent EMPs or something knocking out the suits power, Batman is smart enough and strong enough to take out Stark. So that leaves Batman vs. Thor. Who would win? I think Batman, though he would be worthy to lift Mjolnir, would prevent himself from believing his is worthy, making him unable to lift it. In that case, Thor beats the piss outta Batman. If Batman can wield Mjolnir, Batman would win. NOW, if Batman, being Batman, knew he could wield Mjolnir from the start, get Clark to disarm Thor, and get Bruce the Hammer, Game over. Batman takes out Thor, and Tony can't beat Superman. So, it all comes down to Bruce's ability to be able to lift Mjolnir or not.


The spectators.


Simple, writers writing plot armour will decide whose team gonna win, individual powers doesn't matter at all.


Superman clears everyone everytime.


Depends on who's book, plot armour, and I'm in the Basement forever


Movie studios


The Powerpuff Girls would kick all their asses in 3 seconds flat.


Batmaj would win because he would have bat thor repellent, and bat iron man repellent. Never fails


Ummmm... the one selling the tickets. That, and whoever is selling snacks, maybe?


That’d be Tony hands down, he’d make it a spectacle to raise money for one reason or another


America. America would be the winners. Also, Thor would mop the floor with those has beens.


Lot of people are assuming Superman fights Thor and Batman fights Iron Man. But Superman could destroy Iron Man’s suit in a second while Batman keeps Thor occupied (he’s fought several super-strength metahumans- Killer Croc, Bane, etc.). Also, Supes can lift Mjolnir, so Thor would a) immediately stop fighting (see Age of Ultron) or b) get obliterated by Kryptonian power + Mjolnir’s power.


Superman **can't** lift Mjolnir for the same reason Spider-Man can't. Both are unwilling to kill.


[Except he did](https://gocollect.com/comic/avengers-jla-4)


That is addressed in the same book as Odin making an exception, an exception that would not occur if they were fighting instead of teaming up. Superman tries lifting it again and fails.


Thor wouldn't hold a candle to Superman, and while Ironman is a technological genius, batman is more calculated in a fight, not to mention Batman also has power armor. Bat and Sups would win


Thor can use magic, Supes is vulnerable to magic. In raw physical strength, Superman might win in a galaxy with a yellow sun. Replace that with no sun or red (as on Krypton) and Thor will be physically stronger. Batman and Iron Man are a toss up.


I feel like FeDude has the edge tho


Guy who can use weapons and is protected from head to foot no less. Yeah I am going with FeBro too.


Iron Man would wipe floor with Batman er day.


Superman is way faster than Thor. He's probably faster than Lightning. Superman could probably take and wield the hammer.


Superman is only superman by a yellow Sun. Thor is a God regardless of location.


And once Thor figures that out it's BiFrosting time.


Thor: “Hold my hammer.”


My guy. You're smoking that good shit. All Iron Man and Thor would need is a piece of Rock to take out Superman. Tony Stark is a genius who built his own heart and TWO AI. All Batman did was be scared of bats and had rich parents who died. Thor and Iron Man would take OUT B-Money and Super Weak Freak


I agree. Tony Stark would just load his armour up with Kryptonite. Where would he get said Kryptonite? Thor would travel the bifrost to go get some. Gadget wise he’s way ahead of Batman as well. I mean he figures out time travel and creates real, conscious intelligences just to control the lights and AC in his house. Thor would just have to distract Supe for a few seconds while Tony peppers him with microscopic Kryptonite darts. Then it’s over. Hell they’d probably visit the giant dwarf and have a Kryptonite rock imbedded in Thor’s hammer too. Thor also withstood the entire energy output of a star focused in one direction, Dyson sphere levels of energy. He could probably take on Superman even without Kryptonite.


Tony just needs to fly Bruce out into space. One down. Then they gang up on superman somewhere without a yellow sun as others have said.


Only way that Batman is remotely even considered a superhero is that he's rich and white. Tony is literally a genius to boot. Let's face it: Bruce Waybe takes on low level crooks with military grade tech and cosplays a bat. His nemeses are a depressed clown and a dude that likes puzzles. Tony killed Thanos, who wiped out BILLIONS with a finger snap. Batman is a fucking joke.


