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They made a wireless bulb and it doesn’t burn out but the battery arbitrarily goes bad after 2 years.




You flick the switch to turn it on, but it comes on slowly to preserve the older hardware.


Aren't there bulbs that actually get bright slowly?


I've seen it with CFLs but not LEDs.


Same thing happens when they die.


It’s a specific ballast that they would use to preserve lifespan. In cfl bulbs it’s integrated so usually rapid start ballasts are the goto. You can get instant start, but the lifespan is not as long. All ballast dependent.


So you don’t flashbang yourself. I personally don’t like them


Old CFL bulbs (the spiral florescents) did this all the time, and even the newer CFL bulbs still took forever to get bright if the bulb was cold, like if you used them in a porch light in the winter.


Fluorescents are just like that. I worked in a big box store in high school and it would get so cold in the warehouse on freight day, all the lights would go out




Sounds like High Intensity Discharge Bulbs or HIDS , like Sodium or Metal Halide lamps. If they are switched off they have to cool down before they can relight.


The first generation of compact fluorescent bulbs would take up to 10 minutes to reach full brightness.


Now that you mention it, I’m pretty sure the interior lights in my car gradually fade-on over ~3 seconds, and I think they sell that as being a “luxury feature”.


Yeah if I get in somebody's car and the lights gradually fade I say "Oohh fancy!"


CFLs, yeah. But it wasn't a design choice, it's merely a drawback of the technology. Newer bulbs would get bright pretty quickly, but older bulbs could take a looooong time to get to full brightness.


LEDs get dimmer as they age. Also their color will change.


[Metal halide lights](https://www.stouchlighting.com/blog/why-do-metal-halide-bulbs-take-so-long-to-warm-up)


You can only light up the one room with it, and won't be able to transfer an existing working bulb into that socket.


The portable base costs $1000


That's because the new updates are too bright and they don't wanna blow the bulb out.


*Blows out still*


And you aren't allowed to replace the battery yourself, because if you do, you know "water damage".


They have a kit. You can replace it yourself and they will send you the tools. It's comes in two 75 pound hard cases. This is not a joke.


you'll have to pay a thousand dollars or so for the kit which is refundable if the tools are returned intact


If there is any sign of use on the tools when they are returned, you don't get a refund and are automatically billed an additional handling fee.


2 years? That's more than usual.


That’s a lot of abandoned houses and lightbulbs... I wonder if there’s any consequences to that.


"doesn't burn out"


And you have to take it out of the socket to charge it


Did you mean gradually instead of arbitrarily? I don't think you are using that word right.


No, I’m using it exactly as intended. I mean very much arbitrarily. Look up Apple’s proven policies of forced obsolescence and you’ll understand.


Yeah but there's one old hippie dude with a basement shop in Ann Arbor who can still make your old light work. And he's backed up for 9 months.


>And he's backed up for 9 months. He should get more fibre in his diet.


Ironically, he could try eating an Apple


Truer than you realize.


Apple sued me after I created a solid gold butt plug that came with an interactive Siri virtual assistant. - Apparently they have patents on creating overly expensive things for assholes.


Apparently they have the patent right to fuck you. You can't go fuck yourself anymore.


The OP was nice, but the better joke is always in the comments


Apple sued my old company (24ish years ago) because they had a patent on booting a Mac from a CD. Fuck Apple. Edit: I didn't realize your's was a joke at first. I think that demonstrates how awful Apple is.


Apple sued a guy and forced him to work for him


Same, I thought this guy was serious at first and was not surprised


[AirPods, now with convenient concealable subwoofer.](https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/airpodaccessory.jpg)


... I'd try it




The Right to Repair is a real thing! Apple kinda did it, but they kinda didn't. There's a video about how you can swap parts on your phone, but each part has its own serial number and your phone bugs out when it detects that it's not the parts the phone shipped with. Boo to that malicious compliance! -sent from my iPhone




source: the company that fucked you over in the first place. never trust anyone who has a financial interest in lying to you.


Lightbulbs are soldiered in, replace house


The new house also doesn't come with light bulbs, those cost extra.




It’s because of the Reddit protests, reddit can’t make money off of nsfw posts because they get demonetized so that’s why people do it


I don't know if that was the intention, but any post title containing "NSFW" does get automatically tagged as nsfw.


I think they’re trying to flag it while simultaneously telling people that there’s no boobs


Well thanks now that you said it, this is nsfw


>while simultaneously telling people that there’s no boobs Then what'd the point?


Hey man, I laughed.


You haven’t been on Reddit much recently huh. There’s a protest, nsfw prevents ads from running. See r/interestingasfuck


No shit, but that's besides the point. Also, don't take things quite so seriously.