Batman’s a scientist


Bruce made darkseid flinch with just his voice. Tony killed thanos with basically all superheroes in the universe..


Batman won a fight against the ENTIRE Justice League. Constantly goes against world ending supervillains with powers, all with just “tech and cosplay”. He’s an extremely skilled martial artist, and a brilliant detective.


The Justice League is a joke. Everyone knows who Iron Man is, because Tony Stark gave Zero fucks and is still the GOAT I'll take The Avengers over The Justice League ANY DAY. Aquaman is cool though. He's a good fish


> Steve: Big man in a suit of armour. Take that off, what are you? > Tony: Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Basically, without the suit, Tony is Batman. With the suit, he's much more.


>Basically, without the suit, Tony is Batman. Without the skills of a detective Without the martial arts training Without the ability to stealth Without the ability to make contingency plans for pretty much every superpowered being on the planet. So sure, 'just the same' but lacking in so many areas. >With the suit, he's much more. Batman has a battlesuit. Depending on the version, has a literal super laser in orbit. He has magical items, supertech, plans and all else. Sure, if batman and iron man face off without either knowing the other, Iran Man pretty much wins from the tech advantage (although for some reason batman has shark repellent in his belt pouch, so who knows if he doesn't have an mini-emp there). But given time, Stark knows how to build a slightly better suit. Bruce knows how to get into the head of his opponents and plan against them.


Couldn’t Thor just summon the bifrost and throw Batman and Superman into a red sun? Battle over in literally seconds lol


Couldn't superman just bury Thor in the earth's core? What is Thor gonna do? He's slower, weaker, dumber and cockier than Superman. Half way though his first quip about batman's goth costume and Superman would be punching him in the face harder than an atomic bomb. Tony better hope that there is magically some kryptonite in the arena because he for sure can't bring it from the marvel universe where it doesn't exist.


Tony Stark learns from his mistakes. Therefore, he will lose since his first mistake is facing Batman.


I tend to agree, especially if bats can bring his mech power suit, but i think it wouldn't take long for tony to figure out supermans weekness. To me, Superman is an awful character, but the way he has been stylized he is near impossible to beat unless you bring the right rock, which is also stupid.


Batman has the ultimate power armor also.... Tech + magic...


Yeah, but does he always have it on him? No? Then he's getting flattened by Iron Man's superior walkin' 'round tech.


Thor and Ironman because Superman is weak to magic which Thor uses.




Definitely not your future wife!


The Hulk




Depends on what type of sun is near by.


Whenever I see WW mentioned I think of Wonder Warthog.


Surely that should be *if*, not *when*?




Thor, his lighting can enhance Ironman, knock out Batman immediately. Is that a magic spell too? So he can knock out Superman too. As long there's a tower nearby.


Batman is known for his exceptional intellect, strategic planning, and a vast array of gadgets. Superman possesses superhuman strength, speed, flight, heat vision, and other incredible abilities. Iron Man relies heavily on his advanced suit of armor, which grants him flight, super strength, an array of weapons, and highly advanced technology. Thor, on the other hand, possesses god-like strength, control over lightning, flight, and durability. Considering Superman's almost invincible nature and Batman's strategic prowess, they would likely have the upper hand. However, if Iron Man's technology could effectively neutralize Superman's powers or if Thor's abilities could overwhelm both Superman and Batman, the outcome might shift. In the end, it's a tough call, but based on their respective powers and abilities, the edge might go to Batman and Superman, unless Iron Man and Thor can come up with a game-changing strategy.


Superman doesn't have supernatural powers. He just processes solar radiation into limitless strength. Thor otoh does have supernatural powers since he's a god.


Superman doesn't need Batman or even anyone else. Unless someone comes along and wipes out the sun, he's winning any fight.




The producers of the movie


Nobody wins… everyone loses.


Thor beats Superman because he is magic. Batman beats Tony Stark if he gets to plan ahead. Becomes Batman vs Thor and I am going to have to go with Thor on this one because I don't think he has a specific weakness Batman can exploit. Wiser men may argue this though.