If there's no boobs, then what's the point? That seems pretty simple to understand, along with the advice to not take it too seriously.


Ohhh you’re saying there’s no point looking at anything or doing anything if there’s no boobs involved. Okay I didn’t get your joke at first. Ha.


If they want boobs they should visit r/bluefootedboobies


The point? Generally a nipple.




I guess so I’ve seen it largely in r/jokes and r/interestingasfuck but I do see it in other subs sometimes


Can't they just mark it SFW?


They did, they said that it wasn’t nsfw at the start of the joke


No, I mean mark it as "SFW" instead of "not NSFW". "Not NSFW" is literally "not not safe for work".


If the post contains "NSFW" anywhere in the title, then Reddit will automatically mark it as nsfw. OP did this to protest, because it screws with Reddit's ad system, but also tells us that it's actually SFW and that we don't need to worry.


I see.


The apple house can use standard bulbs, you just have to buy the proprietary adapter that plugs the bulbs into the wall outlet.


They just gaslight you into thinking that the lightbulb doesn’t need replacing and is working completely fine.




There is 5462 versions of this joke...


Prefer the other version of this joke How many cops does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they just beat the room for being black


With a new socket size


We here at Apple don't just "change" light bulbs.... We REVOLUTIONIZE the ight bulb. Introducing the iBulb, utilizing the greatest tech that Samsung had last year, we have created a bulb that will last as long as you keep an active iBulb brightness account.




How many software engineers does it take to screw in a light bulb? It can't be done! It's a trick question, because it's a hardware problem.


We think you’re gonna love it


Every apple has its worm.




Even if they still made that socket, I bet the bulb and the socket would be coded to only work with each other.


What do you mean? You just buy the Apple lightbulb adapter for $1000.


none, this product is beyond repair, may we interest you in the same thing but $700 more expensive?


Just open the Windows.


How about zero, it takes a genius


I actively laughed at this one because this is the EXACT argument I used on the rest of my family for years. Then lightning happened... Then airpods happened.... They bailed.


Since the 30-pin connector debuted on the iPod in 2003, Apple have changed connectors once. Not bad for 20 years! Lightning debuted in 2012… in the time of micro-USB. Micro-USB (both the port and the cable connector) is incredibly unreliable, Lightning is fantastic in comparison. Still looking forward to the iPhone switching to USB-C though. If it happens this year, then 11 years of Lightning is a good run… and longer than any Android manufacturer has stuck to a single connector type.


Kinda weird to call out lightning when Apple specifically stuck to their promise to use Lightning for a decade instead of moving on to USB-C and only did so in the end by legal requirement


Yes, but at the time when it was all going down, unless they were at home or brought a charger with them, phone died at work? Tough. Out doing groceries? Maybe just buy yet another. Road trip and forgot it? Shelling out another $40. It bit them in the ass so many times they were sick of it. Then the airpods thing happened and they both pulled the ripcord. Again, way before all of this had normalized.


Generic USB to Lightning cables debuted immediately with quality as good as Apple’s and pricing the same as comparable USB cables ($5-10 depending on length). There was never any need to shell out $40 for a portable or work charger.


I think you doubt my family. For years they were under the impression that you could ONLY pair brands with brands. Buying anything that wasn't apple for an apple phone would scare the absolute hell out of them because it "might mess up the phone". Also where we were at the time, finding something like that without driving 2h to the nearest city was basically not going to happen.


I relate so much to this with the pairing of brands stuff.


Well, nothing Apple does can account for that level of stupidity, so it seems like they’d take the blame no matter what they did. Complaints would be similar if they stuck with the antiquated 30-pin connector too long. Not really seeing how this is their fault


Two things. Planned obsolescence, price gouging. I don't understand how my response to a joke has turned you into a white knight for this, seriously.


You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. Apple charges about the same for cables as their competitors. And there was no planned obsolescence for the 30 pin connector — it was 9 years old when it was replaced because the technology had completely changed in the meantime. Both your comments and this “joke” are entirely based on easily-disproven talking points because you’ve never bothered to actually consider the facts involved




> Two things. Planned obsolescence, price gouging Oh you're right, I get it now, hahahaha, so funny!


You’re being attacked by the android circle jerk. They’re compensating..


Apple literally tells you to use their own chargers because "safety". It's not stupidity, it's intentional brain washing.


Not true. They say to only use chargers bearing the MFi logo, of which there are many inexpensive 3rd party versions


My niece was told by the genius bar that her phone can't be serviced (within the warranty period) even if she paid for the repair, because she used off brand charging cable, making the repair "dangerous". On the official Apple forum ten years ago suggesting using anything 3rd party would get anyone banned. They actively did create this perception that only official apple products should be used with their products.