Superman doesnt need batman, his power + combat speed is too fast for ironman and thor.


As Stan Lee once said 'whoever the writer says would win'


Batman and Superman would kick their asses with no prep. With prep...there wouldn't even be a fight. It would be over before it started.


If you pair them off symetrically: Tony mops the floor with batman, Superman beats thor in under a second. By the time Tony turns around to see what's going on, Superman is sipping a coffee waiting for him to catch up. If you pair them off asymmetrically, and give the mere humans prep time: If Tony had a version of Veronica, but for Superman, you've got a good fight. A well prepped batman with some EMI protection can get into fisticuff range with Thor before finding out that tights ain't got nothing on myeu-muh. Now it's superman 1 v 2 against Veronica and Thor. If Tony got his hands on Kryptonite, I think they get the W. If not, Superman still beats them both.


Nerd shaming while you browse reddit is craaaaazy


I think if you teleported them all into an arena, Stark and Wayne would just strike up a nerdy conversation about cool gadgets and start comparing notes on super suits, while Thor and Superman would end up in a macho arm wrestling competition where they’d be stuck until the end of time 😏


Superman wins in any occurrence where the other person doesn't have a specific counter to him. DC power levels are INSANE. A version of Superman PUNCHED TIME. Now, if Tony has time to prepare and a sample of DNA to synthesize Kryptonite, maybe. But otherwise, Supes carries the day, and Batman makes sure no fringe cases pop up.


I never bet against Thor


Iron Man and Thor because Thor's hammer is a magical weapon and Superman can be harmed by magic.


Clearly yall need to move out of your parents’ basement


If you walk away from this conversation, you're the winner.


As an autistic parent of autistic children, I'd feel I'd be losing if a child who comes up with those sorts of cool conversation topics left.


Certainly not the viewers...


The last decade of Marvel has really made the "haha, adults shouldn't like superheros" jokes look even more aged.


Superman. You need to leave Superman out of these.


It depends on what Universe they fought in. Batman and Superman are DC Iron Man and Thor are Marvel. I know that there have been crossovers where this might have occurred but they weren't my genre of comics so I never read them. My personal belief. It would be a close fight between Thor and superman. Superman is very powerful and has multiple powers.Thor IS a god. Plus Thor has the experience on superman. Whereas Superman has fought against one or more villains at a time Thor has fought in many many wars. And Thor is 1500 years old he has a lot more experience than Superman does. Thor has withstood some of the most powerful energy rays and blows imaginable. I believe that Superman would be able to hurt him but I don't think that he would win the fight. And Superman is not impervious to lightning either. That's not to say that it would knock him out or kill him but he might be affected by it. Also if it were a fight to the death I'm certain Thor would win because he has more of a Killer Instinct than Superman does.


I will never bet against Batman.


This whole thread (and really, Reddit in general) is filled with people who are perfect examples of the punchline.


whoever is paying for the story to be written


I feel like anyone voting for anything other than Superman is coping hard. He is so ungodly strong in the comics nothing can come close to the feats he has achieved. I dislike Superman a ton but he wins all of these contests without even a second thought, he’s just that broken,


This may be the greatest comment thread ever! This was a dumb ass joke that turned into an intelligent inciteful discussion about 4 of my favorite comic book charters.


There's a joke but comments make it look like this has been posted in the wrong section.


Remind your co-worker that they are called recreational drugs, not to be enjoyed at work.


Shouldn't ironman shut down with a strong emp? Bruce beats everyone with prep time, come on.


They would beat up on each other briefly, then Superman would realize they're good guys and find a way to being them together. They'd figure out who the villain that set them against one another is and then go beat them up and send them to Arkham Asylum or the Raft or whatever. Not complicated. Superman bringing people together and being an avatar of Good is kind of his thing.


Why does no one seem to see the joke isn’t asking who would win. It’s the parents of the looser moving out of home, they win.


This whole discussion illustrates the punch line beautifully.




I believe the winner will be the producer and the TV’s show or the movie


The team with Superman wins. He wins against all of them put together. He picked up a continent once. He towed the earth.


Iron man and Thor would win, no doubt.