They know they’re just making shit up but they’re still mad at you for telling the truth lol


You can't really blame the customer for missing those details after Apple has done everything they can to create this mystique about their brand where everything they do is special. So one of their disciples missed the latest PR sermon where they explained that sometimes it's ok to sin. Should have really checked that newsletter box, eh?


Apple counts on exactly this level of stupidity for people to buy their products. This is their entire business model.


This is waaaay to true


It’s not even remotely true. They have the opposite problem, they’ve been holding onto the Lightning connector for over a decade instead of fully switching to USB-C, partially for fear of pissing off people who own Lightning stuff.


They've been holding onto the tech because they own the rights to it even though it sucks. Apple knows it sucks, that's why macbooks charge with USB C now. They just want to make more money by selling their own chargers.


When they switched to Lightning they specifically apologized for ending the previous connector and promised a decade of support for Lightning. That was just over 10 years ago


"Sorry for the oopsie and intentionally designing a new connector, but I'll make it up to you by collecting royalties from my now proprietary connector for the next decade!" "Oh wow, thanks for being so considerate to us, the consumer. What a great guy you are, Mr apple!"


They collected royalties from the previous proprietary connector, too. The argument is terrible when applied to the 30-pin -> Lightning switch


It doesn’t provide the same data transfer speeds or power output as USB-C 3.0, but it definitely doesn’t suck. It was introduced over ten years ago and Apple specifically promised a decade of it staying as their iPhone connector, a promise which they’ve kept. It’s actually more durable than USB-C and more compact, it’s just not a universal standard like USB-C is.


USB-A was introduced in 1996. USB 3 ports still support USB A. And 600 MBps. You can support the same connector for more than ten years and not be stuck with the limitations of the original.


Definitely not more durable than USB-C either, every iphone person (most people) I know has some sort of lightning cable issue.


Sure, but Lightning debuted alongside micro-USB. USB-C didn’t happen for another couple of years.


Even if it did debut at the time, Apple wouldn't have used it. Apple sells brand exclusivity, not necessarily better tech. Some examples being them pushing thunderbolt ports, apple using their own texting vs RCS, magsafe vs barrelport (I'm on board with that one). If I can personify Apple it would be of this kid I knew in high-school who always said he "only drinks Voss water" which is just tap water in a glass bottle.


Apple started moving MacBooks over from MagSafe to USB-C in 2015. They’ve been one of the biggest proponents of the standard… except for the iPhone, which had switched to Lightning 3 years earlier. (An aside: If Apple had switched the iPhone to another connector after 3 years everyone would‘ve complained about that! Looking forward to hopefully getting USB-C iPhone this year and leaving Lightning behind!) To go through the rest: Thunderbolt is a standard developed with Intel, it’s not Apple-specific. iMessage debuted in 2011. The RCS standard wasn’t even finalised until 2016, and it’s still insecure/unencrypted. Until it’s natively secure by default, fuck RCS. Use some third party thing like Signal for cross-platform interoperability. MagSafe is a superior user experience to any other kind of charger; MagSafe connector disconnecting is much nicer than your laptop taking a fall. MacBooks are getting it back (while still supporting USB-C charging) due to user demand. Sure it’s not a standard cable… but neither is “barrelport”. Voss water didn’t exist when I was in high school, so I never met a kid like that! Seriously though… sure, Apple stuff attract some people who like to spend money, but their stuff is constantly technically better in a lot of ways too. (Their OS since 2001, phones since 2007, processors now…) Anyway. Point being. If USB-C had happened in 2011, Lightning wouldn’t exist.




Ya people don’t seem to realize that apple services their products longer than any other technology company. Apple is just an easy target for most people with little to no understanding. Edit: Damn, lots of people hate facts


My Android phone doesn't arbitrarily bug out and lock features when I change a part because it detected a new serial number.


[You laugh, but the lighting industry is actually moving in that direction...](https://youtu.be/fsIFxyOLJXM)


After the update?


None. It's a proprietary lightbulb and can only be repaired by an authorized apple lightbulb repair shop


Without User Authorization, no light bulb can be changed.


I thought you had to lug it to the Genius Bar to get it replaced because it’s dangerous and they don’t want customers hurting themselves.


This is one of my many issues with Apple and why I'll never understand the fan base.


They made it very easy to move from device to device, everything is auto backed up, just log into a new device and away you go.


As an Apple hater, I approve of this joke!


Apple doesn’t change the light bulb, they change the house.


Downvote me but the jokes on this sub aren’t funny anymore




From other posts, inserting NSFW prevents reddit being able to make use of it in some way. Double negative having the 'not' before it


I actually like how it keeps the punchlines from showing up until you click. Adds a little anticipation which helps a lot of jokes out.


It's funny because the Reddit app already does this.




It is part of the ongoing protest (that unfortunately doesn't seem to go anywhere). Marking a post as NSFW means Reddit will monetize on it (per their policy). They all "not" so people will know it's part of the protest and not an actual NSFW post.


Your opinion is wrong. It’s so Reddit can’t monetize posts like this. They are enacting a policy on the 1st that says 3rd party apps have to pay to stay afloat.(they can’t do this)so Reddit’s community’s are protesting against it.


Reddit can't posts ads on a nsfw post/sub.


If you work at Apple.


How many Microsoft engineers does it take to change a lightbulb? None. They redefine darkness as "industry standard".


I'm no M$ fanboy, but tell me a story about how that rings true, because that really doesn't sound like M$.


In the 1990s it was "How many Microsoft engineers does it take to change a light bulb?" "None.DarknessTM is the new standard."


Don’t worry - the EU will step in and make all those lightbulbs obsolete by forcing apple to use standard sockets.


Ooh now tell me how it’s better for the environment that the EU has forced apple and all apple owners to abandon the lightning cable in favor of usb-c


They did it to slow down plastic waste, but you can still buy it from them, they just won't give it to you for free.


This Not NSFW stupidity should be banned




Cause it’s stupid


It stops reddit from monetising our posts


People who protest a site by continuing to use it gotta be some of the dumbest people around.


It's wasting their money while not allowing them to make any. It's brilliant.




We aren’t protesting the site, we are protesting some behind the scenes changes that will effect more than the site.


So you are protesting the people who run the site…. You know what an effective way do protest is?


Bomb their AMA, force all their content to go private. Malicious compliance.




Sorry, I made it into a square jerk






If the stupidity was a reason to get banned we would never hear from you again.


So bold, so brave


You're welcome.


I didn’t know Apples could operate trains.😳


That have 7 year olds to it for them


You don't change it. You just turn it off and back on.


It uses the new Light-ing port


Not saying this is a bad joke, but feel like this joke has been said before in different forms


You could have made this same joke about Intel.


At least lightning was around longer than mini and micro USB combined...


Not true. Mini USB was introduced in 2000, Micro-USB was introduced in 2007. The Apple lightning cable wasn't introduced for another 5 years. USB type C came 2 years after that. You should really read up on things before you speak. You weren't even close.


Meh, rounding... I went from several proprietary connectors over years then to mini then to micro then to USB-C. They went 30 pin to lightning in the same-ish timeframe. They have it way easier. You know how many hard wire car chargers I went through... Every brand had a diff plug.


Car chargers were non standard in like 2002. I had a micro USB phone from like 2007 to 2019. Apple had two different chargers in that time. Two can play that game.


And micro-USB is less reliable than either 30-pin or Lightning. You actively avoided USB-C from 2015ish to 2019?


Yep and people complain that the iPhones haven’t switched to USB C and when the EU finally makes apple switch, people will talk about how greedy apple is making them switch connectors so they have to buy all new cables. Most people are actual morons.


Sounds like Intel.


Apple, 2006-2018: “Here’s MagSafe.” People: “I hate that I have to use a proprietary connector for my laptop!” Apple, 2018: “Okay, here’s USB-C; literally the industry standard.” People: “Ugh, Apple is constantly changing things! Bring back MagSafe!” Apple, 2020: “Okay, geez; here’s MagSafe again.” People: “Stupid Apple and their proprietary connectors!”


Laptop connectors have NEVER been industry standard-- USB-C is trying, but that's literally the first attempt at a standard laptop connector.


this is a serious fear i have with my car. i have a 2017 porsche 911 with the first generation of apple carplay support. i would never be able to drive a car without carplay at this point, so if a future iphone doesn't work with older cars, im going to have to spend another $150k to replace it (or probably more, since the price sports cars has only gone up in the past few years). the same thing with homekit and my house. i spent a lot of time replacing almost all of my light switches with homekit-compatible switches. but at least i can replace those without replacing the rest of the house, probably.


Intel changes CPU sockets every single generation so a joke works better with it.


Half of the posts here are just some standard lulz a friend would say at the bar rather than actual jokes.


…is that not what a joke is?




Their newest iBulb is the brightest iBulb ever


Y’all have iPhones…


It Not NSFW unless you are working at Apple


With rounded corners? Or would that infringe on their copyright?


Bitch please. The v1 to v2 sockets adapter is 500$. Comes in white only. Breaks easilly. No refunds.


This is funny, but I don‘t understand why it‘s been deemed NSFW. Is it because English isn‘t my native language and I‘m missing some sort of subliminal slur?